doubt ho called upon to pass such a celved a telegram from the headquarters hill of as would relieve \ ir in New York, saying: indemnity Hoard with of any accountability for ginia "Rejfret misunderstanding. BILLS derived from the area In uuestiorrev»noes to APPROPRIATION ON .* from the Delegation IN DEADLOCK EXCISE you beginning. WILL NOT FILE during her do facto nrrupalion. the OUI of SUIT message will consist KNOX GETSANSWER present "The other advanced In mii» officers, the congressional argument* with national port of the contention made by the HI and pilcr ms. if interview committee MARTINJROPS drafted ami submitted to me do not «r " REBELSJJAIACE is secured I Wilson Representative Burleson LIKELYTOGETTHROUGH No Effort Wickersham to pea! to me as being sound. I have n«. The marchers seemed to feel that the |Battle With Mexican Federals But Will Let His Successor Leaves Field for Leadership to by time to them here, nor ha\e to mate Authorized analyze national officers were trying been able to thorougf and the to an give tliem very amends for yesterday's orders, at Calientes Near. Handle Propose Senator Kern. Restore District Boundary. study, but they impress my mind a. matter would terminate all right finally. Aguas Canal Question. Made in Last Few based upon a distinct fallacy. Progress "Aside from this, it appears to me that Confusion at Start. Amendment. the matter is one which should l«e left to the next would i'art of the "arm\'' stopped in Bladens- I Days Indicates Ail Will administration: that it TO REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT savor of great if such a suit while the members FIGHT LIKELY AT WILSON FAVORS REPEAL BRING ABOUT HARMONY impropriety burg last night, Efforts to reach a compromise on the should he inaugurated at the last at Hyattsville. Confusion reignedreniained the District Be Passed. as this administration is passingmoment, excise question involved In out and the new one for a long time when preparations were coming in. appropriation bill reached the stage of "For these reasons, I feel to this for hundreds I on Announces He Is Candidate for Suggests That Question Go Over to briefly. made start morning, Generals to Close in 's Reported Attitude on Panama Tolls today. It was Hot to present the bill suuggested." unable hopelessness apparent » ----- of people from the nearby countryside, to in of the bill that n. t!*i a? mi » Progress made with appropriation anil Defiant Governor. Finds Favor in the British those charge reported xve-Xiieciion as unainnan 01 indicate incoming Administration. many Washingtonians newspaper the factions for and the bills within the last few hours had gatheroil to see the "hikers'" against out of the Hannis Taylor's View people bill could not reach agreement Democratic Caucus. that Coneress will aet m«ke the start oij the last leg of the Press. JonesWorks tangle of appropriation legislation, and march. No decision could at first be made « upon modification of its terms. will CITES POWER OF CONGRESS and Wickersham's whither to march over the Brentwood JMEXICO CITY NOW ISOLATED The committee on -appropriations that all the big supply measure* Opinion make one more to President Taft road, and tin n to Rhode Island avenue The rejoinder of the British Mr. Burleson to authorizedSenator Thomas S. Martin of Virginia betpassed and put up Are and into Pennsylwana avenue, as was government effort to compromise on the floor of the for his before noon of March Not in Accord to the last American note regarding the f 1*1 announced today that he would not be signature first announced, or whether to march ^Cut Off From United House, regardless of suggestions 4. Within Its Province to Transfer the Hannis Taylor, formerly United States into the cltjr by wri.v of the Rladensburg Statea.Killing Panama canal tolls question was outside sources. To that end he was a candidate for re-election as chairman Only two of the fifteen appropriation minister to Spain, and regarded as an road to l.'.th and if streets, and thence of Emilio Madero Confirmed. todav to Serretarv Knm bv Am-delivered to move to suspend the rules, directedof the democratic caucus, which carries Seat of Government, Attorney along Maryland awnue, through the bassador in all the Senate amendmentsnonconcurwith it the measures, however, have been authority on law. takes Issue with the Bryce. Though naturally of the excise amendment, and to concur democratic leadership in the grounds and to Pennsylvania avenue.Capitol great Interest to Knox he will exceptSenate. and one of those.the fortiflca-completed, General Declares. Attorney General's opinion regarding the The latter route was finally decided Conditions in South Improve. Secretary in that with an amendment. by the to make no effort to consider It, but will This decision of Senator Martin is tions bill.has been signed right attack in the courts the upon, as announced in The Star President. the of and within five minutes of the time the negotiations of the American Provisions of Amendment. to result in the of The other, diplomatic } Alexandria county to theretrocessionstate <>f yesterday. allow election expectedand is ready for announced. Hundreds of people who side to be continued