Analysis of TAKS

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Analysis of TAKS

TAKS Deconstruction Spring 2006 TAKS Release Social Studies Grade 8

Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 1 3 Use the excerpt and your Excerpt Contributions of The question contains a text box A 8.24 (E) knowledge of social studies to Uncle Tom’s Cabin women – Harriet with a quote referring to a 89% answer the following question. Harriet Beecher Beecher Stowe document (novel). The student [Insert text box.] To which Stowe must identify the title of the book. document is ___ referring in the excerpt above? 2 4 Among the rights guaranteed by First Amendment - Rights guaranteed Direct question F 8.20 (B) the ___Amendment is the right Free exercise of in Bill of Rights Students must identify a right 58% to --- religion guaranteed by the First Amendment. 3 3 Use the excerpt and your Excerpt Reform movements The question contains a text box B 8.25 (B) knowledge of social studies to Reaped – women’s rights with a quote from a speech. The 94% answer the following question. Husked student must draw a conclusion [Insert text box.] According to Sojourner Truth about the speaker’s beliefs and the excerpt above, with which of Reformed match the conclusion to the correct the following statements would Agricultural answer choice. the speaker most likely agree? Traditional 4 5 Use the time line and your Time line Interpret time lines A vertical time line with dates from J 8.30 (C) knowledge of social studies to . Louisiana – Events leading to 1800 to 1850 and 7 events is given. 78% answer the following question. Purchase the territorial growth The student must identify the [Insert time line.] Which of these . Zebulon Pike’s of the U.S. commonality of the events by is the best title for the time line expedition choosing the best title for the time above? . Santa Fe Trail line. . Texas revolts against Mexico . Fremont maps trails . California Gold Rush Territorial Growth 5 2 The 13 original colonies were Atlantic Ocean Places and regions For this direct question, the four A 8.11 (A) primarily located along the --- Gulf of Mexico of importance – 13 answer choices are bodies of water. 71% Mississippi River original colonies Great Lakes Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 6 2 Use the graph and your Graph Geographic pattern Bar graph with 5 sets of bars G 8.10 (B) knowledge of social studies to Immigration on graph grouped by years. Key identifies 67% answer the following question. Famine names of countries. Students must [Insert graph.] Which of the Plagued identify the bar that shows the following best explains ___ greatest change and match to key shown on this graph? and then to answer choices. 7 2 Use the map and your Louisiana Purchase Effect of physical US map with legend that identifies A 8.11 (C) knowledge of social studies to Designated geographic factors size of US and size of Louisiana 89% answer the following question. Conclusion on event – Purchase. Three of the answer [Insert map.] Which conclusion [Sierra Nevada] Louisiana Purchase choices are not supported by can best be made by examining [Rio Grande] anything on the map. the map above? [Rocky Mountains] [Appalachian Mountains] 8 5 Use the graph and your Casualties Interpret Bar graph with 3 sets of bars H 8.30 (C) knowledge of social studies to Interpretation information from grouped by type of casualty. Two 82% answer the following question. [Union] visuals – graph answers are false. One answer is [Insert graph.] Which of these is [Confederate] not supported by the graph. a correct interpretation of the information shown above? 9 4 Use the excerpt and your Excerpt Colonial grievances Text box with excerpt from D 8.16 (C) knowledge of social studies to Grievance in Declaration of Declaration of Independence. 74% answer the following question. Justice Independence and Students must interpret language [Insert text box.] Which of the Judiciary how addressed in from a primary document and then following was included in the Obstructed US Constitution identify a provision in the US Constitution in order to deal Establishment Constitution that addresses that with the grievance expressed Supreme Court grievance. above? 10 1 Belief in the idea of ___ was Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Direct question F 8.6 (C) one reason that --- Transcendentalists and westward Students must link Manifest Destiny 76% Utopian growth to one cause of the war with Seneca Falls Mexico. 