About the Book

The book opens with an introduction of the basic data research in the past, surveying and mapping, our regarding Slovenia, its position within Europe, and division research institutes and enterprises, in our school sys- into the distinctive units that encompass all the country’s tem, and the most important recent projects, have been natural features. It continues with the factors impacting soil added. The last chapter provides a historical review of formation. That chapter reveals the general and soil-specific activities related to the collection, digitalization, and for- factors: the parent material, , climate, waters, mation of soil information. The information on the avail- vegetation, time, and the land use. The fourth chapter on the ability of the soil information on Slovenia should prove to be classification of Slovenian soils briefly describes the diag- a valuable conclusion to the book. nostic horizons, qualifiers, soil types, and relationship of soil This book on Slovenian soils is a review of what kind, types to the WRB reference soil groups. The fifth chapter where, and how much soil is available in Slovenia; what the introduces the most important soil types of Slovenia. It major threats to soils are, what the main research activities contains soil characterizations, soil profile descriptions, and are, as as what the status of the available soil infor- representative soil profile data sets. Thereafter, some specific mation is. or soil types unexpected in Slovenia are presented in the next The purpose of the book is to provide an overview of the chapter. The seventh chapter spatially represents the extent state of Slovenian soils and a comparison in the international of Slovenia’s reference soil groups according to the WRB. context. Additionally, it should serve as an important sum- Illustrated with maps and graphs, it provides an insight into mary that can be used to direct the soil survey, soil research, the geographical distribution of the WRB soil reference data collection, and data processing towards designing sus- groups in Slovenia. Special consideration is devoted to the tainable soil management and better soil protection in human actions that threaten soils. Ranked according to Slovenia in the future. importance, a somewhat unfortunate position is assigned to It should be borne in mind that is an important strategic soil sealing, contamination, the decline in organic matter, and ethical question how much and what kind of soil will be , erosion, and compaction. Chapters on soil left to future generations.

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017 199 B. Vrščaj et al., The Soils of Slovenia, World Soils Book Series, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8585-3 The Future

Good, fertile soils are scarce in Slovenia. In this mountain- ous and hilly country with shallow and sandy soils in the lowlands, we should be particularly sensitive to the need for adequate protection and sustainable soil management. Public and institutional awareness of how important a natural resource soil is and especially why it needs better protection and more sustainable management is growing rapidly in Slovenia. The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) actively celebrated the International Year of Soils in 2015. It has financed several soil awareness-raising events in 2015 and 2016 and has scheduled a permanent programme of Fig. A.1 The “Soil in the Environment” logo (MESP 2015) activities related to soil protection. The MESP has introduced a national “Soil in the Environment” logotype (Fig. A.1) and requested that soil experts summarize the environmental growing in recent years. Soil is gradually gaining attention aspects of soils in a series of soil posters (Fig. A.2). and recognition—which within ten years, according to some The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (MAFF) of the authors, will be equal to the attention devoted to air has recently been devoting more attention to sustainable and water quality. A good example is the recent case of agricultural production. It has launched several research planning a new motorway through the fertile Savinja Valley. projects related to soil quality monitoring and carbon Not only the local people but also national-level environ- sequestration/carbon balance in agriculture and forestry. The mentalists, NGOs, agriculturalists, and lay people have 2014–2020 Rural Development Programme now includes expressed strong opposition to the sealing of good agricul- several measures that directly or indirectly integrate soil tural soil. The topic was presented in prime headlines in the protection and sustainable agricultural production. national media. The sensitivity of the general Slovene public and the The numerically modest community in interest of the media in soils have slowly but steadily been Slovenia is witnessing these important changes. Soil experts

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017 201 B. Vrščaj et al., The Soils of Slovenia, World Soils Book Series, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8585-3 202 The Future

Fig. A.2 The “Earth without soil?”, “Is soil a living space?”, and “How do we treat soils?” are three posters from the MESP 2015 soil poster series (MESP 2015) are encouraged by the promising development of soil The increasing attention of governmental institutions, the awareness on the part of the state: from the “Soil? Not a public, and media sends an important message: soil, a topic!” of previous decades to a situation where many common good, is back on the agenda. activities and ongoing soil projects have been carried out recently. References