his successor in John W. Kern of consular, practically General in a Virginia. Mr. Taylor considers the , February 28.Felix by The proposed amendment limits the Indiana, democraticSenatorthe Attorney Wlckershain. had gathered to see the party come in over offlcti. candidate for Vice President four presidential signature. j special report to President Taft today, General has not given the Attorney road were number of saloons to one to 1,000 years in which Is the Brentwood disappointed. j>iaz today formally accepted the The note was read to Knox as On the legislative bill, not in the more than a hasty examination. subjectai;d I" " maroKore ii-r.rf Ago as Gaiientes, Albertes Fuentes D, be given outi for publlcatlbn in the annually until it reached $l.fi00. are all in conference, and today the train held the ranks firm and Sunday in this country all of government if it wishes to do so, during his recent flying trip to St soon after resumed. ind government troops under Gen. morning papers No saloons, except hotels and clubs, to 4 election. committees on practically conference I.ouis. Before his departure he state.I and the Monday morning papers in be within of or Senator Martin's friends have been to adjust the the District of Columbia entirely.abandoning the "Gen." Jones 000 feet any public private these are In session trying that he had not had time even Before entering city Is expected late'today. The stateIIIialgoEurope. and have of dollars, He declares that may at any to look at was presented with a bunch of red roses school now in existence. steadfastly standing by him, differences. Involving millions Congress the papers. 1'atterson, apital, Aguas Calientes, is surrounded by It is understood that the British note, No saloon to be within 500 feet of any not for a minute admitted the between the two houses on amendments time, if it wishes, enact laws to by Miss Ethel Lloyd special after a of former correspondent of The Star during the rovernment troops, who last night began repetition arguments established church. of his defeat for re-election.possibilityMr. made in the Senate. a transfer of the seat of View of Contract Clauses. in support of its original contention, The rules for be Martin's service in the Senate accomplish hike." t siege. Gov. Fuentes D Is intrenched evidence to long to some other which, by a fiat proposal for arbitration ofcontainsthe the same as identified him with the older and Beach district, government "In studjlng the consideration n the government palace in the center of in the Jones-Workssubstantiallybill. May Compromise. its Involving issue between the two countries, Possession of internal revenue stamps to senators. This made the conservative cession of particular states and the contract clauses of the Constitution, To Clear Avenue for Parade. :he city, the building being guarded by a to the of the existing as Throughout the morning the conferees seat of Suffrage provisions accordingbe prmla facie of liquor selling. between the two camps lineup would tben become the acceptanceto which I have such careful and Johnson of the District rorco of state troops, much inferior in arbitration treaty between the specialtwo Saloons to be out of the residential and radical, Mr. Martin being on the public buildings and rivers and given Representative countries which will in June. kept conservative government. patient study, he say* *do not committee today reported to lumbers and armament to the army expire district. considered the candidate of the harbors bills discussed the adjustment of they appeal favorably President-elect Wilson has made known Kern of Mr. Wlckersham closes by suggesting to me as sound. I have not to introduced by Gen. Hidalgo. A repetition. Abolishment of the selling of liquors in democrats and Mr. conservative and while radical differences that should go to the time the House the resolution by comnandedto democratic Senate leaders most cans to be carried the radicals. differences, the proposition them here. of Colorado >n a small scale.of the street fighting in his confidence that he favors the away. between the of the two incoming administration. analyze We must accept the Representative Taylor closely The motion to suspend the rules is not representatives of Attorney General's that he had the of to ind bombardment which occurred In passage of Senator Root's amendment to to If Acts in Interest of houses are in evidence, it is predicted President Taft, in view of the report apology superintendent police directing the Panama canal bill to repeal the subject amendment. Mr. Burleson's Harmony. his Attorney General, announced that he no time either to examine or to think traffic in Pennsylvania avenue be- VIexico City appears Inevitable. motion is voted down, Mr. Burleson will that rather than sacrifice the entire the making his incoherent before stop exempting American coastwiseprovisionwithdraw the District bill and it will Senator Martin is understood to have will be reached. could not take "action to recover deliverance the hours of 8 and 5 Monday, tween from of tolls. compromises appropriations,so in In this grave matter. Another Battle Likely. ships payment fail over reached his decision to withdraw