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WennForeign ich Rights Listlese, mach ich Diogeneskeinen Käse.est• 1952 Bestellnummer: 978-3-257-91536-5 Illustration: © Tomi Ungerer Tomi © Illustration: 978-3-257-91536-5 Bestellnummer: Diogenes 18_II_plakat_A1_kinderbuchaktion.indd 1 Children’s Books 13.09.18 12:21 Authors and Illustrators Barrie, J. M. Bracharz, Kurt Chekhov, Anton Dickens, Charles Donnelly, Karen Dörrie, Doris Eilert, Bernd Hartmann, Lukas Hauptmann, Tatjana Hazen, Barbara Heine, Helme Hodeir, André Irving, John Kaergel, Julia Krause, Ute Lewinsky, Charles Meyer, Julian Meyer, Timon Meyer, Thomas Murschetz, Luis Nabb, Magdalen Sommerhalder, Benjamin Spyri, Johanna Steger, H. U. Storm, Theodor Twain, Mark Ungerer, Tomi Waechter, F. K. Widmer, Urs Zaeri, Mehrdad Zimnik, Reiner April 2020 Diogenes children’s books are published in more than 40 languages. DORIS DÖRRIE Doris Dörrie Mimi With a pair of tights wound around her head, a sweater tied around her belly and golden Doris Dörrie sandals on her feet, Mimi rings the doorbell of her parents’ home and tells her astonished mother that she is not Mimi today but Anne Mit Bildern von Julia Kaergel Other. As Anne Other, she does everything quite di¡erently: she drinks her cocoa without a fuss because milk is good for her bones, she cannot bear strawberry jam, which Mimi loves, and she allows Mrs. Müller to tie her shoe- laces because she cannot do it as well as Mimi. And then she tells Mimi’s parents the terrible secret that has been concealed beneath Mimi’s pillow for days . »Julia Kaergel’s lively, o-the-wall illustrations infuse the book Diogenes with a wacky sense of humour.« Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich With illustrations by Julia Kaergel 32 pages, 20.8 × 29 cm 2002 Mimi has been published in 7 languages.
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