University Studies Course Approval

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University Studies Course Approval

Approved by Faculty Senate 2004.

University Studies Course Approval

Department or Program: Department of Nursing

Course Number: N445

Course Title: Management and Leadership

Catalog Description: This course examines the management and leadership roles of the professional nurse, analyzes current nursing practices as well as addresses application of the planned process to a nursing situation.

This is an existing course that has previously been approved by A2C2 __X___. OR This is a new course proposal _____. (If this is a new course proposal, the WSU Curriculum Approval Form must also be completed as in the process prescribed by WSU Regulation 3-4.)

Department Contact Person for this course: Norma Blankenfeld

Email: [email protected]

The proposed course is designed to satisfy the requirements in (select one area only):

Course Requirements

A. Basic Skills: B. Arts & Sciences Core: ______1. College Reading and Writing ______1. Humanities ______2. Oral Communication ______2. Natural Science ______3. Mathematics ______3. Social Science ______4. Physical Development and Wellness ______4. Fine & Performing Arts C. Unity and Diversity: Flagged Courses: ______1. Critical Analysis ______2. Science and Social Policy ____X_ 1. Writing ______3. a. Global Perspectives ______2. Oral ______b. Multicultural Perspectives ______3. a. Mathematics/ Statistics ______4. a. Contemporary Citizenship ______b. Critical Analysis ______b. Democratic Institutions

This course is required for the B.S. Major – Nursing: RN Option and the RN to MS Professional Pathway within that option in the Winona State University Department of Nursing.

1 The purposes of the Writing Flag courses in the University Studies program are to reinforce basic writing skills and to provide contexts, opportunities, and feedback for discipline-specific writing. In this course, the written assignments are designed to focus on the roles of Leader and Manager in nursing and the processes of leadership and management in health care organizations. The levels of management include the Registered Nurse at the unit staff level, the first line manager of the unit and the basic organizational organization. The student looks at discipline-related goals within the total health care organization. The major assignment is the Planned Change Paper where the student determines a need for a change in nursing practice at the unit level. Through the use of a planned change theory of individual choice, the student develops a plan for implementation of the change, describing the strategies and tactics for the process, the evaluation of the process, and the maintenance of the change when the process is completed. This requires that the student accept the nursing role of Change Agent, which includes documentation of the selected change theory or theorist and of research findings supporting the change. The complete assignment provides an opportunity for peer review, faculty feedback, and final faculty evaluation of a paper that is suitable for publication or presentation in a discipline-related setting or publication. Such skills of oral and written communication are essential skills for the Professional Nurse.

The student completes another paper about leadership and management styles. It covers a general examination of styles that pertain to any area of organization. This paper requires a descriptive, analytical level of professional writing which is somewhat different than that in the Planned Change Paper.

2 Table regarding the Writing Flag Requirement

Written Flag Criteria Related N445 Related Activities Management and Leadership Nursing Criteria a. practice the processes Refer to Course The Nursing student is and procedures for Overview at B; Course expected to understand creating and completing Outcomes 6, 7, 8Course the need for Planned successful writing in the Requirements #2; Change as compared to discipline of Nursing Topical Outline II; Unit other types of change Objectives IV. within the practice environment. The need for establishing a more predictable practice environment is compared to the potential chaos that often exists. The paper is a documentation of the creation of self determination in practice. b. understand the main Refer to Course The student is expected to features and uses of Overview at B; Course Understand the writing in their fields Outcomes 7, 8, professional role of Change Agent and to document according to formats required in discipline specific literature. The Nursing Profession requires the use of the APA format 6th edition (2001.) c. adapt writing to the Refer to Course The student is required to expectations of readers in overview at B; Course produce a paper suitable their field Outcome 6,7,8; Unit for presentation or objectives section IV # publication in discipline- D, E,F specific settings or publications. The focus of clinical research is to determine self- determination of one’s practice in a constantly changing environment for

3 health care. This is a topic of interest to nursing leaders and managers in the Profession throughout the global community. d. make use of the Refer to Course The student is expected technologies commonly Overview at B; Course to be proficient in the use used for research and Outcomes 7,8;Unit of library searches, writing in their fields Objectives IV A through interlibrary loan F programs, computer searches from the internet (management and Nursing specific areas) and Style according to the APA format becomes 10% of the grade achievement for the paper. e. learn the conventions, Refer to Course The student is expected to evidence, format, usage, Outcomes 6,7,8; Course utilize content from the and documentation in Requirements #3; Nursing Research course, their fields Planned Change Project Nursing Management grading sheet Content/theory set for the course, and this paper is the largest component of points granted for the final course evaluation and grading.

