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SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 2014-2015 Updated on February 16, 2015
SCHOLARSHIP WEB SITES Wells Fargo bank is sponsoring the scholarship matching website that includes a career personality test along with college and career planning tips and tools. Go to
99+ SCHOLARSHIPS Students can go to Scholarships are listed from different Universities and agencies. This is a free resource for all students.
Qualifications: Must be a graduating senior and have maintained at least a ‘B’ grade point average, participated in one of the 27 sports officially sanctioned by the National Federation of State High School Associations, and demonstrated active involvement in his or her community.
Deadline: Students can apply online at Students must apply by Friday, October 3.
Students chosen as Local Honorees receive a Certificate of Achievement from their schools or organizations. Those who qualify (50 hours of service for age 14 and younger, 100 hours for those older) also receive the President's Volunteer Service Award. State Honorees receive an award of $1,000, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C., for national recognition events. National Honorees receive an additional award of $5,000, an engraved gold medallion, a crystal trophy for their schools or organizations, and a $5,000 grant from The Prudential Foundation for a non-profit, charitable organization of their choice.
Qualifications: Is in grades 5-12 as of November 4, is a legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C., has engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred at least partly during the 12 months prior to the date of application. The application must: describe an individual's community service activity or an individual's significant leadership in a group activity that has taken place during the previous year, be completed and submitted to a school principal or the head of an officially designated local organization by November 4, and be certified by the principal of a middle level or high school or the head of an officially designated local organization. These individuals should review implementation instructions carefully. Deadline: Applications can be completed online at Applications must be completed and submitted by November 4, 2014.
Award: $865.00 on-year scholarship
Qualifications: Applicants must be a graduate from a high school in Minnesota, attend a college or university located in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Superior Wisconsin. Students MUST write an introduction letter of yourself, list academic awards and honors, extracurricular activities and awards, community service performed, organizations to which you belong that are not unique to your school, and tell about your plans for the future using your post- secondary education. There will only be ONE representative chosen from Pillager school.
Deadline: Application can be found online under FORMS on Mrs. Turner's web page. Please turn in your essay and application to Mrs. Turner no later than Monday, January 5, 2015.
UT DALLAS MCDERMOTT SCHOLARS Award: 1. Full UT Dallas tuition and fees and yearly book stipends 2. $1200 per monthy for on-campus housing and living expenses 3. Up to $12,000 for study braod opportunities 4. Up to $3,000 for academic conferences, graduate school interview travel and test fees. 5. Cultural experiences in the Dallas Arts District 6. Cohort travel to Sante Fe, N.M.; Austin, Texas; and Washington, D.C. The award provides benefits valuedd at more than $225,000 (out-of-state) or $140, 000(in- state) over the four-year degree term.
Minimum Qualifications: 1. 1400 or higher on the two part SAT (verbal and math) or 2. 2100 or higher on the three part SAT or 3. 32 or higher on the ACT 4. First-time college freshman (AP, IB, CLEP, and Duel-Credit acceptable, Current UT Dallas students or Transfer students not eligible
Additional Considerations: 1. A class rank in the top 5% of their graduating class 2. Long records of community volunteerism and leadership in school 3. Broad and eclectic interests in science, literature, and the arts 4. Social skills to interact easily with adults as well as peers
Students who meet these qualifications have a stronger chance of being invited to McDermott Finalists' Weekend. The Program welcomes all majors. Applications are accepted from across Texas, the U.S., and the world.
Deadline: January 7, 2015.
Award: $20,000 over eight semesters ($2,500 per semester). Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.85 as a freshman and a 3.0 for subsequent years and continue to major in an apporved mathematics or science field of study.
Qualifications: 1. Must be a U.S. Citizen graduting from a high school in one of the following MN counties: Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Lake, Itasca, Koochinching, and St. Louis 2. Must have a composite score of 26 or higher on the ACT. SAT scores are not accepted.
3. Must be graduating in the top 20% of their class. (Students may still apply if not in the top 20%, but possessing an ACT score of 28 or higher).
