Arxiv:1310.0196V1 [Math.CO]

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Arxiv:1310.0196V1 [Math.CO] GRAPHS EMBEDDED INTO FINITE PROJECTIVE PLANES KEITH MELLINGER, RYAN VAUGHN, AND OSCAR VEGA Abstract. We introduce and study embeddings of graphs in finite projec- tive planes, and present related results for some families of graphs including complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs. We also make connections between embeddings of graphs and the existence of certain substructures in a plane, such as Baer subplanes and arcs. 1. Introduction We are interested in studying how graphs may be embedded in finite planes. These embeddings are injective functions which preserve graph-incidence within the incidence relation of a finite projective plane and are analogous to the notion of embedding used in planar graphs and topological graph theory. Although planar graphs have been well-studied, embeddings of graphs into finite projective planes are relatively new. Thus, embeddings may give insight into the structure of finite projective planes. We begin by introducing necessary terminology, and establish counting lemmas used in the later constructions and proofs. In Section 3 we prove our main results, determining which complete bipartite graphs can be embedded in a given plane, and by counting the number of embeddings of complete bipartite graphs of large order. Finally, in Section 4, we establish bounds on the number of vertices and edges an embedded complete bipartite graph can have in any given Baer subplane. We also establish conditions when the image of a complete bipartite graph must contain a non-Baer subplane. We now give some terminology and well-known results necessary for later sec- tions. Most of the content of this section is ‘folklore’; any terminology not found here may be found in [1] (graph theory), or [4] (geometry). arXiv:1310.0196v1 [math.CO] 1 Oct 2013 We will consider a graph G = (V (G), E(G)) to be a finite set of vertices V (G), paired with a set E(G) of 2-subsets of V (G) called edges. We will exclude directed graphs, multigraphs, and graphs with loops. For simplicity, an edge {a,b} ∈ E(G) will be denoted as simply ab, or equivalently ba. When context is clear, V (G) and E(G) will be referred to simply as V or E. We will say that a ∈ V is (graph) incident with e = ab ∈ E. The vertices a and b are called the endpoints of edge e = ab. Graph-incidence is a symmetric relation on V × E. A bijective function α : G → G that preserves incidence will be said to be an automorphism of G. Homomorphisms/isomorphisms between graphs are defined accordingly. The group (under composition) of all automorphisms of G is denoted by Aut(G). If G = (V, E) is a graph such that there is a partition of V into two classes X and Y such that for every ab ∈ E, a ∈ X and b ∈ Y or b ∈ X and a ∈ Y , then 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05C10, 51E15. Key words and phrases. Graph embeddings, finite projective plane, subplane. 1 2 KEITHMELLINGER,RYANVAUGHN,ANDOSCARVEGA G is a bipartite graph. In this case X and Y are called the classes of G. If every point in X is connected to every point in Y , then G is a complete bipartite graph and is denoted K|X|,|Y |. It is easy to see that Km,n is isomorphic to Kn,m, and so without loss of generality we assume m ≥ n unless otherwise specified. Definition 1. A projective plane π = (P, L, I) is a collection of points P and lines L, paired with a symmetric incidence relation I ⊆ (P × L) ∪ (L×P) such that: (a) For every P1, P2 ∈P, there exists a unique ℓ ∈ L such that P1Iℓ and P2Iℓ. (b) Every line is incident with at least three points. (c) For every ℓ1,ℓ2 ∈ L, there exists a unique P ∈P such that ℓ1IP and ℓ2IP . (d) There exists four points in P, no three of which are all incident with a common line in L. It is known that every finite projective plane π is associated to a natural number q, called the order of π, such that |P| = |L| = q2 + q + 1, and that the number of points on each line is exactly q + 1, as well as the number of lines through any point is exactly q + 1. All known examples of projective planes have order equal to the power of some prime. In fact, for every power of a prime there are examples of planes having that order, and if this number is at least 9, and not a prime number, then non-isomorphic planes having that order exist. It is a long-standing open question as to whether