Contract No. NA90AA-H -MFI00 (MARFIN) 1990 Quarter V (January I-Mar ch 31, 1991) Report

Submitted to : Dr. Donald Ekberg Regional Oirector National Marine Fisheries Servi ce Duval Building 9450 Koger Bou l evard St. Petersburg, FL 33702

Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236 (813) 388-4441 ~;5~ Richard H. Pierce, Ph.D. Karen M. Burns Director of Research Principal Investigator

Jay M. Sprinkel Data Manager


Cover Table of Contents .j List of Fi gures i ; list of Tables i i Acknowledgements iii Pre face/ Prefac i 0 iv INTROOUCTION/ INTROOUCCION I. MOVEMENT AND MIG RATIO N OF MA CKER EL 1

A. Tagging Synopsis, Yucatan and Quintana Roo 4 B. Tag Returns 4 C. Publ ic Information Program I ! II. LENGTH/ FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF MACKEREL 15 III. HISTORICAL LANDINGS DATA 17 IV . STOCK IDENTIFICATION 17 A. Specimen Collection for Electrophoresis 17 B. Oto l ith Co ll ection 17


Figure 1. Spanish mackerel tag release locations , 1990 - 1991.

Figure 2 . Mackerel length/frequency and catch per unit effort (CPUE) locations , 1990-1991.

Figure 3 . King mackerel Quarter V winter tag returns. 12 Figure 4. Number of mackerel tagged off Mexican Gulf Coast States (1986 - 1991). 13

Figure 5. Significant long di stance tag returns between the U. S. and Mexico (1986 - 1991). Figure 6. Significant tag returns within Mexico and from VeraCrlJ 7\ Mexico to the u.s. (1986 - 199 1) . , ,

Fi gure 7. Important tag returns from Texas to Mexico (l986 - 1991) . Fi gure 8. Sign; ficant tag returns from Tamaul ipas to other Mexi ca n states. Figure 9. Significant long distance tag returns from Campec:he t o other Mexican states . 14

Figure 10 . Important long distance tag returns from Yucatan to . Figure 11. Reward po ster. 16


Table I. King (KM) and Spanish (SM) mackerel returns from Mexico by MML (1986 to March 31, 1991) 6


The authors would like to thank Or . Kumar Mahad eva n. Dr. Carl Luer, Marion Her sey. Anthony Dreifuss, Victoria Devine and Robert Dixon of Mote Marine laboratory for their assistance. Thanks are also extended to Mr. Eugene Na kamura, Mr. William Fable , and Ms. Barbara Palko of NMFS-Panama City; Or. Donald Ekberg and Ms. Ellie Roche of NMFS-St. Petersburg. Special thanks to Dr. oilio Fue ntes, Jng. Mi guel Peg a and Tee. Raul Lope of the CRIP-Yucalpeten.


The followi ng informati on constitutes the Quarte r V (Jdn uary 1- March 31, 1991) Rep ort by Mote Marine Laboratory (MML) on the 1990 King and Spanish Mackerel Migration and Stock Assessment Study in the Southern Gu lf of Mexico. This project ;s being co ndu cted by Mote Marine laboratory for the U.S . Department of Commerce. National Oceanographic and Atmospheri c Admi ni stration, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA/ NMFS) , Panama City laboratory. Florida, under the MARFIN Program. This report covers the period beginning January I , 1991 , and ending March 31, 199!. Presentations are made by task, beginning with movement and migration of mackerel , followed by length/ frequency and CPUE data for mackerel, historical landings data and stock identification . Each task presentation follows the format developed by NOAA/ NMFS Panama City Laboratory and Mote Marine Laboratory.


La siguiente informacion constituye el Informe V del Trimestre (1 Enero 1991-31 Marzo 1991) sobre el estudio King and Spanish Mackerel Migration and Stock Assessment in the Southern Gulf of Mexi co. Este proyecto est a s iendo conducido por Mote Marine laboratory para el U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and AtmospheriC Administration, National Marine Fi sher ies Service (NOAA/ NMFS) Panama City, Florida Laboratory. Este informe cubre e l periodo come nzando en 1 Enero 1991 y terminando en 31 Marzo 1991. las presentaciones estan hecha por tarea , comenzando co n movimiento y emigracion de la macarela, seguido por longitud/ frecuencia y datos de CPUE por macarela y los datos hi storicos sabre captura y la identificacion de los estocks . La presentacion de cada tarea sigue el formato desarrollado par NOAA/ NMF S, Panama City y Mote Marine Laboratory.


This study wa s undertaken as part of an attempt to understand the migration and stock identity of the king mackerel, Scomberomorus caval1a, and the Spanish mackerel, S. maculatu5 , in the Gul f of Mexico. The NOAA/ NMFS Southeast Fisheries Ce nter's (SEFC) Panama City Laboratory, under the MARFIN Program, contracted with Mote Marine Laboratory (MMl) to work under the Mexus ­ Gulf Agreement to report length/ frequency distributions, catch per unit effort (CPUE) information, to obtain specimens for electrophoresis and to tag Spanish mackerel at specific Mexican l ocations (Figure 1). These locations were chosen so that the tagging effort would correspond with mackerel migration patterns off Mexico. Tagging efforts were co ncentrated off the State of Yucatan (Figure 2) duri ng the winter (Qua rter IV and Quart.e ,­ V) portion of the study. This report outlines MML 's success in achieving the above -mentioned goals.


Como parte de un intento a en tend er la emigrac io n y identidad de l os estockes de peto (carito) Scomberomorus cava17a y sierra. S. macu7atus, en el Golfo de Mexico (SEFC) Panama City Laboratory bajo del Programa MARF IN, co ntrat6 con Mote Marine Laboratory (MM L) a trabajar co n el In stituto Nacional de la Pesca (INP) Mex i cano, bajo del acuerdo de MEX-US GULFO . Con la finalidad de reportar datos historicos so bre captura y otra informacion pertinente. obtener especimenes para electroforesi s y marcar sierra en localidades Mexicanas especificas (Figura 1). Estas local idades fueron escogidas de tal man era que el esfuerzo para marcar correspondiera con el patron de emigracion de la macarela en Mexico. Los esfuerzos para marcar se concentraron en el estado de Yucatan (Figura 2) durante la porcion de invierno (Trimestre IV y Tr ime stre V) en este estudio . Este in forme delinea el exito de MML para al canzar las meta s mencionadas anteriormente .


MEXICO Gulf of M ex i c o


-):'t, - I I Sisal ~--n!l- -l,l- I sla Contoy Ce l estun Yu catan Veracruz Quintana Roo Mo x leo D ,F ". "*- ~ . P ac ifi c O ce an Mocambo Seybapl aya I Campe eile

Fi gur"c 1. s panish mA. ckp.rel t ag rel ease l ocations, 1990-1 991 ( ~t-). r• ...... •


",.. cU. "O d O VO . C U \ •

/ / / / // L Yucatan / / "l... •.•.:\ ,// /' {le..". . \ // \ /// I \ /' ( \ /// \ // ) V I I

C~ O "'DO!O" I I Quintana Roo i' I I I Campecha I Iii I I /r? I )UI I / I I I

F igure 2. Mackerel length/ frequency and catch per unit effort (CPUE) locations (_) and important Mackerel tag release locations ({-1.


A. Tagging Synopsis (January - March) As reported in the Quarter IV Report, MM L and PESCA biologists made numerous attempts to tag Spanish mackerel, but wer e thwarted by high winds and rough seas. For most of the months of November and December all of the fishing po rts were closed due to dangerous marine conditions. Wh en fishermen were able to work, they remained close to shore fis hing primarily for red grouper and octopus . A fe w fishermen ventured out off the coast t o fish for mackerel; four drowned. Because the bad weather lasted for the dUration of the tagging effort, it was not possible to tag any fi sh. Tags and equi pment were left with PESCA personnel from the Ce ntro Regional de In vestigacione s Pe sq uera-Yucal peten in order to all ow them t o tag fish when the bad weather ·subsided. CRIP-Yucalpeten personnel made va rious trips to the fishing village of Celestun (Figure 2.) during th e mo nths of January and February tq tag Span i sh mackerel and obtain length/frequency measurements. Th e data wa s ma i led to MML more than three weeks ago but never arrived. MML personnel wi l l obtain a copy of t he data on the way to Veracruz and include the information in the final report.

B. Ta g Returns Four verified tags were returned during Quarter V. Tag (46,33 5) was fr om a king mackerel tagged off Port Aransas, Texas, on August 8, 1990 and recaptured off Sabancuy, on January 17 , 1991 -- a distance of 1100 miles in 153 days of freedom . Th e other t hree tags (E46301, E46 36 I & 09146) also wer e from king mackere l tagged off Texas. Tag s E4630I and E46361 both were from king mackerel tagged off Port Aransas, Texas. The mackerel with tag number E46301 was tagge d on 19 June, 1990, and recaptured on 12 December, 1990 off Coatzacoa lcos, Veracruz; 176 days of freedom and a distance of 740 miles. The mackerel with tag number E46361 was released on 29 June. 1990, and recaptured on 21 November, 1990 off Coatzacoalcos. Veracruz; after 115 days of freedom and 740 miles. Tag number 09146 was from a king ma cke rel tagged off Port Man sfield, Texa s on 28 June, 1987, and recaptured after 1311 days of freedom on 29 January, 1991 off La Blanquille. Vera cruz; a distance of 578 miles. All new tags are identified in Table 1 by asterisks. Eighty-five tags (25 king and 60 Spanish

4 mackere l) were recovered durin9 1990. A total of 250 (182 king an d 68 Spanish mackere l ) tag returns have been recorded by MMl since 1986. Al l tags presented in Table 1 are by release area and in Appendix ] by nUmeric al sequence. Signifi cant tag returns for both king and Spanish mac k ~ rp.l s ince 1986 withi n Mexico and between the United States and Mex i co are sho wn in Figures 3- 10 .

