
An Intro duction to Pro jective


Stan Birch eld

1 Intro duction

We are all familiar with and with the fact that it describ es our three-

dimensional world so well. In Euclidean geometry, the sides of ob jects have , inter-

secting lines determine b etween them, and two lines are said to b e if they

lie in the same and never meet. Moreover, these prop erties do not change when the

Euclidean transformations  and  are applied. Since Euclidean geome-

try describ es our world so well, it is at rst tempting to think that it is the only typ e of

geometry. Indeed, the word geometry means \measurement of the earth." However, when

we consider the imaging pro cess of a camera, it b ecomes clear that Euclidean geometry is

insucient: Lengths and angles are no longer preserved, and parallel lines mayintersect.

Euclidean geometry is actually a subset of what is known as .In

fact, there are two b etween them: and ane.To see the relationships

between these di erent geometries, consult Figure 1. Pro jective geometry mo dels well the

imaging pro cess of a camera b ecause it allowsamuch larger class of transformations than

just translations and rotations, a class which includes p ersp ective pro jections. Of course,

the drawback is that fewer measures are preserved | certainly not lengths, angles, or

parallelism. Pro jective transformations preservetyp e that is, p oints remain p oints and

lines remain lines, that is, whether a p oint lies on a , and a measure known

as the cross ratio, which will b e describ ed in section 2.4.

Pro jective geometry exists in anynumb er of , just like Euclidean geometry.


For example the pro jective line, whichwe denote by P , is analogous to a one-dimensional


Euclidean world; the pro jective plane, P , corresp onds to the Euclidean plane; and pro-


jective , P , is related to three-dimensional . The imaging pro cess is

3 2

a pro jection from P to P , from three-dimensional space to the two-dimensional

plane. Because it is easier to grasp the ma jor concepts in a lower-dimensional space, we


will sp end the bulk of our e ort, indeed all of section 2, studying P , the pro jective plane.

That section presents many concepts which are useful in understanding the image plane and


whichhave analogous concepts in P . The nal section then brie y discusses the relevance

of pro jective geometry to computer vision, including discussions of the image formation

equations and the Essential and Fundamental matrices.


March 12, A.D. 1998

Euclidean similarity ane pro jective


rotation X X X X

translation X X X X

X X X uniform

nonuniform scaling X X

X X shear

p ersp ective pro jection X

X comp osition of pro jections




ratio of lengths X X

X X X parallelism

incidence X X X X

cross ratio X X X X

Figure 1: The four di erent geometries, the transformations allowed in each, and the mea-

sures that remain under those transformations.

The purp ose of this monograph will b e to provide a readable intro duction to the eld

of pro jective geometry and a handy reference for some of the more imp ortant equations.

The rst-time reader may nd some of the examples and derivations excessively detailed,

but this thoroughness should prove helpful for reading the more advanced texts, where the

details are often omitted. For further reading, I suggest the excellent book byFaugeras [2]

and app endix by Mundy and Zisserman [5].

2 The Pro jective Plane

2.1 Four mo dels

There are four ways of thinking ab out the pro jective plane [3]. The most imp ortant of these

for our purp oses is homogeneous co ordinates, a concept which should b e familiar to anyone

who has taken an intro ductory course in rob otics or graphics. Starting with homogeneous

co ordinates, and pro ceeding to each of the other three mo dels, we will attempt to gain

intuition on the nature of the pro jective plane, whose concise de nition will then emerge

from the fourth mo del. 2

2.1.1 Homogeneous co ordinates

Supp ose wehaveapointx; y  in the Euclidean plane. To represent this same p ointin


the pro jective plane, we simply add a third co ordinate of 1 at the end: x; y ; 1. Overall

scaling is unimp ortant, so the p ointx; y ; 1 is the same as the p oint x; y ; , for any

nonzero . In other words,

X; Y ; W =  X ; Y ; W 

for any 6= 0 Thus the p oint0; 0; 0 is disallowed. Because scaling is unimp ortant,

the co ordinates X; Y ; W  are called the of the p oint. In our

discussion, we will use capital letters to denote homogeneous co ordinates of p oints, and

we will use the co ordinate notation X; Y ; W interchangeably with the vector notation


[X; Y ; W ] .

To represent a line in the pro jective plane, we b egin with a standard Euclidean formula

for a line

ax + by + c =0;

and use the fact that the equation is una ected by scaling to arrive at the following:

aX + bY + cW = 0


u p = p u = 0; 1


where u =[a; b; c] is the line and p =[X; Y ; W ] is a p oint on the line. Thus we see that

p oints and lines have the same representation in the pro jective plane. The parameters of

a line are easily interpreted: a=b is the slop e, c=a is the x-intercept, and c=b is the

y -intercept.

To transform a p oint in the pro jective plane backinto Euclidean co ordinates, we sim-

ply divide by the third co ordinate: x; y = X=W;Y=W. Immediately we see that the

pro jective plane contains more p oints than the Euclidean plane, that is, p oints whose third

co ordinate is zero. These p oints are called ideal points,orpoints at in nity. There is a sep-

arate ideal p oint asso ciated with each direction in the plane; for example, the p oints 1; 0; 0

and 0; 1; 0 are asso ciated with the horizontal and vertical directions, resp ectively. Ideal


p oints are considered just likeany other p ointinP and are given no sp ecial treatment.

All the ideal p oints lie on a line, called the ideal line, or the line at in nity, which, once

again, is treated just the same as any other line. The ideal line is represented as 0; 0; 1.

