Project Plan Template s2

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Project Plan Template s2

University of West Georgia Higher Ed Project Plan

University of West Georgia Project Plan

Project Name: University of West Georgia Implementation

Prepared By: Stephen Halbrook & Vanessa Ramirez

Date: September 27, 2011

A Pre-Implementation


To identify immediate priorities for system use, key stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities

To establish a solid foundation for future activity in the system by importing quality dataset

No. Requirement Lead Due Date Comments/ Clarification 1. Deploy UWG’s Server Tk20 complete  Deploy server and distribute URL

2. Navigation and Document Tk20/UWG complete  Tk20 will conduct a brief introduction to Tk20, Room training including logging in, system navigation and using the Document Room 3. Online Implementation Tk20 complete  Establish roles and processes Meeting  Define assessment/accreditation needs 4. Provide test SIS files UWG complete  UWG prepares test extracts and uploads files to Tk20 Document Room 5. Analyze test SIS files Tk20 complete  Tk20 engineers analyze test files 6. Provide production SIS UWG  UWG prepares extracts files  UWG uploads files to Tk20 Document Room 7. Import SIS data Tk20  Tk20 uploads data to UWG server 8. Review SIS data reports Tk20  Tk20 will identify Tk20 reports related to SIS data  UWG will verify data load and use reports to monitor progress in the system

B Communication and Infrastructure


To communicate the transition to Tk20 to faculty, staff, and students

To communicate broadly and clearly about the implementation to the UWG community and to begin constructing the infrastructure and support that will strengthen the implementation

To identify resources that will aid in realizing a smooth and efficient implementation (preparing IT staff to help with common user questions, Tk20-generated manuals, tutorials, “Quick Guides”, etc.)

No. Requirement Lead Due Date Comments/ Clarification

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1. Identify support UWG complete  Tk20 will provide example of support matrix infrastructure  UWG will identify all roles and tasks involved in supporting Tk20 users 2. Provide UWG with Tk20 Tk20 complete  Send Sample Letter to Faculty and Sample communication templates Letter to Students and documentation . Provide UWG with example Tk20 complete  Tk20 will send UWG example introductions and introductions to Tk20 from links to websites other university sites . Review UWG’s letters Tk20 Complete  Tk20 will review letters and provide feedback . Send letters to UWG UWG Complete  Letters to students and faculty will be sent by community (date) . Post Tk20 introduction on UWG Complete  Post introduction to Tk20 and FAQs UWG website  Post instructions on how users can receive support

C Assessments


To begin systematically collecting and analyzing data derived from 6-8 key assessments per program; data will be used for program improvement and accreditation

No. Requirement Lead Due Date Comments/ Clarification 1. Provide sample Tk20 complete  Tk20 will send UWG a sample assessment assessment matrix matrix 2. Upload assessment matrix UWG Oct 4  UWG will create an assessment matrix (or to UWG’s Document Room separate matrices for each program) derived from the sample and upload them to the Document Room 3. Standard alignment UWG  Provide any standard alignment in the assessment matrix/matrices (Optionally, this can be done retroactively at a future date.)

D Course-Based Assessments


To identify key or signature assessments occurring in courses and systematically collect and analyze data derived from these assessments

No. Requirement Lead Due Date Comments/ Clarification 1. Upload assessment tools UWG Oct 11  Tk20 will provide instructions for loading and assignment documents descriptions to the  UWG will upload items to the Document Room Document Room 2. Analyze and Configure Tk20 Oct 25  Tk20 will analyze documents and provide assessment tools, recommendations on the best format for assignments and standard configuration alignment 3. Review of configuration UWG Nov.1  Tk20 will showcase the configuration  UWG will verify configuration

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4. Send assignments from a UWG Nov 8  Tk20 will employ the “Train the Trainer” model to central location show UWG how to send assignments out in Tk20 5. “Train the Trainer” Tk20 TBD  Tk20 will train identified trainers on how to train students and faculty 6. Reports training Tk20 Ongoing  Tk20 will showcase reports used to track field experience assessments

E Field Experience


To systematically collect data on student placements and assessments related to field experience

To collect application data related to field experience

No Requirement Lead Due Date Comments/ Clarification 1. Provide Calendar of Events UWG ASAP  UWG will upload these items to Document Room and/or Timeline for Field  Calendar of events/timeline identifies key events Experiences and deadlines related to field experience, such as orientations, date applications are available to students, date applications close, date placements are made, date cooperating sites are notified, date assessments begin, etc…

I. Application Data 1. Provide all application forms UWG ASAP  Student application forms/placement request identified in the assessment forms matrix  Forms used by application reviewers 2. Analyze and configure Tk20 TBD  Tk20 team analyzes the application and application forms and requirements application review forms 3. Review and verify Tk20 TBD  Tk20 showcases the configuration and demos application configuration the application process 4. “Train the Trainer” Tk20 TBD  Tk20 will train identified trainers on how to train students and assessors 5. Reports Training Tk20 Ongoing  Tk20 will showcase reports used to track application data

II. Foundational Data . For school placements: UWG October 31  Organize data into pipe-delimited columns or into Provide Cooperating an Excel spreadsheet for importing Districts (CD), Cooperating  UWG uploads data file(s) to the Document Room Sites (CS), and Cooperating Teachers (CT) 2. Analyze and Load Field Tk20 TBD  Tk20 engineers will analyze data files Experience Data Files  Load data files in the system 3. Reports Training Tk20 Ongoing  Tk20 team showcases reports and data generated from the field experience foundational and additional data

III. Assessment Materials . Provide assessment UWG November  UWG will upload the field experience materials 11 assessments to the Document Room

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. Configure Field Experience Tk20 November  Tk20 will configure Field Experience Binders Binders 30 . Review configuration UWG Dec 18  Tk20 will showcase configuration  UWG will verify configuration . “Train the Trainer” Tk20  Tk20 will train identified trainers on how to train students and assessors . Reports training Tk20 Ongoing  Tk20 will showcase reports used to track field experience assessments

F Transition Point Management – Spring 2012


To systematically track students’ progress through program-required gateways

To collect pertinent data at various program-required gateways

No Requirement Lead Due Date Comments/ Clarification 1. Provide transition points and UWG  UWG will upload transition points for each required steps for each program to the Document Room program 2. Analyze transition points Tk20  Tk20 will analyze UWG’s transition points to enUWGre understanding before configuration 3. Configure transition points Tk20  Tk20 will configure transition points for each program 4. Program Alignment Tk20/UWG  Tk20 will work with UWG to enUWGre that students are appropriately aligned to programs and associated transition points in Tk20 5. “Train the Trainer” Tk20  Tk20 will train UWG on managing transition points in Tk20  Tk20 will train UWG on defining criteria for transition point automation 6. Configuration of automation UWG  UWG will define automation criteria for transition criteria points 7. Reports Training Tk20  Tk20 will showcase reports relevant to transition point management

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