Submitted with this proposal is the N445 syllabus, which includes the course description, teaching strategies, text, and assignment evaluation criteria.

4 Approval/Disapproval Recommendations

Department Recommendation: Approved_____ Disapproved____ Date:______Chairperson Signature______Date______

Dean's Recommendation: Approved_____ Disapproved ____* Date:______Dean's Signature______Date______*In the case of a Dean's recommendation to disapprove a proposal a written rationale for the recommendation to disapprove shall be provided to USS

USS Recommendation: Approved_____ Disapproved____ Date:______University Studies Director's Signature______Date______

A2C2 Recommendation: Approved_____ Disapproved_____ Date:______A2C2 Chairperson Signature______Date______

Faculty Senate Recommendation: Approved_____ Disapproved____ Date:______FA President's Signature______Date______

Academic Vice President's Recommendation: Approved_____ Disapproved____ Date:______VP's Signature______Date______

President's Decision: Approved_____ Disapproved____ Date:______President's Signature______Date______

5 COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: N445 Management and Leadership


COURSE CREDIT AND TIME ALLOTMENT: 3 credits (2 credits Theory, 1 credit Site-based Experiences)


A. General Purpose of Course

This course examines the management and leadership roles of the professional nurse, analyzes current nursing practices as well as applying the change process to a nursing situation.

B. Curriculum Concepts, Sub-concepts, Roles and/or Theories Emphasized in Course

The specific focus of this course is on the management and leadership roles of the professional nurse in which selected concepts of management, leadership, administration and supervision theory are discussed and analyzed. The students will expand their awareness of the need to plan for continuity of care through multidisciplinary interactions. Through lecture, discussion and small group activities, the students will explore the processes of leadership and management, examine ethical and legal aspects of care delivery, apply research findings and identify the need for and initiate appropriate planned change to improve care delivery. The students examine the multiple roles of provider of care, teacher, collaborator/coordinator, leadership/management, client advocate, change agent and consumer of research within the health care delivery system.


1. Describe the health care delivery system from a general systems theory point of view. 2. Compare the unique contribution of the nurse as a member of the health team to the contributions of other members of the health team in various health care delivery systems. 3. Discuss ethical-legal considerations of the leadership/management role within the health care delivery system. 4. Explain selected components of leadership and management in nurse performance in a variety of settings. 5. Describe selected concepts and principles of administration and supervision essential for the practice of nursing. 6. Describe the responsibilities of the professional nurse as a change agent. 7. Describe the use of a variety of strategies for change in nursing practice.

6 8. Devise a plan for change in a given health care situation.


I. The Role of the Professional Nurse as Leader/Manager A. Leadership theory B. Management theory C. Motivation and delegation D. Quality assurance/performance appraisal

II. The Role of the Professional Nurse as a Change Agent A. Planned change theory B. Application of change theories

III. The Role of the Professional Nurse as an Advocate A. Conflict management B. Budget/cost control

IV. The Role of the Professional Nurse as Consumer of Research and Provider of Care A. Organizational structure B. Nursing care delivery systems

V. The Role of the Professional Nurse as Coordinator/Collaborator A. Group process

VI. The Role of the Professional Nurse as Teacher A. Staff development

VII. Professional Responsibilities as a Practitioner A. Ethical decision-making B. Legal responsibilities C. Continuing education D. Career transition


A. Strategies Used to Meet Course Outcomes

Lecture/Discussion Small Group Audiovisual Materials Assigned Readings/Handouts Observation Written Assignments Written Examinations

7 B. Course Requirements

1. Midterm Examination 40 points 2. Change Paper 100 points 3. Management Observation Paper 25 points 4. Final Exam 60 points


Examinations (Midterm and Final) Scholarly Paper Management Observation Report

A minimum of 74% must be achieved in the combined total of points from the exams as well as the projects to be successful in this course.

Five points will be deducted from total point achievement on the paper for each day the paper is turned in past the due date unless a previous arrangement has been made with the instructor. (Permission for late submission will be at the discretion of the instructor.)

Course grade percentage ranges are: 92 - 100 = A 83 - 91 = B 74 - 82 = C 65 - 73 = D Below 65 = E


Yoder-Wise, P. (1999) Leading and managing in nursing (2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Co.

