Prepared by Haley Moreno, NHC Library Intern Jan. 13, 2011

Bibliography Easterly Waves This bibliography covers journal articles, going back ten years on easterly waves as they relate to tropical cyclone genesis. The primary resources used were the NOAA Miami Regional E-resource databases found at


Agusti-Panareda, A., Beljaars, A., Cardinali, C., Genkova, I., & Thorncroft, C. (2010). Impacts of Assimilating AMMA Soundings on ECMWF Analyses and Forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, 25(4), 1142-1160. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000280731800007&SID=1AIFmc25debjfJlbIG4&Init =Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestFail=http://access.isipro

Arnault, J., & Roux, F. (2010). Failed Cyclogenetic Evolution of a West African Monsoon Perturbation Observed during AMMA SOP-3. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(6), 1863-1883. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000279368200011&SID=1AIFmc25debjfJ lbIG4&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestFai l=

Arnault, J., & Roux, F. (2010). Comparison between Two Case Studies of Developing and Nondeveloping African Easterly Waves during NAMMA and AMMA/SOP-3: Absolute Vertical Vorticity Budget. Monthly Weather Review, 138(4), 1420-1445. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000278116200023&SID=1AIFmc25debjfJ lbIG4&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestFai l=

Barthe, C., Asencio, N., Lafore, J. P., Chong, M., Campistron, B., & Cazenave, F. (2010). Multi-scale analysis of the 25–27 July 2006 convective period over Niamey: Comparison between Doppler radar observations and simulations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 190-208.;jsessionid=92BC6F511572FC3E76B007 17A11E65D3.d02t01

Bielli, S., & Roca, R. (2010). Scale decomposition of atmospheric water budget over West Africa during the monsoon 2006 from NCEP/GFS analyses. Climate Dynamics, 35(1), 143-157. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000279215900010&SID=3Bll5KiG %40kMI1JFDGGG&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Researc hSoft&DestFail=

Chauvin, F., Roehrig, R., & Lafore, J. P. (2010). Intraseasonal Variability of the Saharan Heat Low and Its Link with Midlatitudes. Journal of Climate, 23(10), 2544-2561. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000278782600007&SID=1AAdM6H4gL6a DNEeI1G&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail= Chong, M. (2010). The 11 August 2006 squall-line system as observed from MIT Doppler radar during the AMMA SOP. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 209-226. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276806300015&SID=2Bk9bLCAlbl6d DPmp8e&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Cifelli, R., Lang, T., Rutledge, S. A., Guy, N., Zipser, E. J., Zawislak, J., et al. (2010). Characteristics of an African Easterly Wave Observed during NAMMA. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(1), 3- 25.

Couvreux, F., Guichard, F., Bock, O., Campistron, B., Lafore, J. P., & Redelsperger, J. L. (2010). Synoptic variability of the monsoon flux over West Africa prior to the onset. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 159-173. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276806300012&SID=4DjgoEgkPjndEi Jj6cF&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestFai l=

Cuesta, J., Lavaysse, C., Flamant, C., Mimouni, M., & Knippertz, P. (2010). Northward bursts of the West African monsoon leading to rainfall over the Hoggar Massif, Algeria. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 174-189.;jsessionid=52C8789ADD8A8B46A61C5 CB7E0627AFA.d01t02

Diedhiou, A., Machado, L. A. T., & Laurent, H. (2010). Mean Kinematic Characteristics of Synoptic Easterly Disturbances over the Atlantic. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27(3), 483-499. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276839600003&SID=3CPh9AgGO4fe KopaADF&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Diedhiou, A., Camara, M., & Gaye, A. (2010). Overview of synoptic conditions over West Africa and North Atlantic before cyclogenesis. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(1), 110-118. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000275398500015&SID=1A5Dj2dNB8ffh kEOBGe&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail= Galvin, J. F. P. (2010). Two easterly waves in West Africa in summer 2009. Weather, 65(8), 219-227.;jsessionid=A414612699722645B786 D7DD50C9C1B1.d01t01

