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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Standard 7.1 COMMUNICATION All students will be able to communicate in at least other language in addition to English. They will use language to engage in conversation, understand and interpret spoken and written language, present information, concepts, and ideas while making connections with other disciplines, and compare the language/ culture studied with their own.

Goals By the end of Grade 8, students will:  develop communication skills, as well as cultural knowledge and culturally-appropriate interaction skills, essential for communicating in languages other than English.

Strand A. Interpretive Mode (understanding and interpretation of spoken or written communication) Students understand and interpret within the appropriate cultural context spoken and written communication. Examples of “one-way” reading or listening include the cultural interpretation of texts, movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. Interpretation differs from comprehension because it implies the ability to read or listen “between the lines.”

Enduring Understandings  Learning a different language/culture leads to greater understanding of one’s own and other languages/cultures and why people think and act in different ways.  Successful communication is knowing how, when and why to convey a message to different audiences.

Essential Questions  How does the content of the world languages classroom help me to understand who I am in which I live?  How does content help me respond to important questions that extend my learning beyond the classroom?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

According to ACTFL, students who have begun the study of a second language in kindergarten through grade 4 in a program that meets a minimum of 3 times a week for thirty minutes, and continue the study of that language through middle school in a program that meets 5 times a week for forty minutes, should meet the following cumulative progress indicators by the end of grade 8.

Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.1.8.A.1 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions  greet people.  Greetings and Leave- connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.  say goodbye. takings  introduce themselves and others.  Introductions  say where they are from.

7.1.8.A.2 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal  compare and contrast verbal etiquette between target  Grammar in context etiquette in the target culture with their own culture in the use of culture and their own culture.(ie. phone  Manners gestures, intonation, and other visual and auditory clues. conversations/manners, table manners, etc..)  Etiquette: non-verbal and  compare and contrast non-verbal etiquette between verbal . Eye contact and interpersonal social distance, target culture and their own culture.(ie. eye contact, physical distance when speaking, etc.) . Table manners and telephone practices.

7.1.8.A.3 Discuss people, places, objects, and daily activities based on  identify important places in target country.  Historical people oral or written descriptions.  name important objects in target country.  Historical events . Grade level appropriate social studies topics (e.g., famous  discuss significant daily activities of target  Important objects historical and contemporary personalities from the target culture; country.  Significant daily activities regions, cities, historical and cultural sites in the target country;  identify famous people from targeted country. events from U.S. history and target culture history from a specific  compare/contrast important event from target era) country and U.S. within the same period of time.

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

7.1.8.A.4 Comprehend conversation and written information on a variety  understand conversations in target language.  Vocabulary(After-School of topics.  say what they like and don’t like to do. Activities)  comprehend a written piece in target language.  Grammar(Subject . Academic and social interests. Pronouns)

. Current or past issues and events at home or in the target country. 7.1.8.A.5 Apply knowledge and skills gained in other core content areas  convert a map of the language country into Social Studies to the learning of the target language. appropriate graphics to display geographical  Geographic features information about the country.  History  Grade level appropriate social studies topics(e.g., converting maps  measure distances on a map of target country and Health into appropriate graphics to display geographical information about relate those distances to their area.  Concerns/ Issues the target culture country)  compile statistics regarding language country. Mathematics  Grade level appropriate health topics(e.g., comparing and  compare and contrast health concerns of target  Statistics contrasting health concerns that occur during adolescence in the country and their own culture.  Measurement target culture with their own culture)  compare and contrast statistics of target country Science  Grade level appropriate mathematics concepts(e.g., selecting and and their own.  Weather using appropriate units of metric measurement to solve real-life  evaluate weather/seasons of target country and their  Migration problems) own.  Grade level appropriate science concepts(e.g., evaluating authentic weather reports from different regions of the target country to predict weather conditions)

7.1.8.A.6 Identify the main idea and theme, and describe the main  identify the main idea in a culturally authentic  Noun-adjective agreement characters and setting in readings from appropriate, culturally authentic piece of writing.  Culturally authentic selections.  name the main characters from an authentic piece selections of writing from target country.  describe settings from an authentic piece of writing from target country.

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

7.1.8.A.7 Compare and contrast the unique linguistic elements in  compare and contrast commonly used words and  Possessive Adjectives English and the target language. phrases; idiomatic expressions; i.e. Practice makes  Idiomatic Expressions perfect, Birds of a feather flock together. . Grade level appropriate language arts literacy topics\concepts (e.g., time intense relationships; commonly used words and phrases; idiomatic expressions)


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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

B. Interpersonal Mode (direct spoken or written communication) Students engage in direct oral and/or written communication. Examples involving “two-way,” interactive communication are conversing face-to-face, or exchanging personal letters or e-mail messages.

Enduring Understandings  Language learning involves acquiring strategies to fill communication gaps.  Successful communication is knowing how, when, and why to convey a message to different audiences.