Supp ose wewant to nd the intersection of two lines. By elementary algebra, the

two lines u =a ;b ;c  and u =a ;b ;c  are found to intersect at the p oint p =

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

b c b c ;a c a c ;a b a b . This formula is more easily rememb ered as the cross

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

pro duct: p = u  u . If the two lines are parallel, i.e., a =b = a =b , the p ointof

1 2 1 1 2 2

intersection is simply b c b c ;a c a c ; 0, which is the ideal p oint asso ciated with

1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2

the direction whose slop e is a =b . Similarly, given two p oints p and p , the equation of

1 1 1 2

the line passing through them is given by u = p  p .

1 2


In general, a p ointinann-dimensional Euclidean space is represented as a p ointinann + 1-dimensional

pro jective space. 3

p oint p =X; Y ; W  line u =a; b; c


incidence p u =0 incidence p u =0

j p p p j =0 concurrence j u u u j =0

1 2 3 1 2 3

join of 2 u = p  p intersection p = u  u

1 2 1 2

p oints of 2 lines

ideal p oints X; Y ; 0 ideal line 0; 0;c

a b

Figure 2: Summary of homogeneous co ordinates: a p oints, and b lines.

Now supp ose wewant to determine whether three p oints p , p , and p lie on the same

1 2 3

line. The line joining the rst two p oints is p  p . The third p oint then lies on the line

1 2


if p p  p  = 0, or, more succinctly, if the of the 3  3 containing

1 2


the p oints is zero:

det [ p p p ]= 0:

1 2 3

Similarly, three lines u , u , and u intersect at the same p oint i.e., they are concurrent,

1 2 3

if the following equation holds:

det [ u u u ]= 0:

1 2 3

The concepts of homogeneous co ordinates are summarized in Figure 2. For further reading,

consult the notes by Guibas [3].

Example 1. Given two lines u =4; 2; 2 and u =6; 5; 1, the p ointofintersection is

1 2

given by:

i j k

4 2 2 =2 10i + 12 4j + 20 12k =8; 8; 8 = 1; 1; 1:

6 5 1

Example 2. Consider the intersection of the hyp erb ola xy = 1 with the horizontal

line y =1.To convert these equations to homogeneous co ordinates, recall that X = Wx


and Y = Wy, yielding XY = W for the hyp erb ola and Y = W for the line. The

solution to these two equations is the p ointW;W;W, which is the same as the p oint

1; 1 in the Euclidean plane, the desired result. Now let us consider the intersection of

the same hyp erb ola with the horizontal line y =0,anintersection which do es not exist in

the Euclidean plane. In homogeneous co ordinates the line b ecomes Y = 0 which yields the

solution X; 0; 0, the ideal p oint asso ciated with the horizontal direction.

2.1.2 Ray space


Wehave just seen that, in going from Euclidean to pro jective, a p ointin R b ecomes a


of p oints in R which are related to each other by means of a nonzero scaling factor. 4 W u line p Y


Figure 3: Ray space.

2 2

Therefore, a p oint p =X; Y ; W in P can b e visualized as a \line" in three-dimensional

space passing through the origin and the p oint p Technically sp eaking, the line do es not

include the origin. This three-dimensional space is known as the ray space among other


names and is shown in Figure 3. Similarly, a line u =a; b; cin P can b e visualized as a

\plane" passing through the origin and p erp endicular to u. The ideal line is the horizontal

W = 0 \plane", and the ideal p oints are \lines" in this \plane."

2.1.3 The


Because the co ordinates are una ected by scalar multiplication, P is two-dimensional, even

though its p oints contain three co ordinates. In fact, it is top ologically equivalent to a sphere.

Each p oint p =X; Y ; W , represented as a \line" in ray space, can b e pro jected onto the



to obtain the p oint X; Y ; W  Notice that the denominator is never

2 2 2

X +Y +W

zero, since the p oint0; 0; 0 is not allowed. Thus, p oints in the pro jective plane can b e

visualized as p oints on the unit sphere, as shown in gure 4 Since each \line" in ray space

pierces the sphere twice, b oth these intersections represent the same p oint; that is, antip o dal

p oints are identi ed. Similarly, the \planes" that represent lines in ray space intersect the

unit sphere along great , so lines are visualized as great circles p erp endicular to u.

The ideal line is the great around the horizontal midsection of the sphere, and the

ideal p oints lie on this circle.

2.1.4 Augmented ane plane


To complete our geometrical tour of P , let us pro ject the unit sphere onto the plane W =1.


; ; 1 which lies at Each p ointX; Y ; W  on the sphere is thus mapp ed to the p oint


the intersection of the W = 1 plane with the \line" representing the p oint. Similarly, lines

are mapp ed to the intersection of the W = 1 plane with the \plane" representing the line.

Ideal p oints and the ideal line are pro jected, resp ectively, to p oints at in nity and the line


Since it can b ecome confusing to read statements such as, \A p oint is represented as a `line,' " we will

always enclose in quotation marks the entities whose sole purp ose is visualizati on in n + 1 dimensions. 5 point line p u ideal ideal

point line Figure 4: The unit sphere.


point line

ideal point ideal line W Y

u X

Figure 5: The ane plane plus the ideal line and ideal p oints.

at in nity, as shown in gure 5. Thus wehave returned to a representation in which p oints

are p oints and lines are lines. A concise de nition of the pro jective plane can now b e given:


De nition 1 The , P , is the ane plane augmented by a single ideal line

and a set of ideal points, one for each direction, where the ideal line and ideal points are

not distinguishable from regular lines and points.

