Minutes for the Meeting Of: the Royal British Legion, Newent & District Branch; Held On

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Minutes for the Meeting Of: the Royal British Legion, Newent & District Branch; Held On

Minutes for: The Royal British Legion, Newent & District Branch

Meeting Held on 24 February 2016

Attendees Post

John Celino Chairman Elaine Balding Graham Barton Colin Britt Joseph Francis Burns Pearl Celino Entertainments Adrian Dover Tom Heseltine Laurie Ingmire Simon Mason Padre Tim Merritt President Pat Phillips John Price Pat Price Colin Thomson PAO / Standard Bearer Derek Wooden Richard Balding Dep Chairman/Secretary

Item Action 1. Act of Remembrance

The Chairman opened the meeting at 19:00 with exhortation and asked that a All few moments be spent thinking about those who could not make it tonight through ill health.

2. Apologies for Absence

Mike Brown, Susanne Britt, David Davies, Rex Debenham, Pym Markey, Sue None Thomson, Keith & Sue Urch.

3. Update by Chairman

The Chairman started the meeting by informing everyone present about the All following points: 1. Candidates Election Statements for Election of National Vice- Chairman and Members of the Board of Trustees 2016. The Chairman gave a brief outline of the process and candidates and discussion followed to decide who Newent & District Branch of RBL would endorse on the ballot paper. a. Decision: It was unanimously agreed to support Gp Capt (Rtd) All Rosalie Ann Reid SRN SCM DipHEMns (Gloucestershire County Chairman) in her quest to become a member of the Board of Trustees and also Lt Col (Rtd) Colin Stuart Kemp in his quest to become National Vice-Chairman. The ballot paper was duly annotated and the Secretary volunteered to post. Secretary 2. Clean for the Queen. The Chairman briefly outlined the Newent litterpick entitled ‘Clean for the Queen’ in which he stated; the Town

1 Council in conjunction with Newent Lakeside WI and FODDC are organising a litterpick on Friday 4th March at 10am-11.30am, meeting All under the Market House. All necessary equipment will be provided. 3. Newent in Bloom. The Chairman stated that he had been approached All by Lyn Ashton from the Newent in Bloom team to publicise that they require volunteers to help clear the nettles from around the Lake, volunteers should contact the Newent in Bloom team in person or via Newent in Bloom email: [email protected].

4. Minutes from Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes from January’s meeting were read by all those present and All accepted as a true record, however the following matters arising were noted:

[1] Item 5: Funeral representation of Branch for Margery Jones – Elaine Balding stated that she and the Welfare Officer did attend the funeral which Elaine Balding was well supported and progressed without incident. The Chairman and all Keith Urch those present gave a vote of thanks to Elaine Balding and the Welfare Officer for representing the Branch.

[2] Item 7: Colin Thomas (possible ‘PR’ representitive for the Branch) – The Chairman stated that he had spoken to Colin Thomas about becoming a member of the branch and then taking on the ‘PR’ role, but due to work committments had yet to provide Colin with a membership form. Decision: It was decided that the Secretary would send an electronic Secretary copy of the form to the Chairman who would then forward on to Colin. Chairman

5. Reports by Officers

Padre – The Padre updated those present on the work currently progressing All with creating a definiative list of names for the War Memorial, he stated that head of the project for the History Society Dood Pearce was doing an excellent job and had already identified 20 new names (from the 2 Data CD’s mentioned History Society in last month’s minutes) of which 18 names had been confirmed. A vote of thanks was given from all those present for all the hard work of the History Society and their extended team of volunteers.

The Treasurer – The Treasurer was unavailable for tonights meeting so the All Secretary read out the following statement: the balance in the bank stood at £1,099.39, which included the Cheque from the Swing Night (£104) and Newent Wine Circle (£50) which was handed over to the Poppy Appeal.

Entertainments Member – Reported in Branch programme. All

Standard Bearer and Poppy Appeal Organiser (SB & PAO) – The PAO All stated that the current balance stood at £8,944.14.