Essential Questions  What strategies do I need to communicate in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways?  How do I develop communicative competence?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.1.8.B.1 Give and follow a series of oral directions, commands, and  give commands/directions/requests such as: open the  Items found in the requests for participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural door, turn off the lights, excuse me, may I use the classroom activities. bathroom.  Commands  follow a series of oral directions and commands  Requests such as: open your books to specified page, please quiet down, listen up, etc. 7.1.8.B.2 Use appropriate gestures, intonation and common idiomatic  express phrases used by teachers and students.  Common phrases expressions of the target culture in familiar situations.  articulate tone/inflection where appropriate when  Alphabet speaking language of study.  mimic gestures commonly used in target country.

Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

7.1.8.B.3 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a . describe places and events in town. . Current events personal nature or on pre school-related topics. . express what they are going to do. . Special places and events . tell their reaction to the places and events. . Science, Math, Social . Reactions to an incident occurring in school or an event taking . formulate and ask questions. Studies, LAL, Health/PE, place in school, community, or world. Technology, etc. topics . Grade level appropriate science topics ( e.g., characteristics and shared characteristics of major categories of organisms)

. Grade level appropriate social studies concepts (e.g., the role of the target culture country in colonization and exploration of the Americas or in the American Revolution) 7.1.8.B.4 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or . engage in a brief dialogue discussing a personal . Definite and indefinite events, and/or topics studied in other core content areas. experience or topic of interest. articles . Noun-adjective agreement . Grade level social studies topics (e.g., family celebrations and coming of age customs) 7.1.8.B.5 Describe the main characters, setting, and important events  orally describe the main characters, setting, and  Noun - Adjective from age-appropriate, culturally authentic selections both orally and in important events from age-appropriate, culturally Agreement writing. authentic selections.  Literature  write the main characters, setting, and important events from age-appropriate, culturally authentic selections. 7.1.8.B.6 Identify professions and careers that require proficiency in a . identify professions and careers in which . Career Identification and language other than English proficiency in a second language other than Preparation English is required. . Career preparation skills needed to engage in these professions.


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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

C. Presentational Mode (spoken or written communication for an audience) Students present, through oral and/or written communications, information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate personal contact. Examples of this “one-to-many” mode of communication are making a presentation to a group or writing an article for the school newspaper. Enduring Understandings  The content of the world languages classroom encompasses the entire learning experience.  Learning a different language/culture leads to greater understanding of one’s own and other languages/cultures and why people think and act in different ways.

Essential Questions  Why do people from different cultures sometimes say, write and do things differently from the way I do them?  How does the content of the world languages classroom help me understand who I am and the world in which I live?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Cross- Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Curricular Integration Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.1.8.C.1 Present students-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, . engage in a play or skit or present a poem, story, song or report . Social Studies poems, songs, stories or reports. about an important person, event, or place from the target Culture country. . Grade level appropriate visual and performing arts, language and career education (e.g., staging a dramatic presentation of a significant aspect of the life of an important person and the target culture; doing an oral presentation on a famous person, place, or event from target culture supported by research obtained in the target language; creating a visual presentation of region or country supported by technological resources and other media)

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.1.8.C.2 Use language creatively in writing to respond to a variety of . write a letter telling a family from the target country what they . Adjectives oral or visual prompts. are like and some of the things they like to do. . Subject . respond to a prompt in writing. Pronouns . Grade level appropriate language arts literacy topics and career . Sports and education skills ( e.g., writing short well-organized essays on Leisure personal and school-related topics; writing letters in response to Activities ads and local or target language newspapers).

7.1.8.C.3 Engage in a variety of oral and written tasks using age- . create an oral response to text such as summary, main events, . Definite and appropriate culturally authentic selection plot, character traits, etc. indefinite . write a response to text such as summary, main events, plot, articles . Grade level appropriate language art literacy topics (e.g., character traits, etc. . Noun-adjective summary of the plot and characters; dramatizations of principal agreement scenes in the text; role-playing a film critic to express opinions . Subject about the text) Pronouns 7.1.8.C.4 Describe orally, writing, or through simulation similarities . compare/contrast via writing similarities and differences . Social Studies and differences among products and practices found in the target among products from target culture and their own culture. . Culture culture with their own. . orally discuss similarities and differences among products from target culture and their own culture. . Grade level language arts literacy and social studies topics (e.g., . simulate similarities and differences among products from origin and development of a product or practice; physical target culture and their own culture. characteristics of the product; use of the product within the . compare/contrast via writing similarities and differences culture; role playing cultural practices). among practices from target culture and their own culture. . orally discuss similarities and differences among practices from target culture and their own culture. . simulate similarities and differences among practices from target culture and their own culture.

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Standard 7.2 CULTURE All students will demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of a culture (s) through experiences with its product and practices.