5 Table I. King (KM) and Spanish (SM) mackerel returns from Mexico 1986 -1991 (* previously unreported). Release Capture Days of Distance Cap ture Tag I Sp Date Date Freedom (miles) Area Sub-Area ------FLORIOA 15286 KM 03-Sep -86 -Feb-89 "896" 1390 CAM I SLA AGUADA LOUISIANA 12099 KM 25-Jun-85 15-Feb-86 235 1340 CAM C. CARMEN 2Hnr-§§ HO J1~nllrnJl:1 !8~~~ ~~ t:.73 --:>e~r3'~} - 2' - pr - m lUg VER VERACRUZ TEXAS • 09146 KM 28 -Jun-87 29-Jan-91 1311 578 VER LA BLANQUILLE 10729 KM 24 -Jun-87 21-0ct -87 119 1200 YUC TELCHAC 12425 KM 29-Aug-87 09-0ec-87 102 800 VER ALVARADO 14003 KM 14 -Jun-88 22-M.r-90 646 600 VER TECOLUTLA 14005 KM 14-Jun -88 01-Feb-89 232 CAM UNK 14016 KM 15-Aug-88 14-Sep-89 395 425 VER TECOLUTLA 14112 KM 20-Jul -87 25-M.r-88 249 870 CAM SEYBAP LA YA 14122 KM 20 -Jul-87 18-J.n-90 913 600 VER ANTON LI ZARDO 14131 KM 23 -Jul-87 26-Aug-89 765 770 VER ANTON L1ZARDO 14479 KM 18-Aug -86 10-Feb-87 176 640 VER VERACRUZ 15511 KM 20-Aug-87 31-0ct-87 72 525 VER TECOLUT LA 15513 KM 20-Aug-87 21-M.y-88 275 680 VER ALVARADO 15972 KM SUMMER 87 09-Apr-88 VER ALVARADO 15990 SM 09-0ct-87 30-Nov-87 52 500 VER ARBOLI 17163 KM 07 -Aug-87 04-Sep-89 759 400 TAM TAMPICO 17273 KM 12 -Aug-88 29-0ec-88 139 1020 CAM SEYBAPLAYA 17419 KM 03-Jul-88 07-Feb -89 219 1140 YUC P. PALMER 17421 KM 03-Jul -88 09-Jul-89 371 400 TAM TAMPICO 17435 KM 28-Jul -88 02-M.y-89 278 630 VER CHACHALACUS 17462 KM 01 -Aug-88 13-Feb-89 196 600 VER NAUTLA 46335 KM 16-Aug -90 17-J.n-91 153 1100 CAM SABANCUY • 46301 KM 19-Jun-90 12-0ec-90 176 740 VER COATZACOALCOS • 46335 KM 16-Aug -90 17-J.n-91 154 1100 CAM SABANCUY * 46361 KM 29-Jul -90 21-Nov-90 115 740 VER COATZACOALCOS TAMAU LIPAS 13723 KM 29-Apr-87 04-Feb-88 281 560 CAM ISLA AGUADA 13820 KM 18-May-87 06 -Dec -87 202 300 VER ALVARADO 13856 KM 22-M.y -87 25-J.n-89 614 570 CAM ISLA AGUADA 13857 KM 22 -M.y-87 14-Apr-89 693 160 VER LA ANTIGUA VERACRUZ 10002 KM 18 -Apr -85 27 -M.y-85 39 5 VER BOCA DEL RIO 10050 KM 20-Apr -85 25-M.y-85 35 5 VER BOCA DEL RIO 10071 KM 19 -Apr-85 15-M.y-85 26 10 VER VERACRUZ 10085 KM 19-Apr -85 17 -M.y -85 28 40 VER ALVARADO 10381 KM 02-M.y-85 06-M.y -86 369 20 VER CHACHALACAS 10417 KM 05 -M.y-85 13-M.y-85 8 5 VER BOCA DEL RIO 10422 KM 05 -M.y -85 10-Apr-86 340 5 VER ISLA DE AMOR 10426 KM 05-M.y -85 12-M.y-88 1103 5 VER VERACRUZ 10988 KM 05-M,y-89 12 -M.y-89 7 40 VER ALVARADO 11064 KM 28-M,y -87 30-M.y-87 2 50 VER ALVARADO 6 Table l. Contin ued. Ki ng (KM ) and Spa ni sh (S M) ma ckerel return s from Mexico 1986-1990 (* previously unreported).

Release Capture Days of ~i s tance Capture Tag # Sp Date Date Freedom (miles) Area Sub -Area ------_.------.------. ------. --- 11073 KM 29 -May -87 03-Aug -B7 66 15 VER BARRANCAS 11 074 KM 29-May-B7 OB-Jun-B7 10 0 VER BARRANCAS 11081 KM 29-May -B7 27-Jul-B7 59 15 VER BOCA DEL RIO 11082 KM 29-May-B7 16-Jun -B7 IB 10 VER A.LIZARDO 11089 KM 10-May-89 02-May-90 357 15 VER ALVARADO 11344 KM II -May-B9 26 -Nov -B9 199 10 VER ALVARADO 11442 KM 21 -May -B7 02-Jun-B7 12 50 VER ALVARADO 11444 KM 21-May-87 29-May-87 B 10 VER ALVARADO 11450 KM 21 -May -87 18-Sep -B7 120 450 VUC TELCHAC 11455 KM 22-May-87 30-May-87 8 0 VER BARRANCAS 11468 KM 22-May-87 15 -Jun-B7 24 0 VER BARRANCAS 11469 KM 22 -May -87 18-Feb-8B 272 450 VUC CHUBURNA 11472 KM 22 -May -87 12-Jun-87 21 40 VER ALVARADO 11473 KM 22 -May-B7 23 -0ec-B7 215 450 VUC CELESTUN 11481 KM 21 -May-87 25 -May-87 4 40 VER ALVARADO 11493 KM 22 -May-87 15-Jun-87 24 15 VER AN BO LI 11806 KM 16 -Apr-86 30-Apr -86 14 UNK VER SANTI A 11816 KM 18 -Apr-86 30-Apr-87 377 15 VER A. LI ZAROO 11904 KM 24-Apr -86 20 -Jun-86 57 625 TEX P.ARANSAS 11909 KM 30-Apr-86 31-Mar-88 701 15 VER BARRAN CAS 11912 KM 30-Apr-86 03-Mar-87 307 10 VER A.LI ZAROO 11947 SM 24 -Apr-86 22-May-86 28 5 VER BOCA DEL RIO 11977 KM 30-Apr-86 21-Jun-86 52 50 VER ALVARADO 11991 KM 30 -Apr-B6 02-0ec-86 216 450 YUC P.PALMAR 13029 KM 02 -May-89 18-Aug-89 lOB 10 VER ALVARADO 13031 KM 02 -May -89 09-May-89 7 40 VER ALVARADO 13067 KM 02-May-89 21-May-90 384 5 VER ANTON LI ZAROO 13081 KM 29-Apr-89 15 -Feb -90 292 120 VER TE COLUTLA 130B2 KM 29 -Apr-89 18-Nov-89 203 10 VER ALVARADO 13101 KM 03 -May -89 29-Jun -90 422 I VER LA CUELA 13252 KM 20 -Ma y- 87 20-Aug-87 92 20 VER VERACRUZ 13255 KM 20 -May-B7 09- Ma y-90 lOBS 0 VER AN TON LI ZAROO 13292 KM 12 -Ma y-87 20-May-87 8 40 VER ALVARADO 13313 KM 02-May-B7 29 -Jan -B9 638 220 VER COATZACO 13317 KM 02-May -B7 31 -Aug -B7 121 260 TAM TAMPACHICHI 13329 KM 04 -May-87 23-0ec-87 233 50 VER ALVARADO 13471 KM 15 -May -87 16 -May -87 I 40 VER SALINAS 13489 KM 16 -May-87 16 -Jun -87 31 40 VER ALVARADO 13 508 KM 03- May-B9 22-Ap r -90 354 20 VER LE ROO TEJADA 13525 KM 05 -May -89 22 -Apr -90 352 60 VER COATZACOALCOS 13531 KM 09 -May-89 06-Sep -89 120 15 VER VERACRUZ 13540 KM 03 -May-89 II -Jul-89 69 450 CAM SEY BAPLAYA 13545 KM 03- May-89 02 -Nov -90 548 I VER ARBOLINO 13562 KM 03-Hay-89 22 -Aug -89 III 10 VER ALVARADO 7 Tab le l. Continued . King (KM ) and Spanish (SM) ma ckerel returns from Mexico 1986-1990 (* previously unreported) .

