Unit of Study s1

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Unit of Study s1

First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit of Study: Launching the Reading Workshop

Unit A Begin Date: Sept 9 End Date: Sept 27 Reading Time Expectations: 10 min Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students will be able to: Enemy Pie  Understand how to turn Week 1 The OK Book and talk  Walk to the meeting area quietly Goldilocks and the Three Bears  Understand how to build  Sit next to their assigned partner at the meeting area A Pair of Socks conversation  Understand the hand signals to refocus and regroup Reading Makes Me feel Good  Understand how to share  Understand how to turn to their partners No T-Rex in the Library a book with a partner  Understand how to actively listen to a story Listen Buddy Week 2 Froggy Plays T-ball  Understand what independent reading looks like and Too Much Noise sounds like Cookie’s Week/La Semana de  Select a book nook spot for independent reading Cookie’s  Understand how our levels change (summer reading loss) Mixed Up Alphabet rebuilding reading muscles  Use the 5 finger rule to shop for just right books Goldilocks and the three  Understand how to shop for just right books Librarians  Understand how to make goals for independent reading This is the Place for Me time Vocabulary:  Use accountable talk stems to build conversations  Just right book Classroom Supports:  Understand the story told through illustrations in a text  Meeting area  Independent reading  Answer questions about details in a text  Book nook stamina chart Week 3  Shopping card  Accountable Talk Stem  Introduce book shopping card  Independent reading Chart  Understand when to shop for just right books  Accountable talk  Understand how to shop and return books  Goals  Understand the roles of a reading conference  Partner  Understand how to use the reading log Common Core Standards  Understand how to build a conversation (whole group &  Stamina Reading Literature -RL1.1, with partners)  Conversation RL1.7  Understand how to use a book bag and that it is OK to  Book bag/box Foundational Skills – RF 1.4 read books more than once  Reading muscles Speaking and Listening-SL1.1,  Think about what they are reading (monitor for sense)  Reading Log SL1.2, SL1.3, SL1.6,  Conference Language-L1.6

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit of Study: The Reading Life

Unit 1 Begin Date: Sept 30 End Date: Oct 25 Reading Time Expectations: 12 min

Goals Mentor Texts/Read Partnership Work: Students Will Be Able To: Alouds:  Listen to their partner with eye  Work with new partners Quick as Cricket contact  Learn the procedure for listening at the rug during read When I Was Little  Responding to something that their alouds It’s Mine partner says  Move properly to and from the rug Where Do I Live  Understand what a partnership is, both at rug and at tables Week 1 Vocabulary: Classroom Supports:  Make text to self connections  Turn and talk  Reading together chart  Answer questions to understand a story  Share - Sit facing forward  Feel comfortable sharing their ideas, respecting each  Listen - Hands to yourself other  Text to self - Look at the pictures  Take responsibility for their learning and behavior connections - Listen to the speaker Week 2  Independent reading - Eyes on person talking  Understand what listening involves i.e.: sharing out - Wait for your turn to talk what their partner stated  Fiction  Choosing a just right book  Turn and talk to partner  Non fiction Week 3  Partnership  What does independent reading  Understand routines to set up for independent reading  Taking turns look like and sound like chart  Understand routines for choosing books for  Reader’s toolbox (refer to K independent reading teacher’s charts) Week 4 Common Core Standards  Identify important ideas in the story Reading Literature -RL1.1, RL1.3, RL1.6,  Talk about a story understanding character, setting and RL1.7, RL1.11, major events (somebody, wanted, but, so…) Foundational Skills-RF1.1, RF1.4,  Understand ‘who’ is telling the story (point of view) Speaking and Listening-SL1.1, SL1.2,  Understand what the share time in reading workshop SL1.3, SL1.6, means and involves Language-L1.6  Introduce1st grade reader’s toolbox lessons 1 & 2

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit of Study: Making Connections

