(A) Democracy (B) Terrain (C) Significance (D) Validity

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(A) Democracy (B) Terrain (C) Significance (D) Validity

國立台灣師大附中九十六學年第二學期期中考高三英文科試題卷 I 字彙 15% 1. Compared with North Korea, there is a lot more ______in South Korea, which just had a presidential election not too long ago. (A) democracy (B) terrain (C) significance (D) validity 2. People are not so ______about the USA’s economic future because of the subprime mortgage problems. (A) capricious (B) diligent (C) significant (D) optimistic 3. Refusing to buy pirated CDs is a way of showing our respect for ______property rights. (A) intelligent (B) intellectual (C) restrictive (D) distinctive 4. The buyer and the seller of the house are still ______. They hope to agree on a price acceptable to both. (A) negotiating (B) purchasing (C) insuring (D) radiating 5. Larry spent a few days in the mountains ______his future career. He decided to be a teacher finally. (A) teasing (B) overheating (C) contemplating (D) enlarging 6. She took the ______in organizing a search party to look for the missing boy. It is she who saved the boy’s life. (A) ingredient (B) insurance (C) betrayal (D) initiative 7. An anonymous ______donated $2 million to the local charity. That was such a generous act! (A) radiator (B) benefactor (C) pioneer (D) skeptic 8. After a preliminary examination, the doctor still could not _____ the patient’s disease without further testing. (A) restore (B) smear (C) diagnose (D) recite 9. Many girl students have a ____ fear of math. As a result, no matter how easy a math test is, they tend to consider it difficult. (A) alcoholic (B) restorative (C) miraculous (D) subconscious 10. For the past 18 years, my parents have ____ me with their love and devotion. I can never thank them too much. (A) escorted (B) inflamed (C) superintended (D) nurtured 11. The popular movie star enjoys the ____ of many fans around the world. (A) adoration (B) permanence (C) hospitalization (D) obedience 12. John ____ his skull when he fell off the ladder yesterday. (A) lengthened (B) steered (C) mastered (D) fractured 13. The safety of the passengers ____ all other considerations in the planning and building of the new MRT system. (A) winces (B) quotes (C) disobeys (D) overrides 14. In the stock market, millions of _____ take place every day. So many people are engaged in buying and selling their shares in companies. (A) transactions (B) exceptions (C) verdicts (D) gangsters 15. Some people have no confidence in the future of Taiwan and decide to ____ from Taiwan to other countries. (A) immigrate (B) emigrate (C) intersect (D) decline

II. 克漏字 20% (A) But Benjamin Franklin was not only interested in making money. He involved himself at the same time in community project, 16 is another distinctly American characteristic. He established, 17 , a discussion group that met weekly to debate the issues of the day. He also founded the country’s first subscription library and organized America’s first 18 and fire-insurance companies. He helped to improve the local police force and 19 a hospital and a college, which later became the University of Pennsylvania. He once said, “I would rather have it 20 ,‘He lived useful’ than ‘He died rich.’” 16. (A) it (B) that (C) what (D) which 17. (A) at once (B) for instance (C) in addition (D) such as 18. (A) fight-fire (B) fire-fighting (C) fire-fight (D) fight-firing 19. (A) to establish (B) to establishing (C) establishing (D) established 20. (A) say (B) to say (C) said (D) saying

1 (B) An unripe banana should not be eaten, but it can serve other purposes. During a trip in the Brazilian countryside, the author of “The Green Banana” __21 to learn about other uses for the fruit. His ancient jeep broke down on a remote country road where he could find no garage to fix it. But local villagers volunteered to help, using unripe bananas to plug the leaks in the radiator of his car. In this way, the author was able to 22 his destination in time. The author, who was a product of American higher education and was sure that the center of the world __23 somewhere in New England, had initially doubted the claims of the villagers. Now, this unique experience showed him the special genius of the locals and the potential of unusual 24 like the green banana. He then concluded that the cultures of the world are full of unexpected “green bananas” 25 their own value and meaning, waiting for us to discover and appreciate them. 21. (A) occurred (B) took place (C) happened (D) was held 22. (A) get to (B) reach to (C) arrive (D) obtain 23. (A) was laid (B) lied (C) laid (D) lay 24. (A) negotiations (B) restrictions (C) constitutions (D) solutions 25. (A) for (B) with (C) at (D) by