as a bill has long dispute. territory -March 3, while the woman's suffrage pa and go to the next session.likely While the District appropriation "But can anything excuse the as leader fn sent to conference, x rade is in progress. Another encounter Is likely at Saltillo, Has Mafo Position Plain. candidate for re-election not actually been General's that the constitutional declarationclause* work has been done In the way Attorney Report. the 1vhere federal under Gens. the interest of party harmony. At the preliminary regulating creation and permanence troops Aubert It was said that the new FIVE-YEAR HONEYMOON HIKE. of reaching a compromise and the final The of the General is of : BY ETHEL LLOYD PATTERSON,' today time of his election, two years ago, a report Attorney the District of Columbia are mere 8ind Trevlno are about to close In on the formal conference Is expected to be a waste that the had made his position plain Presidentlately fight was made some of the radical as follows: paper; fathers never I Representing The Star on the Pilgrimage.) r ebels commanded by the defiant gov by short one. that they should mean to several democratic senators. It was Married senators Mr. Martin, but he bill, passed by "1 have examined the bill prepared by Intended who went through It the e of the state of rnor Newly Couple Decides to against The naval appropriation whatever? Probably the AttorneyaJijthlng . For those pil- Coahulla, because Senator the subject of remark, was elected easily. His friends believe the House a couple of days ago, was Mr. Hannis Taylor, and which it has been General read his to St was at least a human experience, t Carranza. the upon flying trip grimage VenusianoO'Gorman of New York, who has bean Ramble in Khaki Dress. history would repeat itself at the to the Senate this afternoon by reportedsuggested should be filed by me In the IjOuIr some wild story from the us to The isolation of Mexico from the on and We learned a lot. It helped City regarded as more or less of a NEW YORK, 38..A of the next Congress. beginningSenate committee naval affairs for the of "Arabian Nights' which prompted him to 'Jnited States was February a contest in the Senate at 8 o'clock Supreme Court purpose people. That Is always something. by complete today, for Mr. is a sturdy walk to Rather than precipitate trill be taken up declare that Congress may at any knowother["rain service south of Aguas Calientes Wilson, spokesman last for five years honeymoonis the among the Senate democrats at the very There will he a fight over the an adjudication that the so-calledsecuring us know ourselves. and a tonight. entirely abolish the District of -Possibly it helped to m the Mexican a halt of the Root amendment opponentplan of Hubert G. A. in of is null moment ^ Central line is at of free for American Hassler, aged start of a democratic administration, it provisions for two battleships place retrocession act of July t», Columbia, and at the same time, after -That is good, too. We went through a f wing to the occupation of that city by champion passage years, and Mabel V. is understood, Mr. Martin preferred to the one allowed by the House and over of the Some ships. Broadie, fifteentwenty work; and void, and that the portion giving all the public property upon it. reasonably severe physical strain. r ebels, while a similar condition at years old, who were retire as leader and thus do all in his the other features of the new ship District as is still the to t in Coahuila railroad There is no likelihood of any action married at the is to stay in originally acquired including Capitol Itself, the state -of us really suffered And we had our prevents Sallllo amendment bride's home in power to insure the unanimous election but the Senate expected part of the District of Columbia. of Maryland, found a new capital at to the north over the national lines, upon the Root repeal during New Brunswick, N. J., a to It before and our spirits tried. It may be operaIons few of the of Senate democratic leader. late enough pass session"There are several reasons why I am Oklahoma. tempers ["he roads to Tamplco are also the remaining days yesterday. Hassler in khaki and the the first one of the real victories of the army It was recently tabled' In adjournment.unwilling to file this bill. In "It was strange that in this remarkable Jthat malting a detour by way of that Congress. Sixty-secondbride in a hiking dress came to May Mean Bryan Dominance. I the each her- interupted,the Senate interoceanic canals Bill place cannot yield to proposition way the Attorney General should have Is the way pilgrim conquered p ort from the United States to this city early today to on NewYork Military Academy Up. that lies at the basis of the contention to such as that others 1 thus preventing the possibilitycommittee,of start their long It Is believed that the election of s-ttempted destroy reputation learned to remember mpossible. ramble from made against the constitutionality of the he lias been able to make as a even being brought before the Senate on city hail. They declared as the caucus The Military Academy appropriation were w hile she was weary, too, or to Kern chairman of Senator retrocession act. that