11 3 Use the diagram and your Cause/effect Effects of Graphic organizer with arrow box A 8.28 (A) knowledge of social studies to Agricultural technological containing 4 causes. Students 69% answer the following question. production innovations must identify the effect. [Insert diagram.] Which of the Enactment following best completes the Protective tariffs diagram above? Immigration McCormick reaper Steel plow Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 12 4 The ___ [insert crisis/conflict] Nullification Crisis Historical conflicts Direct question G 8.18 (B) concerned ___ [insert Dissatisfaction over issues of Students must link the Nullification 72% concerned body] with --- Federal policy states’ rights – Crisis to tariffs. Tariffs Nullification Crisis Immigration 13 3 Use the information in the box Textile mills Technological Text box with title and 4 bulleted A 8.28 (D) and your knowledge of social Francis Cabot innovations leading contributing factors. Students must 91% studies to answer the following Lowell to industrialization link factors to increase in question. [Insert best box.] The Effective industrialization. factors listed above most Industrialization directly contributed to --- Subsistence farming Homesteading 14 2 [Insert fact using years and Jamestown Human geographic Direct question preceded by fact G 8.11 (C) statistics.] One reason for this Colonists factors – the 66% was --- Survival rate starving time 15 1 Use the diagram and your Provisions Northwest Graphic organizer with title and 4 B 8.6 (A) knowledge of social studies to Northwest Ordinance and vertically numbered text boxes 66% answer the following question. Ordinance procedures for connected by arrows. The 4th box [Insert diagram.] Which step Territory expansion contains a question mark. Students best completes the process Legislature must identify the 4th step in the above? Delegate process of territory being admitted Tariff as state. 16 4 One reason that the ___ was Mayflower Compact Importance of Direct question F 8.3 (B) written was to --- Chart Mayflower Compact 79% Joint-stock Company Principles 17 4 Use the excerpt and your Ancestry Landmark US Text box with excerpt from Dred D 8.19 (B) knowledge of social studies to Privileges Supreme Court Scott v. Sandford U.S. Supremem 77% answer the following question. cases – Dred Scott Court case. Note: Only Dred Scott This excerpt is taken from the v. Sandford v. Sandford and Marbury v. landmark U.S. Supreme Court Madison are eligible for testing. case --- Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 18 3 Which of these was a factor that Plantation Economic Direct question F 8.13 (A) led to ___? agriculture differences among Students must understand the 72% Climate different US regions relationship between the South’s Tariffs – plantation climate and profitable agriculture. Cash crops agriculture in the South 19 1 Use the information in the box Saratoga Issues surrounding Titled text box with time line A 8.4 (C) and your knowledge of social Charleston American containing 5 dates and 83% studies to answer the following Treaty of Paris Revolution corresponding events. The 4th date question. [Insert text box.] Flee has question marks. Students must Which of the following events Yorktown know that the surrender at completes the time line? Stamp Act Yorktown took place before the Congress Treaty of Paris was signed. Ticonderoga 20 4 Why did --- [insert person] Elizabeth Cady Contributions of Direct question G 8.23 (B) oppose/support ___ [insert an Stanton social leaders – Students must identify Stanton with 83% issue/event/law]? 15th Amendment Elizabeth Cady women’s rights issues. Stanton 21 4 Use the excerpt and your Summarizes Importance of free Text b ox with quote (Franklin). The D 8.22 (B) knowledge of social studies to Make treaties speech student must identify a summary of 79% answer the following question. Impeach the quote. [Insert text box.] Which statement best summarizes the ideas expressed above? 22 4 Which ___ [insert date] Plymouth Importance of Direct question G 8.3 (B) document was signed by ___ 1620 Mayflower Compact Purpose and date of law are given. 78% {insert group] to [insert Articles of Students must identify the name of purpose]? Confederation the law. Mayflower Compact Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Albany Plan Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 23 5 Use the diagram and your Representative Finding main idea Three horizontal text boxes D 8.30 (B) knowledge of social studies to government connected by arrows. Students 83% answer the following question. Mercantilism must identify the best title for the [Insert diagram.] What would be diagram. the best title for the diagram above? 