בס״ד Vol. 2 Issue No. 61 december 2018






A Project of:

Jewish Community Council of Jewish Echo | 1 Marine Park 2 | Jewish Echo READY for memories



Located at the intersection of Flatbush Ave. & Ave. U in KingsPlazaOnline.com Jewish Echo | 3

KIN-18182 AD1 HANNUKAH PRINT.indd 1 11/20/18 11:11 AM THE JEWISH ECHO Contents 2076 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 407-1832 6 | Editorial FAX: (718) 228-8508 [email protected] 8 | Letters to the Editor RAYLE RUBENSTEIN 16 | Community Highlights Editor in Chief MENDY RINKOFF 22 | Word on the Street Managing Editor ITA YANKOVICH 24 | Jewish World News Proofreader

26 | White House NAOMI HAZAN Food Editor Chanukah Party PENINAH BAUMGARTEN 30 | A Ray of Light Art Director PHIL BRACH 34 | When Anti-Semitism Account Executive Gets Hungry 46 | Choose to Shine CONTRIBUTORS 40 | Observant Jew Yitti Berkovic • Jonathan 48 | Business Spotlight Gewirtz • Naomi Hazan • 44 | Halacha Devorah Hirsch • Hillel Kapnick 50 | Ask the Therapist • Daniel Keren • Alexander Rand • Rabbi Pinchos Shine • Rabbi Gil 52 | Recipe Student • Ita Yankovich • Rabbi Hillel Yarmove 56 | Joining the Marine [Park] Core © The Jewish Echo Published by the JCC of Marine Park. All rights reserved. 58 | Kid� Pa�e� Reproduction in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission from the • Mini Echo publisher is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to edit all articles for clarity, space • Teen Story and editorial sensitivities. The Jewish Echo assumes no responsibility | JM 101 for the content of articles or advertisements 62 in this publication, nor for the contents of books that are referred to or excerpted herein. 64 | Musings The Jewish Echo is a monthly publication that is mailed to homes the fi rst week of every month. 66 | Mazel Tov! December 2018 - Volume 2 Issue | Zmanim 61- The Jewish Echo is published 68 monthly by the JCC of Marine Park whose offi ces are situated at 71 | Echoes 2076 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Postage Paid in Brooklyn, NY Post Offi ces.

To advertise in this publication, please call 718.407.1832 To receive this magazine by mail please email [email protected]

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Jewish Echo | 5 EDITORIAL

Dear Reader , It began last year when the JCC of Marine Park hosted a luncheon for Holocaust survivors. At the event, a woman asked me to sing a song, and I was glad to oblige. Many survivors approached me when I fi nished, telling me about the songs they used to sing “in der heim.” It was those recollections that prompted me to fi nd songs from that era and make an album for them. Last week, that album, a Yiddish CD entitled Shirei Haplaita, was fi nally released. The songs on the album were composed by Jews who didn’t survive the Holocaust. 3,000 CDs will be distributed to Yiddish-speaking Holocaust survivors. I hope the music will transport them back to a time and place that a smile on their faces. All proceeds דremains vivid in their memories and put of the album will go to the JCC of Marine Park Holocaust Survivors Initiative. I feel so honored to have been part of this project, and can’t wait to send it to my grandmothers. I’d like to thank my dear friend Hillel Kapnick for spending so many hours arranging the songs, recording, and mixing the music. I’d like to thank the famed Rabbi Paysach Krohn for his heartfelt introduction on the album. And I’d like to thank the people who help sponsor this project including Haym Solomon nursing home, Instacare ambulance, and others. There are many projects I am fortunate to be involved with, but this probably is one of the most satisfying. Wishing all our readers a freilichen Chanukah. Warm regards, Shea Rubenstein [email protected]

P.S. If you know of a survivor that would like to receive the CD free of charge, please reach out to me at the JCC offi ce.

Shea Rubenstein is a co-founder of the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park and serves as its executive vice president. The JCCMP offers many programs to Marine Park and its surrounding communities, including youth programs, social services, and job initiatives.

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Dear Editor,

Like so many other proud Americans, I did my civic duty and Dear Editor, took time out of my very busy schedule to go out and vote in The Pittsburgh tragedy was a huge wakeup call for all of the recent elections. Although I did see many frum people us. We must secure all our houses of worship! I know some at the ballots, there could have been more. I hope that next people advocate that we carry guns, and I am not sure if that time there is an election, any election, big or small, that the is the right answer. I don’t know what is the solution to this community comes out in droves, so we show politicians the serious threat, but I do know we have been too complacent power behind our united voice. for too long. We don’t need a repeat, God forbid, of what Proud Voter happened in Pittsburgh to happen anywhere else. We need to do something! Perry S.

Dear Editor, “Power to the People” in last month’s issue was a great article. We really need to step it up (no pun intended) and make Dear Editor, sure all shuls, yeshivos, and halls are wheelchair accessible. Temperatures in the teens?! Snow before Thanksgiving?! There is no reason why someone with a disability (visible I have used my shovel this season more than my rake. I or not) has to avoid participating in communal and religious would love to hear an explanation from global warming affairs because they fear the embarrassment of not being able experts on what happened to autumn and how early can we to navigate the premises easily. expect spring being that Old Man Winter seems have made Jonathan T. a very early unwelcome visit. Frigid and Frustrated in Flatbush.

Dear Editor, As the well spouse of someone with a disability, I applaud Sharon Shapiro-Lacks for all her efforts in heading Yad HaChazakah, an organization that helps people, like my husband, feel dignity and respect when navigating the Jewish world. I commend her for calling out yeshivos who are reluctant in accepting students with disabilities. What a wasted opportunity to do a mitzvah and allow the other students to be exposed to someone with a disability, so they know how to be sensitive to that population when they graduate to the real world. Sharon is a role model for all those with disabilities. Her work sends the message that we can ALL do and achieve We’d love to hear whatever we put our minds to. Mrs. Saraf from you! Please end your le er and feedback to [email protected]

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Jewish Echo | 9 Kitzur Halachos Only $ 95 Chanukah 19. ALSO AVAILABLE: • Kitzur Halachos: & P m Yom Kippur KITZUR HALACHOS:& CHANUKAH & PURIM, prefaced by URI • Kitzur Halachos: HAGAON HARAV BEREL POVARSKY shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivah of Ponevezh, contains a thorough examination of all the halachos of Yom Tov & Chanukah and Purim, based on the rulings of the Mishnah Berurah, Chol Hamoed Shaar Hatzion, and Biur Halachah. • Kitzur Halachos: The intricate and complex details of each halachah are brought Pesach out in a clear and comprehensive manner, making the sefer • Kitzur Halachos: accessible for all levels. Sukkah & Daled Minim Authored by RAV ZEV HOFSTEDTER, Kitzur Halachos clarifies hundreds of common and practical halachos in a clear and concise format, and enables one to have the halachos of the Mishnah Berurah available at ones fingertips. SOME OF THE TOPICS INCLUDE: • The proper place to light the menorah – is it by the window, doorway, or entrance to a home or building? • How to arrange the Chanukah candles and the order of lighting. • The halachos of lighting for a guest, a spouse away from home, and a yeshivah bachur. • The halachos of hearing the Megillah and fulfilling the mitzvos of mishloach manos, matanos la’evyonim and seudas Purim. Available in Judaica stores nationwide or direct from the publisher, Book Shop 888-536-7427 Bottom Line Marketing Group: 718.377.4567 Bottom Line Marketing


Jewish Community Council of Marine Park

L.M.S.W To set up your appointment, contact Menucha at 718-407-1832 or [email protected]

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YESHIVA TIFERES YISROEL AGUDATH ISRAEL YESHIVA FOUR PART SEMINAR ON SUMMITS HELP HUNDREDS OF PRACTICAL PARENTING METRO YESHIVOS In conjunction with Torah Umesorah, Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel of Agudath Israel of America orchestrated a yeshivah summit to offer Flatbush offered parents a four-part series of seminars tackling administrators of yeshivos and Bais Yaakov schools a precious critical chinuch challenges in today’s world. This is the fi rst in opportunity to hear and meet local, state and federal legislators. The a global initiative to strengthen Jewish education in our homes event was held at Terrace on the Park. Mr. Avrohom Weinstock, by offering practical parenting solutions. The fi nal session chief of staff at Agudath Israel, said, “The attendance and energy is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19 at 8 P.M. and will at the 2018 Yeshiva Summit demonstrated that executive directors include a buffet reception and panel discussion featuring Rabbi are hungry to make their schools better and safer, but yeshivos are Yaakov Bender, Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein, and Dr. David often forced to work on a shoestring budget. That’s what this event Pelcovitz, with Rabbi Heshy Forster as the moderator. was all about: bringing the knowledge, people, and resources to administrators.”

COMMUNITY RALLIES ON SHULAMITH SCHOOL FOR BEHALF OF RABBI DOVID GIRLS OF BROOKLYN EXPANDS TRENK AT NEW BEACH Rabbi Dovid Trenk is a long-standing rebbe in our community who has led and inspired hundreds of talmidim as well as LOCATION Shulamith School for Girls has been educating thousands of our countless kids at risk. In his youth, Rabbi Trenk had a close daughters for more than 85 years. In the past few years, the school connection to the legendary Kapyschnitzer Rebbe, zt”l, and relocated to the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center. The new loca- was greatly infl uenced by his love and concern for fellow Jews. tion is attracting more girls from different communities in South Today, unfortunately, Rabbi Trenk is confronting a major illness Brooklyn. Due to increasing enrollment, the school has commit- and is asking his talmidim to daven for him and learn in his ted to leasing extra space for its expanding early childhood center, zechus. Efforts are underway with his students and so many STEAM lab, art room, and resource rooms and new classrooms. others completing Sefer Tehillim and learning Shas and Shisha Sidrei Mishna daily. A siyum Hashas is being planned around Pesach time. Last month, a special chizuk gathering was held at Congregation Gvul Yaabetz, where Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, and Rabbi Paysach Krohn all spoke words of OHEL SPECIAL EVENT ON inspiration on behalf of Rabbi Trenk. CONQUERING ANXIETY Recognizing that anxiety has become so common today, OHEL’s Center for Anxiety sponsored “The Age of Anxiety – Striving for Peace of Mind in a Complex World.” The event offered fi rsthand TOURO COLLEGE AND OU’S accounts of conquering anxiety along with clinical perspectives NCSY OFFER SARAH RIVKAH from Dr. Norman Blumenthal and Dr. David H. Rosmarin, and AND DR. BERNARD LANDER rabbinic perspective from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman. SCHOLARSHIPS This past year, six high school students from Jewish communities AGUDATH ISRAEL across the were selected for the fi rst Sarah CONVENTION KEYNOTE Rivkah and Dr. Bernard Lander Scholarships. The prestigious scholarships are awarded jointly by Touro College and NCSY, SESSIONS the international youth arm of the Orthodox Union. Dr. Lander Hundreds of men and women utilized the recent Thanksgiving founded Touro College in 1971 with just 35 students and guided weekend to gain precious chizuk at the annual Agudath Israel of the major Jewish educational institute until his petirah in 2010. America Convention held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, Today, the college he established to provide Jews with the Connecticut. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rabbi Yeruchum Olshin, and opportunity to gain professional degrees without being exposed Rabbi spoke at the Thursday night keynote to heretical infl uences has more than 18,000 undergraduate session. The Motzoei Shabbos keynote session offered insights from and graduate students learning in campuses across the United Rabbi , Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rabbi States, Israel, Germany, and Russia. It is the largest nonprofi t Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, and Rabbi Uri Deutsch. The concluding independent institution of higher and professional education Sunday morning keynote session was highlighted by remarks by under Jewish auspices. Rabbi Yosef Elefant and Dr. David Pelcovitz. 16 | Jewish Echo JCCMP ELDERCARE EXPO THOUSANDS CELEBRATE AND CONFERENCE WEDDING OF THE BOBOVER JCC of Marine Park hosted Brooklyn’s Eldercare Expo and REBBE’S GRANDSON Conference on Sunday, November 18 at the Kingsway Events Tens of thousands of members of the Bobover Chassidic Center. Seminars at the event offered advice on how to keep community rejoiced in the recent wedding of the oldest son of loved ones safe, preventing fraud and scams against the elderly, Rabbi Chaim Shalom Halberstam, the oldest son of the Bobover recognizing elder care abuse, navigating home care options, and Rebbe. The simchah was held last month at the Floyd Bennett other related topics. Vendors showcased products and services Field where large temporary tents were erected. The father of the relevant for both seniors and caregivers. Free lunch and a gift chosson is also the son-in-law of the Satmar Rav of Boro Park, rounded out the day. Rabbi Dov Berish Meisels. The kallah is the daughter of the son of the Tchakava Rav.

