Twin Falls School District

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Twin Falls School District

Twin Falls School District Course/Subject: Heart – To Heart (PHYE 106-TO1D) Grade: 10-12

Semester/Year: Fall 2006 Office Number: New Gym Instructor: Rebecca Wills Office Phone: (208) 737-5208 ext 3029 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: M-F 12:00 – 1:30

Course Description: Strength Training and Weight Lifting: This course instructs the student how to utilize the proper ways to lift free weights. Students will learn various strength techniques in order to improve both lower and upper body strength as well as core/trunk stabilization training. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES: To be successful in this course, student attendance and motivation is a must. Students will need athletic shoes, comfortable clothing, heart rate monitor (recommended, but not required), water, and a sweat towel. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES: There is no required textbook for this course.

Instructional Philosophy: The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge base to properly, effectively, appropriately and safely weight train. The students will also learn the principles of balancing muscle groups, periodization, sound nutrition and other weight lifting principles. COURSE OBJECTIVE: By the end of this course students will:  Improve their muscular strength and endurance as well as their cardiovascular endurance, and energy levels.  Learn a variety of weight lifting techniques.  Know how to balance an exercise program that includes strengthening of anterior musculature vs. posterior musculature.  Understand proper nutrition and contraindications of popular or fad based dieting.

Additional Fees:  There will be some activities throughout the semester that will require each student to pay a fee. The fee will be used for transportation, equipment, and the use of the facility. We are aware that students may have financial difficulties; it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with their teacher in advance to make arrangements.

Power Standards: Standard 1: (Skilled Movement) Students understand and demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed in a variety of physical activities such as dance, aerobics, aquatics, gymnastics, and weight training. Standard 2: (Movement Knowledge) Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of dance, aerobics, aquatics, gymnastics, and weight training. Standard 3: (Physically Active Lifestyle) Students participate daily in physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression and/or social interaction. Standard 4: (Personal Fitness) Students achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of fitness. Standard 5: (Personal and Social Responsibility) Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Major Course Projects and Assignments: Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments: Learning Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate appropriate safety practices Activity: Students will complete a pre/post safety assessment to measure progression of safety knowledge Outcome Assessment: On-line course evaluation Learning Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate proper techniques with designate lifts. Activity: Students will participate in an strength training programs and they will be able to show the instructor the proper techniques for lifting weights. Outcome Assessment: Post Peer demonstration of proper technique. Learning Outcome 3: Students will improve strength in both upper and lower body lifts. Activity: Students will complete a strength workout each class period which will improve upper and lower body strength. Outcome Assessment: Pre & Post journal entries (Portfolio) with increased repetitions and/or increased weight. Learning Outcome 4: Students will improve core stabilization Activity: Students will complete an abs workout which will focus on stabilizing the core. Outcome Assessment: Pre & Post test on timed static holds for plans and bridges. Upon the completion of this course, students will fulfill objectives 2, 3, and 4 of the following Physical Education Program objectives: 1) To provide a high-quality university parallel education for students seeking careers in elementary and secondary physical education. 2) To provide a high quality education to serve the needs of degree and non-degree seeking students interested in personal fitness enhancement, health education, first aid, and skill development associated with intercollegiate athletics. 3) To provide a life long fitness and wellness education helping to fulfill the graduation components for students who are pursuing an Associates of Arts Degree. 4) To provide effective fitness enhancement, health education, and involvement for community members. 5) To provide fitness enhancement and wellness education for seniors. Assessment and Grading Plan: Each unit will be worth approximately 100 points. The following is a breakdown of each unit: 10 pts Daily Participation *Points will be taken off for the following: 1) not dressing down. 2) tardy for roll call. 3) tardy out of locker room. 4) lack of participation, hustle, effort, not finishing a task, etc. 5) lack of sportsmanship—inappropriate language, gestures, and behavior. 6) truancy after roll call. 5 pts Daily Journal writing 10 pts writing/Reading Assignments 10 pts Quiz Grading Scale: Your final grade will be based upon the following percentages of total points. 90% to 100% A 80% to 89% B 70% to 79% C 60% to 69% D 50% and under Total points F Components of the Grade:  Students will receive daily points for attendance, participation, exercise and lifting logs.  A letter grade drop will result for each day a student does not dress down. 5 NO-DRESSES WILL RESULT IN AUTOMATIC (F) GRADE  Make-ups should be discussed with the instructor.  All the above assignments are required to be successful in this course. Policy for Re-Doing Work: Classroom Policies and Procedures: 1. Attendance is required to be successful in this class. 2. Absence Policy - An absence is considered to be less than 10 minutes of active participation. School activities and doctors’ notes are the only acceptable reason for an excused absence. Should some unforeseen emergency occur (i.e. death in the family) it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor ASAP to discuss options. 3. Complete and turn in the health history form first week of class. If anything on the health history changes during the course of the semester, i.e.... pregnancy, medications, injuries etc., please notify the instructor immediately. 4. It is your responsibility, as a student, to withdraw from the course by Friday of the twelfth week of class if you choose to discontinue attending class. Students who fail to withdraw from the course will receive a course grade of Failure "F." 5. Come to class prepared for a workout, dress in appropriate workout attire for weight lifting and good pair of shoes. 6. Bring plenty of water. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles. No other food or drink is allowed in the cycling room. 7. A heart rate monitor is recommended, but not required. 8. Complete all the required assignments. 9. Complete the attached health history form.