24 1 Use the information in the box Louisiana Roots of Manifest Text box with 4 bulleted G 8.6 (B) and your knowledge of social Territory Destiny descriptions. Students must reach 72% studies to answer the following Nationalism a conclusion based on the list. question. [Insert text box.] Which Temperance of the following does this list best movement describe? Manifest Destiny Plantation system Monroe Doctrine 25 3 [Insert fact.] ___ was/were Significantly Technological Direct question C 8.28 (A) improved significantly by ___’s Samuel Morse innovation – Students must match the inventor 55% [insert inventor] invention of the -- Communication telegraph with his/her invention. Telegraph Phonograph 26 1 Use the diagram and your Delegates Issues of Graphic organizer with issue in F 8.4 (D) knowledge of social studies to Constitutional Philadelphia middle box and 2 opposing 84% answer the following question. Convention Convention of 1787 viewpoints connected by arrows on [Insert diagram.] How did ___ Three-Fifths each side. Students must identify [insert group] settle the issue Compromise the plan that settled the described above? New Jersey Plan controversy. Virginia Plan Mason-Dixon Line 27 1 ___’s policy toward ___ primarily Fair market value Federal Indian Direct question B 8.5 (G) consisted of --- Relocating policies Students must identify Jackson’s 66% policy regarding removing and relocating Native Americans. 28 1 The ___ [insert battle] was Battle of Issues of Civil War Direct question J 8.8 (B) important in ___ [insert war] Vicksburg – Battle of Students must understand the 63% because --- Civil War Vicksburg Battle of Vicksburg and Union Confederate control of the Mississippi River. Union Blockade Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 29 1 Use the diagram and your Compromise Issues of Graphic organizer – simple web A 8.4 (D) knowledge of social studies to Guarantee Philadelphia with 2 spokes 65% answer the following question. Ratification Convention of 1787 Students must understand the [Insert diagram.] The diagram Representation reason for a bicameral legislature. above shows --- National Government 30 4 --- {insert person] Patrick Henry Arguments of Anti- Direct question J 8.18 (A) opposed/supported ___ because Anti-Federalist Federalists 71% --- Ratification Abuses Monarchy Foreign powers Sufficiently 31 4 Use the diagram and your Ratified Process of Graphic organizer with 2 text boxes A 8.17 (A) knowledge of social studies to Legislatures changing U.S. joined by plus sign and followed by 55% answer the following question. Jurisdiction Constitution equal sign. The process is given. [Insert diagram.] Which of the Interstate Students must identify the name of following best completes the commerce the process. diagram? Regulation 32 1 The most important result of the Battle of Saratoga Issues of the Direct question J 8.4 (C) Battle of ___ was that --- Treason American Students must identify the result of 70% Alliance Revolution – the Battle of Saratoga. Saratoga 33 1 Use the information in the box Civil War leader Roles of significant Text box with 5 bulleted A 8.8 (A) and your knowledge of social Mexican War individuals during descriptions of a leader. Students 67% studies to answer the following Leader of the Civil War – must identify which leader is question. [Insert text box.] Which Confederate Robert E. Lee described. --- [insert war] leader is described troops in the box above? Appomattox Court House Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant 34 5 Use the excerpt and your Expressed Identify points of Excerpt from Washington’s J 8.30 (D) knowledge of social studies to Excerpt view from the Farewell Address 71% answer the following question. Alliances historical context Students must identify the [Insert text box.] Which of the Foreign surrounding an speaker’s point of view. following best reflects the point of event view expressed by ___ in the excerpt above? Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 35 1 Use the cartoon and your Tariff of 1821 Impact of tariff Political cartoon with 2 labels B 8.7 (A) knowledge of social studies to Tattered policies on sections Students must associate label with 72% answer the following question. Regional of U.S. section of U.S. [Insert cartoon.] In the cartoon Bankers above, what is represented by Planters ___? Merchants Miners Agriculture Manufacturing 36 4 Use the information in the box Guaranteed Rights guaranteed Text box with 4 speakers each H 8.20 (B) and your knowledge of social 1st Amendment by Bill of Rights voicing a right 40% studies to answer the following Students must identify a right question. [Insert text box.] Which guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. speaker is voicing a right guaranteed by the ___ Amendment? 