RABBI ELI J. MANSOUR SPEAKS AT SATMAR BIKUR CHOLIM DINNER Rabbi Eli J. Mansour, world-renowned marbitz Torah and Rav of the Edmund J. Safra of Brooklyn, was the guest speaker at the annual dinner of the Boro Park Satmar Bikur Cholim. The Boro Park chapter provides food for the homebound, a 24/6 hotline for advice and references, bus transportation to hospitals in Manhattan, and medical bill assistance to needy families.

RABBI NOACH WITTY HONORED AT THE MIR YESHIVA ANNUAL DINNER Rabbi Noach Witty, maggid shiur at the Mir Mesivta and Rav of Khal Yaakov Akiva of Raintree, was honored at last month’s Mir Yeshiva annual dinner with the harbotzas HaTorah award. Also honored at the dinner of the major Flatbush makom haTorah were Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zell (kesser shem tov award), Dr. and Mrs. Marc Kunin (parents of the year award), and Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Wyzansky (hakoras hatov award).



200 Holocaust survivors enjoyed a very special afternoon on Thursday, CEO of Met Council, emceed the event, while Director of JewishGen November 15 as Brooklyn braced itself for the impending snowfall. Rabbi Avraham Groll delivered the keynote address. Consul General The Jewish Community Council of Marine Park in conjunction with of Sweden Annika Rembe was given an award on behalf of the Nachas Healthnet commemorated the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht Wallenberg family. A special award was given to Councilman Rafael (the Night of Broken Glass) with a memorable event at the Museum Espinal who has been instrumental in creating and expanding the of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan. It was at this event that the album city council’s Holocaust survivors initiative. The crowd feasted on a Shirei Hapleita, a collection of Yiddish songs composed in prewar gourmet lunch and enjoyed renditions of some of the Shirei Hapleita Europe, sung by Shea Rubenstein and produced by Hillel Kapnick, songs presented by Shea Rubenstein, the Lev Voices Choir, and Hillel was offi cially released. There was also a special presentation ofa Kapnick. A major highlight of the ceremony was when 200 Yiddish Sefer Torah that was saved during Kristallnacht. David Greenfi eld, CDs were distributed to the Holocaust survivors as a gift. Jewish Echo | 19 TRIBEWORKS BUSINESS ACCELERATOR CONFERENCE

Over 600 people attended Tribeworks, a one-day business professor and bestselling author Noam Wasserman presented accelerator event which was designed to help small businesses the lunchtime keynote address, touching on Judaic concepts in and entrepreneurs with education, networking, and mentorship. business. Rabbi Yosef Kushner addressed halachic concerns for The groundbreaking event was held on Tuesday, November 13 at the entrepreneur. Concurrent panels on e-commerce, wholesale, the Staten Island Hilton. Tribeworks was presented to the greater and technology were led by Eddie Levine, CEO of Hubdub; Rachel Jewish community by the JCC of Marine Park and 10 other major Greer of Amazon.com; Aviva Weiss, CEO of fun and Function; and nonprofi t organizations. It was hosted by Asher Weinberger, CEO many other noted panelists. Getting your product into retailers and of Twillory; Isaac Wolman, CEO of Make it Real; Shea Rubenstein, staying compliant with Amazon’s changing rules were among the executive vice president of the JCCMP; and Rabbi Yehoshua Werde, director of CHYE and JCON Conferences. The day roundtable discussions that capped off the afternoon, along with a began with a joint session, as Howard Jonas, founder of IDT, was vendor show which allowed for networking and further discussion. interviewed by Laizer Kornwasser. Sessions on business, fi nance, Tribeworks was the fi rst event of its kind, allowing entrepreneurs and marketing were led by Sol Werdiger, CEO of Outerstuff; from New York, New Jersey, and other communities to access a Lisa Schneider, CDO of Merriam Webster; Ben Weiner, VC of large-scale network of resources and ideas to facilitate their growth Jumpspeed Ventures; and six other noted entrepreneurs. Harvard and opportunity.

20 | Jewish Echo Jewish Echo | 21 WordWord on the StreetStreet

We don’t buy gifts for the We come up with new I do give my kids a gift for each of children. This is not what traditions every year. the eight days of Chanukah. This the chag is about. We focus Last year we invented gets them excited for menorah lighting. There is nothing wrong on repeating the story of a game called crashing with giving gifts. Chanukah while the menorah dreidels where we all sit – Tanya G. lights burn, and we also talk on the floor, spin 40 or so about other momentous times dreidels at once, and see in Jewish history. We do who can crash the most simple and fun activities like dreidels and with the most spin dreidels and make latkes together. intensity. It was a blast! – Mindy S. Other years we made up We do give gifts, but the new Chanukah songs, deal is everyone has to made our own menorahs, buy a gift for someone or decorated the outside of else in the family. This our house. makes it more about We have buy small gifts – Eliezer Feldman what am I giving than like stuffed animals what I am getting. which we distribute – Rivka Adler to children in local hospitals. We also try to visit nursing homes and give out donuts and sing I think it helps when songs to the seniors. Acts the gifts themselves like these put everything are not materialistic. How Do We give our children in perspective. – Anonymous only Judaic gifts for Chanukah. The boys You Make all get a new sefer or kiddush cup, and my girls will get a Jewish music CD or Every year I try to Chanukah Less a kosher cookbook make the holiday – K.L more spiritual and less mundane, but it never works as the kids only Materialistic Instead of focusing on gifts seem to care about what for everyone, we pool all gifts they will be getting. the money and do a family If we don’t give in, then experience. Last year, we all we get a whole speech In Your Family? went to an escape room, and about what cool toys the this year we plan on going rest of their classmates out to a nice restaurant and got while they got inviting the grandparents and nothing. cousins to join us. – Zeesy M. – Gottesman Family

22 | Jewish Echo fall into good sleep

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Jewish Echo | 23 JEWISHJEWISH

• TUNISIA Rene Trabelsi, a Jewish businessman, was recently appointed as Tunisia’s minister of tourism. The country has been facing economic diffi culties including unemployment and high infl ation. It is hoping that Trabelsi, who runs a successful business in the tourism sector, can help with the economy. Trabelsi owns the Royal First Travel agency, which organizes pilgrimages to Djerba, the oldest synagogue in Africa, attracting 300,000 tourists annually. Trabelsi will be Tunisia’s third-ever Jewish minister in the predominantly Muslim country. His father, Peres Trabelsi, was a key leader in the Jewish- Tunisian community. Trabelsi spends half the year living in France and the other in his birth country of Tunisia, where he is a prominent media fi gure due to his calls for Jewish-Muslim coexistence. According to the Associated Press, at one point Tunisia was home to 10,000 Jews, but today only 1,500 remain. Most of the Jewish population fl ed to France after the country gained its independence.

• FRANCE Two Jewish teenagers were assaulted in Paris earlier this month. One of the victims, a 19-year-old male, was attacked by three men who attempted to steal his wallet and computer. When the perpetrators noticed he was wearing a yarmulke, they became more aggressive in their attack and repeatedly kicked the victim in • ISRAEL the back. The other victim is a teenage girl who Israel’s tourism took a dive in 2014 due to escalations from the Gaza war, but it seems reported that a Muslim man struck her in back of to have fi nally recovered. Israel’s Ministry of Tourism is reporting a record-breaking the head while yelling in Arabic. She told offi cials number of visitors. October saw 500,000 visitors, the largest number ever for a single that he also made gestures of fi ring a gun at her. month. The Tourism Ministry said the most signifi cant increase is in arrivals from Offi cials believe the girl was singled out because Poland (up 90%), followed by Hungary (up 65%), Italy (50%), and Romania and the of her private school uniform which identifi es Netherlands (40% each). One explanation for the tourism boom is the new Open Skies her as Jewish. In a separate incident, “Long live aviation pact with the European Union, which has caused the price of airfare to decline Palestine, Jews out” was spray-painted on a while the number of carriers serving Israel continues to increase. Wow Air, an Icelandic Paris synagogue in Les Lilas, an eastern suburb budget airline, says it will resume fl ights to Israel by the summer. ElAl is capitalizing on of Paris bordering on the 19th District, the same the growth by starting a new route between Tel Aviv and Manchester beginning in May location where the other two attacks occurred. 2019. This will allow them to compete with EasyJet, a low-cost carrier.

24 | Jewish Echo JEWISH WORLDWORLD NEWSNEWS Ita Yankovich

• UNITED STATES Jews everywhere were stunned when back in October, Lipa Schwartz, 62, of Boro Park was viciously assaulted by Farrukh Afzal, 38, a Muslim cab driver, for no apparent reason. Afzal faced his day in Brooklyn Criminal Court recently and now faces a 17-count indictment that labels his act a hate crime. Afzal, who hails from Pakistan, but lives in Staten Island, has been ordered to undergo psychiatric examination and is expected to return to court on January 14. If found guilty, he faces up to seven years in prison. Video surveillance captured the cab driver driving erratically and swerving before beating Schwartz in the head while screaming, “Allah” and “Israel.” Another Jewish man attempted to stop the attack but was then also chased by Afzal until he was fi nally restrained by a good Samaritan.

• CANADA Canadian-Israeli billionaire businessman Sylvan Adams is on a • ISRAEL mission to put Israel on the moon. Citing environmental and health concerns, Israel is planning to stop all coal production He is partnering with SpaceIL, a and ban imported cars using pollutant fuel by 2030. To accomplish this, Israel plans on nonprofi t organization, and donating generating 80% of its electricity from natural gas, with the rest generated by a mix of fi ve million dollars to make Israel alternative energy sources. There is already a distribution pipeline network for liquefi ed the fourth country to soft-land on the gas currently under construction. “Within 20 years, we will be the most densely populated lunar surface. The spacecraft is set to country in the West,” warns Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water launch in early 2019. Adams sees the Resources Dr. Yuval Steinitz, who wants to phase in electric and hybrid vehicles and reduce expansion of Israel’s space program air pollution by 60%. In the transportation arena, the plan calls for a gradual weaning of as a way to encourage Israeli youth to public transportation and truck traffi c from gasoline, to be replaced with electricity and take up STEM (science, technology, natural gas-burning engines. Israel has already invested $6.9 million (25 million shekels) in engineering, and mathematics) programs to build electronic vehicle charging stations across the country. The coal-burning studies. Adams also contributed to facilities of the Israel Electric Company in Ashkelon and Hadera will be shut down. Steinitz the Israel Aerospaces Industries (IAI) believes that if his plan does not get implemented Israel “will face a catastrophe." He also MBT Space Division in Yehud, where warns that "This is a matter of our health, and we cannot afford delays.” the spacecraft is being assembled.

Jewish Echo | 25 The White House CHANUKAH PARTY JE Staff

President Bush cut short a trip to Iraq and The very first White House party Afghanistan in 2008, so he wouldn’t miss the took place in 2001, during Chanukah party. George W. Bush’s presidency.

The party’s guest list generally includes , The National Menorah was first lit politicians, community leaders, organizational heads, by President Jimmy Carter in 1979. and school and yeshivah deans representing the gamut It towers over the National Mall at of the American Jewish community. 30 feet in height.

In 2004, the Chanukah party menu included Chanukah party menus have – oops! – some treif delicacies. The next year, included sushi, potato latkes, Washington came to its senses (halachically, at lamb chops, pearl onions, shitake least) and hired Rabbi Levi Shemtov and his team mushrooms, and many other to kasher its kitchen for the party. options in a tantalizing buffet.

Oops, again! One White House Chanukah invitation from President Bush was illustrated with a cart pulling – you got it – a Christmas tree.

President Bill Clinton was the first to light a menorah in the Oval Office. That was memorable. Perhaps even more memorable was the ponytail of little Ilana Kattan, which came in contact with the flames and started smoking.

President Obama’s first Chanukah invitation included no mention of Chanukah at all. It may be said that he made up for that by delivering remarks in Hebrew the following year.