Release Capture Days of Di stan ce Capt ure Tag # Sp Date Date Freedom (mi l es) Area Sub-Area ------. ------._------13574 KM 08-May-89 23 -Ma y-89 15 0 VER BARRANCAS 13578 KM 08-May-89 15-Jul-90 433 I VER CA8EZOS 13598 KM 08-May -89 01-Jun -89 24 10 VER ALVARADO 13602 KM 02-May-89 18-Aug-90 473 8 VER SAUNAS 13606 KM 02-May-89 18-Aug -89 108 40 VER ALVARADO 13614 KM 02-May -89 03-May -89 I 0 VER BARRANCAS 13620 KM 28-0ct - 79 01-Feb -85 1923 600 VUC PU ERTO TELCHAC 13637 KM 03 -May -89 05-Aug-89 94 5 VE R ANTON U ZARDO 13686 KM 09-May-89 23-Mar-90 318 60 VER COATZACOALCOS 13700 KM 09-May-89 16-Feb-90 283 2 VER ANTON U ZARDO 13749 KM 09-May-89 13 -Jul-90 430 255 TAM DEL RIO PANUCA 13790 KM 16-May-S7 18-Jun-87 33 5 VER 80CA DEL RIO 1395 5 KM 09-May-S9 29-Jun -S9 51 10 VER 80CA DEL RIO 242 14 SM 23 -Apr -90 07-May-90 14 I VE R 80CA DEL RIO 24230 SM 26-Apr-90 27-Apr-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 24261 SM 04-May-90 14 -May -90 10 15 VER ALVARADO 24525 KM 02-May-8S 19-May-S8 17 40 VER ALVARADO 24529 KM 04-May-SS 06-May-SS 2 40 VER ALVARADO 24531 KM 04-May -S8 22 -May-SS IS 40 VER AL VARADO 24545 KM 05 -Ma y-S8 07-Jun -SS 33 40 VER ALVARADO 24546 KM 05-May-SS 17 -May -S8 12 40 VER ALVARADO 24553 KM 06-May-SB 17 -May-SS II 40 VER ALVARADO 24555 KM 06-May-SS 17 -May-SS II 40 VE R ALVARADO 24557 KM 06-May -SS 17 -May -S8 II 40 VER ALVARADO 24562 KM 06-May -S8 14-May-S8 S 40 VER ALVARADO 24565 KM 06-May-8S 18-May-S8 12 40 VER ALVARADO 24566 KM 06-May -8S 14 -May -88 8 120 VER CASITAS 24567 KM 06- May-8S 18-May -88 12 40 VE R ALVARADO 24572 KM 07-May-SS 07-Jul-SS 61 S5 VER COATZACOALCOS 24588 KM 17 -May -SS 09 -Jun-SS 23 40 VER ALVARADO 24591 KM 17-May -SS 02 -Ju n-S8 16 40 VER ALVARADO 24596 KM 17 -May -8S 18-May-SS I 40 VER ALVARADO 24598 KM 18-May -SS 24 -Au9-88 98 3 VER VERACRUZ 24630 KM 03 -May-8S 10-Jul-S9 433 900 LA CA MERON 24634 KM 03-May-SS 07-Jun -8S 35 40 VER ALVARADO 24635 KM 03-May -8S I7 -May -8S 14 40 VER ALVARADO 24647 KM 04-May -8S 19 -Ma y-8S 15 40 VER ALVARADO 24704 SM 29 -Mar -90 30-Mar -90 I I VER 80CA DEL RIO 24713 SM 30- Mar -90 01 -Apr -90 2 I VER MOCAM80 24724 SM 05-Apr-90 10 -Jun-90 66 5 VER ANTON U ZARDO 24725 SM 05-Apr-90 16 -Apr -90 I I I VE R BOCA DEL RIO 24759 KM 07 -May -8S II -May -SS 4 40 VER ALVARADO 24762 KM 07-May-8S 28-Jun -SS 52 50 VER LeRDO TEJADA 24763 KM 07-May-8S 09-Jun -SS 33 10 VER BOCA DEL RIO 8 Table !. Continued. King (KM) and Spani sh (SM) mac kere l return s from Mexico 1986-1990 (* previously unreported).

Release Capture Days of Di stance Capture Tag # Sp Date Date Freedom (mil es) Area Sub -Area ------24767 SM 05-Apr-90 06-Apr -90 1 1 VER BOCA DEL RlO 24776 KM 17 -May -B8 28-Aug-88 103 20 VER CARAEL 24777 KM 18 -May-88 27-Mar-90 678 60 VE R COATZACOALCOS 24784 KM 18-May-B8 02-Jul -88 45 0 VER BARRANCAS 24796 KM 23-May -88 10-Mar-89 291 570 VUC CELESTUN 24810 SM 21-Mar -90 24-Mar-90 3 7 VER BARRANCAS 24840 KM 17 -May-88 26-MaY -88 9 40 VER ALVARADO 24845 KM 19-May-88 28-May-88 9 50 VER ALVARADO 24846 SM 22-Mar-90 24-Mar-90 2 I VE R VERAC RUZ 24895 KM 05-May-88 17 -May-88 12 40 VER ALVARADO 24903 KM 02-May-88 18-May-88 16 40 VER ALVARADO 24917 KM 04-May -88 06-Jun -88 33 0 VER BARRANCA ~ 24919 KM 05-May-88 25-May-88 20 40 VER ALVARADO 24919 SM 10-Apr-90 12-Apr-90 2 IS VER ALVARADO 24928 KM 06-May-88 10 -Jun-88 35 5 VER A. LlZARDO 24929 KM 06-May-B8 02-Jun-88 27 50 VER ALVARADO 24933 KM 06-May -88 22-May -88 16 10 VER BOCA DEL RIO 24934 KM 06-May-88 20-May-88 14 10 VER BOCA DEL RlO 24947 SM 19-Apr- 90 21-Apr -90 2 1 VE R VERACRUZ 24950 KM 18-May-88 14-Apr-89 331 10 VER A. LlZARDD 24952 KM 05-May-88 17-May-88 12 0 VER BARRAN CAS 24954 KM 05-May-88 25-May -B8 20 85 VER COATZACOA LCOS 24960 KM 05-May-88 21-May -88 16 40 VER ALVARADO 24967 KM 05-May-88 12-M.y -88 7 40 VER ALVARADO 24969 KM 05-May-88 16-May -88 11 40 VER ALVARADO 24982 KM 06-May -88 ll-May -88 11 40 VER ALVARADO 24986 KM 06-May-88 17-May-88 11 40 VER ALVARADO 24996 KM 12-May -88 17 -M.y -88 5 40 VER ALVARADO 25003 KM 05-May-88 21-May -88 16 40 VER ALVARADO 25007 KM 05-May-88 17 -May -88 12 10 VER BOCA DE L RlO 25011 KM 05- Ma y-88 20-Aug -89 472 50 VER AL VARADO 25015 KM 06 -May -88 04-Jun-88 29 40 VER ALVARADO 25029 KM 06 -May -88 07-Jun-88 32 85 VER COATZACOALCOS 25033 KM 06-May -88 07-Jun-88 32 40 VER ALVA RADO 25034 KM 06-May-88 07-Jun -88 32 40 VE R ALVARADO 25038 KM 06-May -B8 17-May-B8 II 40 VER ALVARADO 25040 KM 01-May -88 15-M.y-B8 8 40 VER ALVARADO 25041 KM 08 -May -88 12-May -88 4 40 VER ALVARA DO 25044 KM II -May-88 17-May -88 6 40 VER AL VARADO 25049 KM 06 -May -B8 14-Mar-89 312 85 VE R CDATZACOALCOS 25052 KM ll -May -88 13-Jun- B8 33 5 VER A. Ll ZARDD 25 111 KM 10-May -B8 09-Jun-88 30 50 VER ALVA RADO 2512 1 KM 16 -May -88 03-Jun-B8 18 40 VER ALVARADO 25128 KM 16 -May-88 07-Jun -88 22 40 VER ALVARADO 9 Ta ble 1. Continued. King (KM) and Spanish (SM) mackerel returns from Mexi co 1986-1990 (* previously unreported)_

Release Capture Days of Distance Capture Tag # Sp Date Date Freedom (miles) Area Sub-Area ------25129 KM 16-May-88 ll-Jun-88 26 10 VER 80CA DEL RIO 25130 KM 16-May-88 01-Jun-88 16 40 VER ALVARADO 25162 KM 16-May-88 14 -Aug-89 455 40 VER ALVARADO 25172 KM 16-May-88 13-May-89 362 30 VER VERACRUZ 25199 KM 17 -May-88 07-Jun -88 21 40 VER ALVARADO 25256 KM 19 -May-88 H-Nov-88 179 10 VER ALVARADO 25308 KM 18-May-88 28 -May-B8 10 40 VER ALVARADO 25312 KM 18-May-88 28-May-88 10 40 VER ALVARADO 25316 KM 18 -May -88 27-Jun-88 40 30 VER PLAYA NORTE 25316 KM 18-May-88 01-Aug -90 805 30 VER ANTlGUA 25324 KM 19-May-88 28-MaY-88 9 40 VER ALVARADO 25325 KM 19 -May -88 30-May-88 II 0 VER BARRANCAS 25328 KM 19 -May -88 07-Jun-88 19 40 VER ALVARADO 25446 KM 08 -May -89 23-May-89 15 40 VER ALVARADO 25455 KM 02 -May -89 18-Aug-89 108 12 VER CHAC HALACUS 25465 KM 02 -May-89 ll-May-89 9 30 VER VERACRUZ 25483 KM 02 -May-89 14-Jun -89 43 20 VER VERACRUZ 25493 KM 03-May-89 17-May -89 14 40 VER ALVARADO 25494 KM 03-May-89 30 -Jan -90 272 390 CAM SEYBAPLAYA 25496 KM 03-May-89 30-May -89 27 40 VER ALVARADO 29711 SM 05-Mar-90 08-Mar-90 3 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29713 SM 05 -Mar-90 06-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29718 SM 05 -Mar-90 10 -Mar-90 5 7 VER BARRANCAS 29720 SM 05-Mar-90 06-Mar-90 I 5 VER ANTON LIZARDO 29734 SM 05-Mar-90 06-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29738 SM 05-Mar-90 06-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29739 SM 05 -Mar-90 22-Mar-90 17 5 VER ANTON LIZARDO 29740 SM 05 -Mar -90 06-Mar -90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29768 SM 05-Mar-90 22-Mar-90 17 550 TEX BRAZ SANT PS 29778 SM 05-Mar-90 07-Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29813 SM 05-Mar-90 08-Mar-90 3 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29824 SM 06 -Mar -90 08-Jun-90 94 I VER BOCANA 29826 SM 06-Mar -90 08-Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29831 SM 06-Mar-90 14-Mar-90 8 5 VER VERACRUZ 29925 SM 07-Mar-90 07 -Mar-90 0 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29961 SM 07-Mar-90 09-Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29968 SM 07-Mar-90 08-Mar-90 1 5 VER VERACRUZ 29996 SM 07-Mar -90 08-Mar -90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 29999 SM 07-Mar-90 09-Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30008 SM 07 -Mar -90 08-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30016 SM 07 -Mar -90 09-Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30026 SM 08-Mar-90 09-Mar-90 I 1 VER BOCA DEL RIO 30032 SM 08-Mar -90 08-Mar-90 0 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30034 SM 08- Mar -90 10-Mar -90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 10 Table 1. Co ntinued . King (KM) and Spanish (SM) ma cke rel return s from Mexi co 1986-1990 (* previou sly unreported).

