AP Spanish Literature

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AP Spanish Literature


Brief Description of Course

The AP. Spanish Literature course is intended to be the equivalent of a third-year college class to Latin America or Peninsular Literature course conducted exclusively in Spanish, covering selected works from the literatures of Spain and Latin America. Because students read and analyze literature orally and in writing in Spanish for this purpose, the language proficiency reached by the end of the AP course is generally equivalent to that of college students who have completed a fifth or sixth semester of Spanish in composition, conversation and grammar. The function of the AP Spanish

Literature course is to prepare students to: 1) Understand a lecture in Spanish and to participate actively in discussion on literacy topics in Spanish. 2) Do close reading of literary texts of all genres in Spanish. 3) Analyze critically the form and content of literary works (including poetry) orally and in writing using appropriate terminology.

Unit Information Unit Name Timeframe:

The text used in AP Literature are Abriendo Puertas tomo I & Abriendo Puertas tomoII.

The general outline is designed in chronological order in order to cover the required authors and their respective readings throughout the academic year until May, when students will take the AP Literature exam.

Medieval and Golden Age: Anonimo ( Romance del Rey Moro…), Anonimo (Romance del Conde Arnaldos, Anonimo (Lazarillo de Tormes), Miguel de Cervantez (El ingenioso hidalgo Don

Quijote…), Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz(poesia), Luis de Gongora y argote(sonetos), Juan

Manuel(El conde Lucanor: “ Lo que sucedioa un mozo…”), Alvar Nunez Cabeza de

Vaca (Naufragios), Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (poseia: Mire los muros…), Gabriel

Tellez (El burlador de Sevilla…) y Garcilaso de la Vega (sonetos).

19th Century: Leopoldo Alas (clarin) “Adios Cordera”, Gustavo Adolfo Becker (Rimas), Ruben

Dario (Poesia), Jose de Espronceda (“Cancion del pirata”), Jose Maria Heredia (“En una

Tempestad”), Jose deMariano Larra (“ Vuelva usted mana”), Jose Marti(poesia “versos

Sencillos”), Ricardo Palma (“El alacran de Fray Gomez”), Emilia Pardo Bazan (“Las

Medias Rojas”).

20th century: Isabel Allende (“Dos palabras”), Jorge Luis Borges (“El Sur”, “La Muerte y la Brujula”),

Julia de Burgos (poesia), Rosario Castellanos (Poesia), Julio Cortazar (“Continuidad de los parques”, “La noche boca arriba), Carlos Fuentes (“Chac Mool”), Federico Garcia

Lorca (“La casa de Bernarda Alba”, Romancero Gitano), Gabriel Garcia Marquez

(Cuentos), Nicolas Guillen (poesia), Antonio Machado (poesia), Carmen Martin Gaite

(“Las ataduras”), Pablo Neruda (poesia), Horacio Quiroga (“El hijo”), Juan Rulfo (“No oyes ladrar los perros”), Alfonsina Storni (poesia), Sabine Ulibarri (Mi caballo mago”),

Miguel de Unamuno (san ManuelBueno, Martir), Sergio Vodanovic (“El delantal blanco”).

Content and/or Skills Taught: Besides reading the selected literary work required in AP Spanish Literature, students will also work on their reading, writing, and listening and oral skills. When reading, students will learn how to analyze form and content of literary works being studied, which will also include literary movements of that historical era using the appropriate terminology.

Students will be able to understand presentations given by them and their classmates that will cover literary analysis, styles, techniques and major themes used by the required authors. Students will write a wide variety of analytical essays in Spanish, including critiques and personal reasoning to develop their understanding. Students will read and analyze poetry in depth using specific poetry techniques and terminology. Students will actively participate in class discussions reacting to literary works and movements. In order to reach the goals and objectives of the course (besides reading, writing, and

discussions) classroom activities may include but are not limited to: Listening to a variety of auditive materials, see videos pertinent to Spanish Literature and other visual aid, increase vocabulary, and review grammatical structure of the language.

Major Assignments and/or Assessments It is requirement for students to have a three ring binder containing the following section:

Notes about the author’s life, themes, etc., notes containing literary selections and vocabulary. Students will be required to write 15-20 well organized coherent essays and research and present 8 literary critiques (group and individual).

Alternate Approaches

Textbooks/Course Materials

Textbooks Author: Maria Colbert, Abby Kanter, James Ryan and Marian Sugano Title: Azulejo Anthology and guide to the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Course Author: Neruda, Pablo

Second Author: Borges, Jorge Luis Title: Abriendo Puertas: Antologia De Literatura en Espan

Published Date: March 2002

Description: Spanish reader (tomo I and tomo II). Both readers include the required reading lists for the AP Spanish Literature course.

Other Course Materials Material Type: Audiovisual Materials

Description: The Glories of Spanish Literature (volumes 1-8)

Borges: profile of a writer

Jose Marti: Cuba’s patriot poet

Julio Cortazar: profile of a writer

Isabel Allende: profile writer

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (biography)

Marquez: Tales beyond solitude

Material Type: Primary Source

Description: Abriendo Puertas tomo I an tomo II- Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges

Aproximaciones-Carmelo Virgilio, teresa Valdivieso

Tesoro Hispanico-Lado, Adey

Material Type: Other

Description: Americas (magazine)

Websites URL: http://www.geocities.com/apspanishlit/

Description website designed as a resource guide for AP Spanish Literature teacher and Students.


Description: Website containing a wide variety of biographies of authors read in class, literary critiques, etc.


Additional Information

Grade Scale: 86-100%=A 45% Notebook/Portfolio 75-85%=B 25% Essays 65-74%=C 20% Oral Presentations 55-64%=D 10% Homework 54 & below=F

Classroom procedures: 1. Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. 2. Follow directions given by the teacher. 3. Bring class materials to class every day. 4. Always be respectful to your teacher and classmates. We have read, discussed, and understand the requirements, policies, and class grading procedures for this class. **Parents please be advised that per school policy, cell phones or other electrical devices are not allowed in class. If seen, they will be confiscated and sent to the dean’s office.

Class Period


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