the power of lawyer. weary Zapata Surrender. a minority report. that they held a contract under which the bill was taken up for consideration by constitutional to shut her lips on complaint It is to be at the next will mean the dominance of the Bryan to select the site of the governmentCongress .learned Ramos for several months expected renewed 'Majestic Athletic Association of the Senate this afternoon and will of the United States was exhausted Taft's when could do no good. And Martinez,who Congress, probably during the extra will Jackson, or radical democrats In the Senate. by Opinion Quoted. complaining c Misa, pay each of them $5,000 be within a short time. the first selection, and that it may never, would onducted semi-official negotiations for their upon Kern is known to be one of the passed probably "I am not at all as luck or fate or something have session. return to city hall Senator surprised at the eace between Madero and five years from All the appropriation bills have been without constitutional amendment, change it. yesterday was the worst of all. It F Zapata, today with vouchers showing that closest friends of the prospective the site of the national government. This with which he has treated my of rain and ended c that would British Favor Repeal. had Hassler by the House and only one bill contempt -started in a downpour today Zapata surrenderdelared stuck strictly to a vegetable diet of State In the Wilson cabinetSecretaryand passed power is proposed to be implied from the opinion, but I am surprised that lie should of Laurel, where we and his wife to a remains to be acted upon by a Senate in a crash hopes. a.nd co-operate with the central LONDON, February 28..Dispatches meat diet throughout to agree with Mr. Bryan on many laguage in article 1» section K of the not have treated some had Wednesday night, had not been the trip. committee.the general deficiency bill. with little respect spent r governnent.from the Washington correspondent of policies. If the usual customgovernmental which gives to CongressConstitution,the the of President cheerful. Accommodations had been They expect that the long test will is followed by the democratic caucus the The Senate committee on power 'to exercise exclusive legislation in opinion Taft, who has Two of the had slept on According to the private secretary of the London Morning Post Indicating decide took it at a meeting at 2 o'clock so and declared tils scarce. pilgrims irovistonal President Huerta, the reasonably well the merits of meat chairman will appoint the committee on up appropriationsall cases whatsoever, over such district publicly emphatically horsehair sofas. Breakfast was poor. J1 Woodrow Wilson's attitudePresident-electand vegetable food as a basis for committees. this afternoon and will probably report (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, belief that the act of lS4t'» is clearly in the state of Sonora is grave,situalon or It could get up much enthusiasm endurance. physical it late this afternoon this evening. of and There are .some Nobody EJ. he are the Panama tolls controversy havetoward Proof that they complv With that power In the hands of Mr. by cession particular states the jieopl*unconstitutional. a uncomfortable night landits, said, overrunning portions with the will be early tomorrow. after sleepless, °f the rise to considerable comment in the conditions imposed will be Kerr it is expected that the committee probably passed acceptance Of Congress, become the seat who regard the President as a very able And how It did rain. We all made a dive state, and many families in the given by the vouchers furnished the Part of tomorrow's session of the of the of the United States.' lawyer. ity of Hermdslllo are abandoning their newspapers. All the papers voice to be signed by on committees will be controlled by of government for our dress suit cases for rubber caps P English witnesses wherever thev ent Thoaa «-ui From that will flow the will he devoted to eulogies Senate "The one redeeming feature of the cheered us on h omes, fearing an attack. their gratification over his reported be progressives. of and raincoats. Nobody Gov. Jose M. has abandoned pasted In scrap books and forwarded control of the big committees in the same members Congress.Senatorsdeceased Additional Clause. General's opinion is Ills Attorney our way. Milton Wendi tried to blow the Maytorona the athletic association Heyburn and Jeff Davis and that the great lie hassuggestionhad * lie guveniursnip vi tjwnora, una nis place The Pall Mall Gaxette says: "Dr. at Jackson. hands. Hubbard of But the same section continues the questions bugle and a dismal, bubbly sound came The couple will not be allowed to Mr. Kern and his followers In the Smith of , Representatives very no time to examine should be submitted " as been taken The on a sell from the brass. by Ignaclo Pesquelra. Is to be congratulated strikingWilsonanything or I^atta of Nebraska, Foster of to exercise like to the next new r trno onH hlirh nntn In thin matter nnoti beg, according to the terms are among the younger senators, in Iowa, following language."and President atid the etiring governor declined to the vi uv iviiu > * » ». . . w. .r