ה׳ד׳ ׳ב׳ ׳ א׳ד׳ט׳ט׳ת׳ד׳ת׳ ׳ ׳ ד׳ר׳ב׳ד׳ ׳ב׳ד׳ ׳ ~ Hebrew Institute of Riverdale The Bayit Bulletin July 6, 2012 Summer Edition 17 Tammuz, 5772 Hebrew Institute of Riverdale Wishing Mazal Tov to: 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway Rebecca Jaffe & Moishe Jenkelowitz on the birth of a boy. To big sister Sophie. To grandparents Mady & Hillel Jaffe and Esther Jenkelowitz. Shalom Zachar this Friday night at 9:30pm at the Jaffe’s, 4628 Grosvenor Ave. Brit Bronx, NY 10463 Milah on Wed. July 11 at Merkaz Hasimcha, 1898 Bay Ave (bet. E 18th St and Avenue M) Brooklyn, NY 11230. www.thebayit.org Shacarit at 7:00 followed by Brit and Seudat Mitzvah. E-mail:
[email protected] Wishing Condolences to: Phone: 718-796-4730 Elliot Schwartz, Susan Sklarin and Donna Aschheim on the passing of their father David Schwartz. Shiva concludes before Shabbat. Fax: 718-884-3206 Rav Avi Weiss:
[email protected] Stephanie Nussbaum on the passing of her father Dr. Tsvi Nussbaum. Shiva will conclude Mon. morning at the Nussbaum home, 6 North Cairngorm Rd., New City, NY. Rabba Sara Hurwitz:
[email protected] Sylvia Zepnick on the passing of her husband Sol Zepnick. Shiva is at the Zepnick home, 5025 Goodridge Rav Steven Exler:
[email protected] Ave. through Wed. Shacharit Sun. 8:30am, Mon-Wed 6:45am. Mincha/Maariv Sun 8:00pm Mon-Tue 8:10pm. Rav Ari Hart:
[email protected] Welcome to New Members: Kiddush Rabbi Jeremiah & Miriam Wohlberg. There will be no Kiddush this Shabbat. This Shabbat @ The Bayit To sponsor a Kiddush, please contact GUEST DRASHA with Rabbi Adam Starr, Rabbi of Young Israel of Toco Hills and Arielle Berger -
[email protected].