Impressions of hearing loss and Tinnitus

Below, there are a number of sound files which you can play to get an impression of what it is like to suffer from hearing loss and tinnitus.

By clicking on the sound files, people with normal hearing can get an impression of how music sounds for a hearing-impaired person. The first sound is at 'normal level' and the following sounds have been reduced in relation to the 'normal level'.

The examples show how sound may be experienced by a person who suffers from conductive and sensorineural hearing. But it may sound differently. The way it sounds to a hearing-impaired person always depends on the type and degree of the hearing loss.

You can also hear some examples of what tinnitus can sound like. However tinnitus can sound in many different ways, and can be more or less intense. So please remember that these sounds are just some examples of what tinnitus can sound like.

The sounds you hear will always depend on the quality of your computer equipment.

You cannot use these sound files to test your own hearing. And you cannot test your own hearing on the Internet.

To test your hearing, you have to visit your family doctor or a hearing health care professional.

Sound files: Size: Normal Hearing 565 Kb Conductive hearing loss (10bB) 566 Kb Conductive hearing loss (20bB) 565 Kb Conductive hearing loss (30bB) 565 Kb Sensorineural hearing loss (mild) 571 Kb Sensorineural hearing loss (moderate) 580 Kb Sensorineural hearing loss (severe) 580 Kb Tinnitus (example1) 567 Kb Tinnitus (example2) 566 Kb 125 Hz tone 15 Kb 250 Hz tone 15 Kb 500 Hz tone 15 Kb 1000 Hz tone 15 Kb 2000 Hz tone 15 Kb 4000 Hz tone 15 Kb 8000 Hz tone 87 Kb

These sound files have been provided by the Danish Information Center for Hearing Impairment and Deafness, Delta Akustik and Vibration. If this site is still available, it can be found at http://www.hear-