Opportunities for Extra Help: COURSE EVALUATION STATEMENT: Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated! DISABILITIES: Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6260 (voice) or 208.734.9929 (TTY) or e-mail [email protected].

Grading Rubrics: Heart-To-Heart Fitness

Name: ______

Criteria 10 8 6 0 Student is tardy to Student is late to Student is late to class Student is always class once every class more than Attendance / more than three times prompt and regularly week and twice a week and Promptness a week and/or has poor attends classes. regularly attends regularly attends attendance of classes. classes. classes. Students proactively Students rarely Students proactively Students never participate in the participate in the participate in the participate in the warm Participation class by class warm up, class by participating up, cardio activity, and participating only cardio activity, and in all activities. cool down. in the warm up cool down. and cool down. Student listens when others talk, both in Student does not Student does not listen Student listens Listening groups and in class. listen when others when others talk, both in when others talk, Skills During Student talk, both in groups and in class. both in groups Instruction incorporates or groups and in Student often interrupts and in class. builds off of the class. when others speak. ideas of others. Student almost Student rarely Student never displays displays occasionally Student almost always disruptive behavior Behavior disruptive displays disruptive displays disruptive during class. behavior during behavior during behavior during class. class. class. **Disruptive behavior includes disrespect to other students, teachers, and equipment and inappropriate language.) Student is Student is rarely Student is almost usually prepared prepared for class always prepared for for class by by dressing down Student is almost never class by dressing Preparation dressing down in in the appropriate prepared for class by not down everyday in the appropriate attire. Two no dressing down. the appropriate attire. Only 1 no dresses are attire. dress is allowed. allowed. Teacher Comments: College of Southern Idaho – Health History


Sex M or F Date of Birth______Age ______

Address______Street City Zip

Telephone (day) ______(evenings) ______

Physician’s Name ______Phone # ______

Person to contact in case of emergency ______

Phone # ______Relationship ______

Describe your current exercise program ______

Please list all medications you are taking and the reason(s) why. Also, please indicate if you know if these medications have an effect on your heart rate or would otherwise affect your exercising. Some medications or health conditions may alter your ability to exercise and/or affect your nutrition/weight management program. Doctor’s permission may be required before participation.

Medication Reason Taking Exercise Effects


Do you now, or have you had in the past: Yes No  History of heart problems, chest pain or stroke. ______ History of heart problems in immediate family. ______ Increase blood pressure (hypertension). ______ Any chronic illness/condition (diabetes, etc.) ______ Difficulty with physical exercise. ______ Muscle, joint, back disorder, or any injury still affecting you. ______ Pregnancy (now or within last 3 months). ______ History of breathing or lung problems. ______ Recent surgery (last 12 months). ______ Cigarette smoking habit. ______ Obesity (32% or above). ______ High blood cholesterol. ______

Please explain any yes answers. ______

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