Re lease Capture Days of Distance Cap ture Tag # Sp Date Date Freedom (miles) Area Sub-Ar ea ------30037 SM 08-Mar-90 10-Mar-90 2 5 VER VERACR UZ 3003S SM 08-Mar-90 10 -Mar -90 2 I VE R SOCA DEL RIO 30062 SM 09-Mar-90 II-Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DE L RIO 3006S SM 09-Mar-90 10-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30071 SM 09 -Mar-90 II -Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30076 SM 09-Mar -90 23-Mar-90 14 15 VER ALVARADO 3008S SM 09 -Mar -90 10-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30107 SM 09-Mar -90 12 -Mar-90 3 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30110 SM 09 -Mar-90 10-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DE L RIO 3011 9 SM 10 -Mar -90 II-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DE L RIO 30125 SM 10-Mar -90 II-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30145 SM 10-Mar -90 II-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30147 SM 10-Mar -90 II -Mar -90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30152 SM 10-Mar -90 II-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30187 SM 10 -Mar-9D 12 -Mar-90 2 I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30lS9 SM 10 -Mar-90 II -Mar -90 I I VER BOCA DE L RIO 30211 SM 12-Mar -90 13-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DE L RIO 30228 SM 12-Mar-90 14-Mar-90 2 IS VER VERACRUZ 30242 SM 13-Mar-90 14-Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30252 SM 13 -Mar -90 14-Mar-90 I 5 VER ANTON L1 ZARDO 30260 SM I3 -Mar-90 14 -Mar-90 I I VER BOCA DEL RIO 30262 SM 13 -Mar-90 20-Mar-90 7 5 VER ANTON L1ZA RDO 30 27 4 SM 13-Mar-90 14-Mar-90 I 5 VER ANTON LI ZARDO 302 78 SM I3-Mar-90 14-Mar-90 I IS VER ALVA RADO CAMPECH E 24505 SM OS -Mar -SS -Dec-SS "282" S5 CAM ISLA AGUADA 24509 KM OS-Mar -SS 23-Mar-90 745 260 VUC PORT COLORADAS 25230 SM 20 -Mar -S9 28-Apr -89 39 50 CAM SABANCUV 25237 SM 20 -Mar -S9 30-Apr-89 41 65 CAM ISLA AG UA DA VUCATA N 11150 KM 07 -Mar-S6 25-Aug-S6 171 UNK VER BEGA DEL TORRE 11235 KM 03-Mar -S6 OS-Apr-S6 36 60 VUC EL CUVO 24617 SM 02 -Feb -SS 19-Feb-8S 17 10 VUC SISAL 24624 KM 03- Fe b-SS 22-Nov -90 1023 0 VU C SISA L 24625 SM 03-Feb-SS IS -Feb-SS 15 10 VUC TEL CHAC 24626 SM 03-Feb-SS 23-May-SS 110 0 VUC SISAL

II ·...... " .. .,, " " '. .. ,. " " ., ...... -




VER . King Mackerel r CAM .' Recapture Areas d QUART!:R v

" .. t· "

Figure 3 . King mackerel " tag returna.

12 ri g. 4. rh.;"J': :" J f Illllcker e', :.a gged of f Nex i ca l1 Gu l f Coast States (19116- 199 I) . rig. 5. Sigrdf iccJ. nl lOllY uislance tag ret urns belween tile U. S. and ~l ex ico (1986- 1991). rig. 6. Siglliricallt l ag relu rns I'l i lh in I-lexica and from Verac l'ul , Nexi co to the U. S. (1 966- 1991) , rig. 7, Impo rlant lag re lurns frolll Texas l o Ne xico (1906- 199 1).

rig.5 I LA J,~~ r TX ~'>",~ ~L

~, fA \ • -., ?~ 1 YUC}? I

fig . 6 Fig . 7 ~ ~ , ~ '"~


~• -~ ~ ~" ~ , ~ ~ = ~ ~ , '" "u ~ x -v . 0 ~ 0 '" ~ " '"~ N v . • =~ - ~ - U = = "~ "U 0 ~ • ~ x ~ C! 0 =-=~u :....=: g.:::;a.> = -,r.:f'I: e>....> U = 0 5 > u E -~ ~ 0 u " ~ ~ - = ~ ~

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_._-~~ I.... :::; ::: c ._.-===-c:: ~~-

. i . :....

1.': C. Public Ir.format ion Program (PIP)

1. Reward Poster Distribution Dissemination of information through newspaper articles and th E> distribution of flyers and reward po sters (Figure 11) constitute a major effort in informing the public abo ut the program and the reward system for tagged fish. Reward po sters were distributed to all participating PE SCA laboratories in Mexico. Dur i ng the various quarters they have been posted in fish hou se s , local fishing cooperatives, PESCA laboratories and local PESCA offices along the Mexican Gulf Coast. Sub-areas of poster and flyer distribution during 1990 ha w~ been listed in the Quarter IV report.

2. Public Presentations The rewa rd poster has been reprinted in flyer format and copies have been distributed to local fishermen by biologists during tagging operations and length/frequency collections. Flyers have also been distributed to fi shing coope ratives and PESCA offices along the Mexican Gulf Coast .

3. Rapid Reward System Mote Marine Laboratory is continuing to maintain small accounts at all participating PESCA laboratories to ensure immediate payment of tags .


l ength data for king and Spanish mackerel were collected during January and February. Fi sh were mea sured when fishermen brought their catch into the l oca l Celestun fi sh hou se. Oat a wa s sent to MMl more than three wee ks ag o but never arrived. A copy of the data will be obtained in April by MML biol ogist Karen Burns on her way to Veracruz. The data will be included in the final report.


I ( @ )


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\;C"A""RI"'T""O--'(",PE",T"O",~-'\'_'~_~_~r__ • ~o ------'S,"IFEE;RR,rrA

Caritos y Sierras estan siendo marcados y puestos en libertad en tado el Golfo de Mexico y a 10 largo de la costa del sur del Atlantica para estudiar los habitos migratarios y crecimiento. Este proyecto es un esfuerzo cooperativo entre el Gobiemo Federal de los Estados Unidos y ellnstituto Nacional de la Pesca. 5i usted captlK'a un pez con una placa. tenga la bondad de mandar la placa a la direction anotada abajo. INCLUYA LUGAR. OIA DE CAPTURA. PRCflJNOIDAD. PESO Y LARGO 0IEA EL OtAGRAMA PARA MEOIR EL LMGQ). INCLUYA TAM81EN SU NCMBRE Y 9IRECCIOO. Usted recibira la recompensa en mooeda nadonal por el equivalente a S I 0.00 dolates. asi como informacion a donde y cuando su pescado fue marcado. tv'Iuchas gracias par su valiosa ayuda. GRIP Yucalpeten National Marine Fisheries Service Apdo. Postal 73 3500 Defwood Beach Rd . Pr nq~~n. Yuc. Tels. 5-14-24, 5-14-75 (Por Cobrar) L __Pan :'1ma City, PI 32407-7499


The 1989 historical l andings data for the Mexican Gulf Coast are not yet avai lable.


A. Specime n Col l ection for Electrophoresis

MML's contractual commitment to obtain mackerel specimens for electrophoretic studies wa s satisfied during Quarter II. No new samples we re collected this quarter.

B. Otol ith Collection

MML IS contractual commi tment to obtai n mackerel oto1 i ths for stock identification studies wa s satisfied during Quarter II. No new samples. were collected this quarter.


1. Spanish mackerel were tagged of f Celestun, Yuca t an during Quarter V. Because the data was lost in the mai l the number of fish tagged and the tag numbers will be reported in the fi nal report. 2. Four new tag returns (all king mac kerel) ha ve been received by MML between January I, and March 31, 199 1. 3. Length/ frequency me asurements were obtained for mackerel. Because the data wa s lost in t he mail , this information will be r eported in the final report. 4. MML 's contractual comm itment for mackerel tissue and otolith samples was fulfilled during Quarter II. v. RESULTADOS

1. Se marcaron sierra durante el Trimestre V. Porque se perdieron los dilt os en correoes vamos a reportar el numero de sierra marcadas y los nllmeros de las marc as en el infarme final. 2. Cuatro nuevas marcas recapturadas (todo de peto [cari ta] ) nos recibieron por MM L en t re las fechas de 1 de Enero a 31 de Marzo 1991. 3. Se ob tuvieron medidas de longitud/ frequeneia par carita (peto) y sierra pero estos datos tambien se pedieron par los eo r reoes . Vamos a rep ortar estos datos en el informe final. 4. Se com pleta co n 1a colaboraeion de los bi ol ogos de PESC A la eoleccion de t ad as de las muestras de tejido y de los otolitos de peto (carita) y sierra par 1990, du rante el Tr imestre II .

18 Appendi x 1. King ( KM) and Spanish (SM ) mackere l returns from ~ a xic o , 1985-1991 . (* previ ousl y u nrepor~ed).

