WP5 Training of University Staff for Working with Students with Disabilities s1

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WP5 Training of University Staff for Working with Students with Disabilities s1

Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher

education institutions in Montenegro

Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at Higher Education Institutions in Montenegro

WP5 Training of university staff for working with students with disabilities

DEV5.3. Advanced Training on inclusive practices and support services for students with disabilities- Training material

Prepared by Velibor Boskovic, AYDM, [email protected] Date 20th November 2013

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Tempus Project 516758-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPGR


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education institutions in Montenegro

Training 1: ‘’Work with students with disabilities (counselling, technical and psychological support) and ‘’Assistive technologies for work with students with disabilities...... 3

Training 2: Sing language in practice, module I...... 4

Training 3: Work with students with disabilities (counseling, technical and psychological support); Inclusive education practices in HE and Support services for students with disabilities in HEIs...... 4

Training 4: Braille II………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 Training 5: Work with students with dyslexia...... 10 Training 6„Sign language in practice”-module2...... 11 Training 7: “Sign language in practice”-Module 3...... 12 Training 8: Universal Design for learning...... 12


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education institutions in Montenegro

Training 1: ‘’Work with students with disabilities (counselling, technical and psychological support) and ‘’Assistive technologies for work with students with disabilities – using different types and kind of teaching materials

Trainers: Natasa Mauko, Miha Kosi

1.1Learning goals The aims of the trainings were to think and learn about the different views of studying with disabilities. Participants had to do many small workshops, role playing tasks and think creatively about accommodating the needs of students with disabilities.

1.2 Topics

 Access to higher education

 Supporting students with disabilities

1.3Brief description

Trainings were held on 25th and 26th of May. In first topic »Access to HE« trainings were discussing about the barriers on higher education level with focus on barriers to and within HE and discussed physical barriers, attitudes, access to information and to support. Intention was to go beyond basic knowledge and look »deeper« into barriers in a way that focus was not only on students with physical disabilities but also on those with so called hidden disabilities (hard of hearing, vision problems etc.). During the training there were also a lot of role 3

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education institutions in Montenegro playing workshops to enable participants to learn that they are not the only one who can support students with disabilities, who could also help them at their institutions and that the team work is very important to successfully accommodate students' needs. Participants also focused on appropriate adjustments of lectures and examination and discussed how to make students' work area in the classroom enjoyable and friendly to its needs.

1.4Learning material

Trainers worked with PowerPoint presentation. There were a lot of discussions and practical work where participants made their own notes.

Training 2: Sing language in practice, module I

Trainers Vidna Matovic and Olivera Gluscevic, IERK

2.1Learning goals  Training has aim to provide to participants basic knowledge of sign language to facilitate the communication with persons with hearing impairments.


Single hand alphabet; Demonstrative, questionable and conventional phrases; Colours and numbers; Family and relations in family.

2.3Brief description

The training was conceived of the demonstration of single hand alphabet to the participants. Thereafter trainers processed by explaining terms by planned topics in this module. After practical demonstration, participants watched gestures on video. After that, participants were practicing using single hand alphabet and trying to show their names, different terms etc...They did it successfully.

2.4 Learning materials

Leaflets with single hand alphabet, video presentation on the screen.


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education institutions in Montenegro

Training 3: Work with students with disabilities (counseling, technical and psychological support); Inclusive education practices in HE and Support services for students with disabilities in HEIs

Trainers: Svetlana Obradovic and Dragana Bjekic- Integral description

First phase of training development: integration of two modules in on general training. Second phase of training development: differentiation of training for two groups –for university teaching staff and for university non teaching staff Third phase of training development: e-courses development (e-courses as support for traditional trainings) and introductory training for university participants

MODULE 1 Work with students with disabilities (counseling, technical and psychological support) Trainers: Svetlana Obradovic, UOM, and Dragana Bjekic, UOM 3.1Learning goals  Increasing sensitivity for students with disabilities

 Learning how to recognized communication needs of students with disabilities

 Development of communication skills in the context of working with students with disabilities

 Learning how to participate in the network of students with disab- ilities association and organization

3.2Topics  Basic concepts of inclusive university education, terminology of the movement of persons with disabilities and categories of university students with disabilities

 Recognition of disabilities, specific learning disorders


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education institutions in Montenegro  Communication of non-teaching university staff and students with disabilities

 Examples: Organization of university administration support to students with disabilities at University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, Balkan universities etc.

 Network of students’ association and services for student

 Non-teaching staff roles in university network for support for stu- dents with disabilities

3.3Brief description of Training 2nd and Training 4th Training for the university nonteaching staff “Nonteaching support for the stu- dents with disabilities at the university” realized in two terms: at Tuesday, June 11, and Wednesday, June 12, from 12:30 to 15, in the Galery Hall at the University Donja Gorica in Podgorica. There were 13 participants from the university non- teaching staff in these trainings. Interactive teaching methods (lectures, work- shops, demonstrations, role playing etc) are used.