The ane plane contains the same p oints as the Euclidean plane. The only di erence is

that the former also allows for nonuniform scaling and shear.


Lo oking once again at gure 2, the similarities b etween p oints and lines are striking. Their

representations, for example, are identical, and the formula for the intersection of two lines

is the same as the formula for the connecting line b etween two p oints. These observations

are not the result of coincidence but are rather a result of the duality that exists b etween

p oints and lines in the pro jective plane. In other words, any theorem or statement that is

true for the pro jective plane can b e reworded by substituting p oints for lines and lines for

p oints, and the resulting statement will b e true as well. 6

2.3 of lines


A set of in P , that is, a set of lines passing through the same p oint, is a

one-dimensional pro jective space called a pencil of lines. That the space is one-dimensional

is the obvious result of applying the principle of duality: a set of concurrent lines is the

same as a set of collinear p oints. We will say no more ab out a p encil of lines other than to

mention that it exists and that it has several applications in computer vision.

2.4 The cross ratio

As mentioned b efore, pro jective geometry preserves neither distances nor ratios of distances.

However, the cross ratio, which is a ratio of ratios of distances, is preserved and is therefore


a useful concept. Given four collinear p oints p , p , p , and p in P , denote the Euclidean

1 2 3 4

distance b etween two p oints p and p as  . Then, one de nition of the cross ratio is the

i j ij



13 24

Crp ; p ; p ; p = : 2

1 2 3 4


14 23

In other words, select one of the p oints, say p , to b e a reference p oint. Compute the ratio


of distances from that p ointtotwo other p oints, say p and p . Then compute the ratio of

3 4

distances from the remaining p oint, in this case p , to the same two p oints. The ratio of


these ratios is invariant under pro jective transformations.


The Euclidean distance b etween two p oints p =[X ;Y ;W ] and p =[X ;Y ;W ] is

i i i i j j j j

computed from the 2D Euclidean p oints obtained by dividing by the third co ordinate, as

mentioned in section 2.1.1:


 ! ! 


2 2



i j j i


+ :  =



i j i j

Actually, the cross ratio is the same no matter which co ordinate is used as the divisor as

long as the same co ordinate is used for all the p oints; thus, if all the p oints lie on the ideal

line W = 0 for all i, then we can divide by X or Y instead. For a set of collinear p oints,

i i i

we can always select a co ordinate such that at least three of the p oints have nonzero entries

for that co ordinate. If one of the p oints has a zero entry, simply cancel the terms containing

the p oint b ecause it lies at in nity; for example, if the second p oint is the culprit W =0;


W ;W ;W 6= 0, then  = = 1, which cancel each other:

1 3 4 23 24


Crp ; p ; p ; p = :

1 2 3 4


Although the cross ratio is invariant once what the order of the p oints has b een chosen,

its value is di erent dep ending on that order. Four p oints can b e chosen 4! = 24 ways, but

in fact only six distinct values are pro duced, which are related by the set

1 1  1 

; 1 ; ; ; g: f;

 1    1 7

a b

Figure 6: The cross ratio can b e used with ve noncollinear p oints.

As we hinted b efore, there are other measures of the cross ratio, all of which are also

invariant under pro jective transformations. Not surprisingly, duality leads to a cross ratio

for four concurrent lines by replacing the Euclidean distance b etween two p oints with the

sine of the angle b etween two lines I have not con rmed whether the cosine also works.

Another less obvious way to measure the cross ratio b etween four concurrent lines is to use

a new, arbitrary line that intersects them; the cross ratio of the lines is then de ned as the

cross ratio of the four p oints of intersection The cross ratio will b e the same no matter

which line is used.

As a nal comment on the cross ratio, it is worth noting that it do es not require that the

original p oints b e collinear. For example, given ve p oints in a star con guration, as shown

in gure 6, we can connect the dots as shown in a to yield lines containing four collinear

p oints, the p oints of intersection, whose cross ratio can b e used. Another p ossibilityisto

draw lines from one of the p oints to the other four, as shown in b, thus yielding four

concurrent lines whose cross ratio can b e used.

2.5 Conics

In Euclidean geometry, the second-order conic sections , parab olas, and hyp erb olas

are imp ortant phenomena, b eyond the rst-order such as lines and planes. Ellipses,

parab olas, and hyp erb olas lose their distinction in pro jective geometry b ecause they are all

pro jectively equivalent, that is, any form can b e pro jected into any other form. Collectively,

these curves are referred to as conics, with no distinction b etween the di erent forms.

Just as a circle in Euclidean geometry is de ned as a lo cus of p oints with a constant

distance from the , so a conic in pro jective geometry is de ned as a lo cus of p oints

with a constant cross ratio to four xed p oints, no three of which are collinear. Note that

in b oth cases the shap e of the is de ned with resp ect to an invariant of the particular

geometry, distance in the case of Euclidean, and cross ratio in the case of pro jective.

The equation of a conic is given by:


p C p =0;


2 2 2

c X + c Y + c W +2c XY +2c XW +2c YW =0;

11 22 33 12 13 23 8

where p isa3 1vector and C is a symmetric 3  3 matrix.

