Testing methodologies for REDD+: Deforestation drivers, costs and reference levels etc Technical Report Testing methodologies for REDD+: Deforestation drivers, costs and reference levels Technical Report By: Arild Angelsen, John Herbert Ainembabazi, Simone Carolina Bauch - UMB Martin Herold - University of Wageningen Louis Verchot - CIFOR Gesine Hänsel, Vivian Schueler, Gemma Toop, Alyssa Gilbert, Katja Eisbrenner – Ecofys Date: June 2013 Project number: ICSUK10822 © Ecofys, CIFOR, UMB, University of Wageningen by order of: UK Department for Energy and Climate Change, DECC June 2013 ECOFYS UK Ltd. | 1 Alie Street | London E1 8DE | T +44 (0)20 74230-970 | F +44 (0)20 74230-971 | E
[email protected] | I www.ecofys.com Company No. 4180444 Acknowledgements The following scientists have contributed to the material used in this report through studies under- taken as part of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study, which has been supported by the contributions of the governments of Australia (Grant Agreement 46167), Finland (Grant Agreement HELM023-29), and Norway (Grant Agreement GLO-3945 GLO-09/764): Maria Brockhaus, Vu Tan Phuong, Vu Tien Dien, Pham Manh Cuong, Nguyen Thuy My Linh, Nguyen Viet Xuan, Vo Dai Hai, Rizaldi Boer, Titiek Setyawati, Tania June, Doddy Yuli Irawan, Pascal Cuny, Maden Le Crom, Adeline Giraud, Peter H. May, Brent Millikan, Maria Fernanda Gebara, and Monica Di Gregorio. Disclaimer The authors acknowledge DECC’s support and interest in this work. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Government of the United Kingdom. ECOFYS UK Ltd. | 1 Alie Street | London E1 8DE | T +44 (0)20 74230-970 | F +44 (0)20 74230-971 | E
[email protected] | I www.ecofys.com Company No.