(C) After my father died of cancer, my mom became a completely different person. A former model, now she didn’t even pay the 26 attention to her appearance. She also stopped going to Sunday Mass, fell asleep while watching TV alone at night, and got addicted to coffee and cigarettes. Weakened by alcohol and malnutrition, she became accident- 27 -- often falling in her apartment. For a while she was still able to summon help over the phone from the building superintendent, but one day her luck ran out. She got drunk one night, fell and lay unconscious on her apartment floor for 28 must have been 36 hours before the housekeeper came to her rescue. She was rushed to the hospital and stayed there for two weeks of recuperation. While hospitalized, my mom was forced to abstain from liquor; she was given three normal meals a day and close attention of the doctors and nurses 29 her own family members. The spunky Irishwoman with the flashing blue eyes started to come alive for the first time in three years. It was 30 that my mother came to live with us. 26. (A) furthest (B) slightest (C) last (D) latest 27. (A) proof (B) likely (C) inclined (D) prone 28. (A) what (B) there (C) that (D) where 29. (A) as well as (B) exclusive of (C) compared with (D) in spite of 30. (A) that point (B) until then (C) then (D) when

(D) Deforestation in a single Indonesian province is releasing more greenhouse gases than the Netherlands, and the loss of 31 is threatening rare tigers and elephants, the WWF conservation group said. It said that Riau province, 32 one fifth of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, had lost 65% of its forests in the past 25 years as companies used the land for pulp-wood and palm oil plantations. Big peat swamps had also been cleared. The changes meant Riau was “generating more annual greenhouse gas emissions than the Netherlands.” At the same time, the number of Sumatran elephants and tigers in the province 33 as the forests vanished. Trees store carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, as they grow and emit it when they burn or rot. Worldwide deforestation 34 about 20% of greenhouse gas emissions. Riau accounted for average annual carbon emissions 35 58% of Australia’s yearly emissions, 39% of British emissions or 122 percent of the Netherlands’ emissions. 31. (A) habitats (B) high rises (C) hideouts (D) highlighters 32. (A) covered (B) to cover (C) covering (D) cover 33. (A) plunged (B) increased (C) soared (D) skyrocketed 34. (A) worked out (B) showed up (C) accounted for (D) stayed up 35. (A) according to (B) beneficial to (C) equivalent to (D) convenient to

III. 文意選填 10% Mandarin Chinese, spoken by 885 million people, is the most 36 language in the world. Spanish, spoken by

2 332 million people, is the 37 most popular. English is a close third, 38 the predominant language of 332 million people. However, if all of the Chinese languages 39 included, such as Cantonese, Wu, Min Nan, Xiang, Jinyu and so on, then there are over 1.2 billion people in the world 40 primary language is some form of Chinese. Chinese is spoken not only in China but also 41 ethnic Chinese in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, and Thailand. In Chinese, each character is pronounced as a single syllable, 42 words are usually two syllables. For instance, the character ming means “clear” and bai means “white.” When the two characters are pronounced as one word, mingbai, it means “ 43 .” Because there are no parts of speech in Chinese, most words can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs, 44 on their position in the sentence. In spoken Chinese, a word may have four different tones. Although the word is phonetically the same, each of the four tones gives the word a different meaning. Wouldn’t it be great if English grammar 45 that simple? From What Makes Flamingos Pink

(A) depending (B) being (C) although (D) understand (E) whose (AB) by (AC) prevalent (AD) next (AE) are (BC) were

IV. 篇章結構 10% From Taitung, the plane ride to Orchid Island takes only about 20 minutes. Yet, however short the journey, it brings one to a place entirely different from modern Taiwan. The aborigines of Orchid Island refer to themselves as the “Tao,” which originated from their term for the island: ”Pongso No Tao.” __46__ Because they are isolated at sea, they have retained their traditional culture better than any other group of Taiwanese aborigines. __47__ The significance of these migrating fish has influenced the Tao’s way of life, determining their calendar of holidays and inspiring their unique aesthetic sensibility. Every year from June to September, the island’s ocean culture is fully revealed. __48__ They divide fish into several categories, and each person, according to age and gender, must eat only fish from a suitable category. The Tao have also attached great social significance to their chief means of catching fish—their boats. __49__ The boats themselves are works of art, giving full expression to the Tao’s talents for beauty. Furthermore, the fertility of their imaginations is matched by the fertility of Orchid Island’s volcanic geology. __50__ (A)As observed by some researchers, the Tao depend upon fish for a high share of their diet. (B) The “flying fish season” of the spring and summer is the best-known Orchid Island tradition. (C) Clearly, this is a place that enjoys the double good fortune of possessing equally rich natural and cultural heritages. (D)There are seven tribal villages on the island, with the population standing at over 4,000. (E) Even ashore, Tao men are often grouped socially based on the boat crews to which they belong.