Since p oints and lines are dual concepts, it is not surprising that a conic is a self-dual

gure. That is, it can b e considered as a lo cus of p oints as wehave just done, or it can b e

considered as an envelop e of tangent lines the set of lines that are tangent to the conic.

T 1

The equation for the envelop e of lines is u jC jC u.

2.6 Absolute p oints

A surprising prop erty of conics is that every circle intersects the ideal line, W =0,attwo

xed p oints. To see this, note that a circle is a conic with all o - elements c ,


c , and c  set to zero and all diagonal elements equal:

13 23

2 2 2

X + Y + W =0;

which therefore intersects the ideal line W =0 at

2 2

X + Y =0:

This equation has two complex ro ots, known as the absolute points : i =1;i;0 and j =

1; i; 0. Although wehave, for simplicity, assumed that homogeneous co ordinates are

real, they can in general b e the elements of any commutative eld in which1+16= 0 [1,

p. 112]. It will b e shown in the next two subsections that the absolute p oints remain

invariant under similarity transformations, which makes them useful for determining the

angle b etween two lines.



A col lineation of P is de ned as a mapping from the plane to itself such that the collinearity

of any set of p oints is preserved. Such a mapping can b e achieved with matrix multiplication


bya3 3 matrix T . Each p oint p is transformed into a p oint p :


p = T p:

We will use the terms transformation and interchangeably. Since scaling is

unimp ortant, only eight elements of T are indep endent. Therefore, since each p oint contains

two indep endentvalues, four pairs of corresp onding p oints are necessary to determine T .


To transform a line u into a line u ,we note that collinearitymust b e preserved, that is,


if a p oint p lies on the line u, then the corresp onding p oint p must lie on the corresp onding


line u . Therefore,

T 1 0 T 0 T T

p u =0=T p  u =p  T u;

which indicates that

0 T

u = T u:

T 1

From these results, it is not hard to show that a p oint conic C transforms to T CT ,

1 1 T

and a line conic jC jC transforms to T jC jC T . 9

Regarding transformations, recall that projective  ane  similarity  Euclidean.

Let's study the matrix T to uncover the relationships b etween these various geometries.

First we will write out the elements of T , for reference:

3 2

t t t

11 12 13

5 4

: T = t t t

pr oj ectiv e 21 22 23

t t t

31 32 33

The ane plane is just the pro jective plane minus the ideal line. Therefore, ane


transformations must preserve the ideal line and the ideal p oints, that is, any p oint[X; Y ; 0]


must b e transformed into [ X ; Y ; 0] for some arbitrary scaling :

2 3 2 3


4 5 4 5

; = T Y Y

0 0

which implies that t = t = 0. The matrix for ane transformation, then, is

31 32

3 2

t t t

11 12 13

5 4

; T = t t t

aff ine 21 22 23

0 0 t


where once again only six of these parameters are indep endent, since scale is unimp ortant.

Unlike ane transformations, similarity transformations preserve angles and ratios of

lengths. Delaying the derivation for a moment, we simply state the result:

3 2

cos sin t


5 4

; 3 T = sin cos t

similar ity 23

0 0 t


where is an arbitrary angle.

Under Euclidean transformation, scale is imp ortant, and therefore the p oint p must rst

b e converted to Euclidean co ordinates by dividing by its third element. The transformation

then is



x cos sin x t


= + :


y sin cos y t


In closing this section, we o er one nal prop osition, along with its pro of:

Prop osition 1 Atransformation is a similarity transformation if and only if it preserves

the absolute points, [1; i; 0].


The \only if " is rather easy to see: The absolute p oint[1; i; 0] is transformed through

i T

equation 3 to the p oint e [1; i; 0] , which is equivalent b ecause the scale factor is

ignored. 10

The \if " is a little more complicated, but still rather straightforward. Starting with the

unrestricted equation for T,

2 3

t t t

11 12 13

4 5

t t t T = ;

21 22 23

t t t

31 32 33


the fact that [1;i;0] is preserved yields the following two equations:

t + it 1

11 12


t + it i

21 22

t + it = 0:

31 32

Since the elements of T are constrained to b e real, this leads to the following three con-

straints on the elements of T :

t = t

11 22

t = t

12 21

t = t = 0:

31 32

So the matrix of T lo oks like this:

2 3

t t t

11 12 13

4 5

T = t t t :

12 11 23

0 0 t


Given two arbitrary numb ers t and t ,we can always reparameterize them as t = k cos

11 12 11

and t = k sin , where is an angle and k is a scalar. Multiplying the previous equation


by1=k which is legal b ecause we are working in homogeneous co ordinates, we then get

3 2

cos sin t =k


5 4

; sin cos t =k T =


0 0 t =k


which is seen to b e the equation of a similarity transformation when compared with equation


3. note: Using the p oint[1; i; 0] yields the same result.

2.8 Laguerre formula

Absolute p oints have a surprising but imp ortant application: they can b e used to determine

the angle b etween two lines. To see how this works, let us assume that wehavetwo lines

u and u whichintersect the ideal line at two p oints, say p and p . Then, the cross ratio

1 2 1 2

between these two p oints and the two absolute p oints i and j yields the directed angle

from the second line to the rst:


= log Crp ; p ; i; j;

1 2

2i 11

whichisknown as the Laguerre formula.

To gain some intuition on why this formula is true, let us consider a simple example.

