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Wichita State University s4

Internship 1 (CI 743) 1 Fall, 2008

Wichita State University College of Education Department of Curriculum and Instruction (CI) Transition to Teaching Licensure Program

Fall 2008 CI 743 Alternative Certification Internship (1 Credit Hour)

Class Meeting Dates & Times: Saturday, 9:00 – 10:00, Corbin- 155 (August 23; September 6 & 20; October 4 & 25; November 1 & 15; December 6) Additional hours satisfied through Blackboard

Faculty Members: Terry Behrendt Ed.D. (WSU), Co-Director of Alternative Certification

Office Address: Office 201, Corbin Campus Box 28, WSU 67269-0028 Telephone: (316) 978-6580 (main office) Note: Weather cancellations—Call 978-6633 (Select 2) E-mail Address: [email protected]

Web Address: http://webs.wichita.edu/?u=coedt2t&p=/index http://webs.wichita.edu/?u=coedhome

Office Hours: (Monday-Wednesday 3 pm -5 pm, Saturday following class 12-1 pm) By appointment 316-978-6580

Credit Hours: 1 Credit Hour

Catalog Description: In the Transition to Teaching licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for purposes of licensure. Students teach half-time or more with a provisional license.

Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in corresponding campus-based course required.

Prerequisite(s): Students in this course will have secured a teaching contract in an accredited school system, will have met the prerequisites for admission to the Transition to Teaching program at Wichita State University.

Textbook(s) and Related Materials:

o Marzano, R. Marzano, J. Pickering, D (2003). Classroom management that works: Research–based strategies for every teacher. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD

o Related readings linked to Blackboard or used in class. Internship 1 (CI 743) 2 Fall, 2008

Major Topics: Each guiding principle, associated with a major topic, is addressed and assessed in this course.

Guiding Principles from the Unit Conceptual Framework*

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o t i t n c e e t n n n o o C C Effective practices and current trends in teaching. X X Adapting instruction to meet the needs of all X X students- diversity & exceptionalities. Establishing & maintaining the classroom X X X learning environment Teaching aligned with national, state, and local X standards. Professionalism and growth. (Dispositions) X Technology awareness and application. X

* http://webs.wichita.edu/depttools/DeptToolsMemberFiles/coedean/revisedCF_2_24_03.pdf

Learner Outcomes: Guiding Related Assessment Principles Unit Professional Conceptual Standards (KSDE, The Transition Teacher WILL: Framework ASHA, NASP) (PR, HDD, CTA, T, CKS, C) Evidenced in attendance, KSDE S-9 & S-10; participation, timely KSDE S-13 Demonstrate professional dispositions & completion of behaviors appropriate for a teacher assignments, attitudes PR educator. that foster collegial interactions-Bb & class; performance reviews Internship 1 (CI 743) 3 Fall, 2008

Select resources to support teaching and Evidenced in successful PR, HDD, CTA, KSDE S-5 & S-6; learning. classroom instruction T, CKS, C KSDE S-11 & S-12 Demonstrate understanding, integration, Evidenced in successful KSDE S-1 through and application of instruction & classroom instruction PR, CTA S-13 assessment to standards & students. Use reflection to impact instruction, Discussion Board & KSDE S-6; student learning, and personal class interactions PR KSDE S-8 & S-9; development. KSDE S-13 Demonstrate satisfactory classroom Performance Review & KSDE S-1 through performance & maintain continued Contract Renewal PR S-13 employment

Course Assignments Professional behavior becoming of a teacher is expected. Enthusiastic participation in class discussions and activities is also anticipated. Completion of assignments by final due dates and correction of assignments that do not meet expectations for mastery is necessary. Late assignments will have points deducted. Assignments listed with an asterisk have assessment criteria that require students’ performance at a mastery level. Please make sure that cell phones are turned off during class.

Journal Responses & Discussion Board Interactions – A reflective journal prompt or a Blackboard Discussion thread will be given regularly. The journal prompts will be posted in the Assignments Folder on Blackboard. The Discussion Board threads will also be in the Assignments Folder but must be completed in the Discussion Board section of Blackboard. Check Blackboard on a regular basis. Due: As assigned.