Unit 2 Begin Date: Oct 28 End Date: Nov 22 Reading Time Expectations: 12 -15 min Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students will be able to: Matthew and Tilly  Share a book with their Week 1 McDuff and the Baby partner  Work with new partners Chrysanthemum  Use partners to expand  Understand how to make text to self connections to help you What Mommies and Daddies do on the connections they to improve your understanding of the story Best make  Refer to the text to support their thinking Alexander and the Horrible,  Informally identify important ideas in a story Terrible, No Good…  Answer simple questions to understand a story Wemberly Worried  Talk and listen to one another Fireflies  Understand what good readers do Owen  Take responsibility for their learning and behavior  Reader’s Toolbox lesson # 3 Vocabulary: Classroom Supports:  Use illustrations to describe character, setting and events  Epilogue  Understand what good Week 2  Refer readers do chart  Make text to self connections  Expand  Make connections to  Informally identify important ideas in a story  Reflect their lives  Answer questions about the story  Narrator  Spinner the Spider Chart  Use the smiley face post its to mark connections  Making Connections  Reader’s Toolbox lesson # 4 Charts  Identify feeling and sensory words that aid their understanding Common Core Standards  Understand who narrates the story Reading Literature –RL1.1, Week 3 RL1.3, RL1.4, RL1.6, RL1.7,  Make text to self connections RL1.9, RL1.11 Informally identify important ideas in a story  Foundational Skills –RF1.1,  Answer questions about the story RF1.4  Understand what a epilogue is Speaking and Listening- SL1.1,  Reflect on what they are reading independently SL1.2, SL1.3, SL1.4, SL1.6  Use the smiley face post its to mark connections Language – L1.5b, L1.6  Reader’s Toolbox lesson # 5  Introduce how to make text to text connections  Compare and contrast characters

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit of Study: Wondering Fiction and Narrative Non Fiction

Unit 3 (#5 in manual) Begin Date: Nov 25 End Date: Dec 20 Reading Time Expectations: 20 min Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students will be able to: An Exrtraordinary Egg  Understand how to be Week 1 Geaorge Washington and the General’s responsible for their behavior  Use the sequence of events to retell a Dog  Understand how their behavior story Down the Road affects others  Use wondering and visualization to help Sylvester and the Magic Pebble them understand the story, describing The Mitten character and setting Seven Blind Mice  Develop the group skill of sharing their No David ideas with one another Frog and Toad Together (Cookies)  Introduce how to use a post it with a Goodnight Gorrilla question mark The Surprise Garden Week 2 Vocabulary:  Use wondering and visualization to help  Wondering Classroom Supports: them understand a non fiction story  Visualize  Add wondering to the ‘What  Write their wonderings on their post its  Wondering post it Good Readers Do’ chart  Continue to make connections as they  Confirm  Chart to support what to write read  Inference on a post it  Reader’s Toolbox # 10  Wondering Poster Week 3  Thick and Thin Questions  Use wondering to help them understand a Poster story Common Core Standards  Visualize to understand and enjoy a story Reading Literature – RL1.1, RL1.2,  Use key words and phrases to help RL1.3, RL1.4, RL1.5, RL1.7, RL1.9, visualize RL1.11  Confirm their wondering post it by Reading Informational Text-RI1.1, RI continuing to read 1.3 Foundational Skills –RF1.1, RF1.4  Identify different genres of text and the Speaking and Listening – SL1.1, SL1.2, purpose SL1.3, SL1.4, SL1.6  Answer questions about non fiction texts Language – L1.5b, L1.6

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit of Study: Retelling

Unit 4 (unit 3 in manual) Begin Date: Jan 2 End Date: Jan 24 Reading Time Expectations: 15 min

Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students will be able to: Caps For Sale  Ask and respond to questions with Week 1 Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream their partner about the books they  Work with new partners Shop are reading: building conversation  Use sequence of events to retell a story Peter’s Chair  Share their post its with their with a simple narrative structure Rainbow Fish partner and ask their partners a  Relate the values of respect and The Little red Hen question about a their post it responsibility to their behavior Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat  Develop the group skills of speaking Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs clearly and taking turns talking and The Carrot Seed listening  Speak so that others can hear Cookie’s Week  Use pictures to help them retell the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff  Use post its to help them identify their Miss Nelson is Missing favorite part of their story (star post it) Vocabulary:  Introduce Story Elements  Speaking clearly Classroom Supports:  Retell the story using beginning, middle,  Modeling  Add retelling to the “Understand end  Narrative what good readers do’ chart  Answer questions to retell the story  Retelling  BME chart Week 2 (Same goals as above and…)  Characters  5 Finger chart for retelling  Discuss and identify important characters  setting in a story and their point of view  Post it Common Core Standards  Listen responsibly and take turns  Favorite Reading Literature-RL1.1, RL1.2, RL1.3,  Reader’s Toolbox lesson # 6 RL1.6, RL1.7, RL1.9, RL1.11 Week 3 (Same goals as above and…)  Symbol Foundational Skills- RF1.1, RF1.4  Identify BME and draw a picture  Story Elements Speaking and Listening – SL1.1, SL1.2, representing one part  Informally make text to text connections SL1.3, SL1.4, SL1.5, SL1.6 (McDuff & Peter’s Chair) Language – L1.6  Reader’s Toolbox lessons # 7  Identify and retell the author’s message or lesson