Gantner, L., & Kalthoff, N. (2010). Sensitivity of a modelled life cycle of a mesoscale convective system to soil conditions over West Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 471-482. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276806300030&SID=4F7KkD %40h9PKfga8me1A&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Resear chSoft&DestFail=

Guichard, F., Asencio, N., Peugeot, C., Bock, O., Redelsperger, J. L., Cui, X. F., et al. (2010). An Intercomparison of Simulated Rainfall and Evapotranspiration Associated with a Mesoscale Convective System over West Africa. Weather and Forecasting, 25(1), 37-60. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000275362700004&SID=1Cm5e5JLmmm Ck3B8e68&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&D estFail=

Hopsch, S. B., Thorncroft, C. D., & Tyle, K. R. (2010). Analysis of African Easterly Wave Structures and Their Role in Influencing Tropical Cyclogenesis. Monthly Weather Review, 138(4), 1399-1419. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000278116200022&SID=4FIbeOBg4E1A amieLkm&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail= Ismail, S., Ferrare, R. A., Browell, E. V., Kooi, S. A., Dunion, J. P., Heymsfield, G., et al. (2010). LASE Measurements of Water Vapor, Aerosol, and Cloud Distributions in Saharan Air Layers and Tropical Disturbances. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(4), 1026-1047. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276829400008&SID=2Fc5dFo4ai774 FiIhBc&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestF ail=

Kossin, J. P., Camargo, S. J., & Sitkowski, M. (2010). Climate Modulation of North Atlantic Hurricane Tracks. Journal of Climate, 23(11), 3057-3076.

Lafore, J. P., Flamant, C., Giraud, V., Guichard, F., Knippertz, P., Mahfouf, J. F., et al. (2010). Introduction to the AMMA Special Issue on 'Advances in understanding atmospheric processes over West Africa through the AMMA field campaign'. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 2-7. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276806300002&SID=2Fc5dFo4ai774 FiIhBc&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestF ail=

Lavaysse, C., Flamant, C., Janicot, S., & Knippertz, P. (2010). Links between African easterly waves, midlatitude circulation and intraseasonal pulsations of the West African heat low. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 141-158. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276806300011&SID=2Fc5dFo4ai774 FiIhBc&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestF ail=

Leppert, K. D., & Petersen, W. A. (2010). Electrically Active Hot Towers in African Easterly Waves prior to Tropical Cyclogenesis. Monthly Weather Review, 138(3), 663-687. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276342900002&SID=2Fc5dFo4ai774 FiIhBc&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestF ail=

Mao, J. Y., & Wu, G. X. (2010). Intraseasonal modulation of tropical cyclogenesis in the western North Pacific: a case study. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 100(3-4), 397-411. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000277098800012&SID=2Fc5dFo4ai774 FiIhBc&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestF ail=

Mickett, J. B., Serra, Y. L., Cronin, M. F., & Alford, M. H. (2010). Resonant Forcing of Mixed Layer Inertial Motions by Atmospheric Easterly Waves in the Northeast Tropical Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(2), 401-416. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000274330200011&SID=4CbKdeaE %40BC3DpfmBBh&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Research Soft&DestFail=

Orlandi, E., Fierli, F., Davolio, S., Buzzi, A., & Drofa, O. (2010). A nudging scheme to assimilate satellite brightness temperature in a meteorological model: Impact on representation of African mesoscale convective systems. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(647), 462-474. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000276806000014&SID=3DCFbBjEfg5A CNPiMpn&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Roca, R., Chambon, P., Jobard, I., & Kirstetter, P. E. (2010). Comparing Satellite and Surface Rainfall Products over West Africa at Meteorologically Relevant Scales during the AMMA Campaign Using Error Estimates. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49(4), 715-731. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000277537400012&SID=4Fbf3HA24c444 J3KE1N&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Dest Fail=

