Ericsson's Conjecture on the Rate of Escape Of

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Ericsson's Conjecture on the Rate of Escape Of TRANSACTIONS of the AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 240, lune 1978 ERICSSON'SCONJECTURE ON THE RATEOF ESCAPEOF ¿-DIMENSIONALRANDOM WALK BY HARRYKESTEN Abstract. We prove a strengthened form of a conjecture of Erickson to the effect that any genuinely ¿-dimensional random walk S„, d > 3, goes to infinity at least as fast as a simple random walk or Brownian motion in dimension d. More precisely, if 5* is a simple random walk and B, a Brownian motion in dimension d, and \j/i [l,oo)-»(0,oo) a function for which /"'/^(OiO, then \¡/(n)~'\S*\-» oo w.p.l, or equivalent^, ifr(t)~'\Bt\ -»oo w.p.l, iff ffif/(tY~2t~d/2 < oo; if this is the case, then also $(ri)~'\S„\ -» oo w.p.l for any random walk Sn of dimension d. 1. Introduction. Let XX,X2,... be independent identically distributed ran- dom ¿-dimensional vectors and S,, = 2"= XX¡.Assume throughout that d > 3 and that the distribution function F of Xx satisfies supp(P) is not contained in any hyperplane. (1.1) The celebrated Chung-Fuchs recurrence criterion [1, Theorem 6] implies that1 |5n|->oo w.p.l irrespective of F. In [4] Erickson made the much stronger conjecture that there should even exist a uniform escape rate for S„, viz. that «""iSj -* oo w.p.l for all a < \ and all F satisfying (1.1). Erickson proved his conjecture in special cases and proved in all cases that «-a|5„| -» oo w.p.l for a < 1/2 — l/d. Our principal result is the following theorem which contains Erickson's conjecture and which makes precise the intuitive idea that a simple random walk S* (which corresponds to the distribution F* which puts mass (2d)~x at each of the points (0, 0,..., ± 1, 0,..., 0)) goes to infinity slower than any other random walk. Theorem. Let d > 3, S„ and S* as above, and let [B,)t>0 be a d-dimen- sional Brownian motion (EB, = 0, EB,(i)Bt(j) = t8¡f). Assume that the func- tion \[i: [ l,oo) -» (0,oo) satisfies rl/\(t)iO. (1.2) Then \¡/(n)~x\S*\-» oo w.p.l and\p(t)~x\B,\ -> oo w.p.l are both equivalent to Receivedby the editors June 25, 1976. AMS (MOS) subjectclassifications (1970). Primary 60J15, 60F20. Key wordsand phrases. Random walk, escape rate, concentration functions. 'For any vector c e R</ we denote its components by c(l),..., v(d), and |c| - {2?_it>2(/)}l/2."w.p.l" stands for "with probability one". O American Mathematical Society 1978 65 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 66 HARRY KESTEN f^(t)d-2rd/2< oo. (1-3) If (1.2) and (1.3) hold, then also ^(/z)-1!^! -» oo w.p.l whenever F satisfies (1.1). As we shall see this theorem is almost immediate from Proposition 1. If d > 3 and F satisfies (1.1) then there exist constants 0 < r,(P), T2(P) < oo such that for all k > 1 and all A > 0, P {|Sn| < A for some 2k < n < 2k+x) < TX(F){((A + l)2-k/2)"-2 + exp -T2(F)k}. (1.4) It is worthwhile contrasting the theorem with the observation (see [4, end of §5]2)that even if (1.1)—(1.3)hold, there may exist a deterministic sequence of vectors an such that hminf^(n)-x\Sn-an\=0 w.p.l. (1.5) Thus, the theorem is not merely a matter of estimating concentration func- tions for S„. Nevertheless the result is intimately connected with concentra- tion functions. Erickson's proof for \p(t) = t", a < 1/2 - \/d, uses a con- centration function inequality of Esseen [6], and our proof makes heavy use of the following inequalities for concentration functions in dimension two. These estimates too are closely related to those of Esseen [5, Theorem 3], but are more generally applicable. We note that Corollary 1 shows that in the identically distributed case the concentration function decreases like n~\ Proposition 2. Let Z„ Z2,... ,Z„ be independent random two-vectors with distribution functions Gx, G2,..., G„. Let p, p„ p2,..., p„ be strictly positive numbers such that p, < p, and let AX,A2,... ,A„ be sets in R2 X R2 such that A¡ C {« G R2: |w| > p,}2.Define the symmetrizationGf of G¡ by* G*(B)=fGi(B + u)dGi(u) (1.6) and pur q¡ = ¡ dGf(u), a2= inf / (0,u)2dG*(u), J\u\>o, 1*1-1•>!<& C=ï{o2 + £[ dG°(u)dG?