26 | Jewish Echo A famous photo shows Obama lighting The Jewish Museum lent a century-old the menorah at the 2005 Chanukah party, menorah for the very fi rst White House although it was offi cially lit by Rabbi Joshua Chanukah party. Subsequent menorahs Skoff of Cleveland, Ohio who invited Bush included one presented to President Truman to join him. by Ben-Gurion, a Viennese menorah from Other offi cial menorah lighters 1783, a menorah salvaged from a synagogue included Chaim and Rosa Pearl, during Hurricane Katrina, and one made in parents of slain journalist Daniel Pearl; a displaced persons camp. Yariv Ben-Eliezer, grandson of David Ben- Gurion; the children of a Jewish soldier deployed in Iraq; and Rabbi Larry Bazer, a military chaplain stationed in Afghanistan. During the 2013 party, the year that Chanukah coincided with Thanksgiving, President Obama jokingly referred to the lighting of the “Menurkey.” He also got Not all the parties actually take place on Chanukah. some chuckles when he uttered the clever During Obama’s presidency, Trump tweeted: “Why portmanteau “Thanksgivvikuh.” was the Hanukah celebration held in the White House two weeks early? @BarackObama wants to vacation in Hawaii in late December. Sad.” Six years later, Trump hosted his fi rst Chanukah party as president…fi ve days The guest list always causes a stir when before Chanukah, much to the delight of the press. it is smaller than the previous year’s. But the numbers seem to vary quite a bit- anywhere from 300 to 700. It’s safe to assume that invitees feel special no matter This year’s Chanukah party will take the number. Is is also safe to assume that place at the White House on Wednesday, the non-invitees are the ones causing a stir? December 5. There will actually be two parties according to the Post – to accommodate all the guests. Trump and controversy go together like Democrats and snowfl akes. Or latkes and and applesauce. Or…ok, whatever. But Trump’s have both provided musical Chanukah party last year was par for the entertainment at the White House party. course, amid much criticism that his guest Now, that’s an impressive addition to a list was strangely devoid of Democrats. frum entertainer’s resumes!

During one party, the White House allegedly ran out of latkes. This has happened to some of us at the Jewish Echo during Chanukah parties too, but then again, none of us has ever hosted billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who complained about the “shortage” to U.S Senator Mitt Romney.

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30 | Jewish Echo he snow had not yet begun paperwork to sort through in order to begin was a survivor. Rizy dug through fi les and to fall on the Thursday righting that unforgivable wrong, and that’s archives until she found records that proved T just what Rizy did. her place of birth, the date she entered the afternoon when I joined a couple ghetto, and on which train she went to the “When I started, I was supposed to work concentration camp. of hundred Holocaust survivors at two or three hours a day,” Rizy says, Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish chuckling. Her position quickly morphed In another case of unproven origin, Rizy Heritage for a Kristallnacht into a full-time job as she waded through visited Yad Vashem where she found contact piles of papers, made calls, and did all the information for the brother of the woman commemoration and launch of legwork no one else seemed to want to do. in question. She had a head researcher at Yad Vashem speak with him. The woman the Yiddish CD my husband Rizy helped create a database of close to then went to search through a computer released in their honor. 500,000 Holocaust survivors eligible to elsewhere in the museum and emerged receive reparations. But as she worked It took me a while to enter the with a pile of papers that documented the on their fi nancial benefi ts, she realized survivor’s exact location in the Budapest building, because every time I something was missing. They needed more ghetto and the date she left. made it to the front of the security than just fi nancial assistance. She began line, I allowed the elderly hosting events for survivors as well, the About two years ago, during the throes survivors – mostly women - to go fi rst of which took place on a sweltering of Venezuelan protests, a man traveled ahead of me. But once I fi nally summer day. The women who came were to New York and told the team at Nachas so eager to join her event that they showed that reparation checks were being stolen made it upstairs to the large up early and were waiting outside for the from survivors’ mailboxes in the ravaged ballroom that accommodated doors to open. country. Rizy brought him before the the event, I found a friend – a Claims Conference to plead his case, which Under the leadership of Rizy, her partner led to the opening of a branch there to help grandmotherly sort of woman Frumie Cisner, and their incredible team, the large number of survivors in the country. I’d met at a hotel program Nachas quickly grew into a haven for earlier this year. I sat at her Holocaust survivors, a place where they Has she ever had a case where she did table and began the rounds of could fi nd multiple means of assistance and not succeed in obtaining reparations? “Sometimes people are too wealthy to introductions with some of the a caring environment. A place where they were helped and respected. receive it,” Rizy says. “Most of the time other woman seated with us. We that’s not the case, and we are successful.” exchanged names and basic get- to-know-you information, and REPARATIONS they all ended with, “But you Thanks to Rizy’s efforts, large numbers of must meet Rizy.” survivors continue to receive reparations despite the daunting bureaucratic hurdles I already knew the woman to involved. whom they were referring, Rizy “I’m good at networking,” she says when Horowitz, director of Nachas I ask her about her success. “And I’m very Health and Family Network. driven. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove that someone is a survivor.” “Yes, I know Rizy,” I told the women. There was the case of a woman originally from Belgium who had been in Casablanca “No, you don’t,” my friend during the war. The German government answered. “You don’t know claimed that they had no camps near BUILDING a her. You don’t know what Casablanca, and therefore denied her case, but Rizy would not take no for an answer. CONNECTION For Rizy and her team, working through she does for us. Only a She got to work, doing extensive research applications is just a small part of what survivor can understand.” until she found evidence of not one but they do. Their work, she says, is more numerous concentration camps in the region. about building relationships. “When ‘my’ 20 years ago, Rizy Horowitz was offered Thanks to Rizy’s work not only the woman survivors walk into my offi ce, I close the a position at Nachas, the very fi rst frum in question, but many others were also able to door and ignore everything else. They show organization to have received a grant from receive reparations. Sometime later, Rizy’s me their tattoos and tell me their stories. For the Claims Conference. Rizy accepted the husband visited Israel, where he was picked many, it’s the fi rst time they’ve ever shared job. up from the airport by a man originally or discussed those stories.” from Morocco. They got to talking, and in It was around that time that what Rizy Growing up, Rizy was fascinated by the conversation, the senior driver mentioned refers to as the “Swiss money episode” Holocaust, a subject about which she knew that he received money from the Claims came to light, when Swiss banks admitted almost nothing. Her mother is a survivor, Conference. “That’s because of my wife!” to holding vast amounts of Jewish assets but like so many others during that era, she exclaimed Rizy’s husband. belonging to victims of the Holocaust. never discussed her experiences. “She was There was an enormous amount of One woman was unable to prove that she never truly happy, and I never understood Jewish Echo | 31 why,” reflects Rizy. “But no one spoke back event, has said that he feels surrounded by says Rizy. “I don’t go to the levayas; I can’t then. I went to Bais Yaakov of Williamsburg, neshamos when he sings there,” says Rizy. handle them. At night when I go to sleep, a and all our parents were survivors, but it was movie plays in my head of all the survivors like a big, dark secret that no one mentioned. I once knew who aren’t with us anymore. I My father was a Canadian, so on his side tell myself that they’re on vacation.” of the family we had uncles, aunts, and She adds, “You can’t think about the fact cousins, which was a rarity. Almost no one that they won’t be around forever. One had extended family. Everyone used to tell survivor told me, ‘We’ll dance together me, ‘You’re so lucky.’” before Moshiach.’ And that’s what I tell One day, Rizy found her mother’s papers myself as well.” from Wiedergutmachung and read her report. It was her first real window into her mother’s life, something that had always been a mystery to her. As her awareness TELLING the grew, so did her desire to help. WORLD “It’s become an obsession to do whatever I can DEALING with In an age when the unthinkable denial of for survivors,” said Rizy. “They are all family. I the Holocaust is happening, Rizy doesn’t try to make Nachas their second home.” SURVIVORS have to protest. She just has to show. Twice a week, Nachas offers exercise Many of the survivors Rizy works with Rizy went with Dov Hikind a few months classes. There is also a regular shiur and have incredible energy. “When we do ago to a protest that preceded the deportation a pizza party. Thanks to the generosity of parties, they yell that there’s not enough of Jakiw Palij, the Polish Nazi camp guard. another organization, Nachas has been able room to dance,” she says. “They all look “I met a guy there from AP who asked me, to send a group of survivors on a four day, out for each other, and rally around each ‘What is in Auschwitz?” He had no clue. five night vacation to Oppenheimer’s Hotel other when a problem arises.” I asked another guy, ‘Did you see the film in Fleischmanns, New York. “One man Their emunah inspires her on a daily basis. Schindler’s List?’ He said, ‘Yeah, what cried like a baby when I told him about “I ask them sometimes, why did you remain a story.’ I said, ‘It’s not a story! It’s real! the vacation,” Rizy says. “He told me that a Jew after all you went through? They all There’s a member of our organization who since he lost his wife, he spent every day answer the same thing: that the last thing was in that factory during the war.’” just sitting by the window.” their parents told them was to remember When an insurance company sent a group Before Rosh Hashanah, Nachas arranged who they are and where they came from. of agents down to Nachas to meet firsthand for groups of survivors to visit the Lubavitch This stays with them for life.” with survivors and become familiar with the Rebbe’s Ohel and also to do tashlich, as per Food, something they were severely history of the Holocaust, Rizy showed them their request. deprived of during the war years, is a hot- a book containing photos of Dachau when it Whether it’s a winter coat, a problem with button issue with survivors. “It’s a very was liberated by the Americans. By the end the bank, or an empty refrigerator, Rizy and important part of their lives,” says Rizy, of that meeting, all the agents were crying. her team will do whatever it takes to take who once opened the refrigerator of a care of the survivors who are part of their survivor and found that it was packed with “Wherever I go, I say, ‘I have all the proof network. One woman had unsuccessful spoiled food. “We got a grant from the Eli that the Holocaust happened,’” Rizy says. eye surgery that left her blind. A sponsor Weisel Foundation that allows us to serve But for all her efforts, it never feels like was arranged, and she received a pair of supper three times a week. Those suppers enough. computerized glasses that can vocally are very popular around here.” When Rizy expressed this to one survivor, identify the items pointed to by the wearer. For the children of survivors, the many levels he said words that remain with her as she Then there was the woman – dignified, of additional support offered by Nachas for tries her best, day after day, to do whatever beautiful, yet impoverished - who was their parents can be a lifeline. “Holocaust she can to help. found digging through garbage cans for survivors never had the opportunity to watch “When we go up to Shamayim,” he said, food. Rizy went door-to-door to collect a parent grow old,” says Rizy. “They are “we will tell Hashem that you tried to help money for her. challenged generationally, and this manifests itself into neediness as they grow old. They us. We will bear witness for you.” | JE In the spring, when Hungarian survivors don’t realize what they are doing to their have yahrtzeit for those who were deported, children. One woman - a mother and wife - Nachas hosts a Day of Remembrance, an told me that her mother expected her to sleep event that has been covered by Channel 12 with her every night, and she just couldn’t News and the New York Post. Each year, they manage.” honor various people who made a difference during the war, such as Raoul Wallenberg What’s it like working daily with members and Mike Tress, along with diplomats of the generation that is simultaneously representing countries who were kind to strong and fragile, one that we hope the Jews during that devastating period. will be here forever but recognize that “Our chazzan, who recites Kel Malei at the impossibility? “I take it one day at a time,”

