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Orem City Council met in regular session Tuesday, January 30, 1973, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Those present were: Mayor Winston M. Crawford, Chairman; Councilmen, Harley Gillman, Dixon Larson, and LeRoy Walker; Mr. Ned Briner, Assistant City Manager; Mr. Lamont Rover, Director of Finance; Mr. Frank Butterfield, City Attorney; Mr. Jim Simmons, Police Chief; Mr. Randall Deschamps, City Planner; Mr. Russell Brown, City Engineer; and Mrs. Estelle Rigby, Secretary. Mr. Bailey, Mr. Wengreen, and Mr. Zimmerman asked to be excused.

Others present were as follows:

Craig McAllister General Interest Ken Benson General Interest Dan Croft Daily Herald David C. Mayor General Interest Jane Laird General Interest Mel Laird General Interest Arnell Hatch 800 East Dora Carter 800 East Elmo Carter 800 East Maurice Hamilton 800 East Stanley Lippetts 800 East Clyde Weeks General Interest Waldo Potter General Interest Herschel Clinger General Interest Mr. & Mrs. D. Smith General Interest LaVar Hooley General Interest Mr. and Mrs. Newell Johnson 800 East Mr. and Mrs. Glade Grereton 800 East Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wilkinson 800 East Mr. and Mrs. Jay Neilsen 800 East Mr. Ralph, Hechtle Manna Catering Mr. Bowers City Electric Mr. Stan Tippetts 800 East

The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Larson.

The minutes of the meeting of January 23, 1973, were read and corrected. Mr. Gillman moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Larson mentioned that the Mayor was interviewed on T.V. Channel 2 concerning the ordinance on pornography.

Mr. Walker moved that the minutes be mailed to the Council members prior to Council meeting for their review, and then at Council meeting just make the corrections and approve the minutes. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Bowers then discussed with the Council the possibility of receiving compensation from the City for the deeding over of his property on 1600 South. He would like to have part of this compensation come in the form of improvements to his property. The Council asked Mr. Brown to study the proposal and to bring his recommendation to the next meeting.

Mr. Briner reported that the Public Service Commission is holding a public hearing on February 14, 1973, at 10:00 a.m. on the discontinuing of the Union Pacific Railroad terminal at Spanish Fork.

Mr. Briner presented two dance licenses for approval. Mr. Larson moved that the dance license for Dean Powell be approved. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried. Mr. Gillman moved that the dance license for Steven Thomas be approved. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried. Mr. Briner stated that the recommendations on the lights for the City Hall will be presented at a later date.

Mr. Gillman moved that $600 he transferred to the City Manager's budget to cover the salary raise for the Public Works Director for the balance of the year. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

The Council is to study the resolution presented by Ross Hammond on the Rent Supplement Program for Center Street apartment from H.U.D. They will make their recommendations at the next meeting.

The Council asked Mr. Briner to call for bids for False Arrest coverage on police officers and have the bids ready for review at the next meeting.

Mr. Gillman stated that he has discussed with Mr. Marx and Mr. Heaps on the appraisals that have been prepared on their property. Mr. Marx and Mr. Heaps said that they would deed the City the right-of-way if the City would install a new fence and ditch. They also stated that if the City removed any more trees than those already marked for removal that they be paid $50 per tree. Mr. Gillman said that he also talked with Mr. Powell on his property. Mr. Powell would be willing to accept the appraised price if the City would deed over to him the excess property. Mr. Gillman moved that the City write an agreement with Mr. Marx and Mr. Heaps for their right-of-way incorporating what they have requested, and that the necessary papers be drawn up for negotiating with Mr. Powell for the right- of-way and that before the excess property will be deeded over to Mr. Powell that the house be torn down. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried.