4. Have shown promise for a career in mathematics and in the sciences.
5. Have demonstrated qualities of character, perseverance and ambition.
6. Have a high scholastic standing among their peers.
7. Be from a family whose taxable income is less than $120,000
Students qualifiying for this scholarship must be pursuing the following fields of study, and must be full-time students:
Aeronautics, Agriculture, Animal Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Clincial Laboratory Science, Computer Science, Dietetics, Engineering, Environmental Science, Forestry, Genetics, Geology, Mathematics, Medicine, Meteorology, Neuroscience, Nursing (bachelor degree programs only), Occupational Therapy, Osteopathy (DO), Paper Science, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physics, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre- Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Soil Science, Speech and Hearing Science, Statistics, Teaching Classical Mathematics, Teaching Basic Science, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Management and Zoology
Eligibility is based on teh following criteria. Feshman and sophomores must have 35% of total credits in mathematics or the sciences. Juniors and seniors must have 50% of total credits in mathematics or the sciences.
Deadline: For more information and to apply, students must go to Application deadline is January 15, 2015
Award: Varies
Qualifications: See Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Scholarship informational sheet under "files".
Award: $2,500 scholarship can be used for public or private post-secondary education, including colleges, universities, community and technical schools.
Qualifications: MN Power's Community Involvement Scholarship is awarded to twenty area students in recognition of their volunteer efforts in their communities. Applicants residing in Minnesota Power's service territory will be considered and can apply.
Deadline: Students can apply online at Applications must be recieved by January 15, 2015.
Award: First Place: An unrestricted four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Drake University, a personal trophy and the Drake Physics Trophy (to be retained in the high school of the winner for display during the following year).
Second Place: Personal Trophy
Third Place: Personal Trophy
Honorable Mention: Certificate of acheivement (awarded to the next 25 placers)
Top 50 Seniors: An invitation to apply for a second four-year, full-tuition scholarship, restricted to physics or astronomy majors, to be awarded based upon overall academic record, recommendations and an interview to be conducted at Drake in April. The runner-up will recieve a half-tuition scholarship.
Qualifications: The examination si opent o any student enrolled in a high school in Iowa, MN, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska. It will cover topics in physics that would normally be studied by students during the FIRST SEMESTER of their high school physics curriculum: mechanics, gravitation, waves, fluids, heat and thermodynamics. The principal of each participating school, or his/her delegate, is asked to supervise (proctor) the objective-type examination, which should be done at the school at a specified time between Wednesday, January 28, and Friday, January 30, 2015. The precise date may be chosen to accomodate the students. However, we require that all students at each school take the test at the same time and place. Again this year, the test will be administered on the Internet. The exam is given in two parts. Part I is multiple choice with no partial credit. Part II is composed of more complicated multiple-choice problems for which, partial credit is given. Students should write their solutions for Part II on 8 1/2 X 11 paper. These solutions should be mailed to our dpartement by the proctor. A report of the results will be sent as soon as the grading is completed.
Deadline: Students wishing to take the test should register online by 1:00 pm, Monday, January 26, 2015. To register students must go to The above link can also be reached through the Drake Physics and Asdtronomy home page:
Award: Each year the Foundation for Rural Services (FRS) Youth Tour brings together rural students from across rural America to visit our nation's capital and learn about rural telecommunications. The tour provides a forum for you to meet and interact with your peers from other rural communities, as well as, key legislative, regulatory and government figures. The costs for the Youth Tour will be paid entirely by CTC, including; airfare, hotel, meals and miscellaneous expenses.
Qualifications: To qualify, students must be in high school, age 16 or 17, at the time of the tour and your parent or legal guardian must be a CTC year-round member in CTC's sercive area. Each student is required to complete the application and submit either a short essay or a 2 minute video on how technology in Rural America affects your education.
Deadline: The application and essay or video are due to CTC by January 30, 2015. Students can submit their application and essay or two minute video to [email protected]. The application can be found under Forms on Mrs. Turner's web page.
Award: $2,000-$10,000
Qualifications: Scholarships are available for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or allied student leaders. Deadline: Application deadline is February 2, 2015. Students can go to to apply.
Award: An all expense paid trip for three juniors to Washington, D.C. from June 13-18, 2015.
Qualifications: Students need to write a maximum one page essay (fiction or non-fiction) describing one of the following: New Energy Technology Idea, or a Futuristic Energy Thought.