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Ita Yankovich GETS HUNGRY

34 | Jewish Echo 34 | Jewish Echo I Scream, You Scream, The biggest haters of delicious Jewish food A swastika are not those who are watching their weight We All Scream for but those that run the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). BDS is a spray- Anti-Semitism global campaign that started in 2005 which They say there is no point in crying over promotes various forms of boycott and spilled milk, but this latest seemingly anti- international sanctions against Israel as a way painted on a Trump move reeks of latent anti-Semitism. to bring awareness to Israel’s alleged violation of international law. They choose to hurt Israel Major ice cream manufacturer Ben and fi nancially by protesting all Israeli cultural sidewalk, a Jerry’s launched a new fl avor called PeCan affairs and boycotting companies that engage in Resist as a way to promote social activism. business with Israel. What is interesting is they As stated on their webpage, the agenda do not boycott products from other countries synagogue here is to “stand with women, immigrants, accused of occupation, turn a blind eye to the people of color, and the millions of activists major injustices committed by some Muslim window and allies who are courageously resisting the countries, and ignore the fact that by harming President’s attack on our values, humanity, the Israeli economy they are in essence harming and environment. We celebrate the diversity the very people they aim to help. of our glorious nation and raise our spoons shattered, in solidarity for all Americans.” Sabra products, specifi cally their very popular hummus spread, has been a source of Sounds enticing, no? malice for Student’s for Justice of Palestine a yeshivah Well, chew on this. (SJP) and BDS. They frequently protest the selling of the Middle Eastern chickpea dip on The problem here lies in the fact that in their college campuses and major retailers. Sabra vandalized, quest for social justice, Ben and Jerry’s has is half-owned by the Strauss Group, which aligned themselves with the Women’s March has publicly supported the IDF by providing and a man s movement. The organization is co-chaired by care packages and sports equipment to Israeli ’ Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-American liberal soldiers. “This lack of choice is particularly activist who supports the movement to boycott egregious and violent for Princetonians of yarmulke Israel, and Tamika Mallory, a vocal supporter Arab descent, who cannot eat the food that is of Louis Farrakhan, the unapologetically anti- quintessential to their culture unless they are Semitic Nation of Islam leader. Sarsour has willing to support crimes against their own knocked off said publicly in many speeches that we need people,” claimed President of the Princeton not “humanize” Israelis. Mallory attended a Committee for Palestine, Gabriel Bitran, in speech where Farrakhan said Jews are “the 2001, referring to sale of Sabra spreads at his head. synagogue of Satan, and Jews have wrapped university-run stores. their tentacles around the US government and These are all acts of anti-Semitism, but are deceiving and sending this nation to hell.” Another company on BDS’s hit list is Nestle, today, some gestures are not that obvious. He also recently referred to Jews as termites. a multinational food and beverage company Today, hate has taken on many new faces. Mallory doesn’t object to his sentiments, whose headquarters are in Switzerland. Nestle and in fact, even posed for a picture with runs a research and development center based Anti-Semitism is nothing new. But it is no in Sderot, a settlement just under a mile away longer about banning Jews from country Farrakhan referring to him as “the GOAT” (Greatest Of All Time). from the Gaza Strip. BDS does not approve clubs and universities; it is no longer about of Nestle’s close economic relationship with assaulting Jews in public (although that Ben and Jerry’s is well aware of the Israel, in part due to their shares in Osem has been occurring more frequently lately.) controversial comments and admits that Investments, one of Israel’s largest food Instead, in an age when most people know it while they do not agree 100% with all of their manufacturers and distributors. What makes is wrong to despise a racial group based on sentiments, they believe their work is important the Nestle protest so unique is that BDS even their ethnicity, it has morphed into a more and are “proud to join in that effort.” encourages Americans to boycott Friskies politically correct and socially acceptable In the fi ve days since the release, Ben and cat food and Poland Spring water despite methodology. Anti-Semitism today is often Jerry’s stock rose by 4.74%. Thousands the fact they are not made or sold in Israel cloaked with the veil of anti-Zionism. But of comments on their Facebook because “the mere 50-50 shares Nestle has it’s hard to hate a country that distributes page applaud the company’s move. with Osem make Nestle a benefi ciary of so much aid to the less fortunate. It’s hard fi nancial profi t deriving from Israel.” to hate a country that contributes so much SodaStream, a popular and profi table Israeli in the fi elds of medicine and technology, company that markets home-based water and it’s hard to hate a country that is one of carbonation systems, was forced to shut the fi rst to respond to other countries when down their main production facility in Mishor they are faced with natural disasters. So to Adumim after intense media scrutiny by BDS make the hatred more tolerable, haters have Food Fight who accused the company of taking advantage trickled their agenda into the food industry They say revenge is a dish best served cold, of Palestinian workers. They also accused the where it can become more appetizing to the and that is exactly what is happening at company of profi ting by being situated in the masses. some grocery stores. West Bank and avoiding paying Israeli taxes.

Jewish Echo | 35 SodaStream was forced to relocate to a less Episcopalian priest for this very reason. controversial area in the Negev. BDS saw this The greatest thing since sliced bread for some as a victory, despite the layoffs of over 500 BDS and SJP members is displaying their Palestinian workers who were earning above dormant Jewish hatred in food items like minimum wage. CEO Daniel Birnbaum told Jewish rye. A tweet posted by a BDS member media outlets he is convinced there is anti- included a photograph of a packaged loaf Semitism behind the move since SodaStream of “Mill Jewish Rye Bread” with the word built the most technologically advanced “Jewish” circled along with the comment, and largest factory in the West Bank history. “Now I know what bread to never buy.” Birnbaum also says that they were the largest There s private employer of Palestinians in the world. ’ If BDS was really about supporting Palestinians, it doesn’t sound like closing a an APP major plant that employees hundreds of them would be a good idea. SodaStream was sold to for That PepsiCo in Aug. for 3.2 billion. When someone Prejudice and Produce questioned on their site how Palestinians benefi t from such bans, BDS responded, at the Checkout “The ultimate goal of equitable, peaceful and You’ve probably never heard respectful co-existence in historical Palestine Counter of KosChertifi ed. This app far outweighs any temporary hurdles that may There have been several reports of kosher features a database of products arise as a result of BDS.” food, mostly Israeli, being pulled from stores. that DO NOT display obvious Ironically, all SodaStream products produced Olympia Food Co-op in Washington made kosher-certifi cation. headlines in 2015 as the fi rst store to de- today, which are sold in the countries Its homepage explains that that boycotted Israel, now derive from a shelve Israeli foods. Only nine products were factory in China, which is named one of the in question during the very public debate. this is a dietary service for world’s twelve most repressive societies by Although the co-op is a small store in a small those who choose to buy non- Freedom House, an independent watchdog city, the boycott hit the international airwaves certifi ed kosher food. But there organization dedicated to the expansion of and encouraged more to follow suit. is clearly more to it than that. freedom and democracy around the world. And so it did. The app seems to single out It is interesting to note that McDonalds This past summer, the Irish Senate approved food labels that according to and KFC (non-Jewish run companies) a bill boycotting Israeli settlement goods. them, try to 'hide' their kosher are not singled out for boycotts by BDS In , a major food retailer, Sainsbury, symbols. It also points out despite their popularity in Israel because removed all kosher food from its shelves (in as BDS notes they are “not priorities the Holborn store branch) over fears that anti- kosher certifi ed non-food for the movement at this stage….. Israeli protesters would attack it. Ironically, items, such as aluminum companies are selected for a variety of the kosher food was produced in the UK and foil and plastic wrap – that reasons, including context sensitivity.” Poland - not Israel - which reaffi rms that this wouldn’t fall under any is a Jewish issue. Complaints on Sainsbury’s dietary restrictions. Facebook page quickly followed. Gavin Platman, a Jewish customer, said the move One has to wonder why there blurred the line between a political statement would be a need for such a and a hate crime. He wrote, “I presume you service. A quick look at their are aware that kosher food is produced in account reveals the answer: Sugar n’ Spice with a countries other than Israel? You are therefore anti-Semitism. Pinch of Hate not making a political statement against Israel but instead are targeting a group based on race Their twitter account contains Even something as basic as table salt has been – i.e. Jews.” Management did not respond. many posts and discussions under scrutiny. Kosher salt, so-called for its use in kashering meat, has been frivolously that speak about how Jews criticized by some as being a “Jewish control the government and salt.” There is even a thread on various Food for Thought other conspiracies. white supremacist sites (Stormfront.org, for One has to wonder why there is so much example) where they claim that kosher salt is tension tied to food. How can food elicit Fortunately, the app is used to help fund the kashrus industry and link so much protest? Anytime there is a currently unavailable in the it to anti-Christian conspiracies. If you think disproportionate reaction to anything, one Apple App Store for iPhones this is just a silly conversation by some racists, must dig beneath the surface to uncover the since it was found to violate think again. A company called Ingredients source, and in this case, the source is hatred. content guidelines. Corporation of America is now marketing Anti-Semitism is always a bitter pill to “Blessed Christian Salt", sea salt blessed by an swallow, even under the guise of food. | JE

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Attendance This year SCHOLAR IN last year: expected: Vendors: RESIDENCE 682 800 70 Seminars: Mentors: Roundtables:

20 14 10 Jewish Echo | 39 Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz


hen they give you your handbook people said they were working to give their oil so it burned more slowly (according to for being a parent, one of the key kids the things they didn’t have growing up, some), the days and nights continued to fl y Wpieces of information (aside from the but they ended up not giving the kids what by at their normal pace. Part of the lesson is minimum daily requirement of embarrassing they needed most: love, time, and a sense of that time marches on and if you don’t fi ll it your children whenever you open your value. When you give your time to someone, with goodness, that moment is lost, never to mouth) is that your job includes acting as a you’re saying that there is NOTHING in the be returned. snooze button. “Time to wake up sweetie,” world at this moment more important than The rededication of the Mizbei’ach, the altar, is invariably responded to with, “Ten more the bond between the two of us. was another primary facet of the miracle of minutes, please!” Well, that’s not always the If you think about it, it’s so powerful. We Chanukah. To me, that represents a refocusing response. Sometimes it’s, “Nooooooo!” or don’t often stop and take the time to think, of our energies to where they can matter. The “I’m not going.” But the “come back soon” is but Chanuka is one of those times when altar was a place for korbanos, things that a common refrain. we do have to stop. Where else do you brought us closer to Hashem, and Hashem One morning, my daughter asked, “Please rub fi nd a mandatory non-work period of thirty to us. On Chanukah, we should also seek my back for two minutes.” Now, I could think minutes? For half an hour after you light out what draws us closer and improves the of three other things I could have been doing those candles, you are supposed to stop and important relationships in our lives, both with at that moment, and my initial reaction was to think. Refl ect on the glow not only of the our Father in Heaven and His children here say no. But then I caught myself and rubbed fl ames but of the connections and people in on Earth. her back. True, there were other things I could your life. The basic requirement is not for This Chanukah, let’s learn the lessons to fi ll be doing, but could they be done later? How each person to light his own menorah, but each day with goodness, igniting people’s important or earth-shaking were they anyway? “ner ish u’baiso,” a single, unifi ed light for souls with love and appreciation of their each home. As I stood there, I realized that the time I own intrinsic potential for greatness, and gave my daughter, rubbing her back and It’s a time for unity and a time for thought. rededicate ourselves to being present in the simply loving her unconditionally, would go Chanukah “parties” distract us from the moment whatever we’re doing. much farther than most other things. It would purpose of Chanukah; that we’re supposed That will be the greatest gift of all. | JE affect her self-esteem, her memories of her to build a Chanukah presence; that we are childhood, and probably how she will act as supposed to be present in each moment a mother in the future G-d willing. Simply and appreciate the kindness and miracles Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational writer being there for her was one of the most of Hashem. Go and enjoy your parties, but and speaker whose work has appeared in important gifts I could give her, hence the title focus on G-d, not the gelt; on the people, not publications around the world. You can fi nd of this piece, “Chanukah Presence.” the presents; on your friends and not the fried him at www.facebook.com/RabbiGewirtz, and follow him on Instagram @RabbiGewirtz or It sounds cliché to say that the greatest gift foods. Twitter @RabbiJGewirtz. He also operates JewishSpeechWriter.com, where you can order you can give is your time, but it’s really It struck me that the miracle we retell was a custom-made speech for your next special true. You can buy things for people but if the that the oil that should only have lasted one occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. E-mail info@ underlying message is, “Here’s a thing to take night lasted for eight nights. Even though JewishSpeechWriter.com and put Subscribe in my place” then it’s no gift at all. Historically, Hashem changed the essence of the physical the subject.

