West Allegheny Girls Volleyball Boosters

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West Allegheny Girls Volleyball Boosters


These by-laws constitute the code of rules accepted by the West Allegheny Girls Volleyball Boosters organization for the regulation and management of its affairs.

PURPOSE The Primary purpose of this organization is to encourage and actively promote interest from the community and students in the girls’ volleyball program of the West Allegheny School District and to sponsor activities to raise funds to benefit and support the West Allegheny Girls Volleyball program.

ARTICLE I Membership Section 1: Any person with a daughter actively participating in the West Allegheny School District’s (school’s) Girl’s Volleyball program in either the Middle School or High School interested in the objects and purpose of this organization, who is willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws, may become a member upon payment of dues as provided in these by-laws.

Section 2: Dues are to be established by a majority vote of elected officers for the next year during the final meeting of the current year. Membership dues are payable each year no later than September 30th of the current school year. Any member not paying dues prior to this date will no longer be considered a member in good standing. Membership runs during the school year, beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the following year.

Section 3: Members must attend at least 5 regular meetings during the year in order to maintain a member in good standing status. Each family will receive one vote.

ARTICLE II OFFICERS Section 1: Officers of the organization shall be members in good standing and shall consist of president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and a school representative (member of WA coaching staff), and shall serve a term of two years.

Section 2: West Allegheny Girls Volleyball Booster officers are to be elected by a majority vote of members in good standing from a roster of nominees prepared in accordance with these by-laws. Elections, when necessary, will be held in November. No current officer will exceed a term of two years without applying for re-election. Section 2a: The roster of nominees shall be prepared in October based on nominations made from members in good standing from the floor during a regularly scheduled meeting. Only those members that have completed at least one (1) full year as a member in good standing are eligible for nomination. The roster of nominees shall be read at the next regularly scheduled meeting before they can be put before the membership for a vote. Elections will be held in October with officers to assume their positions on Jan 1st.

Section 3: No member shall, at any time, hold more than one office. No officer may exceed two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 4: Officers shall assume their office and official duties on Jan 1, following their election and they shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected. Each retiring officer shall turn over to his successor all club records and property.

Section 5: Should, for any reason, other than the normal end of a term, a vacancy occur in any office, the membership will, in a regular or special meeting, nominate and elect a member in good standing to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the original officer’s term. Exception: in the case of the office of president, the vice-president will fill the vacancy and a new vice-president shall be elected. The president shall declare an office vacant if an officer shall have missed three (3) consecutive regular meetings, without valid reason.

Section 6: No two members of the same family will hold office concurrently.

ARTICLE III Meetings Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held monthly, with the president notifying all members in good standing of the dates. The board will meet at 6:45 p.m. and the general meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the West Allegheny Senior High School, unless otherwise notified. Three (3) days notice shall be given in case of a change of date. Meetings will be held monthly, with special meetings being called as needed. Special meetings may be called, as provided in Section 3 of this Article.

Section 2: If a regular meeting falls on a holiday, the alternate meeting date shall be determined at the preceding month’s meeting.

Section 3: A special meeting may be called by any officer or by a petition signed by at least 3 of the members in good standing. Such petition shall state the purpose(s) for which the meeting is being called. Special meetings require at least five (5) days advance notice to all members in good standing.

Section 4: Three officers and at least 2 other active members in good standing present shall constitute a quorum.

D:\Docs\2018-04-18\094d28431f7a9b8582d878b1bf6fcffe.doc5/11/20184:20:04 上午 2 ARTICLE IV Duties of the Officers

President Section 1: It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the organization and to coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the objects and purposes of the organization are advanced.

Section 2: He/she, or any one of the other officers, shall countersign all checks written by the treasurer. He/she shall sign all vouchers, contracts, cards, etc. that requires his/her signature.

Section 3: He/she shall appoint a committee of two (2) to act as tellers to inspect all ballots and report the same to membership.

Section 4: He/she shall have no vote on any issue brought before the organization, or for officers, unless his/her vote is needed as a “tie-breaker”.

Vice President Section 1: It shall be the duty of the vice president to assist the president in the exercise of his/her duties and, in the absence of the president, to act in his/her capacity.

Secretary Section 1: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep full and complete records of the proceedings of the organization.

Section 2: The secretary will write report, communications, and notices. He/she shall prepare monthly meeting minutes for the membership.

Section 3: It shall be the duty of the secretary to prepare the roster of nominees for officers presented to the membership for the purpose of electing new officers.

Treasurer Section 1: The treasurer shall receive all monies and keep an accurate itemized record of all receipts and expenditures. The treasurer shall present a written financial report to each attending member, at every regular meeting, giving beginning totals, expenditures (broken down), and balances for the preceding month.

Section 2: The treasurer shall file all appropriate tax forms as necessary to preserve the tax-exempt status of the organization.

D:\Docs\2018-04-18\094d28431f7a9b8582d878b1bf6fcffe.doc5/11/20184:20:04 上午 3 Section 3: The treasurer shall work with the board to prepare a budget. This budget must be presented to the membership for their approval at a regular meeting near the beginning of the new governing board’s term of office.