Schwendike, J., Kalthoff, N., & Kohler, M. (2010). The impact of mesoscale convective systems on the surface and boundary-layer structure in West Africa: Case-studies from the AMMA campaign 2006. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(648), 566-582. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000278016300002&SID=4Fbf3HA24c444 J3KE1N&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Dest Fail=

Schwendike, J., & Jones, S. C. (2010). Convection in an African Easterly Wave over West Africa and the eastern Atlantic: A model case study of Helene (2006). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 364-396.;jsessionid=F3951B178451B669A9693B D2A39B113C.d03t02

Toma, V. E., & Webster, P. J. (2010). Oscillations of the intertropical convergence zone and the genesis of easterly waves. Part I: diagnostics and theory. Climate Dynamics, 34(4), 587-604. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000274940000009&SID=3A7B9nMp82B3 p7kB9oD&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Toma, V. E., & Webster, P. J. (2010). Oscillations of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the genesis of easterly waves Part II: numerical verification. Climate Dynamics, 34(4), 605-613. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000274940000010&SID=3ELbKjNb1fjBL3 dh4de&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&DestF ail=

Tompkins, A. M., & Feudale, L. (2010). Seasonal Ensemble Predictions of West African Monsoon Precipitation in the ECMWF System 3 with a Focus on the AMMA Special Observing Period in 2006. Weather and Forecasting, 25(2), 768-788. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000278701400022&SID=1D43limocKMK kPJhd57&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Torn, R. D. (2010). Ensemble-Based Sensitivity Analysis Applied to African Easterly Waves. Weather and Forecasting, 25(1), 61-78. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000275362700005&SID=4AaAbPG25N3 DLiiE1bf&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Dest Fail=

Wang, Z., Montgomery, M. T., & Dunkerton, T. J. (2010). Genesis of Pre-Hurricane Felix (2007). Part I: The Role of the Easterly Wave Critical Layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(6), 1711- 1729.

Zawislak, J., & Zipser, E. J. (2010). Observations of Seven African Easterly Waves in the East Atlantic during 2006. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67(1), 26-43. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000274086000002&SID=3BbJfM5D1AGK Pdlaac6&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Dest Fail=


Arnault, J., & Roux, F. (2009). Case Study of a Developing African Easterly Wave during NAMMA: An Energetic Point of View. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66(10), 2991-3020. Athie, G., Marin, F., Treguier, A. M., Bourles, B., & Guiavarc'h, C. (2009). Sensitivity of near-surface Tropical Instability Waves to submonthly wind forcing in the tropical Atlantic. Ocean Modelling, 30(4), 241-255. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000271484100001&SID=3E9K9B8ea8ib5 1meFb3&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Dest Fail=

Camara, M., Diedhiou, A., & Gaye, A. T. (2009). Interannual variability of Atlantic hurricane activity and some features of West African climate. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 4(12), 806- 817. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000277908700009&SID=3E9K9B8ea8ib5 1meFb3&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Dest Fail= Cornforth, R. J., & Hoskins, B. J. (2009). Understanding African easterly waves: a moist singular vector approach. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10(3), 185-191.;jsessionid=06D64A394C4A38F470DF F58054C5E512.d03t02

Cornforth, R. J., Hoskins, B. J., & Thorncroft, C. D. (2009). The impact of moist processes on the African easterly jet–African easterly wave system. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135(641), 894-913.

Drobinski, P., Bastin, S., Janicot, S., Bock, O., Dabas, A., Delville, P., et al. (2009). On the late northward propagation of the West African monsoon in summer 2006 in the region of Niger/Mali. Journal of Geophysical Research. D. Atmospheres 114(D9). id=2&recnum=0&log=from_res&SID=ril0eiqcui30fvu6en30dskuc2&mark_id=search:2:0,0,1

Druyan, L. M., Fulakeza, M., Lonergan, P., & Noble, E. (2009). Regional climate model simulation of the AMMA Special Observing Period #3 and the pre-Helene easterly wave. . Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 105(3-4), 191-210. id=8&recnum=0&log=from_res&SID=d4d67qnki2pa5k5rqrup2hm897&mark_id=search:8:3,0,1