(v)\. (1.7) ,-1 I ?, Ju,t>eA, J 2More details are given in the recent article by K. B. Erickson, Slowing down d-dimensional randomwalks, Ann. Probability5 (1977),645-651. 3For a distribution function F and Borel set A, F (A) denotes the mass assigned to A by the Borel measure induced by F. 4<«,o> denotes the usual inner product of two vectors of the same dimension. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see ¿-DIMENSIONALRANDOM WALK 67 Finally, denote the angle between two vectors u and v, determined in such a way that it lies in [0,tt], by <p(u,v). Then there exists a universal constant Kx < oo such that sup P 2z,+ <p z ER2 Kxp2 < exp (¿¿-i dGl(u)dG¡(v) \¡=\ Lq¡ Ju.vSA, •log 1 + (1.8) \ \v\ \sin <p(u,v)\ ) j' Corollary 1. Let Z„ ... ,Z„ be independent random two-vectors, all with the same distribution function G, and define Gs as in (1.6). If p > 0 and q = f dGs (u), a2 = inf f <0,«>2dGs (u), and if there exist sets BX,B2c [z E R2: \z\ > p) and a constant c > 0 such that \v\ ¡sin <p(u,v)\ > c whenever u E Bx,v E B2, (1.9) then sup P 2z,+ <p 2ER2 <— p2(l+pc-x)L2 + £ ( dGs(u) [ dGs(v)\ .(1.10) n [ q JBi jb2 ) Acknowledgement. We wish to thank Professor Erickson for making his results [4] available to us before publication and for some helpful conversa- tions. 2. Reduction to a two dimensional problem. In this section we shall reduce the proof of Proposition 1 to a two dimensional problem. This problem will then be settled together with Proposition 2, by means of estimates on two dimensional concentration functions in §3. Throughout Kx, K2,... will be strictly positive constants which depend on the dimension d only and whose numerical value is immaterial for our purposes. They will not necessarily have the same value at each appearance. r„ T2,... and kx,1> ^2>k will be con- stants which depend on F and d or some other parameters; where necessary these parameters will be indicated explicitly, except that we shall not indicate dependence on d. For any random variable Y we write Ys = Y — Y' where License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 68 HARRYKESTEN Y' is independent of Y and has the same distribution as Y. If Y has distribution function G, then Ys has the distribution function Gs given by G'(B)=fG(B+y)dG(y). The first reduction shows that we may assume that F has certain smooth- ness properties. It is of a purely technical nature and has little to do with the basic idea of the proof of Proposition 1. The reader should skip the proof of Lemma 1 at first reading. Lemma 1. It suffices to prove Proposition 1 in the case where F(dx) > adx on C0 (2.1) for some a > 0 and some closed cube C0 C Rd (which does not reduce to a point). Proof. Let F satisfy (1.1). We shall construct an P, which satisfies (2.1) (and a fortiori (1.1)) such that Proposition 1 holds for the original S„ as soon as it holds for a random walk, S„(FX)say, whose increments have distribution function P,. For this purpose we first find a large cube C, = [z E Rd:-L < z(i) < L,l< i < d) (2.2) such that F(CX) > 0 and such that the intersection of supp(P) with C, is not contained in any hyperplane. This is possible by (1.1). Define the distribution functions G and H by5 Po = ÏF(Ci), G (S) = (2p0)-xF(S n C,) and ,,, , H(S) = (i -/><,)-'{ÎW n c,) + F(s n C{)}. Then we can write F = p0G + (1 — p0)H, and if IX,I2,..., UX,U2,..., VX,V2,... are totally independent random variables with P{lj = 0) = l-P{lj=l}=Po, P{UjES} = G(S), P{VjES) = H(S), then the joint distribution of {X„)„>x is the same as of {U„(l — I„) + V„I„)„>X(compare [9, p. 1184]).We shall therefore assume that U,V and / are defined on our original probability space and that X„ = Un(\ — I„) + VnIn. Let o, < a2 < ... be the successive (random) indices for which /„ = 1. Then, with o0 = 0, the oi+x — o, are independent and all with the distribution P{oi+x - a,. = r) =Por"'(l -Pol r > 1. (2.3) 5For any set S c R^, Sc denotes its complement, i.e., Rrf\ S. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see ¿/-DIMENSIONALRANDOM WALK 69 Even more, if % is the o-field generated by { Uj, V},I}: 1 < j < n), then for each {%) stopping time Tand o*(T) = smallest o¡ which exceeds T, one has P{o*(T) = T+ r\5T) =Por-,0 "Po).
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