Reincarnation, Rebirth, Transmigration
Reincarnation, Rebirth, Transmigration Sumitra Phoenix Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (by creative work and dissertation) December 2016 Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 1 Thesis Reincarnation, rebirth, transmigration This thesis sought to examine the common elements in reincarnation beliefs, as encountered in stories from world religions and cultures, in scholarly literature and studies, in films made from 1990 to 2010, and in the lived experiences of thirty yoga practitioners over the past fifty years. It then sought to incorporate these recurring themes into the screenplay and the final production of an engaging, hand drawn, narrative, animated film. Abstract To achieve the aims of the thesis, interviews were conducted with 33 participants, all of whom had practised yoga or meditation. After analysing these interviews, six main themes were identified. Participants talked of how they remembered past lives in meditation, dreams, and visions. They mentioned that visiting a particular place sparked memories of having been there in another era. They revealed relationships with friends and family that continued through different lifetimes. Many of them remembered a moment of death, particularly if the death was violent. Most of them had these experiences within a year of beginning an intense practice of yoga or meditation. Finally, participants were asked about authenticity, and whether these stories could be verified. From the themes identified in the interviews, a narrative screenplay was written. From this screenplay, a 14 minute animation was developed with added music which was specially composed for this film. The animation is entitled ‘The Reincarnation of Pearl and Carly.’ In addition, a representative sample of international films completed since 1990 were analysed by applying the six themes arising from the interviews to explore the universality of the themes as expressed in this medium .
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