Dunkerton, T. J., Montgomery, M. T., & Wang, Z. (2009). Tropical cyclogenesis in a tropical wave critical layer: easterly waves. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(15), 5587-5646. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000268876600014&SID=2BHOpK %403IjjeNo94LbF&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Research Soft&DestFail=

Ferreira, R. N., Rickenbach, T., Guy, N., & Williams, E. (2009). Radar Observations of Convective System Variability in Relationship to African Easterly Waves during the 2006 AMMA Special Observing Period. Monthly Weather Review, 137(12), 4136-4150. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000273562700004&SID=2BHOpK %403IjjeNo94LbF&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Research Soft&DestFail=

Janicot, S., Mounier, F., Hall, N. M. J., Leroux, S., Sultan, B., & Kiladis, G. N. (2009). Dynamics of the West African Monsoon. Part IV: Analysis of 25-90-Day Variability of Convection and the Role of the Indian Monsoon. Journal of Climate, 22(6), 1541-1565. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000265104000014&SID=2BHOpK %403IjjeNo94LbF&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Research Soft&DestFail=

Ladwig, W. C., & Stensrud, D. J. (2009). Relationship between Tropical Easterly Waves and Precipitation during the North American Monsoon. Journal of Climate, 22(2), 258-271. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000263786900005&SID=2BHOpK %403IjjeNo94LbF&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Research Soft&DestFail=

Lavender, S. L., & Matthews, A. J. (2009). Response of the West African Monsoon to the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 22(15), 4097-4116.

Leroux, S., Hall, N. M. J., & Kiladis, G. N. (2009). A climatological study of transient–mean-flow interactions over West Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(S1), 397-410.;jsessionid=3555169466BC2BFC5D183 A0595291D7F.d01t02

Leroux, S., & Hall, N. M. J. (2009). On the Relationship between African Easterly Waves and the African Easterly Jet. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66(8), 2303-2316. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000268751700010&SID=3ANDi %40k22bioKaMkAEO&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Resea rchSoft&DestFail=

Marín, J. C., Raga, G. B., & Raymond, D. J. (2009). Assessment of global numerical models in the East Pacific as evidenced from EPIC2001 project. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 46(1-4), 2- 18. 2/2/cce7241c2df313ee077f32c2ce5fac6e

Nicholson, S. E. (2009). A revised picture of the structure of the "monsoon" and land ITCZ over West Africa. Climate Dynamics, 32(7-8), 1155-1171. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000265382500016&SID=3ANDi %40k22bioKaMkAEO&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=Resea rchSoft&DestFail=

Pratt, A. S., & Evans, J. L. (2009). Potential Impacts of the Saharan Air Layer on Numerical Model Forecasts of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis. Weather and Forecasting, 24(2), 420-435. Reale, O., Lau, W. K., Kim, K. M., & Brin, E. (2009). Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenetic Processes during SOP-3 NAMMA in the GEOS-5 Global Data Assimilation and Forecast System. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66(12), 3563-3578. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000272616600003&SID=2EedJBm5A9G 4he7ah8P&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Rickenbach, T., Ferreira, R. N., Guy, N., & Williams, E. (2009). Radar-observed squall line propagation and the diurnal cycle of convection in Niamey, Niger, during the 2006 African Monsoon and Multidisciplinary Analyses Intensive Observing Period. Journal of Geophysical Research. D. Atmospheres, 114(D3). id=2&recnum=0&log=from_res&SID=7853kssm6lhc39ssdks5oov8c4&mark_id=search:2:0,0,1

