Notes CHAPTER 1 6
notes CHAPTER 1 6. The concept of the settlement house 1. Mario Maffi, Gateway to the Promised originated in England with the still extant Land: Ethnic Cultures in New York’s Lower East Tonybee Hall (1884) in East London. The Side (New York: New York University Press, movement was tremendously influential in 1995), 50. the United States, and by 1910 there were 2. For an account of the cyclical nature of well over four hundred settlement houses real estate speculation in the Lower East Side in the United States. Most of these were in see Neil Smith, Betsy Duncan, and Laura major cities along the east and west coasts— Reid, “From Disinvestment to Reinvestment: targeting immigrant populations. For an over- Mapping the Urban ‘Frontier’ in the Lower view of the settlement house movement, see East Side,” in From Urban Village to East Vil- Allen F. Davis, Spearheads for Reform: The lage: The Battle for New York’s Lower East Side, Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, ed. Janet L. Abu-Lughod, (Cambridge, Mass.: 1890–1914 (New York: Oxford University Blackwell Publishers, 1994), 149–167. Press, 1967). 3. James F. Richardson, “Wards,” in The 7. The chapter “Jewtown,” by Riis, Encyclopedia of New York City, ed. Kenneth T. focuses on the dismal living conditions in this Jackson (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University ward. The need to not merely aid the impover- Press, 1995), 1237. The description of wards in ished community but to transform the physi- the Encyclopedia of New York City establishes cal city became a part of the settlement work.
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