Supp ose wehavetwo lines

a x y = 0


a x y = 0


in the ane plane. It is clear that these two lines can b e represented as twovectors


v =[1;a ] and v =[1;a ] in the Euclidean plane. The directed angle b etween the two

1 1 2 2

lines is the directed angle b etween the twovectors and is given by:

v  v a a

2 1 1 2

tan = = :

v  v 1+ a a

1 2 1 2


Now in the pro jective plane these lines are represented as [a ; 1; 0] and [a ; 1; 0] ,

1 2


which are found by mapping p oints [x; y ] in the ane plane to p oints [x; y ; 1] in the


pro jective plane. The ideal line passing through i =[1;i;0] and j =[1; i; 0] is given by


i  j =[0; 0; 1] . The two p oints of intersection b etween this line and the two original lines


are given by[1;a ; 0] and [1;a ; 0] . The cross ratio of the four p oints is then given by:

1 2

a + i a i

2 1

 Crp ; p ; i; j =

1 2

a + i a i

1 2

1+a a + ia a 

1 2 1 2

= :

1+a a + ia a 

1 2 2 1

Converting the complex numb ers from rectangular to p olar co ordinates yields:

a a 

1 1 2

i tan

1+a a

1 2



a a 

2 1


i tan

1+a a

1 2


a a 


1 2

2i tan

1+a a

1 2

; = e

from which it follows that

v  v a a 1

2 1 1 2

1 1

= tan ; log Crp ; p ; i; j = tan

1 2

2i 1+a a v  v

1 2 1 2

which is the desired result.

3 Pro jective Space


All of the concepts that wehave discussed for the pro jective plane, P ,have analogies


in pro jective space, P .For example, there is a dualitybetween p oints and planes, lines


are self-dual, a p encil of planes is a two-dimensional pro jective space, the cross ratio


Do not b e confused by the term space, which can refer to either three dimensions or an arbitrary

of dimensions. 12

between planes is invariant, play the same role as conics, the absolute conic remains

invariant under similarity transformations, and the Laguerre formula can b e used to nd

the angle b etween two pro jection rays. For more details, see [2].


A p ointin P is represented by a 4- p =X; Y ; Z; W , and similarly for a plane


n. Not surprisingly, a p oint lies in a plane if and only if p n = 0. Slightly more dicult

are the tasks of nding the plane which passes through three given p oints or of nding the

intersections of planes. To answer these questions, wemust rst de ne a representation for


3.1 Representing lines: The Pluc  ker relations

Recall from the Section 2 that the co ordinates of the line passing through two p oints p =


X ;Y ;W  and p =X ;Y ;W  is given by

1 1 1 2 2 2 2

u =Y W W Y ;W X X W ;X Y Y X :

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Notice that these three co ordinates are just the of the three 2  2 submatrices

of the following matrix:

3 2


1 2

5 4

; Y Y [ p p ]=

1 2 1 2


1 2

taken in the appropriate order and given the appropriate sign.


The pro cedure is similar in P . The co ordinates of the line u passing through two p oints

p =X ;Y ;Z ;W  and p =X ;Y ;Z ;W  is given by the determinants of the six 3  3

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

submatrices of the following matrix:

2 3


1 2

6 7


1 2

6 7

[ p p ]= :

1 2

4 5


1 2


1 2

In other words, u =l ;l ;l ;l ;l ;l , where

41 42 43 23 31 12

l = W X X W

41 1 2 1 2

l = W Y Y W

42 1 2 1 2

l = W Z Z W

43 1 2 1 2

l = Y Z Z Y

23 1 2 1 2

l = Z X X Z

31 1 2 1 2

l = X Y Y X :

12 1 2 1 2

These co ordinates l are called the Plucker  coordinates of the line. It is fairly easy to show


that, if the p oints p and p are not ideal that is, W and W are not zero, then the

1 2 1 2

co ordinates have a nice Euclidean interpretation:

l ;l ;l  = p p

41 42 43 2 1

l ;l ;l  = p  p ;

23 31 12 1 2 13


where p = X ;Y ;Z , i =1; 2, are the co ordinates of the corresp onding Euclidean

i i i i



p oints. That is, the rst three Pluc  ker co ordinates describ e the direction of the line, and

the last three co ordinates describ e the plane containing the line and the origin and the

distance from the origin to the line. Therefore the six Pluc  ker co ordinates are sucient

to describ e the line. The co ordinates are not indep endent, however, b ecause they always


l l + l l + l l =0;

41 23 42 31 43 12

which can b e derived by noting that the 4  4 determinant jp ; p ; p ; p j is identically zero.

1 2 1 2

Where do es the magic numb er six come from? That is, whydowe need six parameters



to represent a line in P ? Interestingly, it turns out that it takes   parameters to


representanentity de ned by k p oints in a space requiring n + 1 parameters for each p oint


To see this, count the numb er of submatrices in the matrix ab ove. For example, in P a


p oint requires   = 3 parameters, and a line which is de ned bytwo p oints also requires


3 3 4 4

  = 3 parameters. In P , a p oint requires   = 4 parameters, a line   = 6 parameters,

2 1 2


and a plane   = 4 parameters.


3.2 Intersections and unions of p oints, lines, and planes

Now that wehave a representation for lines, we can pro ceed to more complex relations. It

should not surprise the reader that the co ordinates of the plane passing through the three

p oints p =X ;Y ;Z ;W , i =1; 2; 3, is obtained from the determinants of the four 3  3

i i i i i

submatrices of

2 3


1 2 3

6 7


1 2 3

6 7


4 5


1 2 3


1 2 3

Paying careful attention to the order of the submatrices then yields the plane's co ordinates:


1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

n = W W W ; Z Z Z ; W W W ; Y Y Y :

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3


1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Note that, as a result of duality, the same formula can b e used to nd the p oint de ning

the intersection of three planes.