Senate support «»ip»« of the contract. of South Carolina and n ew in Mexico and point of service, and they are practically Legare Vermont,authority over all places purchased by General. They will he so submitted,Attorney Townspeople Stare. regime City, is the eve of hts accession. We think No definite Doudenslager of New Jersey. and then the existence of 5 to sustain his be itinerary is announced by sure to give countenance to the plan to the consent of the of the state, the Supreme troopa position. oranizlngof the exemption clause would repealthe couple for their legislature Court of the 1'nited States be Aldrich a of white a created five-year walk, but give the younger men larger in will not Miss draped piece far the best solution of tangle it is expected to cover which the same shall be, for the ignored as it has and of Emilio Madero. the of overreaching all sections of the on the big committees, likerepresentationfinance, entirely been in th. oilcloth around her shoulders Killing by shortsightedness country. Their first goal Is Hartford, appropriations, foreign relations, PASSES TO NEXT HOUSE. of forts, magazines, arsenals, erectionpresent instance." said she looked like a pantry shelf. politicians. Conn. and other needful somebodyOfficial announcement of the killing of commerce, naval affairs, militaryjudiciary, buildings,"dockyardsand r We all smiled wearily. The townspeople £Imillo Madero, brother of the former affairs, post offices and privileges and No for Universal Transfer the practical construction given to the stood beneath dripping umbrellas and elections. The plan contemplates that the Chance latter of the STRIKE STOPS PLAY. jh-esident of Mexico, reported severaJ J. G. ENGLAND EXPIRES GARMENT WORKERS STRIKE. older senators will get the part section, that Congress tared. tj Imes was contained in a of service Bill at This Session. might freely and at will acquire and tern- recently, today to which their seniority chairmanships abandon the use of particular site for Only Gen. Jones looked nice. She d from Ambassador who entitled them, but will relinquish places That there is little or no chance for vntpuvvto, Mviiviv anu i^uoii/iaiio nt discarded her Her lspatch Wilson, ON WAY TO THE HOSPITAL those places, applies, it seems to me, with porarlly pilgrim cape. r eported Madero was shot while leading a Reported 9,000 Operatives .Out at on other big committees to younger getting the universal transfer bill added equal force to the acquisition of land for was outlined in a black Jewish Theater Walk Out. trim little figure rebel force In the northern states This Boston-^125 th» Ttlatrfrt nnnronriatlon bill as an the seat of the national government. I Shops Affected. - « NEW suit. She wore a black rubber hat. The b the death list of Maderos in the amendment was the statement made by cannot believe that the framers of the YORK, February .A strike her cheeks a red. Her rings Retired Farmer BOSTON, February and Constitution intended to that called out 100 rain made deep r' Montgomery County 28..Shirtwaist Ben Johnson, chairman of commit Congress carpenters, musicians, hair curls naturally. But she walked ecent Mexican troubles up to three. dressmaking operatives here ALONG THE RIVER FRONT. Representative irrevocably for all time to the seat of the No has Stricken With Heart Disease on struck the House District committee, today. He actors, actresses, stage hands, ushers ahead of us preoccupied. Something was confirmation been received of for an increase in wages and shortertoday national government at a place which and other her. We thought it was the tlhe death of Raoul so informed P. V. Keating, secretary of would be found convenient in the early employes prevented bothering reported Madero, the Street. working hours. Union officials claim Arrivals. from being given in two of the day. a nother brother. the citizens' conference on universal days of the government and which, by performances *Tt Is to be clear tomorrow," I that 125 shops are affected and that 9,000 Bessie Ethel and Ruth growth of population and in city's leading Jewish theaters last night. going Conditions in southern Mexico, workers Schooners Reed. transfers, when Mr. Keating called upon change said. s; Wilson reports, seem rapidlyAmbasadorto be are out. and Hallie K., oysters from the Potomac might be wholly inappropriateconditions,at The carpenters walked out first, she answered. him. a later time. "It Is not that," h nproving. The governor of Yucatan, John G. England, a retired farmer of There was a rush for food at the at 11th street wharf for the dealers; their employers had erected declaringa new The roads were smooth and good. The brother-in-law to former beds The last District day In the House for "My impression is that the Vice President Montgomery county, Md., whose home of the striking Men's Garmentheadquarters was last and strongly theater with the aid of non-union men A rain brought out the colors of the Mary- s uarez. is reported to have advised the Bryant's shell scow, light, from the present session Monday, power continues and that should the little trees. It was at Rockville, was stricken with acute Workers' Union today when several to flattie Yellow