Appendix: Schema Conformance Report Template

Flow Documentation Status and Contact Information Flow Name: SRS Redesign Schemas/Versions included in Conformance Report: Version 2.0 Conformance Report Author: Kai Chang Contact Information: [email protected] (703) 647-5753 Schema Developer: Kai Chang Contact Information: [email protected] (703)647-5753

Flow Owner or Other Point of Contact for Flow Documentation Package:

Contact Name: Vinh Ha Contact Information: [email protected] (703) 647-8136 Date Flow Documentation Package Submitted: 12/19/2006

W3C Conformance and Validation

The schemas are not on Web Services and have no URL. The validation result is from the option: “check which is not accessible via the Web”.

Since the XSV is unable to locate the included data type schema file if the schemas are not on the Web Server, the “Check as complete schema” box is not checked when validating SRS_AddNewProgram_v2.0.xsd, SRS_SubstanceInformationList_v2.0.xsd. The data type schema SRS_SubstanceInformationDetails_v2.0.xsd and SRS_SimpleContent_v2.0.xsd have validated without error.

The validation results are pasted at the end of this report.

W3C’s XSV Tool Output: [ x] yes [ ] no Output pasted in the last section of the Conformance Report [ x] yes [ ] no Zero errors identified by XSV Tool Explanation of Warnings Listed in XSV Tool Output: Warning Explanation

Schema and Instance Document Validation: Names of XML parser(s) intended for use in conjunction with the flow and development tool(s) used to validate the schema and instance documents:

Oxygen xmlSpy

[x ] yes [ ] no All schema files validate using all parsers and tools listed above [x ] yes [ ] no All sample instance documents validate using all parsers and tools listed above [ ] yes [ ] no All sample instance documents validate using the CDX validator service

Design Rules and Conventions Conformance

Explanation of DRC Violations Identified: DRC Rule ID Schema Filenames Explanation

Report ------Violations for File : SRS_SimpleContent_v2.0.xsd Thu Dec 14 16:04:13 EST 2006 Total Number of Violations = 0 Report ------Violations for File : SRS_SubstanceInformationDetails_v2.0.xsd Thu Dec 14 16:04:57 EST 2006 Total Number of Violations = 0 Report ------Violations for File : SRS_SubstanceInformationList_v2.0.xsd

Final, December 19, 2006 2 Thu Dec 14 16:05:28 EST 2006 Total Number of Violations = 0 Report ------Violations for File : SRS_AddNewProgram_v2.0.xsd Thu Dec 14 16:05:59 EST 2006 Total Number of Violations = 0

Shared Schema Components Conformance

High Level of SSC Integration: Element Name Schema Path None

Medium Level of SSC Integration: Element Name Complex SSC Element or Data Type Derived By None

Low Level of SSC Integration: Element Name Simple SSC Element or Data Type EPASubstanceInternalNumber EPAChemicalInternalNumberDataType CASRegistryNumber CASRegistryNumberDataType CurrentCASRegistryNumber FormerCASNumber EPASubstanceRegistryName EPAChemicalRegistryNameDataType EPARegistryNameContextName EPAChemicalRegistryNameSourceTextDataType SubstanceDefinitionText ChemicalSubstanceDefinitionTextDataType PropSubstanceCommentText ChemicalSubstanceCommentTextDataType SubstanceCommentText MolecularFormula MolecularFormulaCodeDataType MolecularWeight ChemicalSubstanceFormulaWeightQuantity Kingdom BiologicalKingdomNameDataType Smiles ChemicalSubstanceLinearStructureCodeDataType

Final, December 19, 2006 3 ICTVdBTaxonNumber ICTVdBTaxonIdentifierDataType ITISTaxonomicSerialNumber ITISTaxonomicSerialNumberDataType Name IndividualFullNameDataType Organization OrganizationFormalNameDataType Email ElectronicAddressTextDataType Phone TelephoneNumberTextDataType EffectiveDate ConditionStartDateDataType EndDate ConditionEndDateDataType CreationDate ReportCreateDateDataType