; ------Release------: FL : ------Capture------: Days of Distance Tag :I Date Area Sub-Area Depth Gear Sp (rnm) Tagger Date Area Sub-Area Frgedcm (m i l es)

*E45301 19-Jun-90 TEX PORT ARANSAS KI,I 12- Dec-90 VER COATZACOALCOS 176 740 *E46361 29-Jul-90 TEX PORT ARANSAS K~· t 21-Ncv-90 VER COATZACOALCOS 11 5 740 * 9146 28-J un-87 TEX P . MANSFIE LD RHL Xt·1 762 J R/ FTI 29-J an-91 VER LA BLAtlQUILLE 1311 578 10002 18-Apr-85 VER H OCCt~BO 30M ALI·I KI·! 6 15 I-It4 FS 27 - May-85 VER BOCA DEL RIO 39 S

10050 ZO-Apr-85 VER ~-1 CCOMBO 30t·l AU-1 Kt.1 680 tIt·1 FS 25-I~ay-85 VER 80CA DEL RIO 35 3 10071 19-Apr-85 VER 1·-10COt·jBO 30M ALI·j Kl·l 830 1·n.IFS IS-t·lay-a5 VER VERACRUZ 26 10 10085 19-Apr-85 VER A. LIZARDO 251·1 CH I KI·I 525 tlMFS 17-f'tay-85 VER AL VARADO 2B

i038 1 02 - (,lay -8 5 VER ~·-IOCOI·I BO 301·1 ALl·l K I~ 7 50 tH~FS 06-1-lay-85 VER CHACHALACAS 369 20 ·,. 05-;·lay-85 VER ~ . tCCCMBC 3C~ 1 AL:·1 KI·l 6 , - ~ H · 1FS 13- i·la y-85 VER BOCA e EL RIO 8 5 :J 5-!·tay - 8 5 VER 301.1 .AU·I KI·l 550 10-A;Jr-B6 IIER ISLA DE AMOR 340 5

10426 0 5-;·l a y -85 VER :·1 CC8~·1 BC 151·1 AL:·I Kt4 1200 12 - i.1a. y -Ba 'J ER VERACRU Z 1103 5 10729 :.!-Jun-d7 TEX ·::; A:.. VE5T;) ;·1 20M RH L KH FE yue TELCHAC 119 ., 10988 05- t·l a y -i39 VER ~ARR AII C;l. S 341·1 CHI '< I·' JR/ VE::< 12 - ;·lay -89 ~L V ARADO , .! ()

~ 1054 28-t·lay-87 VER 8ARRANCAS 2Ot.i CHI KM 520 ~M/t.1t·jL 30 - ~lay-a7 VE'< ALVA RA DO 50

11073 VER 8ARRAttC;l.S ~ CI ·i RIl :(11 5 9 0 AI / VER 03-Aug - 87 VER SARRANCAS 65 1 5

11 074 29-I-Iay- 37 VER 3A RRAI"ICAS 401~ RV 550 AI / VER 0 8- J u~-87 VER SARRAtlCAS 10 o

11 GB! 29-;· lay-87 VER 8ARRANCAS 40t4 ~v AI / VER 27- Jul -87 \./ ER BOCA DEL RIO 59 15 11 082 ':9-Hay-8 7 VER 3ARRANCAS 590 AI / VER 16-Jun-87 VErt A. LIZAR DO 18 10

11089 iO - May -89 VER SOCA CEL RIO ~ 0:.·1 CI1 1: :<1·1 5 90 Ci:1 / 'JER ~' 2- i. la y -9 C \f ER AL VARADO i 5 - "7' 1 ~' 5 0 0 7 - ~ 'ar-a5 vue 340 PC /YUC 2S-Aug-85 VER SEGA DEL TORRE . ' I UrtX

:123 5 : ) 3- : ~a~ -86 vue 251··1 RV ;(1·1 560 pc; ',"UC ·::; 8-.Apr-86 'IUC EL CUY C 35 60

.~ 113 ~~ ~1 - M a y - 89 VER 3ARRAt:S~S 351·, CH I XI·t 5 0G ~L / Y UC ::S-rlov-59 \/ ER AL VARADO , 99 IV

1'~4~ 21-!·1ay -87 VER BARRA/ICAS 2';)1·1 CH I XII 525 RB;\fER 02- Jun-87 VER AL VAR ADO 12 50

1~ 444 2~ - rl a y -a 7 VER BARRAtlC AS 1 ';~1 CH I KI·l 608 PC / VER 29-/·1a y-87 VER AL VARADO 8 10 11 450 21- 14a "/ -87 VER 3ARRAI·1C ;l.S 141·1 CHI ·

1~ 455 2 :- ~ a y -8 7 VER BARRANCAS 1 .1 1·' CHI KI,1 605 '< B/ VER 30- r·la y-il7 VER SARRAtlCAS 8 o

11 463 :2- ~ a y - a7 ~ER 8ARRA tlC;l.S 141·\ CHI Kl·: 590 PC / VER 15-J un-87 VER 8ARRANCAS 24

1~ ~69 2Z- Ma y - 87 VER BARRAtlCAS 141~ CHI Kt·\ 705 RS; VER 1B-reb-i38 -r UC GHU BURtiA 272 .!5C SARRMICAS ; 41·1 CHI '< 1,1 7 .. 0 RS/VER 1;:: - JI.m-a 7 \f ER AL '.IARADO ~ (:

l1 C73 '::: - Ma y-87 VER 3Art RAI·1C;l.S i 41~ CHI Xl·l 7 ;:: 0 RB/ VER 23-0ec-87 VUC ~ E L ESTU N 215 .. 50

11 48 1 2 1-~ a y -a 7 VER SA RR At·ICAS ZOI,1 CHI XI·l 720 RB/ VER 25-Ma y-a7 VER ALVARADO 4

11493 2 2 - ~ ay-87 VER 9ARRAtlCAS 14t4 CH I K t~ 520 RS/V ER 15-J un-87 VER All BOLI 24 ' 5

11806 15 - A pr-~6 VER 8ARRA NCAS 2CI·I ALl·t X1,1 777 ElF / l·l~tL 30-Apr-86 \fER SANTIA 14 UtJK

11816 l 8-Aor-86 VER ~· tOCOt,tBO 40M ALM Xl,1 902 SF / ~tt·1L 30-Apr-87 VER A. LIZARDO 377 15 11904 24 -Apr-86 VER ;,lCC8MBO 40M AU·I KI,I 780 SF / !.IN L :C-Jun-85 TEX ?ARANSAS 57 625

1130 9 30-Apr-86 VER ~10 CO MBO 151·1 ALH KH 550 3F / M/.tL 3'- ~ ar-a8 VER BARRANCAS 70 1 , 5

1912 30-Apr-86 VER :40C81,180 40~1 ALl ·l KM C 3- ~ ar-a 7 \f ER A.LIZARDO 307 iC

11947 24-Aor-96 VER i·locm·1BO 40~1 AU,I St·l 450 BF / t·l1·t L 22 - Ma y-8S VER BOCA DEL RIO 28

11977 30-Apr-95 VER t·l0COMBO 4Ct~ AU-I ;';/·1 655 3F / ,.. II .. IL 21 - J un-86 VER ALVARADO so

'1 991 30-Apr-85 VER i ·l0CC~tBO 40:·t AU·t KI·I 339 SF i t4~I L C2-Dec-8S YUC P .?ALMAR 21 6 ';50

12099 25-J~n-a5 LA GR AtW ISLE .:: 51,1 CH I K:·' 7::5 i!t.t FS 1~ - F eb-86 CAM C. : ARMEH 2 35 13 ~ C

12425 29-Aug-97 TE X PREEPORT 2ot~ RHL K~I 685 BH / FTI 09-Dec-a7 VER AL VARAD O 102 800 13029 C2-4ay-89 VER 8ARRANCAS 301·1 CHI Kt4 760 RL / YUC :8-Aug-89 VER ALVARADO 108 ~o 13031 02- Ma y-89 VER 3ARRAflCAS 3 at,t CH I KI·l 680 RL/YUC 09-May-89 VER ALVARADO 7 40 13057 02- May-89 VER SARRMICAS 34M CHI Kt,1 740 RL/Y'JC 21 - Ma "/ -90 VER ANTON LIZA RDO

1303 1 29-Apr-89 VER BARRANCAS 25M CHI !(~1 - 00 RB / VER 15-Feb-90 VER 7ECOLUTLA 120 13082 29-Apr -89 VER 8ARRAll CAS 2 51,! CH: KI·I 630 RB/ VER : 3-!l ov- 89 I/ER .;J.L IJ ARADO -: 0 3 : 0 131(; 1 03-:·1 a y-89 VER 8ARR AtIC AS 32t-t RV KI.t ') 4;] RL - i UC :; 9-J un-90 VER LA ::U E'-A

~ 325Z :0 - ~ a y-g7 VER A. LIZARDO 401·1 RV KH 680 AI/VER 20-Aug-37 VER VERACRUZ 92 20 13255 20-May -8 7 VER A. LI:ARDO 4CM CHI KM 9 00 SF .'I·It·tL 09-Ma y- 90 VER ANTON LIZARDO 1085 o

13 292 12-Ma y -87 VER A. LIZARCO RV X(·1 700 AI / VER ZO - ~ a y -87 VER ALVARADO 8 40

13313 ~ 2 - M a y -8 7 VER ;l.. LIZARDO 4014 ::H L K ~t 750 BF / t.1t·1 L 29- J a n -89 VER COAT:ACO 638 220

13317 ~ 2 - M a y -8 7 VER A.L:Z;l.RDO .. Ot.1 ~V :<1·1 a ~ 0 SF/i.It,IL 31 - Au g-8 7 TAN TAMP ACH I CHI 12 ' : 50 :3329 04-Ma y- 87 VER A.'-::::ARDC RV :'.M 7·)(' AS ; VER :3-02C-8 7 VER AL AR ADO '::3 3 50

:]4 ;, ~5 - il a y - 37 'J ER 3 ARR Ai IC;\S 16-'·la i - d7 'JER ~O

3A RR AI:SAS ~ O '·I .:H I ><;I·! · ~ - ,.:u n - ':': ~ JEq .1 0 Appendix 1. King (1(1.1) and Spanish (SM) mackerel returns from Mexico, 1986-1991. (* previously unreported).