Goals By the end of Grade 8, students will:  develop communication skills, as well as cultural knowledge and culturally-appropriate interaction skills, essential for communicating in languages other than English.

Strand A. Interpretive mode (understanding and interpretation of spoken or written communication) Students understand and interpret within the appropriate cultural context spoken and written communication. Examples of “one-way” reading or listening include the cultural interpretation of texts, movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. Interpretation differs from comprehension because it implies the ability to read or listen “between the lines.”

Enduring Understandings  Cultural understanding is gained by use of the language as well as experiencing the cultures products and practices.  Language reflects and is influenced by the culture in which it represents.

Essential Questions  How are cultural perspectives (attitudes, values, and beliefs) reflected in a culture’s products and social practices?  How is language a product of culture?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

According to ACTFL, students who have begun the study of a second language in kindergarten through grade 4 in a program that meets a minimum of 3 times a week for thirty minutes, and continue the study of that language through middle school in a program that meets 5 times a week for forty minutes, should meet the following cumulative progress indicators by the end of grade 8.

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.2.8.A.1 Explain how the attitudes and beliefs (perspectives) of the  analyze how the cultural practices of target culture  Holidays/Traditions target culture(s) are reflected in cultural practices. reflect their attitudes and beliefs.  Social Studies  compare their beliefs and practices with the ones studied from target culture.

7.2.8.A.2 Investigate how geography and climate influence the lives of  relate how geography and climate impact on the  Science people in the target culture(s) country (-ies). lives of people in the target country.  Geography  explain how the climate and location of our families affect our lives.

7.2.8.A.3 Show the relationship between the cultural characteristics  examine how the cultural characteristics of target  Social Studies found in films or videos to the cultural perspectives of the target culture found in films and/or videos compares to the  Cultural perspectives culture(s). cultural perspectives of that culture.  Cultural characteristics  explain how the cultural aspects differs from real- life to that of a movie.

7.2.8.A.4 Examine tangible products of the target culture(s) and begin to  make inferences regarding the production and use  Health infer why people produce and use them. of specific cultural products by examining actual  History products.

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Strand B. Interpersonal mode (Direct spoken and written communication) Students engage in direct oral and/or written communication. Examples involving “two-way,” interactive communication are conversing face-to-face, or exchanging personal letters or e-mail messages.

Enduring Understandings  Language reflects and is influenced by the culture in which it is found.  Members of one culture may make assumptions about other cultures based on their own attitudes, values and beliefs.

Essential Questions  How is language important to a culture?  How does stereotyping form and sustain prejudices about other cultures?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Cross- Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Curricular Integration

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.2.8.B.1 Use culturally appropriate etiquette in verbal and non-verbal . use culturally appropriate etiquette when speaking . Etiquette communication in a variety of social situations. in a variety of social situations. . apply culturally appropriate etiquette when writing in target language.

7.2.8.B.2 Discuss various elements of age-appropriate, culturally . make connections between culturally authentic . Literature authentic selections and identify how they reflect certain aspects of the pieces of writing and the characteristic of the . Practices and Perspectives target culture. culture it signifies.

7.2.8.B.3 Demonstrate and discuss in some detail observable patterns of . compare and contrast behaviors and social . Places and Events behavior and social conventions of the peer group in the target culture(s) interactions of target culture teens vs. U.S. teens. . Getting Around Town and make comparisons with the U.S.

7.2.8.B.4 Describe past and present issues, events, and/or trends from the . summarize past issues and events, or trends from . Daily Practices and target culture perspective and the U.S. perspective. the perspective of target culture vs. U.S. Schedules perspective. . review present issues and events, or trends from the perspective of target culture vs. U.S. perspective.

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Grade 5 World Language 2009-2010

Strand C. Presentational Mode (spoken and written communication for an audience) Students present, through oral and/or written communications, information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate personal contact. Examples of this “one-to-many” mode of communication are making a presentation to a group or writing an article for the school newspaper. Enduring Understandings  Language represents the culture in which it is found  Cultural understanding is gained by use of the language and through experience with its products and practices.

Essential Questions  How are cultural beliefs reflected in a culture’s products and social practices?  How is language a product of culture?

Refer to Section 9 for Refer to Section 5 for Refer to Section 7 for Refer to Section 8 for Instructional Resources and Assessment Options Differentiated Strategies Technology Support Cross-Curricular Integration

Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) Objectives: Students will be able to… Content 7.2.8.C.1 Present the results of research showing the extent of . orally present the results of research showing . Traditions of practices diversity in products and practices that exist within the target the extent of diversity in products and practices geography. language/culture(s). that exist within the target language/culture(s)

7.2.8.C.2 Prepare an analysis showing how expressive products or . prepare an analysis showing how expressive . Social Studies innovations of the target culture(s) influence the global community. products or innovations of the target culture influence the global community.

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