Final: Classroom Management that Works Paper – Maintain a reflective journal (for personal use and for final Classroom Management that Works paper). The final paper includes a discussion of your classroom management philosophy. You will include a discussion of your classroom management, ideas, and attitudes as you reflect on your teaching and revise practices. Due: On-line December 13, 2008


Field Performance – Regular job attendance, satisfactory observation reviews, and satisfactory performance evaluations from the principal. (WPS teachers will be observed by USD 259 peer consultants.)

A minimum of four observations during the semester will be conducted either by the principal or designee, the mentor and/or the university coordinator(s). Observation dates will be scheduled individually at the site and by the university peer consultants and building staff. Written feedback will be provided for each observation.


Attendance and Participation – Regular attendance at internships is required. It is inappropriate to bring children or to leave them unattended around the building while you are attending class.  Attendance and punctuality are required attributes for teachers. You are expected to be involved and stay involved. This means you MUST be in class. Each class will add some new dimensions to your ability to teach. Internship 1 (CI 743) 4 Fall, 2008

 It is your responsibility to ask for information you may have missed due to your absence. It is suggested that you share phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses with other class members. Handouts will be available in the classroom file folder with your name and assignments are always posted on Blackboard.

Preparation for Class & Attitude for Contributing to Collegial Environment –  Regular reading assignments will be given as homework. Many of the classroom activities, discussion board interactions, and journal responses will be built upon the knowledge gained through the readings.  Some assignments will be given and completed within a classroom time period. You will be responsible for bringing necessary materials when indicated so you are prepared to participate in these exercises.  Class discussions and group work should encourage listening and sharing ideas from all participants. With cooperative group activities you will be expected to contribute to the group goals.

Work Completed and Turned in on Time – Assignments will be completed and turned in on the day they are due. All due dates have been listed so you will be able to plan your semester accordingly. Late assignments will have points deducted.

Technology Expectations: Students will demonstrate use of technology through Blackboard interactions, electronic submission of assignments, and communication through e-mail. Class sessions will provide opportunities for students to participate in technology explorations and utilize technology in classroom presentations.

CI 743 WSU KSDE Standards Internship 1 C/F Professional Education-Alternative Certification Assessment Instrument and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rubric Reflective Practitioner- P2, x x x x x Journal & Discussion Board PR2, As assigned with final CTA, Classroom Management Paper CKS, C Due Dec. 13, 08. Professional Dispositions P2, x x x Attendance, Participation... PR2, PR3

Course Assessments: Assignments with an asterisk (*) must be completed at the mastery level as indicated. Grading: 10 Points Journal responses & Discussion Board Interactions – Due as assigned 30 Points Final Classroom Management – Due electronically December 13, 2008 40 Points Field Performance 20 Points Attendance & Participation 100 Points

Grading is based on the teaching experience, internship attendance, class contributions, and the completion of course assignments as indicated above. All internships are letter graded. In order to be Internship 1 (CI 743) 5 Fall, 2008 recommended for full licensure, a grade of “C” or better in the internships must be maintained, along with a recommendation to continue in employment, and a passing score on the PLT and appropriate Praxis II content tests. The grading policy is as follows:

o A = Interns whose teaching exceeds expectations. Such performance indicates successful teaching without close supervision by the principal, the mentor, or the university supervisor. Quality attendance at the seminars is evident (no missed classes) with completion of course assignments at 90-100% of total points . o B = Interns whose teaching meets expectations. Such performance indicates successful teaching with typical supervision by the principal, the mentor, or the university supervisor. Interns at this level are competent instructors under the supervision process for beginning teachers. Quality attendance at the seminars is evident (no missed classes) with completion of course assignments at 80-89% of total points. o C= Interns whose teaching performance is considered average, neither significantly weak nor exceptionally strong, but having satisfied all criteria for a recommendation for certification. This does not imply that the student will become an “average teacher.” For a variety of reasons, an intern who receives a grade of “C” may take longer to mature as a professional. Additional supervision will be provided during their probationary years. Regular attendance at the seminars is evident (few missed classes) with completion of course assignments at 70-79% of total points. o D or F = “Unsatisfactory Performance” The level of teaching as deemed by the principal and the university coordinator is below expectations for a novice teacher. Teacher is not recommended for continued employment. Assignments and/or attendance are unsatisfactory with completion of course work at 69% or below of total points.