Library/Internet Resources


I. Nurse Manager A. Define leader, manager, and management as a process. B. Discuss the use of management principles in the nursing process. C. Identify types of leadership style and practices. D. Explore the management roles of staff, primary nurse, charge nurse, and head nurse. E. Distinguish between managerial styles.

II. Health Care Delivery Systems A. Review systems concepts and how they apply to the organization of a health care agency. B. Analyze an organizational chart. 1. Organizational structural relationships and communications. 2. Line and staff positions. C. Differentiate the philosophy, purpose, goals, objectives and procedures of the nursing department within an organization. D. Contrast centralized and decentralized organizational patterns.

III. Communication skills A. Assess the lines of communication used within health care organizations. B. Identify significant factors that influence organizational relationships. C. Analyze the use of various communication modes. D. Determine facilitative leader behaviors.

IV. Change Process A. Discuss the role of the nurse as a change agent. B. Describe theories for implementing change. C. Examine the possible consequences of change. D. Describe strategies and tactics for implementing change in nursing. E. Evaluate the effects of change. F. Analyze how group leadership affects change within an organization.

V. Group Process in Nursing Management A. Apply principles of teaching/learning with nursing personnel. B Examine group member roles and their interaction within a group. C. Describe methods of problem-solving. D. Appraise how the organizational structure affects decision-making.

VI. Delegation and Motivation A. Describe nursing staffing patterns for the delivery of nursing care (advantages and disadvantages). B. Identify the phases of delegation. C. Analyze barriers to effective delegation. D. Compare theories of motivation.

9 E. Discuss barriers to motivation.

VII. Performance Appraisal/Supervision A. Discuss issues related to performance appraisal. B. Examine methods used to appraise job performance. C. Discuss supervision as an evaluation technique. D. Discuss peer evaluation as a performance appraisal technique.

VIII. Conflict Management A. Define conflict. B. Differentiate conflict management strategies. C. Compare conflict outcomes. D. Discuss bases of power.

IX. Staff Development A. Examine the variables of staff development: • recruitment • selection • orientation • retention • absenteeism • turnover B. Recognize responsibility for continuing educational needs. C Relate intraorganizational involvement to personal and professional goals.

X. Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement A. Define quality assurance. B. Compare approaches to quality assurance. C. Describe how the measurements of quality assurance affect delivery of patient care. D. Construct standards used to monitor nursing process and evaluate patient . Outcome

XI. Budget A. Recognize the impact of budget planning on the delivery of nursing care. B. Discuss the factors that have an impact on nursing budget: • staff development • patient classification • cost control • scheduling

XII. Career Transition A. Examine the phenomena of role transition. B Differentiate clinical career ladders and management ladders


You may choose a manager to observe in any agency, unit, or situation. It is important to be alert to the concepts and principles as reflected in the following Unit Objectives for Nursing and Health Care Delivery before, during, and after the observation.

Criteria for Structuring Your Report: POINTS

I. Describe the organizational setting. 0

II. Determine the manager's method of leadership and 5 management style (per the Blake Management Grid). a. State the data/behavior observed that lead you to your conclusion. b. Was the manager also a leader? Elaborate on reason.

III. Fit of the manager's leadership/management style with 5 the station or situation and followers. a. Was she/he effective? Why or why not? b. How did she/he delegate work components?

IV. Evaluate the "fit" of the unit within the total agency 5 system. a. What is the power structure of the organization? b. Are the communication lines well established and functional? c. To whom does she/he report?

V. Analyze the level of staff motivation and development. 5 a. Is continuing education valued and provided for? b. How are managers prepared for their roles?

VI. Discuss the likelihood of whether your own leadership/ 5 management style would be suitable for this unit. a. Would you like to work in a similar situation? b. What changes would you make? ____



N445 Management and Leadership

Planned Change Project Criteria (100 points)

I. Definition of the Problem ______pt A. Established Need for Change (5) B. Type of Change Agent selected (5)

II. Goals (10) ______pt

III. Plan ______pt A. Strategies/tactics (10) B. Theory/Sources (10) C. Sources of power/resistance to change (10) D. Contingency plans (5)

IV. Action ______pt A. Timelines (5) B. Process steps (10)

V. Disengagement ______pt A. Stabilize change (15) B. Terminal Relationship in process (5)

VI. Style (10) ______pt Utilize APA Format, 6th edition (10) Total 100 pts


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