Pastor Lyle: (Home) 610-777-2294 Or (Cell) 610-507-2750
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WIEST MEMORIAL CHURCH Serving Our Community 48 South King Street Schoeneck, Pa 17578 email: [email protected]
Pastor Lyle: (Home) 610-777-2294 or (Cell) 610-507-2750
FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER May 21, 2017 “You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilization to pieces, turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature.”― Mahatma Gandhi ANNOUNCEMENTS: WELCOMING/GREETING ONE ANOTHER: Please take a moment to rise and greet those around you as brothers and sisters in Christ. 9 AM Praise & Worship *Worship Music Ancient Words *Worship Music Word of God Speak *OPENING HYMN O Word of God Incarnate (Verses 1-3) #598 Prayer to God Call to Worship: Leader: We have come to seek God People: who is not as far from us as we might imagine. Leader: We have come to meet God People: who knows us better than even we can imagine. Leader: We have come to worship God People: who has done more for us than we could dare imagine.
Opening Prayer: Lord, you have a surprising preference for people who are small and humble and who expect everything from you. By your Holy Spirit make us aware of the poverty of our hearts, that we may be open to you welcome you, to serve you and your plans, expecting everything from you. Come to us and give yourself to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Call To Confession God invites us to pray, to lift our words, and even our silence. Let us confess our sins to the One who does not reject our prayers, but welcomes them.
Unison Prayer of Confession How often we act as if we do not know you, God of all people! We claim to love Jesus, but we treat those dearest to us as if they were strangers in our house. We orphan neighbors and friends, by not welcoming them into our lives. We are given the Spirit of truth, yet we are filled with deceit and speak lie upon lie. Even as we speak of how we have not lived as your people, we will account for the hope that is in us: the hope of mercy, the hope of renewal, the hope of faithfulness in following Jesus Christ, who brings us to you, Blessing God.
Time of Silent Personal Confession
Assurance of Forgiveness Even in the midst of doubt and darkness, the light of God is shining in you, on you, and through you. Out of God’s great love, you have been redeemed and made whole. Rejoice, beloved of God! AMEN.
Celebration of the Written Word THE FIRST LESSON Acts 17: 22 - 28
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Lois Wood THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen
SHARING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY INVITATION: God invites us to know him more fully. He showed us his love by giving us Jesus. Let us give that others may come to know him through our sharing of His word and acts of love. OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY #95
*OFFERTORY PRAYER Gracious God, you are the Lord of heaven and earth. You sent Christ your Son to fully reveal your abundant and deep love for all you have created. We long to be more like Jesus who kept your commandments in every respect. Let our thoughts and deeds be directed by your Spirit of truth, who lives in our hearts. Use these gifts and offerings to advance our church’s ministries, so that our neighbors will experience your loving care. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Celebration of the Spoken Word HYMN OF PREPARATION Break Thou the Bread of Life #599
THE GOSPEL LESSON John 14: 15 - 21 MORNING MESSAGE God’s Word Changes Lives Marlin P. Rupp
Response to the Word *CLOSING HYMN Tell Me the Stories of Jesus #277 *THE BLESSING: . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The lessons from the common lectionary for today are: Acts 17: 22-31: Psalm 66: 8-20; 1 Peter 3: 13-22; John 14: 15-21. The lessons from the common lectionary for Sunday, May 28, 2017 are: Acts 1:6-14; Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35; 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-1; John 17:1-11. SUNDAY MORNING OFFERING AMT NEEDED EACH WK $1,402 th OFFERING May 14 $1,070 AMT OF OFFERING NEEDED TO DATE $28,040 AMT RECEIVED TO DATE… $27,613
Attendance - 54 Folks
What’s happening at Wiest? Girl Scouts – 1st t & 3rd Thursdays Bible Study – Tuesdays 9 AM Community Meal – May 25th – 430 – 630. Newcomers and Guests….welcome to Wiest Church. We’re happy to have you here today! You are invited to join in the activities of this Christian fellowship. If you are a newcomer today or a guest, instead of giving an offering, please fill out a yellow “Welcome” slip found in the book racks on each row of seating and place it in the offering plate when it is passed. Members please use the white slips. Rest Rooms…are on both floors. Facilities on this level are found thru the door at the front of the Worship center, go straight ahead then on your right. Rest rooms are also found downstairs. Nursery and Childcare…little ones are welcomed to stay in the worship service with parents. Wiest Church… Serving Our Community
Become a Member: We are happy you have chosen to worship with us today. If you would like to learn more about us, please fill this out, tear off, and put in the offering plate today. Name(s)______Yes I would like to talk with Pastor Lyle about becoming a member of Wiest Church. Phone #______email:______
Sermon Quiz and Notes: 1. Paul told the people of Athens, “People of Athens, I see that you are very ______in every way. 2. They even had an altar with the inscription: ‘To an ______God.’ 3. He proclaimed to them that this unknown God who made the ______and ______in it, is Lord of heaven and earth. 4. This _____ made the nations so they would ______him, perhaps even reach out to him and ______him. 5. In fact, God isn’t ______from any of us 6. Jesus said, “If you love me, ______my ______. 7. He ______to send us another ______to help us and be with us forever. 8. We will know this ______of ______, because he lives with us and will be ____ us. 9. Because ____ lives, ____ also will live. 10.We _____ all this because we _____ it in the ______