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A Comparison, 67, 73 Abandoned lands, 194 Computer, 158 Actual water soil erosion, 195 Coniferous forests, 190 Adriatic Sea, 9, 16, 17 Conservation, 191, 197 African tectonic plate, 10 Consolidated material, 189 Agricultural areas, 176, 184, 190, 194–196 Construction, 172, 176, 189, 196, 197 Agricultural land, 172, 173, 175, 183–185, 190, 191, 193–195 Continental, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17 Agricultural production, 182, 183, 194 Cover and management factor, 193 Alpine, 11–14 Croatia, 9, 10, 17 Alpine eco-region, 39 Crossroads, 9, 10 Alps, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17 Amphigley, 112, 125 Aquic, 13 D Austria, 9, 10 Debris flow, 191 Automorphic soils, 65 Deciduous, 17 Degradation, 13, 17 Density, 9, 10 B Deposits, 13, 14 Badlands, 195 Deposols, 71 Balkan Peninsula, 9, 14 Digital, 157 Barren field, 192, 196 Digitalization, 162 Basins, 10, 13, 14, 16, 189 Digital soil information, 165, 167 Biodiversity, 10, 11 Digital soil map, 5, 135, 163 , 5 Dinaric eco-region, 48 Black alder, 16 Dinaric mountains, 9, 10 Bora wind, 17, 195, 196 Diversity, 9, 10 Bovec, 189 Dolines, 14 Brown Podzolized soil, 71, 129 Dolomite, 11–14, 129 Brown Rendzina, 83 Downy oak, 17 Drought, 165 Dystric, 14, 16, 193 C Dystric Brown soil, 69, 88 Calmness, 195 Cambisols, 14, 16, 17, 136, 173, 175, 177, 178, 185, 193, 198 Carbonate, 12, 13, 16 E Carbon stocks, 186 , 189 Caves, 14 Ecosystem, 5 Central Europe, 10 Elevation, 9 Chromic, 14, 15, 17 English oak, 16 Classification, 135 Enterprises, 6 Clastic rocks, 189, 193 Epigley, 112 , 13 Eroded material, 191 Clear-cutting, 189, 195 Erodibility, 193 Climate, 12–14, 16, 28 Erosion, 13, 17, 172, 175, 191–196 Clipper 87, 161 Erosion risk, 192 Coastal plains, 10 Erosion sensitivity, 192 Collapsed dolines, 14 Erosive potential, 193 Colluvial–deluvial soils, 68 Europe, 9–11, 14

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017 213 B. Vrščaj et al., The Soils of Slovenia, World Soils Book Series, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8585-3 214 Index

European beech, 13, 14, 16 J European regions, 9 Jerina, 70 Eutric, 12–14, 17, 193 Julian Alps, 189 Eutric brown soils, 69, 94 Evergreen, 17 K Kalkocambisol, 70, 99 F Kamniško-Savinjske Alps, 190 Finland, 11 Karavanke Mountains, 190 Flooding, 13, 16 Karst, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 189, 190, 192, 194 Floodplains, 16, 17 Karstic-Dinaric, 12, 14 Fluviodenudational, 190 Karstic poljes, 14 Fluvisols, 14, 16, 17, 72, 141 Koper, 173, 175, 178, 192, 195 Flysch, 17, 175, 189, 193 Koseč, 189 Forest, 12, 16, 185–189, 192–195, 197, 198 Kremenica, 119 Forest line, 12 Krn, 189 Forest soils, 45 Fragmented ownership, 190 L Land cover, 55 G Landscape, 12, 13 GDP, 10 Landslides, 5, 189–191 Geography, 4, 5 Landslips, 189, 190 Geological structure, 189 Land use, 55, 172, 173, 177, 183–185, 188, 190, 193, 194 Geomorphic processes, 190 Leptosols, 12–14, 17, 138, 193 GIS, 161, 168 Limestone, 11–15, 17, 129 Glacially reshaped, 12 Lithology, 12, 16 Glaciofluvial deposits, 12 Lithosol, 67, 77 Gleys, 72 Lithosphere, 189 Gleys developed on , 73 Living species, 10, 11 Gleysols, 14, 16, 17, 142, 185, 193 Ljubljana basin, 190 Grassland, 186, 190, 193, 194 Log pod Mangartom, 191 , 12, 13 Lowlands, 10, 16 Groundwater, 16 Luvisol, 14, 70, 129, 193 Gulf of Trieste, 12, 17

M H Macedonia, 14 Haloze hills, 190 Macesnik, 189 Haplic, 14 Macro regions, 11, 12 Highlands, 10 Magmatic, 13 Hills, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17 Main Slovenian soil types, 64 History, 2 Manna ash, 17 Histosols, 150 Mapping, 2, 135 Hop hornbeam, 17 Maps, 162 Humid, 11, 13 Marl, 16 Hungary, 9, 10 Meadow, 192 Hydrology, 14, 17 Mediterranean, 9–12, 16, 17 Hydromorphic soils, 65 Metamorphic, 13 Hydromorphic types, 14 Mining, 177, 180, 189 Hygrophyle, 16 Mixed type forest, 192 Hyperskeletic, 12 , 129 Hypogley, 109 Mosaically, 14 Motorway, 166 Mountainous, 12 I Mountains, 10, 12–14 Impermeable, 16 Mount Boč, 190 Inclination, 9, 189, 192, 193 Mt. Triglav, 9 Industrial revolution, 194 Mudstone, 16, 189 Institutes, 6 Irrigated fields, 190 Irrigation, 165 N Istria, 192, 196 Natural environment, 10, 17 , 9, 10, 17 Natural regions, 12 Index 215