A p oint p =X; Y ; Z; W  lies on a line u =l ;l ;l ;l ;l ;l  if and only if the

41 42 43 23 31 12

vectors p , p , and p are collinear, that is, the determinants of the four 3  3 submatrices

1 2

of the following matrix

2 3


1 2

6 7


1 2

6 7

4 5


1 2


1 2

are zero. In terms of the Pluc  ker co ordinates, this concurrence can b e expressed as follows:

Ap = 0; 14


3 2

l l l 0

23 31 12

7 6

0 l l l

43 42 23

7 6

: A =

5 4

l 0 l l

43 41 31

l l 0 l

42 41 12

An intuitiveway to think ab out A is to realize that a line can b e de ned as the intersection

of two planes. Therefore, a p oint lies on the line if it lies in the two planes. The equation

ab ovesays that a p oint lies on the line if it lies in four planes. Only twoof A's rows are

imp ortant for any given line indeed, A is of two, but all four rows are necessary to

ensure that degenerate cases are handled prop erly.


Two lines u and u intersect if and only if their Pluc  ker co ordinates satisfy the equation

0 0 0 0 0 0

l l + l l + l l + l l +l l + l l = 0;

41 23 42 31 43 12

23 41 31 42 12 43

0 0

which arises from the fact that the 4  4 determinant j p p p p j is zero, where p

1 2 1

1 2

0 0 0

and p lie on u and p and p lie on u .


1 2

In this section wehave shown how to nd the line containing two p oints and the plane

containing three p oints. Symmetrically,wehave shown how to nd the p oint at the inter-

section of three planes but have not shown how to nd the line at the intersection of two

planes. This latter problem can b e solved by computing the determinants of the submatri-

ces, but it app ears according to my calculations that a di erentchoice of submatrices will

have to b e made. Wehave shown how to determine whether a p oint lies on a line or in a

plane, and wehave shown whether two lines intersect, though wehave not calculated their

intersection p oint. Other remaining problems include nding the intersection of a line and

a plane, calculating the plane de ned bytwo lines, and computing the plane de ned bya

p oint and a line.

4 Pro jective Geometry Applied to Computer Vision

Pro jective geometry is a mathematical framework in which to view computer vision in gen-

eral, and esp ecially image formation in particular. The main of application are those in

which image formation and/or invariant descriptions b etween images are imp ortant, such

as camera calibration, stereo, ob ject recognition, scene reconstruction, mosaicing, image

synthesis, and the analysis of shadows. This latter application arises from the fact that the

comp osition of two p ersp ective pro jections is not necessarily a p ersp ective pro jection but

is de nitely a pro jective transformation; that is, pro jective transformations form a ,

whereas p ersp ective pro jections do not. Many areas of computer vision have little to do

with pro jective geometry, such as texture analysis, color segmentation, and edge detection.

And even in a eld such as motion analysis, pro jective geometry o ers little help when the

rigidity assumption is lost b ecause the relationship b etween pro jection rays in successive

images cannot b e describ ed by such simple and elegant mathematics. 15

The following three sections contain the image formation equations, detailed derivations

of the Essential and Fundamental matrices, and an interesting discussion of the interpreta-

tion of vanishing p oints.

4.1 Image formation

3 2

Image formation involves the pro jection of p oints in P the world to p oints in P the

image plane. The p ersp ective pro jection equations with whichwe are familiar,


x = f



y = f


where the p ointX; Y ; Z  in the world is pro jected to the p ointx; y  on the image plane,

are inherently nonlinear. Converting to homogeneous co ordinates, however, makes them



p = T p;

per spectiv e

0 T T

where p =[x; y ; w ] , p =[X; Y ; Z; W ] , and the p ersp ective pro jection matrix T is given


2 3

f 0 0 0

4 5

T = 0 f 0 0 :

per spectiv e

0 0 1 0

The entire image formation pro cess includes p ersp ective pro jection, along with matrices

for internal and external calibration:

2 3 2 3

k k u f 0 0

u c 0


4 5 4 5

P = T T T = 0 k v 0 f 0 [ R t ]

inter nal per spectiv e exter nal v 0

0 0 1 0 0 1

2 3

cot u

u u 0

4 5

= 0 = sin v [ R t ]

v 0

0 0 1

= AD ; 4

where and are the scale factors of the image plane in units of the fo cal length f ,

u v

is the skew  = =2 for most real cameras, the p ointu ;v  is the principal p oint, R is

0 0

the 3  3 , and t is the 3  1 translation vector. The matrix A contains the

internal parameters and p ersp ective pro jection, while D contains the external parameters.