there exists a finite projective plane with order that is not a prime power. Definition 2. Let π = (P, L, I) be a projective plane. If there exists a projective plane π0 = (P0, L0, I0) such that P0 ⊆P, L0 ⊆ L, and I0 ⊆ I. Then π0 is said to be a subplane of π, denoted π0 ⊆ π. Theorem 1 (Bruck, see [2]). Let π be a projective plane of order q. If π0 is a subplane of π with order n, then either n2 = q or q ≥ n2 + n. 2 In the case when n = q we say that π0 is a Baer subplane of π. It is known that every line of π must intersect π0 in at least one point. Similarly, every point of π is incident with at least one line of π0. We are interested in studying how graphs will embed in a finite projective plane. First, we carefully define our notion of embedding. Definition 3. An embedding φ of a graph G = (V, E) into a projective plane π = (P, L, I) is an injective function φ : V →P that induces, by preserving incidence, an injective function φ : E → L. .If such an embedding exists we say that G embeds in π, and write G ֒→ π We remark that multigraphs are out of the range of the previous definition because we are identifying the unique line through two points with a unique edge through them. Also, since the points on any given line in a finite projective plane are not ordered, oriented graphs will not be considered. Finally, although Definition 3 is perhaps more precise and rigorous, when context is clear, we will denote an .embedding φ of G into π as φ : G ֒→ π GRAPHSINPROJECTIVEPLANES 3 The study of embeddings of graphs into projective planes has a short history. Although the original inspiration for the study of cycles in projective planes takes us back many decades (see [5] and [6] for a thorough historical narrative), consid- ering the embedding of more complicated graphs has not been done in a serious and systematic way. Hence, this article intends to answer a few natural questions that quickly arise, and to present thought-provoking results that show unexpected connections between embeddings of complete bipartite graphs and well-known sub- structures of some projective planes. Finally, we would like to remark that the work in [5] and [9] deals with counting k-cycles in projective planes, for small values of k. Meanwhile, the pancyclicity (admitting embeddings of every possible cycle) of every every projective plane is proved in [6]. Also, an algebraic approach to embeddings of cycles, and the study of wheels and gear graphs embedded into projective planes may be found in [7]. 2. General results on embeddings of graphs Note that if G is a graph, ϕ ∈ Aut(G), and φ is an embedding of G into π, then φ ◦ ϕ is also an embedding of G into π. However, these two embeddings ‘look the same’ in π, as they use the same points and lines, and the incidence between the embedded vertices and edges is also the same. This inspires the following definitions. Definition 4. Let G be a graph, π be a projective plane, and φ, ψ be embeddings of G into π. (a) If ψ = φ ◦ ϕ, for some ϕ ∈ Aut(G), we will say that φ and ψ are equivalent embeddings of G into π. (b) We denote the number of embeddings of G in π by Nπ(G). The number of un-equivalent embeddings of G into π is denoted by nπ(G). Remark 1. Definition 4(a) yields a free action of Aut(G) on the set of embeddings of G into π. Hence, Nπ(G)= nπ(G)|Aut(G)|. Definition 5. Given φ, an embedding of a graph G into a projective plane π, the incidence structure (φ(V (G)), φ(E(G)), I), where I is naturally induced by φ and the incidence in G, will be said to be an image of G in π. Remark 2. If φ and ψ are two embeddings of a graph G yielding the same image then φ−1ψ is an automorphism of G. Hence, the number of images of G in π is equal to nπ(G). We summarize Remarks 1 and 2 in the following theorem. Theorem 2. Let G be a graph embedded in a projective plane π. Then, Nπ(G)= nπ(G)|Aut(G)| Moreover, nπ(G) is equal to the number of images of G in π. Theorem 2 makes it fairly easy to count nPG(2,2)(G) for various graphs, such as small cycles and complete graphs. In all these cases, nPG(2,2)(G) is a multiple of 7=22 + 2 + 1. This observation yields the following easy generalization of Lemma 8 in [5]. 4 KEITHMELLINGER,RYANVAUGHN,ANDOSCARVEGA Lemma 1. Let G be a graph embedded in a projective plane π of order q that admits a cyclic collineation group H of order m acting freely on the points of π.
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