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit of Study: Visualizing

Unit 5 (#4 in manual) Begin Date: Jan 27 End Date: March 7 Reading Time Expectations: 15-20 min Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students Will Be Able To: Did You see What I Saw Poetry:  Think pair share Week 1 School Bus and Sliding Board  How to provide help if their  Work with new partners The Balloon Man partner asks for it  Visualize the story to help them make sense of the story In The Tall, Tall Grass  Listen to one another, based only on the text Sheep Out to Eat  Use schema and inferences as they visualize allowing time for each The Snowy Day  Visualize using setting, character details, emotions and partner to talk Hello Ocean actions to retell  Use the text to support the visualizations that they made Go Away Big Green Monster  Relate the values of respect, caring and responsibility, There’s a Monster in my Mirror allowing time for one another to think (wait time)  Understand expectations for class meetings Vocabulary: Classroom Supports:  Understand how to use the help post it, using their partner  Wait time  Class meeting chart as a resource before the teacher  Inference  Understand what good  Visualize to understand and enjoy poems  Visualize readers do  Connect their mental images to the poem  Schema Add visualizing  Learn and practice the cooperative structure of think pair  Idea share  Class meeting  Respond to each other in positive ways  poem Common Core Standards Week 2 (same as above and…)  mental picture Reading Literature- RL1.1,  Sketch parts of the story that they visualize  text to text connections RL1.2, RL1.3, RL1.4, RL1.7,  Introduce making text to text connections and comparisons  compliment RL1.9, RL1.10, RL1.11  Using favorite parts post-its, read to their partners and Foundational Skills –RF1.1, compare their books and ideas RF1.4  Readers Toolbox lesson # 8 Week 3 (same as above and…) Speaking and Listening – SL1.1,  Introduce and share reading lives, understanding who they SL1.2, SL1.3, SL1.4, SL1.5, are as a reader (who what where, why etc.) SL1.6  Readers Toolbox lesson # 9 Language – L1.5a, L1.5b, L1.6 Week 4  Practice and support previous 3 weeks of reading goals Unit of Study: Making Connections Expository Non Fiction

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Unit 6 (#6 in manual) Begin Date: March 10 End Date: April 4 Reading Time Expectations: 22 min

Goals Mentor Texts/Read Partnership Work: Students will be able to: Alouds:  Share the connections that Week 1 Hearing they make their partners  Explore the differences between fiction and non A Good Night’s Sleep  Partners respond back to their fiction Dinosaur Babies partner to add onto their  Use schema to help them understand non fiction Tacky the Penguin connections  Make text to self connections Penguins  Identify what they have learned from non fiction Snow through the illustrations and the words, begin to identify common text features  Identify words and phrases that appeal to senses Vocabulary: Week 2  Expository Classroom Supports:  Use post its in their books to mark text to self  Connections  Review previous reading connections  Schema charts  Use schema to help understand non fiction  Text features  Chart to support what to write  Make text to self connections on a post it  Identify what they have learned from non fiction Common Core Standards (retelling) Reading Literature- RL1.4, RL1.5, Week 3 RL1.11 Reading Informational Texts –RI 1.1,  Identify new information that they have learned from RI1.2, RI1.3, RI 1.4, RI 1.6, RI1.7, the non fiction book, understanding new vocabulary RI1.8, RI 1.9, RI 1.10  Use post its to extend conversation and understanding Foundational Skill –RF 1.1, RF1.4 about their text Speaking and Listening – SL1.1,  Identify how an author supports the facts presented in SL1.2, SL1.3, SL1.4, SL1.6 the book Language – L1.5b, L1.6  Make text to text connections  Compare 2 texts on the same topic