:------Release------: FL :------Captur e------: Days of Distance Tag II Date Area Sub-Area Depth Gear Sp (mm) Tagger Date Area Sub-Area Freedom (miles)

13508 03-May-89 VER BARRANC AS 32M CHI KM 690 BF /t4t~L 22-Apr-90 VER LERDO TEJADA 354 20 13525 05-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 34M CHI KM 680 BF/MML 22-Apr-90 VER COATZACOALCOS 352 60 13531 09-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 650 AT/VER 06-Sep-89 VER VERACRUZ 120 15 13540 03-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 32M CHI KM 660 WF /N~~FS ll-Jul-89 CAM SEYBAPLAYA 69 450 13545 03-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 32M CHI KM 660 WF-NMFS 02-Nov-90 VER ARBOLINO 548 1 13562 03-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 34M CHI KM 695 RL/YUC 22-Aug-89 VER ALVARADO 111 10 13574 08-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 60M CHI 1(1.1 670 RL/YUC 23-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 15 o 13578 08-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 56M CHI KM 815 RL-YUC 15-Jul-90 VER CABEZOS 433 1 13598 08-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 56M CHI K~l 660 RL/YUC 01-Jun-89 VER ALVARADO 24 10

13602 02-~~ay-89 VER BARRANCAS 25M CHI KM 800 RB-VER 18-Aug-90 VER SALINAS 473 8 13606 02-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 25M CHI Kt-1 760 RB/VER 18-Aug-89 VER ALVARADO 108 40 13614 02-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 25M CHI K/4 748 RB/VER 03-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 1 o 13620 28-Oct-79 VER VERACRUZ GNT KM 1070 W 01-Feb-85 YUC PUERTO TELCHAC 1923 600 13637 03-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 25M CHI KM 690 RB/VER 05-Aug-89 VER ANTON LIZARDO 94 5 13686 09-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 635 RB/VER 23-Mar-90 VER COAT ZACOALCOS 318 60 13700 09-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 688 RB/VER 16-Feb-90 VER ANTON LIZARDO 283 2 13723 29-Apr-87 TAM TAMP ICO IBM RV Kt4 636 CD/TAM 04-Feb-88 CAM ISLA AGUADA 281 560 13749 09-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 600 AT-VER 13- Jul-90 TAM DEL RIO PANUCA 430 255

13790 16-May-87 VER A. L!ZARDO 40M CHI Kt~ 660 BF/~IML 18-Jun-87 VER BOCA DEL RIO 33 5 13820 18-May-87 TAM TAMPICO 28M RV KM 709 CD/TAM 06-Dec-87 VER AL VAR ADO 202 300

13856 22-~~ay-87 TAM TAMPICO 24M CHL KM 625 CD/T AM 25-Jan-89 CAM ISLA AGUADA 614 570 13857 22-May-87 TAM TAMPICO 24M RV KM 660 CD/TAM 14-Apr-89 VER LA ANTIGUA 693 160 13955 09-May-89 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 720 CM/MEX 29-Jun-89 VER BOCA DEL RIO 51 10 14003 14-Jun-88 TEX S. PADRE IS. UNK CHI KM 785 22-Mar-90 VER TECOLUTLA 646 600 14005 14-Jun-88 TE X PORT ISABEL 33M RHL Kt·1 623 TPWD 01-Feb-89 CAM UNK 232 14016 15-Aug-B8 TEX S. PADRE IS. UNK CHI KM 968 14-Sep-89 VER TECOLUTLA 395 425

14112 20-Jul-87 TEX S.PADRE IS. 33M RHL Kt~ 769 TP\~D 25-Mar-88 CAM SEYBAPLAYA 249 870

14122 20- Jul-87 TEX P. ~IANSFIELD UNK CHI KM 801 18-Jan-90 VER ANTO N LIZARDO 913 600 14131 23-Jul-87 TEX P. O'CONNOR UNK CHI KM 801 26-Aug-89 VER ANTON LIZ ARDO 765 770 14479 lB-Aug-86 TEX PORT ARANSAS 40M RHL KM 788 TPWD 10-Feb-87 VER VERACRUZ 176 640

15286 03-Sep-86 FLA PANAMA CITY 20~1 CHL KM 580 NMFS -Feb-89 CAM ISLA AGUADA "896" 1390 15511 20-Aug-87 TEX PORT ARANSAS UNK CHI KM 668 31-0ct-87 VER TECOLUTLA 72 525

15513 20-Aug-87 TEX PORT ARANSAS 20M RHL K~I 692 TPWD 21-May-88 VER ALVARADO 275 680

15972 SU~lMER 87 TEX UNK KM 09-Apr-88 VER ALVARADO

15990 09-0ct-87 TEX P.ISABEL 15t~ RHL S~l 442 JR/FTI 30-Nov-87 VER ARBOL! 52 500 16383 26-Sep-87 LA GRAND ISLE 20~1 CHI Kt~ 745 LDWF 20-Apr-88 VER VERACRUZ 207 1140

17163 07-Aug-87 TEX PORT ARANSAS UNK CHI KM 700 04-Sep-89 TAM TA~iPICO 759 400 17273 12-Aug-88 TEX PORT ARANSAS 20M RHL Kt·l 830 TPWD 29-Dec-88 CAM SEYBAPLAYA 139 1020

17419 03-Jul-88 TEX PORT ARANSAS 20~1 RHL K~l 730 TPWD 07-Feb-89 YUC P. PALMER 219 1140 17421 03-Jul-88 TEX PORT ARANSAS UNK CHI KM 880 09-Jul-89 TAM TAMPICO 371 400

17435 28-Jul-88 TEX PORT ARANSAS 20t·l RHL K~1 915 TPWD 02-May-89 VER CHACHALACUS 278 630 17462 01-Aug-88 TEX PORT ARANSAS 20M RHL KM 810 TPWD 13-Feb-89 VER NAUTLA 196 600

24214 23-Apr-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M AL~1 St~ 355 RAKL 07-May-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 14 1 24230 26-Apr-90 VER ~lOCA~lBO 13M ALM SM 348 RAKL 27-Apr-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO

24261 04-May-90 VER MOCA~~BO 13M AU~ SM 335 LARB 14-May-90 VER ALVARADO 10 15 24505 08-Mar-88 CAM SEYBAPLAYA 6M CHL S~i 650 RL/YUC -Dec-88 CAM ISLA AGUADA "282" 85 24509 08-Mar-88 CAM SEY BAP LAYA 6M CHI KM 380 MH,RL 23-t-lar-90 YUC PORT COLORADAS 745 260 24525 02-May-88 VER BARRANCAS 40101 CHI KM 740 BF/MML 19-May-88 VER ALVARADO 17 40 24529 04-May-B8 VER BARRANCAS 15M CHI KM 710 RB/VER 06-May-88 VER ALVARADO 2 40 24531 04-May-88 VER BARRANCAS IBM CHI KM 574 RB/VER 22-May-88 VER ALVARADO 18 40

24545 05-May-B8 VER BARRANCAS 30t~ CHI Kt~ 640 RL/YUC 07-Jun-88 VER ALVARADO 33 40 24546 05-May-88 VER BARRANCAS IBM CHI KM 600 RL/YUC 17-May-88 VER ALVARADO 12 40 24553 06-May-88 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 670 BF /M~lL 17-May-88 VER ALVARADO 11 40 24555 06-May-88 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 660 BF/MML 17 - May-88 VER ALVARADO 11 40 24557 06-May-88 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 690 BF/MML 17-tiaY-88 VER ALVARADO 11 40

24562 06-May-88 VER BARRANCAS 36M CHI KM 740 BF /~·U"L 14-I-Iay-88 VER ALVARADO 8 40 Appendi x 1 . , n9 (~ M ) and 3pan i sh (3M I mac kere l r ecurns from Me xi c c, 19S6 - 1991. •• ~re v i o~ sl! unreporteo) .

; ------rt e l ease------; FL ; ------C ap~ ure ------: Days of Distance Tag ;I Dace Area Sub-Area Depth Gear- 3p ( mm ) Tagger Data Area Sub-Area Freedom (mi l es ;

24565 06-May-8S VER 3ARRAtlCAS 361,1 CHI :< ~I 620 SF /(·1I4L 18- (·la y- 88 VER ALVARADO l Z 40 :4566 06- Ma y- 88 VER 5ARRA~JCAS 36~1 CIiI KI·1 560 3F / MI·1L 14- r·lay-88 VER CAS ITAS 8 120

24567 OS-Ma y-3S VER 3ARRA iJ CAS 361'·1 CHI KI· I 670 3F m l~L 18-/4 a y-88 VER ALVARADO 12

2 .. 572 0 7 - ~ l a y -68 VER 8ARRArJCAS 36J~ CHI KI·I SSO AT / VER 07- Jul -88 VER COATZACOA L::OS 51 85 2458S 17- !.la y-d8 VER BARRAiJCAS 3(;1·1 CHI KI·I 660 AT / VER 09-J un-88 VER AL VARADO 23 40 2459, 17 - !·lay- a S VER 8ARRAtICAS 301,1 CHI Kf.-I 670 AT / VER 02- J un-88 VER ALVAR ADO 16 40 24596 17 - /.f a y-a8 VER BARRAt JCAS 3m·, CHI 560 AT / VER 18 - Ma y-88 'JER ALVARADO 40 24598 i s-i-I a y-88 VER BCCA DEL RI O 2014 RV 700 J V/ t·\EX :::4 -Aug-88 VER VERACRUZ 98 3 246 17 02- Feb-88 VUC SISAL 51·1 CHI S!·I 63 0 CO / TAfel 19-Feo-88 YUC 3ISAL 17 1 0 ': 4624 03-Feb-88 VUC SISAL Sf.! CHI CD-CAM 22- i-i ov-90 VUC SISAL 1023 o 24625 03-:=eb- 68 YUe SISAL 5M CHI SF / f.lt4 L 18 -Feb-8a VUC TELCHAC 15 10 24625 03-Feo-8S VUC P . P/ SISAL 51·1 C~I 570 CD / TAI·l 23 - ~la y -88 'tUC 3ISAL 110 o 24630 03-May-2S VER BARR ANCAS 1 5M CHI !<. 14 760 8F /t·1M L 10- J u l - 89 LA CAt·IERON 900 24634 03-Ha y- 88 VER 8ARRAtiCAS I S ~·1 CHI KM 690 BF j MML 07-J un-B8 VER ALVARADO 35 40

24635 03- May-88 VER BARRAIJCAS 1 5 ~1 CHI K~-1 5S0 3F /t4t·1L 17 - Ma y- B8 VER AL VARADO 14 .:10 24647 04-Ma y-88 VER BARRAtlCAS 4Ot~ CHI m 680 ilL /VUC 19- /.1ay-88 VER ALVARADO 15 40