It appears that the universal transfer bill sympathetic strike followed at once. land clay and pine I luerta government of his submission, load oyster shells; Alexandria the at any time deem it appropriateCongress made the branches and stumps quite h ave the governors of Oaxaca heart disease this afternoon at 10th and of rolls were taken into the building.baskets at with in the will die without action by House so to do it could enact laws to When patrons who had purchased Tabasco, Ned, Alexandria oysters March 4. demanded their black. We would all climb a hill and and Campeche. P streets northwest, and died In the Some strikers, it is asserted, are on the. shell for the dealers there. a transfer of the seat of accomplish money hack and wer*tickets those behind would see those ahead The consul at Nogales, reporting while being removed to verge of starvation. of the United States to somegovernmentother refused they became turbulent. Police d ambulance reserves were called to clear lobbies and *pearing over the brow of It. dlsa activities in eastern Sonoro, saysMalerist Mr. whs about Chairman Zorn of the strike committee district which, by cession of parttcnlar band of rebels is to Hospital. England Emergencysaid the Departures. FOUR PERISH IN STORM. states and the of sidewalks. gathering oppose and leaves a operatives would rather starve acceptance Congress, Halt at Brick Foundry. t he Huerta government. seventy-five years old, large than undergo their previous conditions. Schooner S. C. Colburn, light, from 11th should then become such seat of Reporting the burning of fifteen bridges family of grown sons and daughters. street wharf to the lower river to load government. At a place where bricks are made.what on the Mexican Persons and Property DEMAND ON TAFT Central railway, north of Mr. England was walking on F street, oysters for the market here; barge Many Injured "The present contention is that having DELAYED.. do you call It. a brick foundry?.Gen. 1 orreon, the consul at says there and as he reached the corner of 10th MEYER TO AWARD originally selected a site, a of i a rumor that CONTRACT. light, for Norfolk to load lumber Damages at High Figures. portion Jones called a halt of the army. "We Campa's rebel band of street he was seen to stagger and theh Bradshaw, which was in the state of Virginia, Eesolution Facts About stood together beneath the shed. The ,200 shortly will lay down arms. fall to the pavement, his head striking for a bay point; Bryant lighter, for ATLANTA, Ga., February 28..Four from that portion acquired fromseparated Asking; with considerable force. went News Firm with oyster shells for the crushing were and rain pattered on the shingles. Then she Passers-by Newport to Build the Alexandriapersons perished, many Injured the state of Maryland by the Potomac Mexico Goes to Senate Committee. to ills assistance, and the ambulance plant; flattie Rattling Joe, light, for the valued at several hundred river. Congress was without powers told us what it was that was troubling was summoned from property Senator Poindexter failed to ptELATIONS OF CAR LINES Emergency Hospital. Battleship Pennsylvania. St. Marys river to load back to this city; dollars a severe wind the Constitution to give tip the under today her. The letter that had been given her Physicians responding with the from 11th damaged by thousand have the Senate cull upon President Probably the last important act of Mr. flattie no name, light, street and rain storm which Alabama, portion to the state of VirginiaVirginia by the National American Woman's worked with the stricken man, wharf for a river to load. swept of reason Taft for a TO THE ambulanceMeyer as Secretary of the Navy will be point any which mightindependently statement of what measures Association to deliver to Suffrage HERDIC COMPANY w ho died before the hospital was reached. Georgia and Florida yesterday. make such retrocession expedient. had been taken for the Wilson had been recalled.Presidentelect The first identification of the dead man the execution of a contract with the Memoranda. The only known fatalities occurred at protection of a bank on Americans in Mexico. Gen. Jones was In receipt of a telegram was made by means of book News Shipbuilding Company forNewportthe where three negroes were Hannis Taylor's Suggestion. States Trust which Schooner May and Annie Beswick has Omaha, Ga., Poindexter asked for a signed by Mary Ware Dennett, Instruct- Ileciprocal Transfers Are Issued the United Company, construction of the great battleship killed when a building collapsed, and in Senator ing her to give the letter to the showed he had deposits of several arrived at New Haven with lumber from "In closing an opinion which Mr. of such a with Curtis turbine engines,Pennsylvania,at Crenshaw county, Ala., where Rufus resolution, hut n»nsideration committee In Washington.congressional at 15th and H dollars in that bank. thousand the James river; schooner Lottie Carter 8ummerlln was killed in a which Taylor rendered to Senator JamesHannis tfullom of the relations was of Rockville its bid of $7,235.. the lowest one building foreign Senator reigned. Consternation Mr. England mayor has arrived in Nomlni creek to load was blown down. Greatest property H. Carter, January 1910, which was ".