Case No. 16092709AS1006E HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROPOSED WATER RESERVOIR AT THE KOEBERG NUCLEAR POWER STATION, FARM DUYNEFONTEIN 34, MALMESBURY REGISTRATION DIVISION WESTERN CAPE Assessment conducted under Section 38 (3) of the National Heritage Resource Act (No. 25 of 1999) Prepared for: Doug Jeffery Environmental Consultants PO Box 44, Klapmuts, 7625 Email:
[email protected] On behalf of: ESKOM HOLDINGS SOC LIMITED By ACRM 5 Stuart Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Ph/Fax: 021 685 7589 Mobile: 082 321 0172 E-mail:
[email protected] DECEMBER 2016 Heritage Impact Assessment proposed water reservoir, Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Executive summary 1. Site Name: Proposed Water Reservoir, Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, Melkbosstrand, Western Cape 2. Location: Koeberg Nuclear Power Station - Cape Farm No. 34 Duynefontein GPS co-ordinate: S33 40.603 E18 26.558 3. Locality Map: Site 1 Site 2 Locality Map (3318 CB Melkbosstrand) showing the location of the proposed site alternatives. ACRM, December 2016 1 Heritage Impact Assessment proposed water reservoir, Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Google satellite map showing the alternative location sites for the proposed reservoir. 4. Description of the Proposed Development The project entails the construction of a new concrete water reservoir. Friction piles will be employed to support the base for the reservoir, which will be partially-subsurface (foundation base at ± 3.2 m). The footprint area for the new reservoir is less than 0.5ha in extent. Two site alternatives have been identified: Site Alterntative 1 (preferred site alternative) The proposed site is located north of the reactor building, inside the security fence. The site was levelled in the 1980s prior to construction of the nuclear power station.