24704 2 9 - I~ ar-gO VER ~lOCAI·1BO AUI SM 340 V. I.S,S . 30 - t~ar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO

24713 30 - ~ lar-;:O VER ~·10CAMBO 1 3~·1 ALH SM 320 V.I. S,S. 0 1- Apr-90 VER MOCAt~ BO 2

24724 -J 5-Apr-90 "IER i ~ CC AMBO 1314 AU,I 5/·1 3 7 8 'J ,::: . 3,B. 1O - J un-90 VER At·J' ON LI ZARDO 56

24725 0 5- Ap r-90 VER '.IOCAMBO 1 31~ AU,I 51·1 380 'J. I.S.B, 16- Apr-90 VER BOCA DEL RI O 11

~4759 07 - '·l a y- 88 VER 8ARRANCAS 361·1 CHI KI·I 657 RB / VER 11 - Ma y - da VER AL VARADO 4 ~c :4762 J 7- !>la y- 88 VER BA RRA IICAS 36 t·1 ::HI KM 628 «S / 'JEil 28- Jun- 68 VER LERDO TEJ ADA 52 50 :4763 07- !·1ay-88 VER BARRANCAS 361·' CHI :< ~I 510 RB/ VER ;J9- J un-d8 'J ER 80CA DEL RIO 33 10 24767 OS-Aor-90 VER ; 4 0CA ~~ BO 13M AU·l S~ I 335 LS , ALRB OS-Apr-90 VER BOCA DEL RIC 1

24776 17 - !,lay-58 VER BOCA DEL RIO RV K I~ 580 J V/ MEX 28-Aug-8S VER CAR AEL ~03 20

24777 18 - '·lay-B8 VER BARRANCA! 30M CHI KH 5ao SF / ~H· IL Z7 - I~ar-90 VER CO ATZAC OALCOS 678 6C

2 4784 18- t·lay-da VER BARRANCAS 301~ CHI :, 1·\ '760 C;l/ l·t"IL 0 2 - J u l -88 VER BARRANCA:: 45 24796 23-na y-a8 VER 80CA J EL RIC 151·1 RV KI·I 670 CII / 141,IL 10 - t·j ar-8 9 vue CELESTUN 29 1 578 24S10 ;:: 1 - '1ar-90 VER 1·IOCAI'1 80 131·1 AL i·1 SM 3 54SS ,G3 , LS , 24- i.1ar-90 VER BARRANCA:: 24S40 17- I>1ay- 89 VER BARRA NCAS 3Ci·' CHI KJ·I 600 J R/ VER 26-t·t a y- 88 VER AL VARADO 9 40

24845 19-Ma y-38 V E ~ 8CC~ DEL RIO '::CI·! RV KI·I 710 ~ V / t4 E X 28 - i·la y-B8 'JER ALVARADO 9 50

248 46 : 2-Mar-90 VER :·IOCAI,IBO 325SS ,CB , LS , ~4 - r·1 ar-9C VER VERACRUZ

24895 0 5 - ('~ay-a8 VER SOC A GEL RIO 4014 RV 720 SF / ~ IM L j '7 -'.Iay-Ba VER AL VARADO 12 40

24903 02-Ha y- 8a VER BARRANCAS i 51~ CHI 560 RS / VER 18-r·1ay -B8 VER ALVARADO 16 .-, 24917 04- Ma y-gB VER BARRANCAS 4Ct~ eH I 585 CS / VER 06- J un- 98 VER SARRAtICAS 33 " 24919 05-OIa y-B8 VER BARRAN CAS 1 81~ CHI 5 I 0 RL /'VUC 25-May-38 VER ALVARADC 20

249 19 i O - ~pr - 3 0 VER ~ OCAM 8 0 131.1 AL:·I 4S0 lZ - .lIp r-30 VER AL VARADO 2 -: 5 24926 C6-'·lay-88 VER 80CA OEL RIC 30!·, RV 6S0 CS / VER ,Q- J un-B8 VER A. L.IZARDO 35 5

24929 06- ;.Iay-'38 VE? SOCA DEL RIO 3 01·1 .~V 680 CS/ VER 02-J un-88 VER AL VARADO 2 7 50 ;:4933 06-;·la y-88 VER SOCA DEL RIO 30t-! RV 540 CS/ VER 22-!·lay-88 VER BOCA DEL RIO 16 10

:.:1934 -) 6- ~la y -88 VER aOCA DEL RI O 30 1" RV 6 10 CS / VER 20- May-88 VER aC::A DEL RI O 10

24947 '9- Apr-SO VER I.IOCAI·~ B O 1 3J~ AU·I SI,I 365 LS,AI,RS ,,' -Apr-90 VER VC:RACRUZ 2

24950 1 8- ~lay-8 8 VER BARR ANC AS .. OM RV Kt·1 670 RB/ VER 14-Apr-89 VER A. LIZARDO 331 iO

2495 2 05- f·lay -88 VER BARRANCAS 1 a J ~ CH I KI·\ 7~ 5 RB/VER I 7 - ;~ a y - 8 8 VER BARRAHCAS 12 o 24954 0 5- ~ a y - B8 VER BARRAIJCAS 647 RB/ IJ ER 25 - Ma y-BS VER CCATZ ACOALCCS 20 85

Z4 960 05-Na y-a8 VER SAR R AI~CAS 1 al·1 CH I Kl·1 70 4 RB / VER 2i - May-28 VER ~ L V ARADO .. 0

:4967 O S-~a y - 8B VER 8ARRA IJ CAS ; BI·I C:-n ~J ·I 6 i 3 RB / VER 1: - Ma y-B8 '.l ER ALV ARADO ~ O

249 69 ') 5-i,lay- <38 BARRA IJ CAS , 81·1 \((·1 520 RS / VER 1 6- t~ay-88 \l ER ALVARADO I I

06- '·Iay - 88 VER BAR RAIICAS 361·1 CHI KI·I 543 AT / VER 1 7 - ~la y -B8 VER ALVARADO 11 :4986 05-Ma y- BS VER 8ARRArrCAS 36;4 CHI KJ4 700 AT / VER 17 - Ma y-8S VER AL VARADO

24996 12 - ;·lay-88 'J ER BARRAtlCAS .101·1 CHI .< I·J 680 RB / VER ~ 7 - f.l ay-88 VER "LVARADO 3 ~O

25 003 05 - 11a y- 88 VER BOC A DEL RIO .. or·1 RV K ~I 6 50 BF/I·It·IL 21 - ~l a y -8 8 VER AL VARADO 15 .. 0 25007 ) 5-!·lay- d8 VER BOCA OEL RI O RV KII 6 20 SF : :·1I·4L 17 -t·lay-dS VER BOCA DE!... RIO i 2 10 1) 5- I ~a y - gE VER BOCA O E ~ RIC 30J.l ::" V ,., 670 3F ! ;·IML 20- Aug-89 VER AL VARA DO 47: 50 :SGi 5 ) 6-'.lay -<3a 'IER 8ARRA iiC;:\S 361·1 CHI ..(1·1 53 0 ,

~ 7- ; un - a8 VER CO A7: ACO ALCaS 3 2 8 5 Appena ix 1 . ~ ~n 9 ~ K r~ ) and Spanisn \ Sl~ ) m ac Ke r~l returns f r =m 1·l e xi c o , ~ 985- 1 991. ( ~prev i ous ly u nreoor~ed ) .

: ------Rel ease------: : ------C ap~ure------: Days of Distance Tag :I ::l ate Area Sub-Area Depth Gear 3p ( mm ) Tagger Jate Area Sub-Area Freedom ( mi l es )

2 5033 0 6-May-88 VER BARRAi lCAS 361·1 CHI XI·l 750 RL/YUC J7 - Ju n -~ 8 VER ALVARADO 32 40 25034 :J6 -1'lay-88 VER 9ARRAilCAS 36/·1 CH I Ki ·1 880 i=

2504 4 11 - r·iay-88 VER BARRA /ICAS 401-1 CHI 700 R8 / VER 1 7 - ~lay-88 VER ALVARADO 6 40 25049 0 6-Ma y -88 VER 3ARRANCAS 36M CHI 760 RL/YUC 14-r,lar-89 \f ER COATZACOALCOS 31 2 85 2 5052 11 - 1,l a y -S8 VER BARRANCA! 4ml CHI 6 90 RB/VER 13-Jun-88 VER A. LIZARDO 33 5 25111 10 - i4ay-88 VER 3C CA DEL RI O -I Ot·1 RV 58 0 AT / VER 0 9-Jun-88 VER AL VARADO 30 50 25;21 6 - i·f ay-8S VER 8 AR RAriC AS 3ml CHI 530 R5 /'JER 0 3- J un-88 'J"R ALVARADO 18 40

251 28 16- y -88 VER ·3ARR AfIC AS 30~1 CH I 652 i=

6- ~l ay- 88 VER 8ArlRAIICAS 30M CHI 513 RB / VER l1 - J un-88 VER SOCA DEL R:!:O :6 10

2 5 130 15-'·lay -88 VER BARRAt lCAS 30M CHI 710 RS/VER 01 - J ~il-88 VER ALVARADO 15 ~ O

25152 16-'la y -88 VER 3ARRANCAS 3ot~ CH I 68 0 3F / W,1L 14-Aug-8 9 VER ALVARADO 455 40

2 5 172 15 - f~ay-88 VER 8ARRAIICAS 40M C:--i I XI·l 59C 3F / I·It,'L 13 - t4a y -B9 VER VERACRUZ 362 30 25199 1i - :'!a y -S8 'JEl( BARRANCA! CH I 6 10 RB/ VE R J7- Jun-88 VER ALVARADO 21 40 25230 20- /·lar-89 CAM SEYB APLAYA 51·1 360 FS(CAM 2B- Apr-89 CAI,1 3A8AtlC!J Y 39 50

