Minutes of Doddington and Whisby Parish Council s1

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Minutes of Doddington and Whisby Parish Council s1

Cllr I Macalpine-Leny (Chairman); Cllr G Beale (Vice-chairman); Cllr G Patrick; Cllr E Taylor; Cllr E Mathers; Cllr R Twigg


The meeting opened at 6.25 pm

The Chairman apologised for missing the January meeting through an oversight and thanked Cllr R Twigg for hosting the meeting at short notice. A welcome was also given to the members of public currently present

1 Public forum  Questions and concerns were voiced from the floor about the forthcoming Park and Ride facility at Whisby Garden Centre. While there was acceptance of the need for the facility, the extra traffic it will inevitably generate was thought to be a risk to through traffic; the choice of site was also questioned, since there are several other possibilities; the normal passage of pedestrians will be endangered by the extra traffic; will the facility be operative for the next Christmas market? Why has no local resident been informed under the normal planning procedures? Who will manage the facility? Will the current traffic through the parish be diverted along Whisby Road?

Cllr G Patrick advised that the principal reason for the Park and Ride is the impending exhibition of the Magna Carta at Lincoln Castle, which will certainly attract many visitors to the city. The Council had expressed concerns at the last meeting about traffic speed past the garden centre, and had also asked for an improved footway in this area. He thought that the signage to the Park and Ride will direct all traffic along the A46, so the extra traffic should not cause a problem through the villages

The Clerk advised the meeting that Highways had notified the Council of a temporary 30mph speed restriction, to be imposed for 18 months starting on 16th March 2015. The restriction will be operative from the A46 junction for a distance of 500m west along Whisby Road

Cllr I Macalpine-Leny said that there has been a major effort to exploit the attractions of Lincoln but there has always been a serious parking problem. The new facility will definitely take place, and the Council should carefully monitor future traffic levels

 The arrival of broadband was queried; the Council was able to advise that it is now available in Doddington and residents are urged to apply for connection. The date of availability in Whisby is not known, but literature was handed over giving contact details for making enquiries

2 Attendance

2.1 Roll call and apologies for absence Cllrs I Macalpine-Leny (chairing), G Beale, G Patrick, E Mathers and R Twigg were present. Advance apologies were received and accepted from Cllr E Taylor. DCllr B Wells also gave apologies. Also present were PCSO Sarah Lingard and 3 members of the public

2.2 Vacancy for Councillor One vacancy exists. No application has been received, although there are 2 possible prospects

Page 32 / 2014-15 By resolution, PCSO Sarah Lingard was invited to speak next

6 Police matters PCSO Lingard notified the meeting of the suspicious behaviour of two males seen driving in the district in a maroon Ford Transit van, calling at residences and asking for scrap. Cllr G Patrick advised of a traffic incident 10 days beforehand in which a National Grid vehicle was seen in a ditch near Pont’s Corner

3 Declarations of interest No declarations

4 January 2015 meeting

4.1 Approval of minutes Resolved: the minutes of the meeting held 12th January 2015 are accepted as an accurate record

4.2 Matters arising

4.2.1 Defibrillator – potential for project 2015-16 Cllrs G Patrick and G Beale recently attended a training session at Glentham, which was found highly useful. Cllr G Beale thought it would be necessary to have several trained people in the district to ensure there was always someone available who knew how to operate the equipment. Cllr G Patrick said that a minimum of two people would be necessary in an emergency, since one would be needed to contact the emergency services and fetch the equipment, while the other administered CPR Cllr E Mathers had consulted a medic about the viability of such a project, who had expressed the view that a trained medic within the community would be more valuable in an emergency; in addition, a single use of the equipment was thought to render it obsolete, new equipment would have to be bought each time. The facts of this case to be established ACTION: CLERK Cllr G Patrick advised that the vendors of the equipment include free training for up to 12 people in their offer

Cllr R Twigg thought it advisable to have a widely-publicised list of first responders in the village, and that the Council could pay for training for such a public service; Doddington Hall Estate would surely already have some first-aiders on its staff. Cllr I Macalpine-Leny will check for existing first-aiders ACTION: IHM-L 4.2.2 Notices showing Hall Estate network of footpaths The Clerk explained that the notices displayed around the parish relate to Doddington Hall Estate land, and are part of a process in which the Hall Estate is taking prudent steps to safeguard against the establishment of new rights of way and village greens within its boundaries. However, anyone wishing to claim such rights still has until 28th November 2015 to make representations. Cllr I Macalpine-Leny pointed to the useful interactive map of footpaths, bridleways etc which exists on the LCC website

5 Traffic issues

5.1 Progress concerning weight limit consultation No news has been received concerning the breakdown of costs of signage for a weight restriction for vehicles through Doddington. The Council felt that a figure of £100k is too rounded a sum to be precise and would like a breakdown of estimated costs. CCllr Richard Davies has promised to write to Highways asking for justification of the figure. CCllr Reg Shore has been helpful in this campaign, and his assistance to be sought in obtaining a copy of this breakdown of costs ACTION: CLERK 5.2 Various proposals for speed restrictions within the parish A request for speed restrictions specified in the January meeting has been made to Highways Page 33 / 2014-15 Officer Alan Brown, but with no response to date. However, it was noted that a temporary speed restriction will be imposed on Whisby Road as discussed in the Public Forum 7 Correspondence

7.1 Superfast broadband Discussed in Public Forum

7.2 Election of Parish Councillors The Clerk reminded the Council of the need for those wishing to stand at the forthcoming elections to register their nomination papers. Deadline for nomination to be notified ACTION: CLERK

8 Planning matters

8.1 2 new dwellings, Whisby Road, Whisby Moor 14/1477/OUT Application has been refused as not being within an established community

8.2 Park and Ride Facility, Whisby Garden Centre 14/1603/FUL The application has been approved. The Council’s concerns about traffic speed and pedestrian safety have been referred to Highways (agenda item 5.2)

8.3 Extract sand and gravel from Whisby Quarry N23/27/64/0385/14 (PL0048/14) Consultation period has been extended

8.4 Demolish storage building and replace with bicycle shop, Doddington Hall yard 14/1519/FUL Application granted with conditions

9 Finance and payment of accounts

9.1 Financial reports, year to date Reports were circulated prior to the meeting and found acceptable

9.2 Payment of accounts 9.2.1 E.ON (energy) £17.48 cheque no. 100067 9.2.2 J Reynolds’ salary and expenses January £125.75 cheque no. 100068 9.2.3 HMRC PAYE on J Reynolds’ salary £31.00 cheque no 100069 9.2.4 Information Commissioner £35.00 cheque no. 10070 Resolved: the foregoing payments be made ACTION: CLERK 10 Litter pick The litter pick from Kennel Lane to the old railway bridge has been carried out satisfactorily by Hill Holt Wood. Despite this and earlier operations by Hill Holt Wood, litter levels have quickly built up again. Another pick to be requested according to the established rota ACTION: CLERK Cllr I Macalpine-Leny advised that the next Council-organised pick will take place in April

11 Parish Council Data Protection policy Resolved: the Data Protection policy is approved

12 Other business Concerns were expressed about treatment of the field near Black Lane / Lincoln Road crossroads. Treated effluent is being applied, but there are indications it may not be injected to the correct depth, the Environment Officer to be contacted ACTION: CLERK

The meeting closed at 8.15pm

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