V. 閱讀測驗 30% (A) How could we have thought so wrongly of a banana peel that it always hits the garbage? Utility of anything seems to be in the eyes of the beholder. The banana peel hasn’t been an exception. What most of us looked at as waste was converted to a thing of utility by Prithwis Mukhopadlyay, a 14-year-old prodigy. This Bengali boy, nourished in the US, Lake Junior High in Woodbury, Minnesota, has come up with an idea to convert banana peels to biogas. It’s well known that almost any organic waste can be converted to biogas. But why biogas from banana peel has hit the news is because it produced five times as much biogas as manure, a commonly used source for producing biogas, in the experiments Prithwis conducted. He filled two airtight containers, one with manure and the other with banana peels. Then he mixed each content with water and connected them to empty jars via pipes to collect the gas produced. He placed a heater next to each jar and measured the gas collected for 60 days. His studies proved that banana peels produced five times more biogas than

3 manure. This project titled ‘Comparison analysis: Eco-friendly source of energy for the future,’ earned him a spot in Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge. This weekend, the young whiz is to showcase his research work along with 40 other finalists at Washington. “Initially, I thought of doing a project that would reduce global warming. Things changed after I visited a biogas plant in a village in India during my summer vacations. It was an amazing experience,” Prithwis says. 51. Why could Prithwis’s finding receive the attention of the media? (A) Because he is a prodigy. (B) Because he is of Bengali descent. (C) Because he used an extremely rare organic waste to produce biogas. (D) Because his research proved that banana peels can produce more biogas. 52. Where did Prithwis derive his inspiration from? (A) Lake Junior High. (B) Discovery Channel. (C) India. (D) His laboratory at home. 53. This article probably appeared in a ______magazine. (A) gourmet (B) science (C) computer (D) fashion

(B) The English policeman has several nicknames, but the most frequently used are “copper” and “bobby”. The first name comes from the verb “to cop” (which is also slang), meaning “to take” or “to capture”. The second comes from the first name of Sir Robert Peel, the nineteenth-century politician, who was the founder of the police force as we know it today. An early nickname for the policeman was “peeler”, but this one has died out. Whatever we may call them, the general opinion of the police seems to be a favorable one, except, of course, among the criminal part of the community where the police are given more derogatory nicknames which originated in America, such as “fuzz” or “pig”. Visitors to England seem nearly always to be very much impressed by the English police. It has, in fact, become a standing joke that the visitor to Britain, when asked for his views of the country, will always say, at some point or other, “I think your policemen are wonderful.” Well, the British bobby may not always be wonderful, but he is usually a very friendly and helpful sort of character. A music-hall song of some years ago was called “If You Want to Know the Time, Ask a Policeman.” Nowadays, most people own watches, but they still seem to find plenty of other questions to ask the policeman. In London, the policemen spend so much of their time directing visitors about the city that one wonders how they ever find time to do anything else! Two things are immediately noticeable to the stranger when he sees an English policeman for the first time. The first is that he does not carry a pistol and the second is that he wears a very distinctive type of headgear, the policeman’s helmet. His helmet, together with his height, enables an English policeman to be seen from a considerable distance, a fact that is not without its usefulness. From time to time, it is suggested that the policeman should be given a pistol and that his helmet should be taken from him, but both these suggestions are resisted by the majority of the public and the police themselves. 54. Nowadays, British people call the policeman ______. (A) pig (B) peeler (C) fuzz (D) bobby 55. Which of the following statements is TRUE? (A) There are fewer criminals in Britain than in America. (B) The English police usually leave a deep impression on visitors. (C) The British bobby is friendly but not helpful. (D) The English police enjoy having pistols. 56. If you see an English policeman for the first time, you will probably notice at once that ______. (A) he often tells people time (B) he is usually very helpful (C) he has a helmet on his head (D) he wears special clothes 57. According to the article, the fact that an English policeman can be seen from some

4 distance is ______. (A) of some help to people (B) of no help to people (C) very strange and funny (D) a standing joke