Deadline: Please return the completed essays by Friday, February 13, 2015. Students can find the application on the "Forms" page on Mrs. Turner's website.
Award: $2,500
Qualifications: The student's family or legal guardian must be a CTC year-round and good standing member in CTC's service area, the student must be accepted by an accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational technical school, the student is a graduating high school senior, the student must have at least a C grade point average, the student must be a US citizen, and the student must express an interest to work in a rural community following graduation.
Deadline: Completed applications and requested attachments must be submitted to CTC by February 20, 2015. The completed applications must bear CTC's CEO signature to be considered eligible. Students may send their properly complted application and attachments to: CTC, Attn: HR Dept., PO Box 972, Brainerd, MN 56401. CTC will then forward the complted applications and attachments along with the CEO signtaure to FRS. Students can download the application from the FRS website at:
Award: Five scholarships of $2,000 each to graduating Minnesota high school seniors.
Qualifications: The student's family or legal guardian must be a CTC year-round and good standing member in CTC's service area, attend a post-secondary education at either a university, college or technical college, be a MN resident, and be a graduating high school senior.
Deadline: Completed applications and requested attachments must be submitted to CTC by February 27, 2015. The completed applications must bear CTC's CEO signature to be considered eligible. Students may send their properly completed application and attachments to: CTC, Attn: HR Dept, PO Box 972, Brainerd, MN 56401. CTC will then forward the completed applications and attachments along with the CEO signature to te MN Telecom Alliance. Students can download the application at:
Award: $1,000
Qualifications: Must be a resident of the State of MN, a high school senior seeking further education, with a good scholastic record and average of at least a "C", in need of, and deserving of financial assistance, of good character, with ambiition to coninue his/her education
Deadline: Applications must be submitted to Mrs. Turner by March 1, 2015. Students can print off the application on Mrs. Turner's website under FORMS.
Award: $1,000
Qualifications: The past Presidents Parley Health Care Scholarship has been established to assist needy and deserving students or adults to commence or further their education in any phase of the health care field including the entire medical, nursing and dental support fields such as registered nurses, nursing assistant, licensed practical nurse, X-ray or other technician, dieticians, physical or other therapist, dental hygienist or dental assistant. The applicant must be a meber of the American Legion Auxiliary in the Dep. of MN for a minimum of three years; and maintain a "C" or better average in school.
Deadline: Applications must be turned in to Mrs. Turner by March 1, 2015. Students can print off the application on Mrs. Turner's website under FORMS. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP FOR NON-TRADITIONAL STUDENTS
Award: Five scholarships each in the amount of $2,000 will be awarded in the 2015-2015 Auxiliary year. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded in each Division of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Qualifications: All applicants must be a member of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of The American Legion and shall have paid dues for the two preceding years and for the calendar year in which application is made. Applicant must be a non-traditional student returning to the classroom after some period of time in which his/her formal education was interrupted, a non- traditional student who is just beginning his/her educationat a later point in life.
Deadline: Applicant must present the completed application to the American Legion Auxiliary Unit President and on or before March 1, 2015. Applications can be found on Mrs. Turner's website under FORMS.
Award: Three scholarships will be awarded in each Division of the American Legion Auxiliary: one in the amount of $3,500, one in the amount of $3,000 and on ein the amount of $2,500.
Qualifications: Candidates for this award shall be daughters, sons, grandsons, granddaughters, great- granddaughters, great-grandsons, of veterans who served in the Armed Forces during eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion.
April 6, 1917-November 11, 1918 (WWI) December 7, 1941-December 31, 1946 (WWII) June 25, 1950-January 31, 1955 (Korea) February 28, 1961-May 7, 1975 (Vietnam) August 24, 1982-July 31, 1984 (Grenada and Lebanon) December 20, 1989-January 31, 1990 (Panama) August 2, 1990 to the date of cessation of hostilities (Persian Gulf to Present)
Applicants must be in their senior year of high school, previous National Presidents' Scholarship recipients are not eligible for further consideration, applicant must complete 50 hours of volunteer service within the community, verified in writing by the recipient organization(s). Deadline: Applications must be submitted to Mrs. Turner by Monday, Feb. 23, 2015. Applications can be found on Mrs. Turner's website under FORMS.