Final, December 19, 2006 4 Explanation for Not Integrating Available SSCs: Schema Name Element or Type SSC Element or Type Explanation SRS_AddNewProgram_v2.0. xsd NewProgramRelatedTermSynonymTy None Not found pe SubstanceSynonymName ChemicalSubstanceSynonymName This element BiologicalSynonymousName has more than BiologicalVernacularName one type of ProgramSystemBiologicalName information. BiologicalGroupName SRS_SubstanceInformationLi st_v2.0.xsd SubstanceInformationListType None Not found

SubstanceInformationDetailType None Not found SubstanceInformationType None Not found SubmitterInformationType None Not found ProgramNameInformationType None Not found SubstanceSystematicName ChemicalSystematicName This element BiologicalSystematicName has more than BiologicalGroupName one type of BiologicalSpeciesName information. BiologicalSubspeciesName

ChemicalNameContextName This element SubstanceSystematicNameContextN BiologicalGroupContextName has more than ame BiologicalSystematicContextName one type of information.

SRS_SubstanceInformationD etails_v2.0.xsd SubstanceType SC_ChemicalSubstanceIdentity About half the elements do not match. Simple element data type used for possible matching. SubsCharacteristicAssocDetailType None Not found

SubsCharacteristicsAssocType None Not found SubsTaxonSerialNumberDetailType None Not found SubsTaxonSerialNumberType None Not found SubstanceAlternateIdentifierAssocDet None Not found ailType SubstanceAlternateIdentifierAssocTy None Not found pe FormerCASNumberDetailType None Not found SubsSubmitterType None Not found SubstanceRelatedTermType None Not found ProposedSubstanceType None Not found ProposedSubsRelTermAltdType None Not found ProposedRelatedTermType None Not found

Final, December 19, 2006 5 SRS_SimpleContent_v2.0.xs d QueryFoundType None Not found LastUpdateDateType None Not found String10Type None Not found String12Type None Not found String20Type None Not found String50Type None Not found String60Type None Not found String100Type None Not found String255Type None Not found String2000Type None Not found String4000Type None Not found Number9Type None Not found

Candidates for New SSCs: Schema Name Element or Type Name CRM data block None

Recommendations (optional) 1. 2. 3.

W3C’s XSV Tool Output

Schema validating with XSV 2.10-1 of 2005/04/22 13:10:49

 Target: file:/usr/local/XSV/xsvlog/tmpw3vlosuploaded (Real name: C:\TO44\schema\SRS_SimpleContent_v2.0.xsd)  docElt: {}schema  Validation was strict, starting with type [Anonymous]  The schema(s) used for schema-validation had no errors  No schema-validity problems were found in the target

Schema validating with XSV 2.10-1 of 2005/04/22 13:10:49

 Target: file:/usr/local/XSV/xsvlog/tmpJTK73Iuploaded (Real name: C:\TO44\schema\SRS_SubstanceInformationDetails_v2.0.xsd)  docElt: {}schema  Validation was strict, starting with type [Anonymous]  The schema(s) used for schema-validation had no errors

Final, December 19, 2006 6  No schema-validity problems were found in the target

Schema validating with XSV 2.10-1 of 2005/04/22 13:10:49

 Target: file:/usr/local/XSV/xsvlog/tmpyxBG9Euploaded (Real name: C:\TO44\schema\SRS_SubstanceInformationList_v2.0.xsd)  docElt: {}schema  Validation was strict, starting with type [Anonymous]  The schema(s) used for schema-validation had no errors  No schema-validity problems were found in the target

Schema validating with XSV 2.10-1 of 2005/04/22 13:10:49

 Target: file:/usr/local/XSV/xsvlog/tmpmUe9JDuploaded (Real name: C:\TO44\schema\SRS_AddNewProgram_v2.0.xsd)  docElt: {}schema  Validation was strict, starting with type [Anonymous]  The schema(s) used for schema-validation had no errors  No schema-validity problems were found in the target

Final, December 19, 2006 7