37 2 Use the map and your knowledge Great Lakes Geographic Map with key showing exploration D 8.10 (B) of social studies to answer the Canada patterns on maps routes by 2 countries. Students 76% following question. [Insert map.] Southwest must know unlabeled geographic Which statement is best Interior regions areas in order to answer question. supported by this map? 38 5 Use the excerpt and your National debt Identify bias in Text box with a quotation H 8.30 (F) knowledge of social studies to Excessive written material. Students must infer the speaker’s 65% answer the following question. Assume bias based on his words. [Insert text box.] How does the Bias excerpt above show ___’s [insert Taxation without person] bias in favor/opposition of Representation ___ [insert issue]? 39 4 The ___ Amendments to the U.S. 13th, 14th, 15th Impact of 19th Direct question D 8.17 (B) Constitution --- Amendments century Students must identify the effects of 86% Equality Amendments – three Amendments. Congressional 13th, 14th, 15th districts Civil Rights 40 3 Use the diagram and your Production Reasons for the Graphic organizer with four vertical G 8.13 (B) knowledge of social studies to Triangular Trade development of the text boxes joined with downward 82% answer the following question. Plantation System plantation system arrows. A line above the boxes has [Insert diagram.] Which of these Protective Tariffs question marks. Students must is the best title for the diagram Steel Mills identify the best title fore the above? diagram. Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 41 1 Use the excerpt and your Inaugural Address Abraham Lincoln’s Excerpt from political speech C 8.8 (C) knowledge of social studies to Charity ideas about union Students must identify the 82% answer the following question. Seceding and government as speaker’s beliefs based on his [Insert text box.] The speech contained in his words. above shows that ___ [insert second inaugural person] believed that --- address 42 2 Use the map and your Profitable Compare regions of Titled, unlabeled map of colonies; J 8.11 (B) knowledge of social studies to Economic the U.S. key with symbols of economic 85% answer the following question. Indigo products [Insert map.] Which of these Naval Stores Students must use symbols and statements is best supported by New England geographic locations to answer the the map? colonies question. Southern colonies Middle colonies 43 3 Use the information in the box Quakers Contributions of Titled text box with 5 bulleted B 8.24 (D) and your knowledge of social Pacifism religious groups – concepts 86% studies to answer the following Religious Tolerance Quakers Students must reach a conclusion question. [Insert text box.] Abolitionism about a religious group based on Based on the information in the Temperance the given concepts. list above, which statement can Reform Movements be made about the ___ [insert group]? 44 1 Use the information in the box “Common Sense” Roles played by Text box with 5 bulleted descriptors G 8.4 (B) and your knowledge of social Revolutionary significant Students must identify the person 95% studies to answer the following Philosopher individuals during who is being described. question. [Insert text box.] Pamphlet the American Which prominent ___ [insert Prominent Revolution – era] figure is described above? Thomas Paine 45 3 Use the excerpt and your Equalizer Impact of reform Text box with excerpt from report C 8.25 (B) knowledge of social studies to Sanitation movements – Students must identify the issue the 76% answer the following question. Suffrage public education speaker supports by the speaker’s [Insert text box.] In the excerpt words. above, ___ [insert person] shows his support for/opposition against --- Question/ TAKS/ Vocabulary/ Answer/ Question Stem Skill/Concept Context TEKS Key Terms % Correct 46 5 Use the excerpt and your Portrayal Use primary Text box with a 1st person G 8.30 (A) knowledge of social studies to Primary source sources – an description of life 85% answer the following question. Mill account by a Students must identify why the [Insert text box.] This portrayal participant/observer excerpt is considered a primary of ___ is considered a primary source. source because it is from --- 47 5 Use the time line and your Economic Finding main idea Titled time line with 5 dates and D 8.30 (B) knowledge of social studies to development corresponding events 80% answer the following question. Tariff of Students must determine the [Insert time line.] The Abominations commonality of the events (main information above shows that American System idea) during the years ___ - ___, the Panic of 1819 United States faced many issues related to --- 48 5 Use the illustration and your Artifact Use primary Illustration of badge with symbols G 8.30 (A) knowledge of social studies to Plantation owner sources to acquire and text 85% answer the following question. Former slave information – Students must identify who would [Insert illustration.] The ___ Colonial governor artifact wear the badge. above is an example of a ___ Recent immigrant most likely worn by a ---

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