Award: District winner $1,100, 6 regional winners $150 each, local winner $1,200
Qualifications: The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do is as follows:
1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Open to all juniors and seniors. The Four-Way Test is not a code or a creed, but a stimulus to self-appraisal. It is not a pledge, but reather a springboard to volunatray self-improvement. It is not a sermon, although a number of sermons has been preached on it. It aims to encourage the ethical instincts in every person and consititutes a simple and practical guide for people of all cutlures. The Four-Way Test has inspired safe driving programs, fire prevention campaigns, crime and drug reduction activities; it has been the subject of countless secondary school essays. It has been translated into more than 100 languages.
The essay may treat any subject of interest to the student. It may be specific or general. For example, one might choose a topic relating to world peace, to a special friendship, to the environmental issues in general or to some issue in particular, to a choice of life-style, to a choice of occupation. CAUTION: An essay may not reference matters of a religious or political nature. Any essay containing such references or subject matter will be automatically disqualified. Creative use of one's imagination is encouraged. However, the essay must include the priciples of the Four-Way Test and the way they relate to the topic presented.
Length: 500 to 1,000 words
Presentation: A typewritten copy, double-spaced, is to be submitted, along with the signed statement below.
Judging: Judging will be based on utlization and application of the principles of the Four-Way Test. Essays recieved that do not incorporate these four principles will not be considered. Student creativity, organization, language and grammar usage will also be considered as part of the overall judging critera. Deadline: Deadline for local entries is: February 23, 2015. The directions and application information can be found under "Forms" on Mrs. Turner's website.
Award: Five scholarships in the amount of $5,000 will be awarded for the 2014-2015 Auxiliary year. One scholarship will be awarded in each Division of the American Legion Auxiliary. All are gift scholarships and are not loans.
Qualifications: Candidates for this award shall be/shall have been Junior members of the American Legion Auxiliary; said member to have held Junior membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the past three years and must hold a membership card for the current (2015) year. Applicant must coninue her membership in the American Legion Auxiliary during the four-year-scholarship period. Applicants must be in their senior year of an accredited high school, this is a four-year scholarhip to attend an accredited institiution of higher education. Applicants must be of good character and have grades which meet entrance requirements at the institution of their choice. Applicant must have at least a 3.0 GPA using a 4.0 base. Participation in this scholarship program shall be on a volunatry basis in all Units and Departments.
Deadline: Application must be submitted to Mrs. Turner by Monday, February 23. Students can print off the application on Mrs. Turner's website under FORMS.
Award: Scholarships range from $500 to $2,500
Qualifications: Student must be nominated by the superintendent or other school offical, must be a graduating senior from your school, plan to enroll in a full-time course of study at a tax-exempt, accredited two-year or fou-year college, univeristy or vocational-technical school, and demonstrate financial need. If students are interested in being nomintated for this scholarship, please see Mrs. Turner by Monday, March 2, 2015. GIRLS STAE FROM THE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY
Award: An opportunity for one girl young woman who have just completed their junior year of high school. The American Legion Auxiliary MN Girls State is a week-long experience of learning about MN government at the local, county and state lvels by "doing." It is a week of intensive study and involvement. The participants will actually organize and participate in the various levels and branches of government. Every girl will hod a government office or will become a member of the House or Senate. This year the camp will be held at the University of St. Thomas from June 7-12. Interested girls should see Mrs. Turner as soon as possible.
Qualifications: Must be a girl finishing her junior year of high school and willing to attend camp from June 7- 12.
Deadline: March 2, 2015
Award: Varies
Qualifications: See Application for details. Applications can be printed off Mrs. Turner’s website under Forms.
Deadline: Friday, March 27, 2015. No late applications will be accepted.
Award: Funding from Crow Wing Power is derived from unclaimed capital credits. The dollar amount varies from year to year.
Qualifications: 1. Applicant must be a senior in high school who will be attending a higher learning institution following graduation. If applicant decides not to further their education, the scholarship must be returned.
2. Letter of recommendation from counselor, teacher, coach or caring adult 3. Write a short essay demonstrating how this scholarship and further education will help you succeed and include your short and long-term goals. Students MUST include their name, address, city, state, zip, and telephone number. If students do not include this information they will not be eligible for the scholarship.
