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1. IDENTIFICATION OF AGENCY AND CONTRACTING ACTIVITY: This is a Limited Source Justification. The requiring activity is the ( name of requiring activity ); the contracting activity is the (e.g., Fleet Logisitics Center Norfolk, ).

2. NATURE/DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT ACTION: This acquisition is conducted under the authority of the Multiple Award Schedule Program (Title 41 U.S.C. 152 (3) and Title 40 U.S.C. 501, Services for Executive Agencies). This is a limited source action to be awarded as a new Federal Supply Schedule order and/or modification of an existing order to the ( size of contractor(s) ) identified in paragraph 3 below. The placement of a (firm, fixed price order OR time and material type order) is anticipated.

3. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIRED SUPPLIES/SERVICES: The proposed acquisition is to ( reason to purchase). It is intended to acquire a ( short description of supplies/services to be acquired, period of performance, name of contractor, and estimated value ).

4. IDENTIFICATION OF THE JUSTIFICATION RATIONALE AND/OR DEMONSTRATION OF CONTRACTOR’S UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS: The statutory authority which permits restricting consideration of schedule contractors to fewer than that required in FAR 8.405-1 or 8.405-2 is 41 U.S.C. 251, as implemented by FAR 8.405-6.

The proposed requirement is to acquire ( Describe in detail reason for purchasing and why it is beneficial to the Navy ). [E.g., but not all inclusive reasons: (i)Only one source is capable of responding due to the unique or specialized nature of the work; OR (ii) The new work is a logical follow-on to an existing order provided that the original order was placed in accordance with FAR 8.405-1 or 8.405-2 (excluding orders placed previously under sole source requirements); OR (iii) The item is peculiar to one manufacturer. (A brand name item, available on various schedule contracts, is an item peculiar to one manufacturer); OR (iv) An urgent and compelling need exists and following the ordering procedures would result in unacceptable delays.]

Note: When restricting consideration to an item peculiar to one manufacturer (e.g., a particular brand name, product, or a feature of a product, peculiar to one manufacturer), an ordering activity must justify its action. Brand name specifications shall not be used unless the particular brand name, product, or feature is essential to the Government’s requirements, and market research indicates other companies’ similar products, or products lacking the particular feature, do not meet, or cannot be modified to meet, the agency’s need.

SOURCE SELECTION INFORMATION – SEE FAR 2.101 and 3.104 5. DETERMINATION OF THE BEST VALUE: GSA has determined the prices of (supplies, OR fixed-price services, OR rates for services offered at hourly rates), of the schedule contracts to be fair and reasonable for the purpose of establishing the schedule contract. Therefore, ordering activities are responsible to make a separate determination of fair and reasonable pricing for individual orders, BPAs, and orders under BPAs. Per FAR 8.404 (d) DEVIATION, the (e.g., Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, ) Contracting Officer will determine, using the procedures in FAR 15.404-1, that the prices are fair and reasonable and will document such determination with a level of detail commensurate with the complexity and circumstances of each order.

6. DESCRIPTION OF MARKET RESEARCH: The requiring activity and contracting activity have conducted market research among schedule holders. The requiring activity certifies that the requirement can be met by a commercial item and provides supporting documentation which is attached.

7. ANY OTHER SUPPORTING FACTS: This procurement uses a GSA Schedule and will be solicited and awarded in accordance with FAR Subpart 8.4.

8. ACTIONS TAKEN TO REMOVE BARRIERS TO COMPETITION: All future requirements will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

9. CONTRACTING POINT OF CONTACT: The point of contact at (e.g., Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, ) is (name), Code ( ), at DSN ___-____, commercial (___) ___-____ or by e-mail at [email protected].



I certify that the facts and representations under my cognizance which are included in this Justification and its supporting acquisition planning documents, except as noted herein, are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Technical Cognizance:

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

Requirements Cognizance:

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

(If a single individual has cognizance over both technical and requirements information included in the J&A/LSJ, use of only one signature line is encouraged ["Technical Cognizance:" and Requirements Cognizance:" may also be deleted]).


I have determined this Justification is legally sufficient.

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date


I certify that this Justification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. To the extent that the J&A/LSJ value is between $150K and $700K, the Contracting Officer’s signature below also represents approval of the J&A/LSJ.

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

CONTRACTING ACTIVITY COMPETITION ADVOCATE REVIEW To the extent that the J&A/LSJ value is between $700K and $13.5M, the Competition Advocate’s signature below also represents approval of the J&A/LSJ.

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

See next page for Approval blocks for requirements in excess of $13.5M.

SOURCE SELECTION INFORMATION – SEE FAR 2.101 and 3.104 Only if the J&A has a value of over $13.5M but less than $93M, include the following signature block:


Upon the basis of the above justification, I hereby approve, as Head of the Procuring Activity, the solicitation of the proposed procurement(s) described herein using other than full and open competition, pursuant to the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(__).

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

Only if the LSJ has a value of over $13.5M but less than $93M, include the following signature block


Upon the basis of the above justification, I hereby approve, as Head of the Procuring Activity, the solicitation of the proposed procurement(s) described herein pursuant to the authority cited herein.

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

Only if the J&A has a value in excess of $93M, include the following signature block:


Upon the basis of the above justification, I hereby approve, as Senior Procurement Executive of the Navy, the solicitation of the proposed procurement(s) described herein using other than full and open competition, pursuant to the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(__).

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

Only if the LSJ has a value of in excess of $93M, include the following signature block


Upon the basis of the above justification, I hereby approve, as Head of the Procuring Activity, the solicitation of the proposed procurement(s) described herein pursuant to the authority cited herein.

______Signature Name (Printed) Phone No. Date

NOTES: All italicized blue verbiage should be deleted from the signature page. Remove all of the “APPROVAL” signature blocks for J&As/LSJs valued at less than $13.5M. Include the only appropriate “APPROVAL” signature block for J&As/LSJs valued in excess of $13.5M. Lastly, get all of the signatures on one page.


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