Natural vegetation, 13, 16, 190, 193 Schists, 189 Non-carbonate, 13 School geography, 4 Nudilithic, 12 Sedimentary, 10, 13 Shale, 13, 189 Siliceous, 13 O , 13 Olive grove, 192, 196 Silver fir, 14 Orchards, 194 Slano blato, 189 Organic matter, 172, 182, 183, 187, 188, 193 Slates, 189 Slope, 189, 190, 192, 193 Slovenia, 9–12, 14, 16, 17, 172, 173, 175–178, 180, 182–195, 197, 198 P Soča River, 17 Pannonian Basin, 9, 10, 16 Software, 160, 161 Parent material, 13, 14, 16 Soil classification, 2–5, 61 Pastures, 183, 190 Soil contamination, 175 Pedosphere, 189 Soil degradation, 5, 172, 175, 193, 195 Permaculture, 5 Soil erodibilty, 193 Permeability, 12, 14, 193 Soil erosion, 5, 172, 191–197 Physical geography, 5 Soil geography, 4, 5 Piran, 9 Soil information system, 157, 164 Plain land, 12 Soil map, 2, 5, 6, 165 Plains, 14, 16, 189, 194 Soil organisms, 11 Plateaus, 10, 14 Soil pollution, 165 Pleistocene, 12 Soil profile, 4, 6, 160, 165 Plot gardening, 5 Soil profile data, 163 Podzols, 71 Soil properties, 2, 4, 5 Pohorje eco-region, 41 Soils, 9–11, 13, 14, 16, 17 Pohorje Mountains, 13 Soil sealing, 172 Pokljuka, 129 Soil structure, 193 Population, 16 Soil texture, 193 Position, 10, 11 Soil type, 4, 10 Potential water soil erosion, 195 Soil vulnerability, 5 Pre-Alpine, 12, 189, 190 Solonchaks, 17 Pre-Alpine eco-region, 45 Soluble, 12, 14 Precipitation, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 33, 184, 185, 188, 193, 196 Stagnosols, 14, 16, 193 Pre-Dinaric eco-region, 45 Stovžje, 189, 191 Pre-Pannonian eco-region, 43 Structural aggregates, 193 Profilie.exe, 160 Subaqueous, 17 Protective, 13 Sub-Mediterranean, 12, 189, 190, 195 Protective forests, 195 Sub-Mediterranean Region, 49 Pseudogley, 107 Sub-Pannonian, 12, 16, 189, 190 Pseudogleys, 72 Surface waters, 11 Public awareness, 5 Surveying, 2 , 11 Sweet chestnut, 16 R Rainfall, 189, 191, 193 Ranker, 69, 87 T Reforestation, 13 Teaching, 6 Regosol, 67, 79, 193 Terra Rossa, 17, 70 Rendzic, 12–14, 17 Tertiary sediments, 16 Rendzina, 68, 82 Thermophile, 17 Representative, 77 Time, 56 Research, 6 Topographic factor, 193 Revised USLE, 193 Topography, 10–12, 14, 16, 193 Rigosols, 71 , 177, 183, 196 River network, 9 Torrential flow, 195 Rockfalls, 189 Transition, 16 Runoff, 193

U S Udic, 11–14, 16 , 12, 13 Umbrisols, 16 Sandstone, 13, 16, 175, 189 Undermining, 189 Saturated, 189, 191 Undeveloped fluvisols, 71 Savinja River, 176, 177, 189 Universal Soil Loss Equation, 193 216 Index

Universities, 6 Water erosion, 191–193, 195 Urban areas, 190 Waters, 35 Urban sprawl, 13, 14 Weathered material, 189, 190, 193 Websites, 7 Western air circulation, 11 V Wind, 195 Valleys, 10, 12–14, 17 Wind brakes, 197 Variety, 10 Wind soil erosion, 197 Vegetal cover, 193, 195 WRB, 61, 135, 136 Vegetation, 14, 17, 39 Vertic, 125 Vertisol, 126 X Vipava River, 189, 195, 196 Xeric, 12, 17

W Y Water balance, 35 Yugoslav, 157