^hall you give It up?" T asked Miss for several terms. One son. Rev. Howard at the recent competition. 12, committee insisted that the resolution Streets. received for the dealers here; schooner J. P. damage In Georgia was in the southern printed as Senate document 286, «>f Jones, aghast. G. England, is assistant curate of St. The Pennsylvania will not be the lumber state. At take tlie regular course being ' only has arrived in Machodoc section of the Milledgeville, second Shall you give It up after all this long, Paul's Rock Creek Church, on Rock most in the Robinson Upper were demolished. Congress, session, Mr.Sixtyfirst .to lii:; committee. Senator referred dreadful Another son is powerful ship United States Ga., many buildings walk?" Creek road northwest. creek with merchandise from Alexandria; Twelve female prisoners were injured said: Taylor protested that this meantPoindexterthe "I shall Declaring that an a local Navy, but will be larger than any give It up If I am asked for Impression seems to Harrison England, employed by schooner M. A. Roberts is at a lower when a state structure "It in my humble death of the resolution. The Senate It." e xlst that no while a so far laid down a prison collapsed. is, however, r»'pli«<1 Miss Jones. transfers issued by the firm of piano dealers, daughter by foreignwarship to load for the Many buildings were blown down and a case in which there should he voted to follow the course suggested by it is a teacher In the Betheeda School. power. point oysters Potomac judgment letropolitan Coach Company herdics are J. A. Holland has large damage sustained in eentfal friendly consultation between the Senator Cullom. General Walks Alone. a When complete with guns, armor and here; schooner market in nut Senator Kali gave notice that he would ccepted by the Washington Railway and from a lower river for this The damage Florida was Alabama.executive and legislative departments, I equipment the Pennsylvania will sailed point serious. A sixty-five mlle-an-hour gale because in the event of a recovery In address the Senate on the resolution do not think the marchers realized ®llectric Company, the latter, in an TO an of A city. PEARY GIVES SCOTT FUND. outlay $14,173,000. batteryrepresent swept a portion of the state. the Supreme Court Congress would no tomorrow. then -what the command meant to our c statement today, rails attentionoffl!alto of 14-inch guns, supplemented by four Tugs and Tows. general. We took to the road again. The lie fact that reciprocal transfers are torpedo tubes and twenty-five 5-inch guns, general p Choate Another Who Donates to will constitute her battery. She is Tug D. M. Key arrived with lighter for walked ahead. Wo thought she by the herdic line and the streetJsued , A T x c \ A. det c signed 10 nave a speed t»i Knuis. i ne Alexandria and1 returned with it loaded; preferred being alone, so we let her set ar company at 15th and II streets American Branch of Memorial. decision to accept the bid of the Newport the n orthwest. tug Minerva arrived at Georgetown with pace. Presently Mrs. lialrd's knees ktftttxr vrvnr/ .... «>o « a j News company was reached today. il. vy x unrv, r f wi uiii v ..ncni a tow; tug Rosalie arrived at Alexandria She has Both the * gave ov.t. not been strong since Capital Traction Company ml Robert E. Peary, the discovereraumiof with lighters. her first break down In Princeton. a nd the Washington Hallway and WW the north pole, heads a list of a few TT k.. Two new»i*iper men t have refused MAY STRIKE MacVEAGH PLAN. UttlUUX 11UICD, supported her, one Company to Elecricenter who have started an American on each side. She would not 1 subscribers give In and nto reciprocal relations with the branch of the Scott memorial fund to Foggy weather yesterday afternoon and ^T54y ride. Then Mrs. a ^ Bill Provides Shall Rulin, woman who company regarding the issuanceherlicof commemorate the death of Capt. Robert Congress Approve last night gave the steamers and tugs joined us in be ame semi- * ransfers at 15th street and Philadelphia, F. Scott and his associates In the in Size of some little trouble, but the shifting of the h>"Steiieal. We calmed her. The day v and New York Change Money. seemed small uvenuesPennsylaniaon the wind carried the fog away and navigation heavy with unhapplnesses. K round that this of the law is antarctic.Secretary MacVeagh's scheme for It wore on. and w« became There provision The It was has been open today. hungry. uinconstitutlonal. The movement. explained today, paper money may not be carried smallerout, if w-as no place to eat. We had not Washington would the work in England, Schooner Bessie Reed, an old trader to * supplement Congress passes a bill which was any lunch. Houses were few. Thereprovidedtailway and Electric Company, where $180,000 is being raised to relieve this city, but which has not been in port was no place to find shelter a e of the he today by Senator Morris Sheppard for few has not discontinued its reciprocalhowver,Capt. Scott's estate liabilities Introducedhere for several years, arrived yesterday moments and sit down. r elations with the incurred personally for the expedition. of . herdic line regarding with a cargo of oysters from the lower At last, at p.m., we came to Ify- t Admiral Peary has subscribed $100 and The bill "that the size and attsvllle. There at was he issuance of transfers at 15th and specifies at the . 