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42 | Jewish Echo Rabbi Yaakov Y. Mrs. Judy Greenberg Bodner MENAHEL MACHANECHES TIFERES PREPARATION FOR LIFE WALK AWAY WITH A SOLID COLLEGE DEGREE FOR THE GIRL PLANNING A DEGREE IN BNOS SPECIAL EDUCATION, MENTAL HEALTH, TEACHING, BUSINESS, COMPUTERS AND MOST OTHER PROFESSIONS YISROEL In two years you will finish with a Bachelors of Science from Bellevue University as well as a Teacher’s Certificate A BAIS YAAKOV SEMINARY WITH: One year program for seminary graduates Hashkafah Based Lessons  Experienced and Engaging Faculty Located in For more information O: 718 677 4080 | C: 347 564 5969 Practical Life Preparation Brooklyn [email protected] Halachos Relevant to the Field Develop a Proper Relationship CENTRALLY LOCATED with Students and Clients Dorming IN THE HEART OF FLATBUSH Solidify Knowledge and Hashkafa available in These Fields 1749 OCEAN AVENUE Shabbatonim and Trips BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11230

Jewish Echo | 43 HALACHA Rabbi Gil Student

Chanukah Community

pay something (just one coin) to become a in slippers. Even though this is technically & part-owner of the oil. Rather than reflecting an allowed, their action caused a minor scandal AroundWhose 150 Oil?years ago, a Warsaw rabbi ownership requirement, it shows the nature of because people in Beri did not wear slippers in attempted to introduce a new chumra, a the Chanukah mitzvah. public on Shabbos. stringency regarding Chanukah lights. The Unlike most commandments, the reason for rejecting his proposal offers insight rabbinic obligation of Chanukah lights into the nature of family and community. resembles mezuzah, which falls on the home, The Cost of In his Talmudic commentary Zeikher rather than on the individual (Shabbos 21b). Yehosef (Warsaw, 1859; Shabbos 20b), Rav Yosef A guest has no home and might be considered BeingCommunity part of a community requires accepting Zechariah Stern of Shavel records a question exempt. Rav Yaffe explains that by contributing limitations. We sacrifice some of our freedom in sent to him by Rav Binyamin Dov Rabinowitz toward the expense of the oil, the guest joins order to function as a cohesive group. People’s of Warsaw. Based on biblical wording, the the household and can take part in the home’s judgments and temperaments differ. If we all Sages explain that a number of commandments Chanukah lights. insist that our opinions win every disagreement, require ownership — you must own the matzah there will never be any agreement. Unity you eat on Pesach to fulfill the mitzvah; you requires a certain degree of conformity, of must own the esrog, etc. you take on Sukkos. The Worth of Family sacrifice, of willing to go along in order to get Rav Rabinowitz asks whether the Sages, when There is something surprising about paying to become part of a family. I don’t expect my along. Otherwise, we are a group of selfish they instituted the mitzvah of Chanukah lights, individualists who split the minute we disagree. tailored this rabbinic commandment on these family members to pay me. Quite the opposite biblical obligations? Do you have to own the oil — I give to them just like my parents gave to No one would make this sacrifice, pay the cost me, and I pray my children will give to their or candles you light for Chanukah? of joining a community, if it wasn’t worth it. children. We don’t expect payment. However, the benefits of family, community, His sole piece of evidence is the rule of a guest On the other hand, family is worth more than a and society are manifold. Two heads are better on Chanukah. The (Shabbos 23a) says small payment of one coin. In general US society, than one. A group can accomplish more than an that a guest on Chanukah has to pay (at least) the cost of raising a child is estimated at upwards individual, and provide support to its members a perutah to the host to become a partner in of $200,000. That is without considering the in multiple ways. the oil. Rav Rabinowitz sees in this rule the additional costs of kosher food, yeshivah tuition, implication that you must own the oil in order A guest makes a symbolic sacrifice to join a and Jewish summer camps. Getting all that for to fulfill the commandment. household. The membership fee, the small one perutah seems like quite a deal. effort of paying for some of the oil, shows a I believe we can understand this concept better desire to join the community of the household. by considering a different law. The Gemara The membership benefit consists of sharing RavThe Stern Chanukah (Zeikher Yehosef, ibid.) Guest replied with (Pesachim 51a) tells stories about Yehudah and in the Chanukah lights. Even a small, limited a learned analysis of the laws of Chanukah Hillel, the sons of Rabban Gamaliel. One time, membership in a community offers a benefit lights, which I will leave for another time. I they were in Cabul and bathed together. This much greater than the entrance cost. Similarly, want to focus on his father-in-law’s response. caused a bit of a scandal because men are not most communities and societies offer benefits Rav Stern forwarded the exchange to his supposed to bathe together. However, these two far greater than the costs of entry. The law of father-in-law, Rav Mordechai Gimpel Yaffe followed the letter of the law, which permits the Chanukah guest reminds us that we must of Rozhinoy, later of Yahud. Rav Yaffe sent brothers to bathe together, because we do not sacrifice a bit of our freedom to join and benefit his own response, also published in Zeikher suspect brothers of improprieties. Even though from society in general. | JE Yehosef. Rav Yaffe questioned the Rav they were correct, they should not have acted Rabinowitz’s basic assumption that you must that way in a place where it is not accepted. own the oil of your Chanukah lights. The only Similarly, those two brothers once spent a Rabbi Gil Student writes frequently on evidence for that claim is that a guest has to Shabbos in the town of Beri and walked outside Jewish issues & runs TorahMusings.com. 44 | Jewish Echo Jewish Echo | 45 CHOOSE TO SHINE Pinchos Shine

ast month I wrote about rising help better describe the need to rethink the sees a child crying in the middle of the wide anti-Semitism and recent attacks way we prepare for crises. After describing hallway. He is standing frozen in place. against Jews in America and each scenario, detailed, effective solutions Does she open the door and try to bring him abroad (Jewish Echo, Vol 2., Issue were discussed. into safety? Or is her responsibility to the 60). In that column, I posed the L When you plan your security protocols and children who are already in the classroom question of what should we do. procedures, have you considered a broad behind locked doors? Is there anything else Our local Councilmember, span of emergencies or limited them to a she can do? As the security liaison working Jumaane Williams (D, 45th district), few? I must say that given what I have seen to plan for this, what procedure would you recently asked a packed gathering of local in that meeting, I now realize that the lingo put into place for that possibility? Jewish leaders, “Who here thinks there will and scope that we use and are exposed to in When we are sitting in our shuls on Shabbos be no more attacks?” Not a single hand the media and other forums, for dozens of morning, wrapped in a tallis and focusing was raised. Unfortunately, the consensus years, may be limited and lacking. Another on our davening, what should we do if is that we can expect more incidents to be key issue is the lack of true practice. we hear gunshots? Where should we go? perpetrated against our community. Again, Detailed, effective concepts were discussed What can we do to prevent things from I ask, what should we do? in that meeting. For example, we have all getting that far? Are we aware of how to not Our approach and plans must be learned that the primary goal during a fire further compromise our safety during such reexamined to be able to address multiple drill is to evacuate the building as quickly situations? Is a security guard enough? Does types of threats and the current security and as safely as possible. Is that still the it help if the guard does not know what to needs—especially those we may not have best conceivable option? Is it sufficiently do if there is an emergency? Is he properly considered or were aware of before now. comprehensive or does it address narrow trained? Do you know what is required for an Fortunately, concerned residents in Marine needs only? armed guard to be properly trained? Park have had the foresight to bring in At the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Borough President Eric Adams suggested the relevant professionals to help our School in Parkland, Florida, the fire alarm that parishioners who are licensed to carry community effectively increase our security went off. As the students evacuated, a firearm bring it with them to their houses and safety measures. Nikolas Cruz shot and killed seventeen of worship. I was there when he made that Lay leaders of Jewish institutions in Marine students and faculty and wounded 15 others announcement at a press conference, right Park and environs recently met with former in only six minutes. If you were tasked with after the Pittsburgh massacre. What do you members of Israel Security Agency (Shin preparing a procedure to address this type think of his idea? What happens after your Bet) who specialize in protecting facilities of emergency while adhering to current fire friendly neighborhood gunslinger has had a such as , churches, and schools. code, what steps might be taken to mitigate few drinks at the kiddush in the absence of They consulted with us about how we can the loss of life? A detailed analysis of this proper, applicable protocols in place? What attack was also presented and is available to address the rising threat levels as well as our should we do about houses of worship which those interested. ongoing security and safety needs. What I do not happen to have armed members? heard and observed at that meeting was both Here is another scenario described to I urge you to start talking about what it eye-opening and jaw-dropping. In short, we us, and I caution the reader to skip this means to be secure with your family and have to change how we think about security paragraph. My voice faltered as I described community. and safety. This will have a substantial it to my wife. Imagine that a lockdown impact on the training we undertake, the has been announced at a school because Be proactive, be aware, and stay safe. | JE protocols we implement, and the measures of an imminent threat inside the school. A we put in place. While I cannot publish the teacher has successfully locked and secured strategies and ideas presented to us, I did her classroom door. Then she looks through I encourage you to share your own get permission to share a few scenarios to the glass door pane, and, to her horror, she stories at [email protected].

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Spotlight on... RUTHIE THURM


1. Can you tell us about what you do? BUSINESS Afl ac is the leader in voluntary insurance sales at the work site in the United States. As an Afl ac NAME agent, I am dedicated to providing exemplary service and solutions for businesses and individuals. I also protect them from loss in asset and income, and supplemental medical expenses. AND POSITION: 2. Did your position require any sort of training? Ruthie Thurm, Yes. I needed to complete 30 hours of course credit training in all facets of health and accident Licensed insurance. Following this, I then needed to sit for an exam to become offi cially licensed in New York to sell insurance. Professional development is continuous and mandatory in order to stay current with Insurance insurance policies. They also help in being able to simplify the information and to be able Benefits to clearly relay it to consumers and business decision-makers so that they fully understand Advisor, their options, and in helping customers make informed benefits decisions that best suit them and their families’ needs. AFLAC (American 3. What is voluntary insurance? Family Life Assurance Let’s begin by understanding the term “out-of-pocket limits” and learning some insurance lingo along the way. Health care reform established out-of-pocket limits to protect consumers from Company) runaway medical expenses. But there are some out-of-pocket expenses not included in these limits. The out-of-pocket maximums are different for individuals and for families and they are adjusted each year. It is very important to know that expenses, like premiums or treatments not covered under your plan, or that are obtained outside of your plan’s network, do not count toward LOCATION: out-of-pocket limits. That means these costs can directly affect your wallet and are your, or your Marine Park family’s, responsibility. Voluntary insurance pays the policyholder directly regardless of their major medical plan. These benefi ts ensure you have the funds you need to help pay daily living expenses.

48 | Jewish Echo ohkuj ruehc e DISTINGUISHED HONOREES f CHESED ORGANIZATION SheariS haPleitah award GUARDIANS OF THE SICK th

The Friedman Family - Saul, moShe and STanley (yidel) 66 in honor oF Their dear moTher BaBi henchu Awards Dinner hospitaL LeaDership awarD MeDicaL LeaDership awarD Dr. abrahaM M. taub robert GuiMento President e"pk y"ga, 'adhu wp e"amun Chairman, Department of Psychiatry NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Vice President, Behavioral Health Services Methodist Hospital D e c e m b e r 15, 2018 recePTION 7:30 ◆ DINNer 8:15

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health challenges you want to do all you client who’s been 4. How does it work? can to help. Afl ac can help you help your employees to be protected, secure, and helped? Instead of checks being sent directly to happier at work with options like accident the doctor or hospital, Aflac sends cash There was a couple who had enrolled insurance, hospital plans, critical illness, and benefits directly to policyholders so they in Afl ac’s affordable accident insurance short-term disability. can use those funds as they see fit. More policy as a precautionary measure. Three than 50 million people worldwide count on years later, the husband suffered a terrible them to pay claims fairly, promptly when 7. Is it expensive? accident at home; he had fallen off a ladder people need it most – often paid in one day while climbing up the roof. In the midst of We have more than ten types of policies for eligible claims. all the physical, emotional, and fi nancial that can be customized to meet most upheavals, the wife received a call from her supplemental insurance needs starting with Afl ac insurance agent who then came out to 5. Do most people prices as low buying a box of adhesive the hospital with coffee and showed her how have voluntary bandages per week. to complete all the necessary paperwork. insurance? The much-needed checks arrived within 8. Is it challenging a few days and made all the difference in It is a growing trend in New York, and that is to convince people to maintaining a quality of life during a most why I have the opportunity to work for such trying of times. an amazing company. sign up? Baruch Hashem, I am up to the challenge! 10. Do you have any 6. What about I focus my efforts on educating both consumers and business decision- advice for someone employers? makers about the need for, and value of, choosing a career Whether you are a small business owner, voluntary insurance. path? large commercial or retail franchise, or even a principal in a yeshivah, you rely I’ll give you my favorite quote and a heartfelt on your employees and they rely on you. 9. Can you give brachah: “If you love what you do, you’ll So when they’re dealing with fi nancial or us an example of a never work a day in your life again.” | JE Jewish Echo | 49 ASK THE THERAPIST ALEXANDER RAND LCSW-R CASAC


Our son will turn 13 next May, and my husband and I have begun discussing what to do for his bar mitzvah. He is our oldest and we are really excited about the simchah. We have been attending the simchos of our friends in the community, and many of them have been beautiful. Maybe I was naïve, but when I asked around about the approximate cost, I could not believe how much people spend. Both my husband and I work full time and earn reasonable salaries. Because we don’t live extravagantly by any means, baruch Hashem we are able to pay the bills and provide for our family. I just don’t think it's possible for us to shell out that kind of money. At the same time, I want my son to be happy and not be embarrassed by having something less than his friends. Any suggestions?

