阿肯色大学 University of Arkansas 中文 3103 课程大纲 2014 年秋季学期 CHIN 3103 Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2014 Classroom and Time KIMP 0211 TTh 2:00-3:15pm Instructor Li Yang Office KIMP 423 Email
[email protected] TEL 575-6061 Office Hour MWF 4:10-5:00pm and by appointment Welcome to Chinese 3103, Chinese Culture and Film! COURSE DESCRIPTION The objective of this class is to open a window for students to Chinese culture and society by using film as a tool. In this class, we will read the selected films both as “cultural texts” and as artworks. Before each screening, a lecture on related cultural topics will be given, such as the introductions to Chinese philosophy, Chinese history, traditional customs, etc., to help students build a better understanding of the film to be screened. Class discussion will also be conducted after lectures and screenings. All the films will be screened with English subtitles and the course will be conducted in English. At the end of this semester, students are expected to be able to a) Build the fundamental knowledge of Chinese geography, history, customs, and society. b) Familiarize themselves with Chinese cinema, including renowned directors, actors/actresses, film market, and of course, famous movies. c) Develop understanding of people of Chinese culture in general. d) Demonstrate the ability to perform research on topics of Chinese culture. TEXT BOOK AND READINGS Guide to Chinese Culture, China Agriculture Press, 2008 All other readings will be assigned as pdf files. REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING Active Participation =10% Active (or militant!) participation in class discussion is essential.