It is sometimes convenient to decomp ose the 3  4 pro jection matrix P into a 3  3

matrix P anda3 1vector p


P =[P p ]

so that

P = AR and p = At: 5 16

4.2 Essential and fundamental matrices

Supp ose wehave a stereo pair of cameras viewing a p oint M in the world which pro jects onto

the two image planes at m and m Since we are dealing with homogeneous co ordinates,

1 2

M is 4  1, and m and m are each3 1. If we assume the cameras are calibrated,

1 2

then m and m are given in normalizedcoordinates, that is, each is given with resp ect

1 2

to its camera's co ordinate frame. The epip olar constraintsays that the vector from the

rst camera's optical center to the rst imaged p oint, the vector from the second optical

center to the second imaged p oint, and the vector from one optical center to the other are

all coplanar. In normalized co ordinates, this constraint can b e expressed simply as


m t  Rm = 0;



where R and t capture the rotation and translation b etween the two cameras' co ordinate

frames. The multiplication by R is necessary to transform m into the second camera's



co ordinate frame. By de ning [t] as the matrix such that [t] y = t  y for anyvector y ,

x x

we can rewrite the equation as a :


m [t] Rm = m E m =0;

x 1 1

2 2

where E =[t] R is called the Essential matrix and has b een studied extensively over the


last two decades.

Now supp ose the cameras are uncalibrated. Then the matrices A and A from 4

1 2

containing the internal parameters of the two cameras are needed to transform the normal-

ized co ordinates into pixel co ordinates:

m = A m

1 1 1

m = A m :

2 2 2

This yields the following equation:

1 1


A m  t  RA m  = 0

2 1

2 1

T T 1

m A t  RA m  = 0 6



2 1


m F m = 0; 7



T 1

where F = A EA is the more recently discovered Fundamental matrix.

2 1

Thus b oth the Essential and Fundamental matrices completely describ e the geometric

relationship b etween corresp onding p oints of a stereo pair of cameras. The only di erence

between the two is that the former deals with calibrated cameras, while the latter deals with

uncalibrated cameras. The Essential matrix contains ve parameters three for rotation and

two for the direction of translation | the magnitude of translation cannot b e recovered due

"  " 

a 0 c b


If t = b , then [t] = c 0 a .


c b a 0 17

to the depth/sp eed ambiguity and has two constraints: 1 its determinant is zero, and

2 its two non-zero singular values are equal. The Fundamental matrix contains seven

parameters two for each of the epip oles and three for the homographybetween the two

p encils of epip olar lines and its rank is always two [4].

There are several other ways to derive the Essential and Fundamental Matrices, eachof

which presents a little more insightinto their nature. In the next few subsections, we will

lo ok at these metho ds and then summarize our ndings.

4.2.1 Alternate derivation: algebraic

To describ e the relationship b etween R, t, A , and A more exactly, and to connect the

1 2

ab ove equations with those found in [6], we o er the following algebraic derivation.


Recall that a p oint M pro duces an image m through the equation m = P M. Without

loss of generality,we can assume that M is given with resp ect to the rst camera's co ordinate

frame to yield the following two imaging equations:

 m = A [ I 0 ] M

1 1 1

 m = A [ R t ] M;

2 2 2

where  and  are scale factors, I is the 3  3 identity matrix and 0 is the 3  1null

1 2



^ ^

vector. By letting M =[M 1] M is 3  1, weachieve the following :

 m = A [ R t ] M

2 2 2


= A RM + t



=  A RA m + A t 8

1 2 1 2


1 1

 A m =  RA m + t: 9

2 2 1 1

2 1

Geometrically, this equation says that the vector on the left is a linear combination of the


m twovectors on the right. Therefore, they are all coplanar, and the vector v = t  RA



is p erp endicular to that plane:

1 T 1 T T

 A m  v =  RA m  v + t v

2 2 1 1

2 1

= 0

T T 1

m t  RA m = 0; A



2 1

which is identical to 6.


Similarly, the vector w = A t  A RA m is p erp endicul ar to the vectors in 8:

2 2 1


T 1 T T

 m w =  A RA m  w +A t w

2 1 2 1 2



= 0

T 1

m = 0: m A t  A RA

1 2 2



This is a surprising result b ecause it gives us a new and equivalent expression for F :


F =[A t] A RA ; 10

2 x 2

1 18

which shows that F can b e written as the pro duct of an anti-symmetric matrix [A t] and

2 x


an A RA [4].



4.2.2 Alternate derivation: from the epip olar line

Faugeras [2] approaches the problem from a slightly di erent direction by using the fact

that the p oint m must lie on the epip olar line corresp onding to m :

2 1


m l =0: 11


That line contains two p oints, the epip ole e the pro jection of the rst camera's optical

center into the second camera and the p oint at in nity asso ciated with m :


l = e  m :


In [2, pp. 40-41] it is shown that the epip ole is given by



C P p



~ ~

e = P = P ;

2 2

1 1

and the p oint at in nityby


m = P P m :

1 2 1


Therefore, the epip olar line is:

l = e  m




P p





= P  P P m

2 2 1






= [ A R A t ]  A RA m

2 2 2 1




= A t  A RA

2 2



= A t  A RA m ;

2 2 1


where wehave used the substitutions in 5. Combining with 11, we get the desired result:


F =[A t] A RA :

2 x 2


4.2.3 Summary

For reference, wenow summarize the equation for the Essential matrix and the two equations

for the Fundamental matrix:

E = [t] R


1 T

EA F = A

1 2


= [A t] A RA :

2 x 2

1 19

4.3 Vanishing p oints

Anyone who has taken a course in p ersp ective drawing is familiar with the notion that lines

on the pap er which represent parallel lines in the world intersect on the pap er at a p oint

known as the vanishing p oint. Each set of lines has a di erentvanishing p oint. But, just

what is a vanishing p oint? Pro jective geometry sheds light on this issue.