(C) Anna Sui, a well-known international fashion designer, grew up in Detroit. Her parents are Chinese immigrants; being a great designer has long been her ultimate dream since she was very young. . She moved to New York City to attend Parsons School of Design after graduating from high school in Detroit. After completing her studies at Parson’s, Sui worked for a variety of sportswear companies. In 1991, she debuted a runway show. Her collection was a tremendous hit at that time and it gave her more confidence in her future career. 1993 was an important milestone in Sui’s career, as she won the prestigious CFDA Perry Ellis Award for New Fashion Talent. Sui’s designs are unique, combining high fashion modern approaches with an old-fashioned sensibility. Her style has been described as fashionably goth. Many fashion experts find it edgy and attractive, with a sense of hippie appeal. Anna Sui, a living and inspiring success story in New York, encourages people to focus on their dreams, no matter how big those dreams might be. “How could a young girl from the suburbs of Detroit like me become a success in New York? It was always that dream,” she says. It’s an open secret that her passion for rock and roll makes her works perfect for a rock and roll superstar and each season everyone eagerly awaits her runway soundtrack. Her creations continue to have a great impact on trends and inspire designers everywhere. Adapted from GEPT Classroom—4 skills Test (High-Intermediate)

58. What is this article mainly about? (A) The history of fashion design. (B) The establishment of Parsons School of Design. (C) The biography of a creative fashion designer. (D) How to promote brand images by using the influence of celebrities. 59. What is the CFDA Perry Ellis Award presented for? (A) Most successful cosmetics line. (B) Most financially successful designer. (C) Best use of fashion photography. (D) Best new designer in the fashion industry. 60. Which of the following is true about Anna Sui? (A) She’s Japanese American. (B) She believes in her dreams and encourages others to do so, too. (C) Her first fashion debut was not very well-received. (D) She didn’t figure out her passion for fashion design until she went to Parsons School of Design. 61. What is NOT true about Anna Sui’s style? (A) It’s goth and is influenced by rock and roll music. (B) It’s creative and edgy. (C) It is not influenced by hippie fashions. (D) It has a lot of varieties involving old and new styles.

(D) Many customers who buy high-tech products in the United States or Europe are now dealing with help desk operators in Brazil, Russia, India, or China – the so-called BRIC countries. New software for U.S. products is just as likely to be written by computer engineers in Bombay or Shanghai as by those in New York or Los Angeles.

5 Labor outsourcing used to be limited to factory jobs. Big U.S. tech companies like Motorola and HP have cut costs by having most of their products manufactured in Asia for at least a decade. Taiwan benefited greatly from this. Now, Taiwanese companies are doing the same thing by locating new factories in mainland China. Such outsourcing has recently come to include creative professionals like software engineers. India is currently the number one choice for outsourcing these types of job, for several reasons. First, many Indians already speak fluent English. Second, India has a booming high-tech sector of its own, so there are many software engineers and programmers looking for jobs. Third, salaries are very low in India compared with the U.S., the U.K., or even Taiwan. Of course, dealing with people in other countries can lead to communication problems, so companies train their staff well. For example, Indian workers often use Western names and are trained to speak with American accents. It is expected that by 2010 around 25 percent of all current tech jobs in the U.S. will be outsourced to India and the other BRIC countries. Adapted from Far East News Digest III

62. . The passage mentions Bombay and Shanghai because ______. (A) high-tech products from the U.S. are sold there (B) many American computer engineers live there (C) many help desk customers live in these cities (D) they are located in the so-called BRIC countries 63. What are Taiwanese companies doing nowadays, according to the passage? (A) Moving to Europe and the U.S. (B) Outsourcing their labor. (C) Writing their own software. (D) Buying high-tech products. 64. What is NOT mentioned as a reason why India is a popular place for outsourcing? (A) Low rates of pay. (B) Skilled workers. (C) Cheap lands. (D) Language skills. 65. In the next three years, it is expected that ______. (A) more and more Indian tech workers will be moving to America (B) 25 percent of all high-tech workers will be in BRIC countries (C) most Indians will be speaking English with American accents (D) one in four American tech jobs will be moved overseas

V I. 翻譯 15% 66.富蘭克林展現獨立並且投身於社區計畫,所以被認為 是第一個美國人。(V-ing . . ., S+V) 67.社會上有很多年長的父母寧願和子女同住,也不願去養老院。 68.好好照顧我們的父母是天經地義的事,也是不可逃避的責任。


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