Ross, R. S., Krishnamurti, T. N., Pattnaik, S., & Simon, A. (2009). Energy Transformation and Diabatic Processes in Developing and Nondeveloping African Easterly Waves Observed during the NAMMA Project of 2006. Weather and Forecasting, 24(6), 1524-1548. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000272872300006&SID=2EedJBm5A9G 4he7ah8P&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Roundy, P. E., & Schreck Iii, C. J. (2009). A combined wave-number--frequency and time-extended EOF approach for tracking the progress of modes of large-scale organized tropical convection. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135(638), 161-173.;jsessionid=60372059706348F22B8CE1 128A739F36.d02t02 Vizy, E. K., & Cook, K. H. (2009). Tropical Storm Development from African Easterly Waves in the Eastern Atlantic: A Comparison of Two Successive Waves Using a Regional Model as Part of NASA AMMA 2006. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66(11), 3313-3334. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000271689700005&SID=2EedJBm5A9G 4he7ah8P&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Wu, M. L. C., Reale, O., Schubert, S. D., Suarez, M. J., Koster, R. D., & Pegion, P. J. (2009). African Easterly Jet: Structure and Maintenance. Journal of Climate, 22(17), 4459-4480. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000269375600002&SID=2EedJBm5A9G 4he7ah8P&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Zipser, E. J., Twohy, C. H., Tsay, S. C., Thornhill, K. L., Tanelli, S., Ross, R., et al. (2009). The Saharan Air Layer and the Fate of African Easterly Waves. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(8), 1137-1156. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000270269100008&SID=2EedJBm5A9G 4he7ah8P&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=


Chen, T. C., & Wang, S. Y. (2008). Are Tropical Cyclones Less Effectively Formed by Easterly Waves in the Western North Pacific than in the North Atlantic? Monthly Weather Review, 136(11), 4527- 4540. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000260861900030&SID=2EedJBm5A9G 4he7ah8P&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&De stFail=

Chen, T.-C., Wang, S.-Y., & Clark, A. J. (2008). North Atlantic Hurricanes Contributed by African Easterly Waves North and South of the African Easterly Jet. Journal of Climate, 21(24), 6767-6776.

Druyan, L. M., Fulakeza, M., & Lonergan, P. (2008). The impact of vertical resolution on regional model simulation of the west African summer monsoon. International Journal of Climatology, 28(10), 1293-1314.;jsessionid=FA9F8C9D6750F05C0209 C0E523E81038.d01t02

Dunkerton, T. J., Montgomery, M. T., & Wang, Z. (2008). Tropical cyclogenesis in a tropical wave critical layer: easterly waves. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 8(3), 11149-11292. id=2&recnum=1&log=from_res&SID=jj89hsp1to7bnv7e8tmu1ffi77&mark_id=search:2:0,0,5

Hsieh, J. S., & Cook, K. H. (2008). On the instability of the African easterly jet and the generation of African waves: Reversals of the potential vorticity gradient. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65(7), 2130-2151. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000257796200006&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Janicot, S., Thorncroft, C. D., Ali, A., Asencio, N., Berry, G., Bock, O., et al. (2008). Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006. Annales Geophysicae, 26(9), 2569-2595. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000259702800006&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail= Kerns, B., Greene, K., & Zipser, E. (2008). Four Years of Tropical ERA-40 Vorticity Maxima Tracks. Part I: Climatology and Vertical Vorticity Structure. Monthly Weather Review, 136(11), 4301-4319. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000260861900017&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Laing, A. G., Carbone, R., Levizzani, V., & Tuttle, J. (2008). The propagation and diurnal cycles of deep convection in northern tropical Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 134(630), 93-109. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000259292300007&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Lenouo, A., & Kamga, F. M. (2008). Sensitivity of African easterly waves to boundary layer conditions. Annales Geophysicae, 26(6), 1355-1363. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000256594000006&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Magnusdottir, G., & Wang, C. C. (2008). Intertropical convergence zones during the active season in daily data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65(7), 2425-2436. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000257796200023&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

Mekonnen, A., Thorncroft, C. D., Aiyyer, A. R., & Kiladis, G. N. (2008). Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves over Tropical Africa during the Boreal Summer: Structure and Variability. Journal of Climate, 21(24), 6649-6667. product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&UT=000262329000012&SID=2CokIHE7eLMM gAiGK2c&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&customersID=ResearchSoft&Des tFail=

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