Because image formation is the pro jection from a 3D world to a 2D , each p oint

on the image plane is the pro jection of an in nite numberofpoints in the world. Usually,

the closest p oint is opaque and therefore we think of the p oint on the image plane as b eing

the pro jection of only one p oint in the world. However, ideal p oints in the world i.e., ideal


p oints in P , always pro ject onto the image plane regardless of the opacity of other p oints.

Each p oint on the image plane is the pro jection of an ideal p oint. To see this, consider the

following p ersp ective pro jection equation a general pro jective transformation is used for


simplicity from an ideal p oint[X; Y ; Z; 0] in the world to a p oint[x; y ; w ] in the image


2 3

3 X 2 3 2

x t t t t

11 12 13 14

6 7


6 7

5 4 5 4

: y t t t t =

21 22 23 24

4 5


t t t t w

31 32 33 34


Because the matrix is full rank, each ideal p oint pro jects to a di erent p oint on the image


plane. Since parallel lines in 3D space intersect at an ideal p ointinP , their pro jections

in the image plane must still intersect at a p oint. But now, through the pro jection matrix,

the ideal p oint has b ecome a \real" p oint, in the sense that it is no longer ideal. However,

some ideal p oints do not b ecome \real" p oints. If the ideal p oint represents a direction that

is parallel to the image plane, then the dot pro duct of the ideal p oint with the third rowof

the matrix which is the z axis of the plane is zero, and the pro jected p oint is still ideal.

2 1

Just as the ideal p oints of P have a one-to-one corresp ondence with all the p oints in P ,

3 2

so the ideal p oints of P have a one-to-one corresp ondence with all the p oints in P .Thus,

we see that the fact that parallel lines in the world intersect when drawn on a piece of pap er

follows naturally from pro jective geometry.


A Demonstration of Cross Ratio in P

Let p =X ; 1;i =1;:::;4 b e four p oints on the pro jective line. In this demonstration,

i i

we will only consider nite p oints, although the cross ratio holds for in nite p oints as well.

De ne the distance  between two p oints i and j as  = jX X j. What wewantto

ij ij i j

show is that the cross ratio


13 24

Crp ; p ; p ; p =

1 2 3 4


14 23

is preserved under pro jective pro jection of the p oints. 20


A p oint p is pro jected through a 2  2 T to a new p oint p =



0 0

t X + t ;t X + t . Therefore, the new co ordinate p =X ; 1 is de ned by:

11 i 12 21 i 22

i i

t X + t

11 i 12


: X =


t X + t

21 i 22

0 0

Then, the distance b etween two p oints X and X is

i j

0 0 0

 = jX X j

ij i j

t X + t t X + t

11 i 12

11 j 12


t X + t t X + t

21 i 22 21 j 22

detT X X 

i j

; =

t X + t t X + t 

21 i 22 21 j 22


where detT = t t t t . The ratio b etween two distances, one from a p oint X to

11 22 12 21


0 0 0

another p oint X , and another from the same p oint X to a third p oint X ,is

j i


0 0 0

 jX X j

ij i j


0 0 0

 jX X j


ik k

detT X X  t X + t t X + t 

i j 21 i 22 21 k 22


t X + t t X + t  detT X X 

21 i 22 21 j 22 i k

t X + t X X

21 k 22 i j

 ; =

X X t X + t

i k 21 j 22

which is the original ratio  = ,multiplied by a constant that is dep endent only up on

ij ik

the co ordinates X and X . A similar ratio  = , taken with resp ect to another p oint

j k lj lk

X , has this same constant, and therefore dividing the two ratios causes the constants to



0 0


13 24

Crp ; p ; p ; p  =

1 2 3 4

0 0


14 23

t X + t X X t X + t X X

21 4 22 2 4 21 3 22 1 3


X X t X + t X X t X + t

1 4 21 3 22 2 3 21 4 22


2 4 1 3



1 4 2 3


13 24

= ;


14 23

showing that the cross ratio is una ected by pro jection.

Supp ose that one of the p oints, say p , is at in nity i.e., its second co ordinate is zero.


Then, dividing by the second co ordinate which is what we normally do to transform the

p ointinto the required form yields X = 1. Substituting into the ab ove formula yields:



; Crp ; p ; p ; p =

1 2 3 4

23 21

since the terms with 1 cancel each other. Technically sp eaking, wemust take the limit of

the equation as X tends to 1, but the result is the same. Similarly,ifany of the other


p oints are at in nity,we simply cancel the terms containing the p oint, and the result is the

cross ratio. Rememb er that at most one p ointmay b e at in nity, b ecause the p oints must

b e distinct, and there is only one p oint at in nity on the pro jective line.


Many thanks to Olaf Hall-Holt for helping me understand Pluc  ker co ordinates.


[1] H. S. M. Coxeter. Projective Geometry.Toronto: UniversityofToronto, second edition,


[2] O. Faugeras. Three-Dimensional Computer Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.

[3] L. Guibas. Lecture notes for CS348a: { Mathematical Foundations.

Stanford University, Autumn 1996.

[4] Q.-T. Luong and O. D. Faugeras. Fundamental matrix: Theory, , and stability

analysis. International Journal of Computer Vision, 171:43{75, 1996.

[5] J. L. Mundy and A. Zisserman. Geometric Invariance in Computer Vision. Cambridge,

MA: MIT Press, 1992.

[6] Z. Zhang and G. Xu. Epipolar Geometry in Stereo, Motion and Object Recognition: A

Uni ed Approach. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. 22