The final part of the training is the introductory course for e-course as second step of training university nonteaching staff. E-course is developed according to training program; and it is placed within the Moodle system of Balkan Distance Education Network (http://e.lab.ftn.kg.ac.rs/moodle2).

3.4Learning material Training 2 and Training 4 (Module 1) Presentation in ppt format for training of nonteaching staff 05_SINCHE_NONteachStaffJune



Videos, moves and the other contents from WWW which are used for demonstration and illustration of some topics


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education institutions in Montenegro  Jezik i terminologija pokreta osoba sa hendikepom (Language and terminology of the persons with disabilities movement) http://www.ush.rs  IDEA klasifikacija?  Assistive technology – example from the Athens University http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxWyVWFVGxg  Selfassessment of dyslexia: Bosnian iSheds profiler http://www.wdnf.info/profiler/profilerba  Famous persons with dyslexia http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gud3CsKqUms  Inventory of learning styles http://www.mef.unizg.hr/katedre/fiziolog/if/testovi/stil_uce/opis .html

 Resources for the web site of SINC@HE project

 Additional resources are listed in e-book in e-courses.

 e-course: Non-teaching supports for students with disabilities http://e-lab.ftn.kg.ac.rs/moodle2/ url of the course http://e-lab.ftn.kg.ac.rs/moodle2/course/view.php? id=13

MODULE 2 Inclusive education practices in HE and Support services for students with disabilities in HEIs

Trainers: Dragana Bjekic, UOM, and Svetlana Obradovic, UOM

3.1.1 Learning goals  Increasing teachers sensitivity for students with disabilities and empathy with them

 Introducing teachers into the various models of university teaching for students with disabilities

 Increasing teachers’ communication skills in the context of teach- ing students with disabilities

 Supporting teachers to develop collaborative university teaching


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education institutions in Montenegro 3.1.2 Topics  Basic concepts of inclusive university education

 Terminology of the movement of persons with disabilities and cat- egories of university students with disabilities

 Examples: Organisation of teaching for students with disabilities at universities (University of Macedonia, Greece, University of Athens, Greece, university in Balkan region, universities in Serbia,) and centres for students with disabilities at universities

 Specific learning disorders (dyslexia etc.): recognition in the uni- versity education and teachers work with students with specific learning disorders

 Cognitive and learning styles of students with disabilities

 Communication with students with disabilities

 Models of university teaching: Universal Design Learning

 Selection of teaching and assessment methods

 Collaborative learning as part of support network

 Students-teachers support network as support services

3.1.3 Brief description of Training 1st and Training 3rd Training for the university teaching staff “University teaching for the stu- dents with disabilities” (training 1st and training 3rd) realized in two terms: at Tuesday, June 11, and Wednesday, June 12, from 9 to 12:30, in the Galery Hall at the University Donja Gorica in Podgorica. There were 9 participants from the university teaching staff in these trainings Interact- ive teaching methods (lectures, workshops, demonstrations, role playing etc) are used. The final part of the training is the introductory course for e-course (e- learning course) as second step of training university teaching staff. E- course is developed according to training program; ant it is placed within


5 1 6 7 5 8 – T E M P U S – 1 – 2 0 1 1 – 1 - G R – T E M P U S - J P G R Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher

education institutions in Montenegro the Moodle system of Balkan Distance Education Network (http://e.lab.ft- n.kg.ac.rs/moodle2).

3.1.4 Learning material for Training 1 and Training 3 (Module 2) Presentations in ppt format for training of teaching staff 01_SINCHE_TeachingStaffJune




Videos, moves and the other contents from WWW which are used for demonstration and illustration of some topics

 Jezik i terminologija pokreta osoba sa hendikepom (Language and terminology of the persons with disabilities movement) http://www.ush.rs  IDEA klasifikacija?  Assistive technology – example from the Athens University http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxWyVWFVGxg  Selfassessment of dyslexia: Bosnian iSheds profiler http://www.wdnf.info/profiler/profilerba  Famous persons with dyslexia http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gud3CsKqUms  Inventory of learning styles http://www.mef.unizg.hr/katedre/fiziolog/if/testovi/stil_uce/opis .html

 Resources for the web site of SINC@HE project

 Additional resources are listed in e-book in e-courses.

 e-course: University teaching for students with disabilities) http://e-lab.ftn.kg.ac.rs/moodle2/ url of the course http://e-lab.ftn.kg.ac.rs/moodle2/course/view.php? id=11


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education institutions in Montenegro

Training 4: Braille II Trainer Goran Macanović, AYDM

4.1Learning goals For the participants to get familiarised with the Braille letters by reading and writing text in Braille

4.2Topics  Braille alfabet 4.3Brief description Training started at 11.00 with a brief introduction of the trainer and participants. The participants were then reminded of the information from the previous basic training. The trainer again presented Braille letters, this time giving detailed description of the manner of writing letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols in Braille. After the extensive theoretical presentation of the Braille, the trainer split the participants into pair and gave them a practical task to solve. The participants were supposed to read a text printed in Braille, handed out by the trainer. They solved the task using the brochure containing a slate presenting standard letters in Braille. All the participants managed to read, that is – translate the text from Braille to standard script in a short time.