Unit of Study: Wondering Expository Non Fiction

Unit 7 Begin Date: April 7 End Date: May 9 Reading Time Expectations: 22-25 min

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students will be able to: A Kangaroo Joey Grows Up  Use partners as a source of Week 1 A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up information to find answers to their  Informally explore text features of Throw Your Tooth on the Roof wonderings expository non fiction A Look at Teeth  Help each other explore their  Use wondering to understand non fiction Sharks wonderings  Identify what they have learned from non Tornadoes fiction (main idea)  Read non fiction books independently  Continue to post it their wonderings in their independent reading books Vocabulary:  Make text to text connections between2 events/ideas  Text feature Classroom Supports: Week 2  Explore  Chart to support what to write on a  Use wondering to understand non fiction  Traditions post it  Read non fiction books independently  Culture  Refer back to the chart of “What  Find answers to their wonderings as they  Customs Good readers Do- Making read  Table of contents Connections to Our Lives”  Make plans to find answers to the  Captions wonderings that were not answered in the  headings book  Use clues to find the meaning of unknown Common Core Standards words Reading Literature –RL1.4, RL1.5, RL1.11  Explore and use the table of contents Week 3 Reading Informational texts – RI1.1,  Use wondering to understand non fiction RI1.2, RI1.3, RI1.4, RI1.5, RI1.6, RI1.7,  Identify what they have learned from non RI1.8, RI1.9, RI1.10 fiction from pictures and words, using Foundational Skills- RF1.1, RF1.4 captions to help them Speaking and Listening –SL1.1, SL1.2,  Read non fiction books independently SL1.3, SL1.6  Identify key ideas in a text Language – L1.5b, L1.5c, L1.6  Identify the reasons the author supports their text Unit of Study: Exploring Text Features

Unit 8 Begin Date: May 12 End Date: June30 Reading Time Expectations: 25 min

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Goals Mentor Texts/Read Alouds: Partnership Work: Students will be able to: Raptors  Work with a partner to identify Week 1 A Day in the Life of a Garbage  Identify what they have learned from non fiction and share what you have learned texts (main idea) Collector from a non fiction book you  Visualize to make sense of the texts An Elephant Grows Up have read.  Use schema and wondering to make sense of the  Mark a place in the book with a text special text feature.  Explore text features of expository non fiction  Self monitor as they read, asking questions  Understand how to use the index of a text  Understand how to read labels in a diagram and label a diagram themselves  Understand how to use a glossary Vocabulary: Week 2  Index Classroom Supports:  Identify what they have learned from non fiction  Table of contents  Non Fiction Chart texts, incorporating information from pictures and text  Diagram  Good Reader Chart – use text  Visualize to make sense of the texts  Text features features to gain more  Use schema and wondering to make sense of the  Labels information on a topic text  Glossary  Explore text features of expository non fiction Common Core Standards  Self monitor as they read  Captions Reading Literature- RL1.5, RL1.11  Make text to text connections Reading Informational Texts – RI1.1,  Understand how to use the table of contents RI1.2, RI1.3, RI1.4, RI1.5, RI1.6, Week 3 RI1.7, RI1.8, RI1.10  Use schema and wondering to make sense of the text Foundational Skills – RF1.1, Rf1.4  Explore text features of expository non fiction Speaking and Listening – SL1.1, SL1.2,  Self monitor as they read SL1.3, SL1.5, SL1.6  Understand how to use the table of contents Language – L1.5b, L1.5c, L1.6  Understand how to read labels in a diagram  Find the evidence that the author provides to support the main idea

First Grade Common Core Standards

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo First Grade Reading Workshop 2013/2014 Fundations Reader’s Toolbox Shared Reading Foundational Skills: Foundational Skills: Reading Literature: RF 1.2, RF 1.3, RF 1.4 RF 1.3 RL 1.10 Language: Language: L 1.4, L 1.5c L 1.4

May 2013 – J.Benderly, F.Eldi, A.Frischer, G.Lindner, L.Marcucci, J. Piergallini, J.Sapienza, E.Zeisses & L.DeRienzo

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