Thank you for the question. I money and go into debt to pay for a simchah. extravagant affairs and the social pressures am quite sure you are not the Does it need to be this way? Should we just they can bring. For whatever the reasons, only one facing this dilemma. accept that this is one of the facts of life in they haven’t stuck. (Although to be fair, A It is an unfortunate reality our community? I know Rabbanim over the there are some communities that have been that people regularly borrow years have tried to enact takanos to prevent able to adopt them). To be honest, I have

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some strong feelings about this, so I hope community without embarrassment or shame? decision that will cost us a lot less? I don’t offend anyone with what I will say. Does your spouse see things the same way? One last point to think about is whether If we can own the decision as something we Are we considering that we may need to as a community our simchos have become fully believe in and embrace it, we can make work for 3 to 6 months to repay what we less about the actual celebration and more it less difficult. As far as your son, one of the spend in one night - one night where many about the party. What is the focus of our most important concepts to internalize is how of the people who come would rather be celebration? Might we sometimes forget the to think about long-term gain when facing a somewhere else? One night where no matter actual reason for the party? how nice we make it, or how much effort short-term decision. Are you sure that this we put in to impress others, people will still affair is even something that your son wants? I think each family needs to consider a complain and criticize? One night where the Is there a potential life lesson that your son budget they can afford and do their best to actual focus of the simchah might become (and family) can take in about not always work within that budget. I know it won’t be swallowed up with so many other concerns? caving to peer pressure when we don’t agree easy and can trigger a lot of feelings, but any One night where we will wake up the with what others are doing? change we want to make will always come with a price. As a supervisor of mine once next day and have to face our regular bills So many of us can be thrifty in so many without a clear plan of how to cover them? said, “Growth begins where comfort ends.” areas of our lives. We know what stores I hope you come to a decision that can work We know that financial pressure can impact have the best prices for groceries, when to for you and your family and will enable you marriages and lead to questionable business buy our clothing on sale, and who has the to celebrate the simchah with as much joy as practices and tremendous stress. Is there a best deals on anything we might need. We possible. | JE way out of this, or are we all part of a system can spend substantial amounts of time and with no room for change? energy to make sure that we are getting what I would like to believe that we do have the we want at the best possible price. And if you do the math, is it possible that the one Alexander Rand LCSW-R CASAC is a option to do things differently and not feel licensed clinical social worker and addictions night will completely overshadow any effort obligated to follow the trend. This won’t be therapist. He currently maintains a private easy, so we need to think it through before we made to save that whole year? What if practice in Brooklyn, NY and serves as an deciding. The first step though is for us to we did the opposite? What if we stopped adjunct professor at Brooklyn College and be honest about how we feel about doing worrying about where to get everything on Touro College Graduate something smaller or less elaborate. Are we sale and enjoy the freedom to shop where School of Social Work. He can be reached (the adults) ok facing our friends, family, and it is convenient in exchange for one large at [email protected] or at 917-880-9576.

Jewish Echo | 51 Cooking with Latke WITHOUT THE PATCHKE Naomi Hazan | @onelifetoeat

We typically commemorate the miracle of Chanukah by eating oil-drenched foods. But as always, I’m putting a twist on tradition by creating two light and easy non-fried recipes showcasing the veggie of the month: POTATOES!

52 | Jewish Echo INGREDIENTS: TATER TOT “LATKE” 1 bag frozen Tater Tots, or WINNING DIPS enough to feed your crowd Avoid standing over the stove by a hot pan Typically, latkes are served with apple of oil, and pop frozen Tater Tots in a waffle sauce or sour cream, but both those maker, creating a crispy flaky makeshift Preparation: toppings can be kind of bland in latke. What a delicious shortcut! flavor. Up your game this Chanukah 1. Preheat your waffle maker for with these sour cream dips! 5 minutes on high setting. 2. Form four large square clusters GREEN GOODNESS of Tater Tots, one per section. SOUR CREAM 3. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown and crispy. 1 ½ cups sour cream ¼ cup parsley, chopped fine 2 tbs. milk 2 tbs. dill (fresh/dry) 2 tbs. fresh lemon juice ½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. salt ½ tsp. pepper

SPICY SOUR CREAM 1 ½ cups sour cream ¼ cup sriracha 1 tbs. lime juice ¼ tsp. salt

Jewish Echo | 53 TRUFFLE BAKED CURLY FRIES Here’s a whimsical fried alternative to baked french fries. Spice these up however you’d like. I love the combination of potatoes and truffle seasoning. The flavors speak for themselves, and the shape is just for fun!

INGREDIENTS: Preparation: 5 Idaho potatoes, spiralized 1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. 1 tsp. truffle salt (or truffle oil) 2. In a bowl, sprinkle the seasoning on top of the potato pieces and toss to coat them all evenly. ½ tsp. garlic powder 3. Spread the fries evenly out on a baking ¼ tsp. black pepper sheet lined with parchment paper. 3 tbs. oil 4. Bake for 20-25 minutes until cooked Sliced scallions, for garnish through and crispy. Serve warm.

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What has turquoise got to do with my and hope. But as shades of white, black, and birthday—or, for that matter, with anything gray became the predominant colors of the else of interest to me or to my readers? cars of later periods, turquoise and all that it First off, let me tell you why I chose my had represented to me as a youth seemed to birthday as the focus of this article. B’ezras have all but faded away. Hashem, I shall very soon be approaching But, truth to tell, turquoise seems to be staging the age which many Americans hold as a a modest comeback in the automotive world. “banner-birthday year,” but which isn’t phosphate of copper and aluminum.” Although more noticeable as the color of accounted as anything special by the Indeed, it may be quite challenging to fi nd choice in commercial vehicles, blue-green Mishnah (5:22) in Pirkei Avos, since it two people who agree as to precisely what is once more making its statement in private falls out quite neatly between “seivah” and color a turquoise ought to be. After all, the vehicles as well! As for me, turquoise’s “gevurah.” (Have you fi gured it out yet? semiprecious stone may run the gamut from connection with the sea, sky, and “beyond” Good. I just knew you could!) “white to dark navy blue to lime green.” provides a soothing balm to the soul of a man who still recalls his youth with a bit of a Now my birthday falls out in the secular However, my dictionary lists the color pang. Indeed, it is just this fl uidity of change calendar on some date or other in as “greenish-blue,” so we’ll go with that while remaining “true-blue” that connects December—but its Jewish label is the description. And since some translators me now to this intriguing color, just as it did one that interests me more. I was born taitsh the word techeiles as “turquoise,”— when I was young. as a Kislev baby—and today I am still a and with good reason (see Mesichta yachsan of that Jewish month, not so much Menachos 43b)—I think we’ll stick with a So if I view myself as an aging Mr. Blue, I of December. Yet December does tug a bit variety of lovely shades of blue-green as our do so confi dently, knowing that the eternal on my heartstrings, especially since Kislev defi nition of the color turquoise. Torah jewel to which I have dedicated my life is not merely semiprecious, as is and December often are forced, as it were, to But there’s something else about turquoise, but supremely precious in all coexist on the pages of my calendar. turquoise—something very special—which its aspects. And although the physiology should rivet our attention: Depending on And incidentally, one of the “birthstones” of of growing old may seem to produce December is turquoise (at least, according a number of outside infl uences—such as sometimes unwelcome changes and present to the American way of reckoning the solvents, perspiration, and maybe even body diffi cult challenges, the gemlike quality of birthstone of each month). temperature—the turquoise’s greenish-blue Yiddishkeit keeps the turquoise of my soul color is likely to change, however subtly. Ah, turquoise! The very name connotes as bright and lustrous as ever. something exquisitely oriental. Now how does this fascinating stone— Such being the case, “Happy Birthday!” to and its unique yet changeable hue—have But in point of fact, the word “turquoise” me. anything to do with me? And it really does, simply refers to the fact that in days of you know! No, wait a minute. “Happy Birthday!” to us yore, turquoise was mined in Persia and all. | JE transported through Turkey to the Western Interestingly enough, when I was growing world. It is no surprise, then, that “turquoise” up in (oh! so many) means “Turkish” in Old French. decades ago, turquoise was often the color of choice in my family when it came to Questions and comments? Please send these to There is something somewhat exotic about me at [email protected]. A freilichen choosing the color of an automobile. As the color of this gem, which is a “hydrated Chanukah, dear readers! I clearly recall, turquoise was one of a number of pastel shades of automotive paint that were favored by Americans living in the ‘50s and ‘60s. As time passed and fashions changed, I began to miss those little intangibles of the past with which I had grown up. To my young mind, turquoise had always seemed to be the color of vitality 56 | Jewish Echo HAIRH3 SALON Full service Hair Salon featuring Haircuts for Men, Women and Children.

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Jewish Echo | 57 58 | Jewish Echo Jewish Echo | 59 TEEN STORY

The Gift

obby Leah, my mother’s occasion that if she needs something she’ll the subject a few months ago and followed mother, is not one of those buy it, and if she hasn’t bought it, she doesn’t that up with a complaint about the chill that little old ladies that make need it. My mother is the same way, albeit always creeps in through her front window you smile when you see her. a bit more gracious and definitely thankful (mind you, this was during the summer), I She’s straight-backed and her mouth usually on the occasions when I do present her with decided to do something. B something. (Where I come from is anyone’s forms a grim line. She’s no-nonsense in just I knitted her a scarf. about every way and has never once told guess, but that’s another story.) Sure, it was easier said than done, and I me I’m beautiful. But despite her lack of But anyway, this time I was sure I hit the almost gave up about thirty times, but with warm-and-fuzzy, I visit her just about every nail on the head. Cantankerous, lonely my mother’s help I learned to wield those week without fail, allowing her to offer me Bobby was going to just love this. Because I frightening knitting needles and make some tea biscuits from a small china plate she’s made it for her. prepared for me on her doily-topped coffee simple stitches. And though it looked far table and listening to her complaints of the One of Bobby’s chief grievances about from professional, and it had taken me about day while her aide dozes off on an armchair today’s generation (read: me) is that none six times longer than it was meant to take, across the room. of us knows how to create things with our the finished product was quite presentable. hands. We can’t sew. We can’t knit. We It almost looked nice. If you squinted. And Although I think Bobby appreciates my don’t even needlepoint. Bobby’s mother anyway, it was definitely warm and soft. visits, there are times when I must admit, I taught her that a girl must always have am less than enthusiastic to go. something to do, and so whenever she sat, Bobby would be proud, I thought as I hiked over to her apartment last week. Maybe I’d Today is one of those times. she always worked on some craft or other. My mother never had the opportunity to even get a smile. Last week, you see, I brought her a present. teach me that since my teachers have always A Chanukah gift. Now I know that Bobby What was I thinking? made sure that all my sitting time is taken up Leah always finds a reason to grumble and Bobby sure didn’t smile after she tore open with homework. that she’s never been a happy recipient of the dreidel gift wrap and accepted my gifts. She has told me on more than one So when Bobby voiced her displeasure about Chanukah wishes. She didn’t look even 60 | Jewish Echo a drop satisfi ed that I took the initiative to trying to picture my mother as an eager-to- bell to announce my presence.) learn something she had rallied about for please young girl. Bobby is sitting in her usual recliner. just about as long as I could remember. She “But you know what,” she continued after a did not thank me for laboring to produce moment. “When we moved her out of that Wearing my scarf. something she could wear that would help big old house into her new apartment I was “It’s so cold,” she says without greeting, take away the chill. packing the things in her nightstand. And “that even this scarf doesn’t do much.” She said, “A scarf? You think I’m going out there it was. The teacup. With the colored to make a snowman?” paper folded neatly beside it. She never used I help myself to a tea biscuit and agree that yes, it is cold outside. And then she did the unthinkable. She it, but she never gave it away. She saved it offered it to her aide, who thankfully for all those years.” It could be, I refl ect, that a lot of people – declined and instead came over to drape “Ma,” I said. “She tried giving my scarf my therapist sister-in-law, for example – the scarf around Bobby’s neck. Where it away.” would tell me to stop doing this. That I’m actually looked quite nice. My mother sighed. “Bobby’s a complicated a glutton for punishment, signing myself up At least I think so. It was hard to see through person. She’s had a hard life. And maybe for complaints and ingratitude. But I know the tears I tried to blink back. that’s why she comes across as so gruff. that’s not what this is. This is the mother of I stuck it out there for the next hour as was But I know she appreciates your visits, and my mother, a person who needs attention my weekly habit, pretending to listen to I know that in her own way she’s touched and love and patience, even if she has a hard by your gift.” She thinks for a moment, then Bobby’s running commentary while wishing time demonstrating her affection in the ways adds, “But I know it’s hard for you, so if you it was time to go. we’d expect. This is a woman who may don’t want to keep going that’s okay.” I didn’t mean to tell my mother about have tried to give away my scarf but who Bobby’s reaction because I knew it would Well, you can certainly bet that I didn’t want used to come every day to show my mother to go back. In fact, I was relieved when hurt her, but when I returned home and the the right way to care for newborn me. The Bobby missed our family Chanukah party fi rst thing she said was, “So? Did Bobby like woman who can hardly walk but who makes it?” the whole story just tumbled out. the next night due to a cold she claimed was keeping her in bed. But when today rolled sure there is a plate of biscuits waiting for To remedy that, when I was fi nished, I around, the day of my weekly visit, I kept me every time I come. shrugged, forced a smile, and said, “But picturing Bobby looking out the window And by coming here week after week, I’m that’s just Bobby. Right?” waiting for me. teaching her that she is loved and valued, My mother didn’t buy it. So here I am, on my way to Bobby, trying despite her fl aws. I’m teaching myself that Instead, she gave me a hug. Then she told to pump myself up for the visit, reminding family is not about what we get but about me a story. “You know, when I was about myself that this lonely old woman is my what we can give. That the bonds that tie us grandmother, not some stranger. I won’t be ten years old, I wanted to do something are stronger than our perceived hurts and special for Bobby. At the time I was getting put off by the gift fi asco. slights. an allowance, some small change every I walk up her path, and I see the curtain week – I don’t remember the exact amount. fl utter. That’s how I know that I was right, I think about that as I take a seat on the sofa Remember Mr. Katz’s store, the one on the she has been looking out for me. facing Bobby. corner of East 12 Street? He sold just about everything, and there was a pretty little I ring the bell and walk in. (For some reason, Then I slip off my booties, make myself fl owered teacup and matching plate that I her aide never locks the door. I just ring the comfortable, and listen to her talk. | JE was sure Bobby would love. I thought it was exactly the type of thing she could use to drink her coffee in the morning, something that would make her feel like a lady since she always complained about how hard she worked. Well, I saved up all those coins. It took me a long time – maybe longer than it took you to knit that scarf. And I bought the teacup, carefully wrapping it in colorful paper I’d saved in my drawer for the occasion.” My mother looked at me. “You can guess the rest,” she said. “I gave Bobby that cup, and do you know what she said? ‘A teacup? What do I need with a teacup? I drink coffee, not tea.’ That was the fi rst and last gift I bought her in all my childhood.” “Wow,” I said, not knowing what else to say, Jewish Echo | 61 JM 101 Hillel Kapnick