20 - j,iar-89 CAM SEYBAP LAYA 51·1 340 F 5 / CA~' 30-Apr-89 CAM ISLA AGUADA 41 65 2 52 5 6 19-Ha. y -88 VER BARRAIICAS 30/,1 CH: XI,I 7 50 Cll / I.1ML 4-,1ov-38 'J ER ALVAR ADO 179 10

2 53 08 1 8 - ~lay- 8 8 'J ER BARRA/leAS 4m~ CHI XI,1 729 RB/VER Z8 - Ma y -B3 VER ALVARADO 10 40 253 1 2 18-i'lay - 88 'J ER 8ARRAIICAS .! m·l CHI :<1·1 585 RB / VER 28 - '·iay-B8 VER AL': ARADO 10 40

25.315 i B-t-lay - 88 VER 5ARRAtJCA5 4ot~ CHI K ~I 559 RB/ VEi=< 27- jun-88 VER PLAYA ;l CRTE 40 30 253'6 l S-Hay -S8 VER BARRAIlCAS 4014 CHI XI·' 559 R8-VER 01 -Aug-90 VER AI ITIGUA 805 30

2532~ 1 9- ~1 a y -88 VER 8ARRANCAS 30 1'~ CHI Klvl 610 SS/I·1EX 28-j·lay-88 VER ALVARADO 9 40

2 5325 19-Ma y - 88 VER 3AR RAtJCAS 3m,1 CHI XI,1 585 SS /t·1E X 30- ~la y -88 VER 8ARRAt/CA! 11

25323 1 9 - ~,'a y -88 VER BARRAtJCA5 30M CHI KI·1 570 3S/ ME X 07- J un-38 VER AL'l ARADO 19 40 08-1,lay-89 VER SARRA/ICAS S6M CH I KI·' 580 RL / YUC 2 3-t·lay -3 9 VER ALVARADO 15

J2 - !·la y -89 VER BARRAIJC~S 25M CH I Kt~ 52 5 WF.'tIMF3 1d-.r4ug-8S VcR CHACHAL;'CUS 108 12 25465 02 - Ma y - 89 VER BARRMICAS 2 5:·1 CH I X14 525 ;,'J F / iH:tFS ' - i·la y -S9 11 ER VERACRU Z 3 30

25~a3 ~ 2- r" a y -S9 'l ER 9ARRANCA! 251,' CHI KI·1 720 \'iF / IJI,IFS i .! - .J ur.-89 VER VERAC RUZ 20 2 5 4 93 !) 3-1'la "j -89 VER BARRAN CAS 2514 Ceil KI·l 7 20 'ilF / tu·IFS 17 - i'la y - a9 VER ALVARADC

0 3- !~ a y -a9 VER BARRAIICAS 25/,1 CHI KI4 550 ','IF/ IIM F5 30- J an-SO CAI4 SEYBAPLAYA 3 90 2 5496 0 3-i·lay-8 9 'l ER BARRANCAS 25/·1 CHI Xl,1 590 \"/F /1 1M F8 30- /1 a y -89 VER ALVARADO 27

<:97 11 0 5-1··lar-90 VER j·IOCAM80 13/4 AU·' 51·1 3 8 0 LS 0 8- ; ~ ar-90 VER BOCA DE!... RIO 3

2 97 , 3 OS-t·lar-90 VER i,1CCM·1BO 131,1 AU ·I 5~1 358 J 6- ~lar- 90 VER SOCA DEL RIC

2 97 18 0 5-Mar-90 VER HOCAI·180 131,1 AU,1 S~1 385 LS 10-i·lar-90 ',l ER 8ARRA/1CAS 5 7

29720 0 5-I.iar-90 VER ,IOCAf·1BO i 314 AU ,I 31·1 390 LS 05 - i·l ar-90 V E ~ !l,I ITOl t l.. ::: ZAR DO 5

29734 O S- I~ ar-90 VER :·10CAI480 13M AL ~1 Sl~ LS 06 - ,·lar-'l0 VEil sec A DEL RIO ;:9738 0 5 - f4ar-90 VEt< HOG AI.180 131·1 AU,I SI·l 350 LS 06 - Har- '30 VER SOC A DEL RIO 29 739 ,) S-Har-90 VER 131,' AU,' SH 3 9 0 :"'5 22 - Har-,"0 VER ANTOIl L :i:ZARDO 5 2 9740 OS-Har--90 VER ;,IOCAI·IBO 13/·1 AU·l Sf.! .us LS 0 6-t·' ar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO

2 9768 0 5-f,lar-90 VEt< r4 0CAi,'80 13M AL ~l SI'4 355 i.. 3 Z2 - ~l ar--9 0 TEX BRAZ SAilT PS 17 550

2 9778 OS - ~·lar-90 VER /,IOCAM80 131~ AUI 31·1 508 LS 07 - 1·lar-90 VER BCCA DE!... RIO 2

2 9813 C5-'·lar-·3C 'JER 13t~ !l,U,1 SI4 3 48 LS 0 8-Har-90 VER SOCA DEL RIO 3 29824 0 6-:.l ar-90 VER j·IOCA lvl BO 13/·' AU·I 3/,1 368 L3 , RB,AI 0 8-J un- 90 VER BCCAtI A 94 29826 5-/·1ar-90 VER i·IOCAI·1BO 13/,' AU·i SI4 36 5 LS OS- t·lar-SO VER BOCA DEL RIO 2 ·29831 Co- r·l a r - 90 VER ;.ICCAI-I80 131,1 AU·' 31·1 365 LS 14 - j,lar-90 VER VERAC RUZ 8

2 9925 1·'OCAI·1 BC ; 31~ AL ~I 31" LS 07 - !.tar--90 VER 80CA DEL R:: :l o 2 996 1 'J7 - Mar-90 VER ;·10CAI480 i 31·1 ALt,1 51·1 370 L3 0 9-"'1 a r - 30 VER BOCA DEL ;ne 2 9968 0 7 - ;·1ar-90 'J ER 1·IOCAI,180 12M AU·' SI,' 3 55 0 8-Mar-90 VER VERACR UZ 299 96 07-i ,lar-90 VEt< ;·10C AI·IBO 13M ALf.1 3M 370 LS 0 8-'·tar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 2 9999 0 7 - 1·1ar-90 VEil i,IOC AI·IBO 13M AU-I SM 374 0 9-j·lar-30 VER BOCA J EL RIO .:

30008 0 7 - Mar- 3-) VER i 'IOCA~IBO 13M ALt·l St,1 3 95 LS 0 8-1,lar-90 VER 30CA DEL :He

300 16 0 7-f.lar-90 VER I· I OC A~IB O 131-1 ALH SH ~10 LS v B-t,lar-BO 'J ER aO::A DEL RIG 2 30025 J 8 - Mar-9C VER i·1CC.:II·IBO 13/1 AU·I 31·1 3 40 3:JCA ) EL .'< Ie

J ~0 32 ~ a- M ar-3 C V E~ i·IOCAI ·18 0 i 3/·1 AUl S~I 0 8- ·iar-9C ''; ER ' o Appendix 1. King (KM) a nd Spanish (SM) mackerel returns from Mexico, 1986-1991. (* previously unreported).

: ------Release------: FL : ------Capture------: Days of Distance Tag " Date Area Sub-Area Depth Gear Sp (mm) Tagger Date Area Sub- Area Freedom (miles)

30034 08 - Mar-90 VER M OCA~IBO 13M ALM S ~1 44 0 LS 10-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 2 30037 08-Mar-90 VER MOC AI~BO 13M ALI~ SM 380 LS 10-Mar-90 VER VERACRUZ 2 5 30038 08-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM SM 420 LS 10-t-1ar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 2 30062 09-t~ar-90 VER MOCAM BO 13M ALM SM 390 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 2

30068 09-Mar-90 VER MOCA~lBO 13M ALM SM 355 LS 10-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 1 30071 09-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M AUt S~1 345 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 2 30076 09-Ma r-90 VER MOCAt~ BO 13M ALM SI4 368 LS 23-Mar-90 VER ALVARADO 14 15 30088 09-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM SM 355 LS 10-~lar-90 VER BOCA DE L RIO 1 1 30107 09- Mar-90 VER MOC AMBO 1 3~1 AL~1 st~ 380 LS 12-t·lar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 3 1 30110 09-Mar-90 VER MOCAt-1BO 13M ALM SM 358 LS 10-~lar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO

30119 10-Mar-90 VER M OC~IBO 13M ALt4 SI4 400 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 30125 10-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM St-1 400 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 30145 10-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M AL~1 SM 420 LS 11-t·lar-90 VER BOCA DE L RIO

30147 1 0-~lar-90 VER t-10CAMBO 13M AL M SM 395 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO

30152 10-Mar-90 VER MOCAt~BO 13M ALM S~1 374 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 30187 10-Mar-90 VER MOCA1~BO 13M ALM SM 3B5 LS 12-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 2 30189 10-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M AL M SM 349 LS 11-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 1 30211 12-t~ar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM SM 420 LS 13-Mar-90 VER BOCA DE L RIO 30228 12-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM SM 367 LS 14-Mar-90 VER VERACRUZ 2 15 30242 13-Mar-90 VER t~OCAMBO 13M ALM SM 363 LS 14-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 30252 13-I~ar-90 VER t~OCAMBO 13t~ AL ~ 1 SM 373 LS 14-Mar-90 VER ANTON LIZARDO 5 30260 13-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM Sf·t 340 LS 14-Mar-90 VER BOCA DEL RIO 30262 13-Mar-90 VER I~OCAMBO 131-1 ALM SM 328 LS 20-Mar-90 VER ANTO ti LIZARDO 7 5 30274 13-Mar-90 VER MOCAMBO 13M ALM SM 374 LS 14-Mar-90 VER ANTON LIZARDO 5 30278 13-Mar-90 VER MOCAt-1BO 13M ALM SM 385 LS 14-Mar-90 VER ALVARADO 15 * 46335 16-Aug-90 TEX PORT ARANSAS KM 17-Jan-91 CAM SABANCUY 154 1100