After the reading, the participants were split into two groups. Each group was given a task to write a note to the other group in Braille. The task was such that the note had to have at least as many words as there were members in the group which was writing the note. This request was set with the purpose of each member writing at least one word. The participants were writing using Braille slate and stylus, and the group receiving the message had to read it themselves and thus additionally practice reading.

The participants were very satisfied because in two hours they managed to recognise Braille letters themselves and read text in Braille, as well as write their first words in Braille without assistance. They believed this was a far more difficult task than it proved to be. At the end of training the participants filled in the evaluation forms.

4.4Learning material Brochure about Braille alphabet


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Training 5: Work with students with dyslexia Trainer: Catia Giaconi, University of Macerata (Italy) 5.1Learning goals  To know the dislexia disorder  To appreciate the critical aspects of pedagogy when working with young student suffering from dislexia who could access the univer- sity and higher education services  To know and practice the compensatory tools and the technologic- al devicesto guide students in their studies ina successful way 5.2 Topics Dislexia, Dislexia in adults, pedagogical critical aspects when working with stu- dents affected by dislexia, compensatory technological devices. 5.3Brief description The training aims at introducing the dislexia disorder and the critical aspects tied to didactics involving students with dislexia who could access the university and higher education services. The second section aims at introducing and practicing the compensatory tools and the technological devices to guide students in their study reaching levels of success.

5.4Learning material Presentation, videos, technological devices, compensatory tools in Montenegrin language.


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education institutions in Montenegro

Training 6: „Sign language in practice”-module2 Trainers: Vidna Matovic and Olivera Gluscevic 6.1 Learning goals  Expended knowledge of sign language and practical use in order to facilitate communication with hearing impaired.

6.2Topics  Explanation in sign language of areas of Life,health,medicine; Age; Work and labor relations; Culture;,entertainment and sport; Education; Institu- tions

6.3Brief description Participants were presented concepts in sign language to a preplanned concept. On video and in live. After each topic followed by a practical use of the same participants were learning and checking their knowledge by practicing in pairs in sign language. Atmosphere during the training was excellent. Participants showed great interest for work.

6.4Learning materials Leaflets with single hand alphabet, video presentation


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education institutions in Montenegro

Training 7: “Sign language in practice”-Module 3 Trainers: Vidna Matovic and Olivera Glusevic

7.1Learning goals  Expended knowledge sign language and practical use to facilitate the com- munication with persons with hearing impairments

7.2Topics Religious objects: Montenegro, environment ; Time and weather conditions; Trade; Food; Drink; Traffic; Communication and Computer

7.3 Brief description Participants were presented basic concepts of the proposed topics by video presentation and in live. Each presentation was followed by a practical application processed terms of sign language. The training was interactive. After the training, the participants got each one copy of cd-as an educational material with all gestures learned on all three modules. During the training, the atmosphere was excellent. Participants showed great motivation for learning sign language.

7.4Learning Materials Video presentation; single hand alphabet leaflets; CD for learning sign language


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Training 8: Universal Design for learning Trainers: Pawel Wdowik and Slawek Barabasz 8.1 Learning goals Learn:  the reasons for making digital documents accessible; how people with disabilities use assistive technology to access digital content; accessibility issues;  basic rules of making accessible text documents ;  how to use the accessibility features built into office suite applications including MS Word and MS PowerPoint; practical tips and tricks;  how to check and repair accessibility of the documents;  how to convert digital documents in a way that ensures the document retains accessibility features (creating accessible Portable Document File (PDF) documents);  basic requirements related to the creation of accessible websites. 8.2 Topics  Accessible digital documents, typical formats of digital documents, general rules.  Plain text files: advantages, disadvantages, special tags and symbols.  Word processed documents (MS-Word): text properties, headings, tables, links, alternative text for graphics, formatting with styles, useful tips, mathematical formulas in Word, checking accessibility in Word.  Accessible Presentations: general principles, making accessible presentations in PowerPoint, useful tips, checking accessibility in PowerPoint, converting presentation to other accessible formats.  Accessible Portable Document File (PDF) documents: when PDF is accessible, how to check, how to create accessible PDF documents.  Accessible websites: general rules, using assistive technology to navigate through Web sites, solutions for building accessible websites , checking Web accessibility.


5 1 6 7 5 8 – T E M P U S – 1 – 2 0 1 1 – 1 - G R – T E M P U S - J P G R Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher educationeducation institutionsinstitutions inin MontenegroMontenegro

8.3 Brief description With the increase in the use of the internet it is becoming much more common to provide information electronically. Digital media offers many opportunities to people with disabilities, especially independence and freedom access to information. To ensure this property, we must think about accessibility from the beginning of the creation of the documents. Making information accessible is not complicated. It only requires some awareness and sometimes a little shift in production process. Creating accessible documents helps all learners by ensuring that they are able to read, hear, and see all the information included in a presentation or document.

8.4 Learning material  Accessible plain text documents

 Accessible MS Word and PDF documents

 Accessible MS PowerPoint presentations

 Accessible websites


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