Hey, everyone! We’ve had a nice bunch of new releases recently from some well-known and up-and- coming artists. Read on for the latest and greatest in Jewish music!

Shea Rubenstein - Shirei Hapleita arranged by Ian Freitor and featuring a melody production long before the release, that there’s I consider myself very lucky to be able to that will defi nitely get stuck in your head. something for everyone to enjoy throughout produce music on a daily basis live at events, Download it today! this album. at simchos, and in studio. But it’s not every day that I get to produce a project which is Kesher - Yir’u C. Neuhaus - Miracles 2 not just amazing musically but is emotional Chanukah this year brings a great gift to Jewish For those of you who never heard the original and meaningful as well. This album, which I music lovers everywhere – a debut single Miracles album, I suggest that you pick that produced for vocalist Shea Rubenstein, features from the fi rst new group to grace the Jewish one up, make your way through it, and then 10 beautiful tracks arranged in a contemporary music scene in a very long time. Produced and pick this one up before the stores are sold out! but nostalgic style. Although this album will arranged by veteran Doni Gross, whose name This album features compositions by the super surely be enjoyed by many, it was created to has been part of numerous hits, Kesher features talented Chayala Neuhaus and the vocals of bring joy and good memories to Holocaust the compositions of Chaim Yisroel Rosenfeld soloist Yehuda Kirschner. This album was survivors. With that in mind, Shea has and the voices of four fresh vocalists. arranged by Doni Gross and features 10 tracks designated 3,000 CDs to be distributed free of of inspiring lyrics, posit ive messages, and charge to Holocaust survivors. As if that weren’t generally upbeat songs. enough, Shea organized a beautiful event at the Tzidkiyahu - Tzidkiyahu Museum of Jewish Heritage for a room full of The Jewish music world has plenty of Holocaust survivors, who enjoyed an afternoon “Dovid’s”, “Yosef’s”, and “Chaim’s”, but Rogers Park - Petersburg fi lled with hope, inspiration, and a free concert it’s not every day that someone named Although many of you might assume that I debuting a number of the album’s tracks. Tzidkiyahu steps into the ring. Tzidkiyahu lean towards more “mainstream-sounding” brings us an album fi lled with catchy tunes, Jewish music, the reality is that I love coming uplifting harmonies, and meaningful lyrics across something different. Since their fi rst Sruly Green - Bizt a Gita Mentch which inspire Jewish values and Jewish pride. release, Rogers Park has always been just Sruly is no stranger to Jewish music. Anyone I had the privilege of contributing backup that! This album features ten amazing tracks, who has seen him perform at simchos can attest vocals throughout this album as well as some some of which have been re-imagined and to his energy, excitement, and talent. Sruly has arranging, mixing, and mastering. I can tell rearranged from the way you’ve heard them just released the single “Bizt a Gita Mentch” you as someone who was involved in this sung in the past. | JE

Hillel Kapnick is a Producer/Singer/Musician/DJ based in Monsey, NY. He owns and operates Uptop Recording Studios (Monsey, NY), and sings and plays at simchos with his orchestra and One Man Band regularly. Hillel can be reached for questions, comments, or bookings at [email protected] or through his website @ www.HillelKAPS.com

62 | Jewish Echo Need an experienced Tutor? Need assistance with Kriyah or Chumash? Had enough struggling over Math, Algebra and Trigonometry? Biology and Chemistry are too difficult to comprehend? All subjects, all ages, all students, from beginners to advanced.

Call or text Huvie Worcman at 646.509.1443 or email [email protected] Jewish Echo | 63 MUSINGS Yitti Berkovic

Less is All We Need

As of today, our Chanukah vacation Yup, my kids are completely entranced plans are offi cially canceled. “Ma, when are we building our by the construction project just across extension?” one gap-toothed child asks No snow-tubing trips necessary. the street, and that’s all the entertainment innocently. they need. No visits to the museum needed. Do I let him down easy or allow him to Note to self: send the neighbors a thank- No excursions to the mall in the plans. continue to dream? you card for preserving my bank account If anyone asks, the Berkovics will be by choosing to remodel their home. (I “Ma, could we even afford a house that staying home and sitting on the couch, take no responsibility for their bank size?” another son asks anxiously. thank you very much. account, though. Sorry.). Now that’s a touchier question. And just so you know, we won’t be I’ll admit that I understand my kids’ My daughter turns to him, horrifi ed. “Of staying home because I’m lazy (though fascination. course we can afford it,” she snaps with I am always happy to stay home in my It’s pretty amazing to observe a house all her third-grader confi dence. “We just pajamas with a hot coffee and a good as it is built from the ground up, to see don’t need it. Right, Ma?” book. That’s a vacation.). the incremental progress, the day-to-day I stifl e my laugh. Uh-huh. No, we’ll be staying home because, transformations. So she’s gotten the message I’ve tried to right now, my kids are refusing to move And if my children were marveling pass along all these years. from the couch, despite my constant at the architectural wonders or at the coaxing and cajoling. engineering prowess, I’d grab a bucket Whenever my kids ask for something I don’t think they need (or I don’t want to Honestly, I can’t even be sure that they of popcorn and join them on the couch. pay for), I avoid talking about the price. hear me. Except I can’t help but think they’re Instead, I’ll say, “It’s not that we can’t They’re transfi xed by the entertainment marveling for another reason. afford it; it’s just that we don’t need it.” right outside our front window. I can’t help but assume they’re thinking, Usually, it’s about extra fries with their “I really wish this new house was ours.” Literally. pizza or a sushi platter instead of gefi lte I don’t blame them. fi sh. Who needs concert when there is a It’s quite the house. symphony of jackhammers playing their It so obviously dwarfs our humble Sometimes it’s true, and sometimes it’s music as soon as the sun comes up? home, that driving by, you wouldn’t be not. crazy to guess that our home was their Who needs the circus when we can sit In the case of the mansion coming up house’s maids’ quarters. Or even its and watch the three-ring spectacle of across the street, though, it’s defi nitely shed. plumbers, pavers, and plasterers plying not true. There is no way we could their crafts? And my sweet children, who know afford it, not even in our dreams. nothing of mortgage payments or I don’t begrudge the new homeowners Who needs amusement park rides when property-tax appraisals, have been their beautiful new home. we have the thrill of excavators and infl icted with the jealousy bug – or at cranes, lifting and whirring so close to least the wild-imagination bug – as they Not at all. our home, we can almost reach out and take in each new wing and each new touch them? They are kind, simple, salt-of-the-earth story. people. Really.

64 | Jewish Echo 64 | Jewish Echo Their home, even before the upgrade, I have been known to tell my husband without that mudroom or has always had an open door, with guests that I am more than happy with my lot, that extra toy closet). but I wouldn’t mind if my lot had a few staying there during the week and on We need to celebrate what we already more square-inches, you know? Shabbos. They are expanding because have. they want to host more people, more Maybe just an extra toy closet? often. I am amazed by their generosity We need to feel rich with just that one How about a mud room? A nice deck jug of oil, because even that small of spirit, and I’m happy Hashem has with a perfect view of the sunset? granted them the resources to continue amount has the power to make miracles. their astounding chessed. That’s not asking too much, right? If my kids are ever willing to get off But that’s not what my kids see. And then I remember how blessed I felt the couch and stop staring at the house just a few years back, when we closed across the street, dreaming of what They only see a contrast between what on our house, when I was given the key could have been, maybe I can convince we have and what they have. to my own home for the fi rst time. them to pool their Chanukah gelt so we They only see that our house suddenly I remember how deeply grateful I was can create a lasting memory that’s all feels smaller, feels plainer, feels less. to Hakadosh Boruch Hu that I had a our own. Just the other day, my daughter made home in which to raise my family, a Maybe, even better, I can convince them home I once wondered if I’d ever be that a little too obvious. to pool their gelt to give to others – able to afford. My husband, for the life of him, could because we already have so much. It didn’t matter that the bedrooms were a not remember where he had taken off Maybe I can convince them (and bit small or that the kitchen didn’t have his shoes. myself) that if we have less, then less is an island. I didn’t notice that the walls | JE He had searched high and low, under had no moldings or that the chandelier all we need. beds and up on shelves, but he could not was a little dated. fi nd them anywhere. I felt like I had a palace, like I was the In exasperation, he called out, “Yitti, we queen. need to get a smaller house!” I felt like I was the luckiest person in Before I could respond, I heard my the world. daughter whisper in horror, “Chas And I need to recapture that. More than V’Sholom!” anything, I want my kids to experience I laughed out loud, but part of me also that, to know that in their core. cried. Really, there is no I am an adult. better time to I know that someone could build teach them than Buckingham Palace right under my Chanukah, when we remember how nose, and it wouldn’t make my house one small jug of any bigger or any smaller. oil could burn for But I want my kids to appreciate that eight days. their lot is their lot, with each square Less can be more. foot of blessing carved out for them by the Builder Who knows best. Less can be empowering. The big house across the street is for that family; our family has exactly what Less can light up the it needs. whole world. But let’s be honest – I need to remember My family doesn’t need the that for myself too. clutter of more (especially

Jewish Echo | 65 MAZEL TOV! L’zchus Refuah Shelaima for Alter Mordechai Tzvi ben Eka Breina

Births: 11/1 - Mr. and Mrs. Avraham Finkler on the birth of a boy! 11/15 - Mrs. Sharon Dobkin on the birth of a grandson! Also to the parents Mr. and Mrs. Menachem and Chaya Lomnitz!

Bar/Bas Mitzvahs: 10/19 – Shualy family on Mordechai’s bar mitzvah! 11/16 - Mr. and Mrs. Meir and Penina Friedman on Gavriel’s bar mitzvah!

Engagements/Weddings: 10/21 - Mrs. Sally Hirsch on Shmuli’s engagement to Elisheva Tratner! 11/1 - Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Marilyn Feinberg on Dara’s engagement to Ari Benzaquen! 11/12 - Mr. and Mrs. Shimon and Sherry Katz on Aviva’s engagement to Asher Mintz! Special mazel tov to the entire Katz and Goldman families! 11/19 - Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai and Baila Feig on Michoel “Uncle Micky’s” marriage to Shoshana “Shoshi” Citron from Lakewood! Special mazel tov to the entire Feig, Citron, Hardt, Buckman, Reisman, Press, Goldman, and Katz families!