The university no longer mails grades at the end of the semester. To obtain your grades you must go to Shocker One Stop http://mywsu.wichita.edu/cp/home/loginf .

Licensure Assessments: Both the state of Kansas and national accreditation requires that university programs for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel be performance-based. In particular, this requires that students not only pass required courses/attain certain GPAs, but also receive satisfactory ratings on certain required assessments, many of those embedded within program coursework.

Candidates failing to attain a satisfactory rating on a required assessment may be provided special assistance. The university is not able, however, to recommend candidates to move from restricted licensure who fail to attain a satisfactory rating on required assessments, even though they may receive an acceptable course grade or exceed minimum GPAs.

Academic Honesty: A standard of honesty, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students abridging a standard of honesty must accept the consequences; penalties are assessed by appropriate classroom instructors or other designated people. Serious cases may result in discipline at the College or University level and may result in suspension or dismissal. Dismissal from a college for academic dishonesty, constitutes dismissal from the University. (WSU Student Code of Conduct)

Special Needs: ADA: If you have a physical, perceptual, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out assigned course work, contact the Office of Disability Services (DS), Grace Wilkie Annex, room 173. (Voice/TDD 978-3309). ODS will review your concerns, confirm your disability, and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary. All information and documentation of your disability is confidential and will not be released by DS without your written permission.

Educational Materials Resource: Book fine policies are in effect for any materials checked out for this class from the Library Resource Center (LRC) at the Joyce Focht Instructional Support Center (USD Internship 1 (CI 743) 6 Fall, 2008

259), 412 S. Main, Wichita. All materials for this class must be returned and fines paid at the LRC by this semester's Study Day before grades for this class will be recorded. NOTE: At the time of check out at the LRC, you will be asked to give your name, WSU student identification number, and identify the appropriate WSU class and instructor's name.

WSU is an NCATE accredited institution. For further information about NCATE, see http://www.ncate.org/standard/programstds.htm.

Inclement Weather: Weather Cancellations – Call 978-6633 (select 2) to obtain information on weather related class cancellations. Check Blackboard/email your account at http://mywsu.wichita.edu/ or local media. Conceptual Framework Overview: Conceptual Framework available online at: http://webs.wichita.edu/?u=COEDDEAN&p=/Accreditation/Conceptual_Framework/

Tentative Course Schedule:

Date Tim Topic e August 23 9:00 Review Syllabus and Introduce Classroom Management – Teacher –Student Relationships (Marzano pages 41-64) 10:00 September 6 9:00 Bring Rules and Procedures to class.(Marzano pages 13-27) – Rules and Procedures Student behaviors, and interventions 10:00 September 20 9:00 Bring Disciplinary Interventions to class (Marzano pagess 27-41) – Disciplinary Interventions for Student Behavior 10:00 October 4 9:00 Communication; Conference Tips; Talking with Parents /Guardians – Discuss and role model Conferencing Techniques (Handouts) 10:00 October 25 9:00 Bring Examples of Student Responsibility for Management – Actions for helping students to be responsible (Marzano pages 76-91) 10:00 November 1 9:00 Mental Set to Support Student Classroom Success – Action Steps (Marzano pages. 49-64) 10:00 November 15 9:00 Bring School-wide Management plans (talk with Assistant Principal) – Role in School Management (Marzano Action Steps pages 107-115) 10:00 December 6 9:00 End of Term Celebration- Year 1 and Year 2 Students Combined! – Dialog on first Semester and what is to coming next. 10:00 December 13 Final Classroom Management Paper DUE (submit electronically through Blackboard). Internship 1 (CI 743) 7 Fall, 2008

Post Your Philosophy Statement on - Classroom Management that Works

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