Section 4: The Treasurer shall deposit all monies in the name of the association in a reputable bank chosen by the board. No checks may be drawn thereon unless properly signed by the treasurer and one other officer. The board has the authority to spend up to $250.00 for purchases they deem necessary without approval of the general membership (i.e., non-budgeted items). A special board meeting must be called to address the purchase and a majority vote of the board members will be needed for approval. All purchases are to be made by the President, Vice President, Secretary, or an appointed committee member, the Treasurer is not authorized to make said purchases, without the approval of the other officers. At the first regular meeting following the approval to spend, the board must announce the purchase to the members.

Section 5 – The Treasurer shall keep account of funds held by individual students and shall carry said accounts over from year to year, if these accounts are approved by the general membership. The Treasurer should also supply said information to the individual students at their request.

Section 6 – All disbursements will be made by check and all deposits in the name of “West Allegheny Volleyball Boosters”.

Section 7: The Treasurer’s books shall be audited annually, or upon request of either the officers or a majority of the membership. The auditing committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the Officers and approved by the membership.

School Representative Section 1: The school representative shall keep the organization informed of any volleyball related issues brought to the attention of the school board or citizens of the community. It shall be the duty of the School Representative to keep West Allegheny Volleyball boosters informed of any volleyball related issues brought to the attention of the school board and to be willing and able to report back to the school board about important West Allegheny Volleyball Boosters events.

ARTICLE V Standing Committees Section1: Such standing committees (as may from time to time be found necessary to carry on the work of this association) may be created or discontinued by the board with a two-thirds (2/3) voting consent of the membership present.

Section 2: Each standing committee shall consist of a chairman and such other persons as may be designated. The chairman of a standing committee shall be appointed by the board and such chairmanship shall automatically cease with the election of a new president at the next election.

D:\Docs\2018-04-18\094d28431f7a9b8582d878b1bf6fcffe.doc5/11/20184:20:04 上午 4 ARTICLE VI Finances Section 1: Monies or funds raised by, for, or in the name of West Allegheny Girls Volleyball Boosters organization under the sponsorship of West Allegheny Girls Volleyball Boosters become the property of the West Allegheny Volleyball Boosters. It has been voted on that the Volleyball Boosters will maintain a balance of $2,000 in the acct for the start-up of the new season.

Section 2: The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to the following December 31.

Section 3: Student account records, when maintained, are to record each student’s earned contribution towards “trips, volleyball items, or other planned student activities”. Funds recorded in these accounts are NOT the property of individual student and may NOT be refunded except as provided for in these by-laws. Individual account money can be used for the following volleyball items only: a. Volleyball apparel – must be organized by a parent and offered to ALL players (e.g., sweatsuits, hoodies, t-shirts). b. Volleyball socks, spandex, knee pads – must provide a receipt to the treasurer. c. Volleyball shoes – must provide a receipt to the treasurer. d. Volleyball camps, JO, Team Building – all checks will be written to camp or club. e. Banquet tickets. f. Booster fees.

Section 4: In the event a student moves, quits the organization or graduates, the monies become a part of the general fund of the girls’ volleyball boosters’ organization.

Section 5: All monies credited to a student but not used for a legitimate reason (legitimacy to be determined by the Board and Head Volleyball Coach) shall be carried over in the name of that student until the end of her senior year, or until the end of her attendance at the school, or until that student is no longer a member of the West Allegheny Volleyball program. At that time, such monies shall revert to the general treasury of the West Allegheny Volleyball Boosters, except that if the student has a younger sister in the volleyball program, said monies shall be credited to her in an equitable manner. a. General Account Fundraisers 1. Renaissance Tournaments (hosting 3 events) 2. Night at the Races (Fall) 3. Dues 4. Program Ads

D:\Docs\2018-04-18\094d28431f7a9b8582d878b1bf6fcffe.doc5/11/20184:20:04 上午 5 5. FunDaz Cards (Discount Card Program) Note - 1st 5 cards sold go into general fund, each additional card sold will go into student’s individual account

b. Individual Account Fundraisers 1. Air Show 2. Sarris Candy 3. Aramark Note – Effective March 1, 2010, 10% of earnings will be applied to the general fund. This is to cover costs for tax exempt status. 4. Apple Sale 5. Hoagie Sale 6. Car Washes

ARTICLE VII Parliamentary Authority Section 1: Roberts Rules of Order shall govern this organization all cases to which are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.

ARTICLE VIII Acceptance Section 1: These by-laws may be accepted after being read at a regular meeting and by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in good standing present and voting at the regular meeting.

ARTICLE IX Amendments Section 1: These by-laws may be amended at a regular meeting by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members in good standing present and voting provided that notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given in writing at the previous meeting. By- laws will be reviewed every two years.

ARTICLE X Disbandment Section 1: In case at any future time this club should disband, all monies in its possession at the time of disbandment shall be spent as originally intended on the West Allegheny Girls Volleyball program, after all outstanding debts have been paid.

Section 2: This organization may be disbanded at a regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in good standing present and voting provided that notice of the propose disbandment shall have been given in writing at the previous meeting.

Adopted by the membership on the ___February __ day of ___15___, 2010.

*Revised February 15, 2010

D:\Docs\2018-04-18\094d28431f7a9b8582d878b1bf6fcffe.doc5/11/20184:20:04 上午 6 President Laura Placha Vice President Tracy Hoge Secretary John Schiavo Treasurer Dawna Keeley

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