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"Networking will make you more successful" Jewish Echo | 67 Shacharis: Sunday 8:20, 8:45, 9:20, & 10 M-F Shacharis Sun: 8:00 Shacharis Mon/Thu: ADAS YESHURIN BAIS MOSHE 6:20, 8:15 Sh 10:15 Mincha: 7:20 Shabbos 6:20 Shacharis T/W/F: 6:30 Shacharis Rosh Rabbi Avrohom Klein Mincha: 1:30 Motsei Shabbos Maariv: 42 min Chodesh: 6:20 Shabbos Shacharis: 9:00 3418 Avenue N - 718.338.9414 Maariv: M-Th 7:35 Shacharis: Sunday 8:00, M-F FLATBUSH PARK JEWISH CENTER 6:30, Sh 8:55 Mincha: 1:30 and 10 CHAIM BERLIN ALUMNI MINYAN Rabbi Yisroel Perelson minutes before shkiya, M-Th Maariv: Rabbi Yehoshua Rapps - 3501 Quentin Rd. 6363 Avenue U - 718.444.6868 M-Th 9:15, Sh 50 min after shkiah Shabbos Shacharis: 8:30 Mincha: 6:30 Shacharis: Sunday 8, M-F 6:10 & 8, Sh 7:15, Maariv: 8:36 9 & 9:25 Mincha: 7:00, Sh changes with time AGUDATH ISRAEL OF MADISON Motsei Shabbos Maariv: changes with time ZICHRON CHAIM TZVI CONG. BEIT HILLEL OF FLATBUSH Rabbi Reisman KHAL SHAAREI SHALOM 2164 Ralph Avenue (corner of Ave. L) 2122 Avenue S (Corner of E. 22 St.) Rabbi Raphael Bernstein, 2961 Nostrand Ave (718) 763-2400 Shacharis Sun: 6:20, 7:15, 8:00, Shacharis Shacharis: Sh 8:30 Mincha: F 10 min before Shacharis Sun: 8:30 Shacharis Mon/Thu: 6:20 Mon/Thu: 6:20, 7:15, 8:00 Shacharis T/W/F: shkiah Maariv: Sun-Th following Mincha & Shacharis T/W/F: 6:10 Shacharis Rosh 6:20, 7:15, 8:00 Mincha: At shkiah (also 1:40 9:30, Sh 50 min after shkiah Chodesh: 6:00 Mincha: Usually 5 mins. before on Sunday) Maariv: 8:00, 9:00, 9:35, 10:00, shkiah, text the Rabbi at 347-407-1842 and 30 minutes after shkiah Friday Mincha: 10 KHILAH MARINE PARK Maariv: Follows Mincha Friday Mincha: 10 minutes after candlelighting, Shacharis Sh: 8:30 Rabbi Boruch P. Mendelsohn minutes after candle lighting (7:00 Pesach to 3605 Quentin Rd - 646.339.3364 Rosh Hashanah) Shabbos Shacharis: 9:00 Shacharis: Sunday 7:45, M/Th 6:20, T/W/F BAIS MORDECHAI D’BERTCH Shabbos Mincha: 1.15 hr before ends, 6:25, Sh 9 Mincha: Sun-Th 10 min before Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Rokeach followed by Seudah Shlishit. (Shabbat Ladies & shkiah, Fri 10 min before shkiah, Sh 10 min 3302 Ave P - 718.376.1541 Men Classes 1 hr. before Mincha) before licht Maariv: M-Th Shkiah & 9:30, Sh Shacharis: Sunday 6:20, 8, 9, M-F 6:20 Special Note:Shabbat morning Ashkenaz, all 50 min after shkiah & 7:15, Sh 9 Mincha: S-Th 10 minutes other tefillos Sefard. Twitter @rabbifine before shkiya, Sh 1:45 & 5 min after licht Maariv: S-Th after Mincha, 8:45, 10:00 KINGSWAY JEWISH CENTER & following Mincha, F, 5 minutes after CONG. BNEI YESHIVOS/IMREI TZVI Rabbi Eitan Tokayer candle lighting, Sh Mincha 1:45 and Rabbi Moshe Schneirman 2810 Nostrand Ave - 718.258.3344 5 minutes after candle lighting, Motsei 2402 Avenue P Shacharis: Sun 7:30 & 8:30, M-F 6:30 & Shabbos Maariv: 15 minutes before 72 Shacharis Sun: 6:40, 7:30 Shacharis Mon/ 7:30, Sh 8:45 Mincha: Sun-Th 15 min before Thu: 6:25, 7:25 Shacharis T/W/F: 6:40, 7:30 shkiah, Fri 10 min after licht, Sh on the BAIS HAMEDRASH OF FLATBUSH Maariv: 8:15, 9:30 10:00 Shacharis Sun: 6:20, quarter hour before Shkiah Maariv: S-Th 10 Rabbi Tzvi Yaakov Zolty, 1485 E 29th St 7:15, 8:00 Shacharis Mon/Thu: 6:20, 7:15, 8:00 min after Mincha, Sh 45 min after shkiah Shacharis: Sunday 8, M/Th 6:55, T/W/F 7, Sh Shacharis T/W/F: 6:20, 7:15, 8:00 Mincha: 8:30 Mincha: S-Th 20 min before shkiah, Fri 6 At shkia (also 1:40 on Sunday) Maariv: 8:00, MAKAROV min after licht, Sh 30 min before Shkiah Maariv: 9:00 9:35, 10:00, and 30 minutes after shkiah Rabbi Tzvi Twersky, 3118 Quentin Rd S-Th after Shkia & 9:30, Sh 50 min after shkiah Friday Mincha: 10 minutes after candlelighting Shacharis: Sun 8:30, M-F 7, Sh 9 Mincha: Shabbos Shacharis: 8:30 Sun-F 10 min after candle lighting, Sh 6 & 10 BNEI TORAH BAIS NAFTOLI min before licht Maariv: Sun-Th following Rabbi Benzion Schiffenbauer CONG. NACHLAS DOVID Mincha & 9:50, Sh 50 min after shkiah 3514 Flatlands Ave- 718.316.8241 Rabbi Daniel Kleinman Shacharis: Sunday 8:00, M-F 6:30 & 7:30 Sh 8:45 1589 E. 28th St - 718.753-4455 MAYAN YISROEL Mincha: S-Th 10 min before shkiah, Fri 10 min Shacharis: Sun 8, M/Th 6:20, 7:20 T/W/F Rabbi Yosef Vigler after licht, Sh 10 min before licht Maariv: S-Th 6:30, 7:30, Sh 8:45 Mincha: (during DST): 3315 Avenue N - 718-781-5192 after Mincha & 9:15, Sh 50 min after shkiah 10 minutes before shkiya, Friday Mincha: Shacharis: Sunday 8 & 9, M-F 7 & 7:45, 5 minutes after Hadlakas Neiros Maariv: Sh 9 Mincha: S-Th 10 min before shkiah, Fri BNEI TORAH OF MARINE PARK Follows Mincha during DST; 9:15 Winter 15 min after licht, Sh At licht Maariv: S-Th Rabbi Yonasan Epstein - 3523 Avenue S after Mincha, Sh 60 min after licht Shacharis: Sunday 7:45, M-F 6:55, Sh 8:30 CONG. NER L-MEIAH Mincha: Sun 10 min before shkiah, Fri 5 min Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, 2876 Nostrand Avenue MERKAZ YISRAEL OF MARINE PARK after licht, Sh at licht Maariv: Sun following Shacharis: Sun 7:15,8 M-F 6:30,7:30, Rabbi Elisha Weiss Mincha, Sh 50 min after shkiah Sh 9 Mincha: Sun 10 min before 3311 Avenue S - 718.376.5200 Shkiah, Fri 10 min after Licht Maariv: 9 Shacharis: Sunday 8:30, M-F 6:30; T, W, OF MARINE PARK Fr 6:25, Sh 9 Mincha: Sun 10 minutes Rabbi Levi Hendel CONG. ZICHRON before Shkia; Sh 25 minutes before Shkiah 3040 Nostrand Ave - 718.377.1770 Rabbi Rappaport 6315 Strictland Ave Maariv: S-Th At 8:00, Friday 10 Min after 68 | Jewish Echo licht; Motzei Shabbos 68 minutes after candle lighting

MILL BASIN SEPHARDIC CONG. Rabbi Yirmi Levi 2133 E. 64th St - 718.801.3080 Shacharis: Sun 8, M-F 7, Sh 8:45 Mincha: Sun-Th 7:30 Maariv: 8

OHR YISRAEL Rabbi Avrohom Zucker 2899 Nostrand Ave - 718.382.8702 Shacharis: Sun 8, M-F 6:10 & 8, Sh 7:15, 9:00, 9:25 Mincha: Sun-Th 2:45, F 10 min before shkiah, Sh 25 min before shkiah Maariv: Sun-Th 9:45, Sh 50 min after shkiah MINKOFF SEPHARDIC CONGREGATION LOCKSMITH LLC Rabbi Moshe Mayor Licensed & Insured Locksmith 2831 Nostrand Ave - 718.951.1300 · Restricted Keys Made 24 Hour Emergency Service Shacharis: Sun 7:45, M-F 6, Sh 8:20 · Locks Shomer Shabbos Minha: M-Th Shkiah, F 25 min before shkiah, Sh 35 · Gates Service 9-5 Monday- Friday min before shkiah Arbit: M-Th following Mincha & 8, · Security & Fireproof Doors Sh 35 min before shkiah st · Safes 1704 East 21 Brooklyn, NY 11210 · Fences SEPHARDIC TORAH CENTER OF MARINE PARK T 718.998.9881 · Intercom Rabbi Eliyahu Aboud , 3602 Quentin Rd F 718.376.8018 Shacharis: Sun 7:00, Mon/Thu 6:15, T/W/F 6:15, Rosh · Buzzers Chodesh: 6:05 Mincha: 7:00, F 6:45, Sh 45 min before · Cctv Installed [email protected] shkiah Arvit: 7:15, Sh 40 min after shkiah, Motsei Shabbos 50 mins after Shkiah

SHAAREI YESHUA MITZION בנה ביתך כבתחלה! Rabbi Yitzhak Israeli 6208 Strickland Ave (Sephardic) 718.531.8076 Shacharis Sun: 8 Netz, M/Th: 8 Netz, T/W/F: 8 Netz, Sh 8, Rosh Chodesh: 8 Netz Mincha: Bizman, F 7, Sh 7:30 Maariv: Follows Mincha, Motsei Shabbos 9:15

look the same as SHA’AREI ZION ? בר תפילין בתים Do your even) מצוה Rabbi Chaim Halberstam they looked at your בתים Kings Highway - 718.338.3545 Do you know that many 3210 Shacharis: Sun 8:00, M-F 7, Sh 9 Mincha: S-Th 10 the most expensive) deteriorate over time? min before shkiah, F 10 min after licht, Sh 10 min before Common Problems include: spreading apart של ראש - Shkia Maariv: S-Th following Mincha, Sh 65-72 minutes after Shkia - Stitches loosening or ripping - Paint peeling or chipping

TIFERES AVROHOM ZIDICHOIV - Corners becoming warping rounded ? תפילין Rabbi Yecheskel Eichenstein - Bottom of

רצועות Avenue P - 718.338.0298 How about your 4017 רצועות Shacharis: Sun 7, 8, 9 & 9:30 M-F 6:25, 7, 7:30, 7:55, - Do you know that many 8:30 & 9:05 Sh 7:10 & 9 Mincha: Sun-Th 10 min before develop white spots rendering them touch של יד ?פסול of the קשר :sunset, Sun 12:40 Fri 10 min after licht, Sh at licht Maariv - Does the at all times? בית S-Th 9:30 & 10:15, Sun 8:20, Sh 10 min after sunset the

YESHIVAH GEDOLAH OF MILL BASIN .בתים מאכער checked and repaired by an expert רצועות and בתים Rabbi Yehudah Brick, 2114 E 66 St Have your Shacharis Sunday-Friday 8:00 Call R' Chaim Zvi Landy (347) 576 - 0231 Computer checkingJewish also available Echo | 69 . גם בודקים ומוכרים תפילין ומזוזות Same day service on some repairs 100% Financing Available

70 | Jewish Echo The Echoes Me  a

Do you know what sort of magic Lives within these tiny fl ames? What makes their light so brilliant That it cannot be contained? These fl ames are small yet stubborn As they pierce our darkest nights Like us, they are determined These small enchanted lights The tinsel that surrounds us Its shiny, hollow gleam Just makes our light shine brighter Eight glowing, steady beams And when you gaze into their depths You’ll fi nd the secret there Of how a nation, small but strong Will always persevere | JE

Jewish71 Echo| Jewish | 71 Echo December 2018 Volume 2 Issue 61 Non Profi t Org. Jewish Community US Postage Council of Marine Park PAID 2076 Flatbush Avenue BROOKLYN, NY Brooklyn, NY 11234 523

72 | Jewish Echo