More asymptotic safety guaranteed Andrew D. Bond1, ∗ and Daniel F. Litim1, y 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, U Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, U.K. We study interacting fixed points and phase diagrams of simple and semi-simple quantum field theories in four dimensions involving non-abelian gauge fields, fermions and scalars in the Veneziano limit. Particular emphasis is put on new phenomena which arise due to the semi- simple nature of the theory. Using matter field multiplicities as free parameters, we find a large variety of interacting conformal fixed points with stable vacua and crossovers inbetween. Highlights include semi-simple gauge theories with exact asymptotic safety, theories with one or several interacting fixed points in the IR, theories where one of the gauge sectors is both UV free and IR free, and theories with weakly interacting fixed points in the UV and the IR limits. The phase diagrams for various simple and semi-simple settings are also given. Further aspects such as perturbativity beyond the Veneziano limit, conformal windows, and implications for model building are discussed. arXiv:1707.04217v2 [hep-th] 28 Mar 2018 ∗
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[email protected] 2 Contents I. Introduction 3 II. Fixed points of gauge theories 4 A. Fixed points in perturbation theory 4 B. Gauge couplings 6 C. Yukawa couplings 7 D. Scalar couplings 8 E. Universal scaling exponents 9 III. Minimal models 11 A. Semi-simple gauge theory 11 B. Free parameters and Veneziano limit 13 C. Perturbativity to leading order 14 D. Anomalous dimensions 16 E. Running couplings beyond the leading order 17 IV.