A public hearing was then held on the proposed improvements for 800 east. These improvements would he paid for out of the collector road funds. The improvements would include covering the ditch and installing headgates, curb, gutter, sidewalks on both aides, and repaving the street from 800 South to 1300 South. Mr. Jay Nielsen asked the question on how footage must be deleted from his property and if the speed limits would change. The council told him that the speed would not change. Mrs. Shirley Nielsen asked if anything could be done about the heavy trucks and equipment that travel the street. The Council felt that this would be cut down. Mr. Duane Smith asked if the utility poles would have to he moved. Mr. Brown said that they would have to he moved in some cases. Mr. Maurice Hamilton of Signetics asked if the island that is planned for the road would interfere with the parking lot entrances. Mr. Brown said that it would not reduce access. Mr. Newell Johnson was disappointed with the past performances of the City and said that before he would deed over his property he would have to discuss it with Mr. Brown and what remuneration the City would give him for his property. Those in attendance at the meeting were generally favorable to the new improvements. There was little opposition to the deeding over of the property.

Mr. Clinger of Soil Conservation Services met with the Council on the possibility of developing within Wasatch, Summit, and Utah Counties a Resource Conservation development program. This would be a means for obtaining additional revenue from the federal government. Mr. Walker moved that the Mayor write a letter of endorsement for this program to the Mountainlands Association. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Butterfield presented an ordinance on street vendors. Mr. Gillman felt that the Council should not pass this ordinance to force Manna Catering out of the area. Mr. Larson moved that the ordinance be tabled until Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Bailey are in attendance at the meeting Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried. The Council recommended that Mr. Hechtle of Manna Catering be notified when the ordinance is presented for Council action.

Mr. Butterfield presented the ordinance on pornography. Mr. Walker moved that the ordinance be approved and signatures authorized and that the ordinance he published one time in the Orem Geneva Times. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Butterfield presented the Utah Motor Vehicle regulations handbook for approval. Mr. Larson moved that the Council approve the regulations as set forth in the handbook. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried.

The Council decided to table the motion on the sewer connection fees until more Council members are in attendance at the meeting.

Mr. Brown stated chat the developers in the City are having problems obtaining a full Street so that they can develop their property. Mr. Brown recommended that the Council give developers the option to come before the Council and request condemnation based on eminent domain to obtain the necessary streets providing that they take care of the costs. Mr. Walker moved that the Council accept the recommendation of Mr. Brown and inform developers that they may request condemnation for necessary streets providing they will take care of the costs. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Brown discussed the possibility of having developers install water sewer lines and pave streets before commencing building on a lot and that sidewalks be left until all building is completed.

Mr. Brown then presented the resolution on standards and specifications in subdivisions. The resolution would eliminate the use of City water by developers. Mr. Larson moved that the resolution be accepted and that signatures be authorized. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried.

The Council decided to table the issue of Revenue Sharing until the other members of the Council are in attendance. The Council decided to set February 27, 1973, as the tentative date for public hearing on revenue sharing. The Mayor read a letter suggesting that the City fix the existing streets with Revenue Sharing funds.

A petition was presented requesting that the state install traffic control lights at 1300 South Main due to the high amount of accidents in the area. The Council will forward the request to the State Road Commission.

The Mayor has received a letter from Mr. Ed Lovelace requesting that the City do away with parking on 800 North east of State. Mr. Gillman moved that the Mayor write a letter to Mr. Lovelace stating that the Council is in agreement on this issue. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

A letter was read from the Health department stating that the Wheelwright-in Mobile Home Park was below health standards. Mr. Larson moved that a letter he written to Wheelwright-In Mobile Home Park giving them 30 days to comply or the water will be shut off. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.

The Mayor stated that the Wasatch Front Council are holding a panel discussion in the Salt Palace on February 17, 1973, and that DOT, DOL, and HUD people will he on the panel.

The Mayor also received a letter from the Community Church asking the City to check and see if all churches in Orem pay a franchise tax. The Council asked Mr. Royer to check on the matter.

Mr. Deschamps presented the recommendation from the Alpine School District for a chance in alignment on 800 West. Mr. Larson moved that the street remain on the present alignment. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried. The Council suggested that the Alpine School District be invited to the Planning Commission meeting.

Mr. Gillman stated that the Council should see that something is done for the Karen Rest Home.

Mr. Larson moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.

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