11th leost hospitality. Joseph H. Choate a similar amount. color of the United States river and berthed street wharf. The local suffrage onganization had I streets. present paper Charles Cogswell, engineer of river tugs something for us to cat provided"Pursuing a policy adopted many years currency shall not be changed without who has of and! steamers, been suffering go," states the company, "the Wilson Denies Bid to Castro. the consent Congress." in Looked Like . with an abscess the palm of his hand, Thanksgiving. \t Railway and Electric CompanyWaslingtonNEW YORK, February 28..Gov. It is not contemplated that action will las not refused to or be on in is reported recovering and will be able to We went Into the one large room accept issue this afternoon branded as untrue the taken this question the few of f to the herdics at 15th and II streets,transers Wilson hours of the present Congress.remainingreturn to duty shortly. the little hotel. The table was set. There 1'atrons of the Washington Railway and report from Havana that he had Invited Its introduction is expected to direct were apples and celery In glasses. It 1 llectrie Company desirous of transfer to Ciprlano Castro to attend the to the whole question of smallerattention looked somewhat like thanksgiving. There 1 he herdic line at this point are being ceremonies. "It Is unqualifiedlyInaugurationmoney and color scheme to designate BIVEB CBAFT OWNEBS BUSY. was a big stove, hot. We Lccommodated, and the transfers of the false," said the governor. of bills. denominations very gathered lerdics are the about It in our ^ acceptable by railway wet things. Soon the f ompany conductors, as has been the Pleasure Launches Put in Trim for place was tilled with the unpleasant odor c ustom for many years." of rirvlnsr woolen. After we had eaten Spring Cruising. it'oniinued on Ninth Although t.he boating season on the Page.) Piinitihea Self bv ftoneinn- flnt "F.ves ^ I 0k I 0km river is several weeks off, owners of LOS ANGELES, Cal., February 28.. pleasure craft are having them painted A-0L&- J* * i trrested for a series of small forgeries, i ne aina aiar and overhauled in preparation for spring t. J. Heinn, founder of a manufacturing evening dunaay cruising. The launch Truant, belonging ompany of Milwaukee, gouged out both 7 to Capt. Snaithman, ig being made ready TORCHY >f his eyes with a small knife today, in 25 to March 5 at Regan's railway for her summer coat Suffragette Ar s "I tlon't believe in sul February - < |:^elf-punishment. of white, and the coming week will see (t- t h a hoartnninir nf wnrlr Tvt o next < said "but I shall see vi tVlot*«v "vim. Appears Sunday with £ he, never ide." lite uc&iiuiiiie) ah auuiiiuil ^ layiight again or forge another check, to this, the of the is a c»f a hero of more at Contt machinery Truant "Official I am Scout story the md peace than I have has ^ \ lining to be overhauled. joined x>een for some time." 3 Balkan War. It is an un- (£ Capt. Jack Hendley is painting hfs 1 usual tale, even for SEW- Nuts. launch, the Rosalie, which is also lying "The ^ ELL FORD'S hero. J| Cracking Empty on Regan's railway, and she will be Limy of Anti-Skidders" I | !"rotn the Philadelphia Leiiger. Women'sSiiffrageNews, made ready to go overboard among the See Trimble, in his famous old book on first of the pleasure craft. Work will also nsect enemies of fruit and fruit trees, be started on the big launch at Mrs. I nade this observation: "The Neptune Olive Schultz, the expert driver, "LATE RETURNS squirrel Mailed to Any Atidress in the U. S. Regan's in a few days. * ioes not waste time in cracking an empty laying at Bennett's boatyard is the the tires of her car ON POPOVER" lut." The squirrel has direct. Intuitive launch Louise K., which is to be fitted uips wit tnowledge or feeling that the human j P 20c with a new engine and to have other in the next Ioes not always possess, and so we may Postage repaid, work done to her before the opening vf j|CLr jo to him for a practical lesson. The of the boating season. The launches squirrel lets the empty nut go. The i Rosamond and the being often at the nut Scout, yacht Seabelle picks empty hunan Send in List of Nannes and Addresses at are also at Bennett's to be put in order ANH-SKID tSunday Magazine! 'or days an|| weeks in the hope that he for service. gill find something In it. Very often he pleasure WEED CIhains rets electe^ito a legislature or to Once to 7"HE STAR ; where the cracking of empty Congress,nuts Miss Elisabeth Harriet Miller, daughter leems to not a but a Mr. and Mrs. B. i i^e only pastime, | of Joseph Miller, and terlous business* When they want to 'Ernest Biles, son of George -W. Biles. nake a function of Canadtu 25c j» . . Foreigm.Ji5c Verb Married Wednesday at thte cracking empty nutfc -T bOme of they appoint a committee and call It an _ the bride's parents, near Mechanics SUNDAY t.. | STAgJ sssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB^ ^ Vallev-