Deadline: Students must return their essays to Mrs. Turner no later than March 31, 2015. Late essays will NOT be accepted.
SFM FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Award: Up to $5,000 per year, for up to five years
Qualifications: The SFM Foundation provides scholarships to students whose parents were killed or seriously injured in workplace accidents while working for MN or WI employers.
Deadline: Students must submit their application by March 31, 2015. Applications can be found at
Award: $500
Qualifications: The student's family or legal guardian must be a Consolidated Telecommunications Company (CTC) year-round and good standing member in CTC's service area, the student plans to attend a two-year or four-year college, university or vocational technical school, the student is a graudating high school senior. The student needs to encclose a picture with application. The scholarship winner's picture will be published in CTC member communications.
Deadline: Scholarship applications must be received by March 31, 2015 to Mrs. Turner. Applications can be found under the "Forms" section on Mrs. Turner's website. No late applications will be accepted.
CROW WING POWER Award: Three $1,000 scholarships
Qualifications: The only qualification is that you have to be a member of Crow Wing Power (your immediate family has to receive electricity from Crow Wing Power). Money will be sent directly to your college of choice in your name.
1. Simply go to
2. Quick links on the home page
3. Click on Scholarship Contest
4. Only one entry per person
Deadline: Must have your name submitted online by March 31, 2015.
Award: $1,000 first place, 2nd place $500
Qualifications: Current high school students in the state of MN with plans to attend a postsecondary education are eligible to submit a brief (1,000 word or less) essay on the topic of biodiesel.
Deadline: All essays and application materials must be submitted by 4:30 pm on Friday, April 3, 2015. The application form and scholarship rules are online at
Award: Varies
Qualifications: Must be a Pillager high school senior planning on attending college in the fall of 2015. Students can attend a two-year, four-year, community/vocational college and/or a university. Deadline: Application deadline is Friday, April 3. Applications must be submitted to Mrs. Turner. No late applications will be accepted.
Award: $500.00
Qualifications: The Crossing Arts Alliane is awarding a scholarship to a graduating senior from a high school in the Lakes Area. The applicant must be planning to pursue further education in the arts including, but not limited to, visual art, music, drama, speech, literary arts, dance/movement, photography and technology-produced arts.
Students need to respond to the question: What is your favorite art quote and why is it important to you?
Deadline: The deadline for submission is Friday, April 3. The application form can be found under "Forms" on Mrs. Turner's website.
What is it? Become part of a "company" of 10-14 students. Participate in sessions led by professionals about: marketing, investing, interviewing, entrepreneurship, business plan creation, and so much more! There will be game shows, company challenges, an ice cream social, open gym, and a dance are just some of the fun things you'll do.
Who can go? Students competing grades 9-12 and attending public, private, charter or homeschools in Minnesota. Students from 100+ high schools attend. Students planning for college, starting their own business, looking for career direction, or just eager to meet new people.
When is it? July 12-17, 2015 at St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud July 26-31, 2015 at St. John's University, Collegeville
How Much? Students pay $150 if the application is submitted before April 13, 2015; after that, the cost is $200 per student. Financial assistance is available to students who qualify. How Do I Apply? Students can go online to and fill out an application
Award: $1,000
Qualifications: The MN Association of Townships is awarding $1,000 scholarships to up to four juniors currently attending a MN public, private, or parochial high school or a home study program that plan to further their education at a college, university, or vocational school.
Applicants must complete an application form and submit it along with a written essay discussing this year's topic: The title of the MN Association of Township's 2015 Annual Conference is: Public Safety-A Township's Highest Obligation. With that in mind, your essasy should answer each of the following questions: Fire protection is an important part of public safety that is provided by twonships all across MN. There are different ways that fire protection can be provided. What are the different ways fire protection is provided by townships? How is the cost of fire protection funded by a township and at what meeting is the extent of that cost approved? What challenges are faced by rural fire departments in providing fire protection?
Deadline: All items must be submitted by May 1, 2015. Applications postmarked after May 1 will not be accepted. Applications can be found online under Forms on Mrs. Turner's web page.
Award: $1,000
Qualifications: Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of the website. See website for full details
Deadline: Deadline for essay submission is June 15, 2015