Membership, Welfare and Youth Liaison Officer – The Membership, Welfare & Youth Liaison Officer was unavailable for tonights meeting so the Secretary read out the following statement:

Membership Report Memberships are slowly being renewed, with notifications being received from All Branch members. All members are reminded to inform the Membership Secretary of their new All

2 membership numbers. It is unfortunately noted that the County Secretary, albeit having a record of membership has yet to provide details of Branch membership - the National All Membership Secretary remains extremely helpful.

Welfare Report Pym Markey is recovering well and his mobility is much improved with the aid of a walking frame. Melford Jones having recovered from his sad loss is much improved. Joan Buckland has recovered well from her heart operation and is now more All mobile and visible in the community. David Davis is currently resting in a home for a couple of weeks while his family are away, he returns home next week.

Youth Liaison Communications with various schools and youth organisations continue with All the aim of advertising The Legion and encouraging affiliation.

Branch Affiliation Communications with local community organisations, businesses, schools and youth organisations continue with the aim of advertising The Legion and All encouraging affiliation.

War Memorial An initial meeting was held with Dood Pearce (History Society); other community representatives were present. The lead for funding various aspects is being taken by Newent Civic Society via Civic Voice - grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 are available from: O ur Heritage , Young Roots and Heritage Grants . Members are invited to become involved in support of Branch activities, noting All Rev Simon Mason, Susan Urch and Keith Urch are currently participating in this project. Thanks to Newent Branch Secretary for his donation of WW1 and WW11 records which have proven to be an extremely useful source of data.

Secretary – Nothing to Report

6. Branch Programme

The Entertainments Member updated the proposed Branch programme:

 May June 2016 – A Country and Western evening All  March 4 April 2016 - Jet Age Museum Visit – The visit would cost £5 per person with people making their own way. Everyone should meet at All the Museum for 17:45 ready to start the tour by 18:30. Anyone who wished to have a meal whilst at the museum should let the Ents Member know soonest. It was agreed unanimously by those present Treasurer that this trip would be subsidised from the social fund by £5 per All person.  April May 2016 - Skittles Evening – Against ‘The Young Farmers’ on a Monday evening at the Kings Arms.

3 7. Any Other Business

Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum: Graham Barton informed the meeting All that he was still trying to get an agreement on a visit to the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum which he hoped to secure for the 28 April 2016; Graham Barton Graham agreed to report back at the next meeting.

Mrs Sarah Davy – Donation Letter: The Secretary read out a letter and the All Chairman presented background information received from Mrs Sarah Davy, daughter of Mr John Edward Whitehorn who was a long time supporter of TRBL who died just before Christmas and donated the sum of £285.50 to the branch for the use of facilitating ‘some responsible youngsters to experience using the Bisley Range.’ After some discussion it was decided to:  Treasurer to send a thank you letter to Mrs Davy. Treasurer  Chairman to initiate contact with Bisley Ranges. Chairman  Newent & District Branch of TRBL look in to possibility of setting up a Committee ‘bursary/fund’ to benefit deserving local young people for this type of activity.

Free First Aid Courses – The Secretary read out an email he had received from James Aldridge, Community Involvement Officer, Green Square Group via All Anna-Marie Daniels (FODDC) which introduced a partnership scheme with the Brittish Red Cross who are offering free places on a 2 Hour basic First Aid Course at 3 venues in Gloucestershire. The dates were 16, 17 & 24 March 2016 and can be applied for via a registration form held by the Secretary. Anyone interested in attending one of these courses should contact the Secretary Secretary in first instance who will send them the form to complete.

8. Date of Next Meeting

The meeting closed at 19:50 and was followed by Spagetti Bolognase. The Members next meeting will be on 24 March 2016, in the Memorial Hall starting at 19:00 hrs. Any apologies for attendance should be sent to the Secretary.

4 Agenda For The Newent & District Branch Royal British Legion Meeting 24 March 2016

1. Act of Remembrance.

2. Apologies for Absence.

3. Update by Chairman.

4. Minutes from Previous Meeting and Matters Arising.

5. Reports by Officers.

6. Branch Programme.

7. Any Other Business.

8. Date of Next Meeting.

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