Summary of Funds
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SUMMARY OF FUNDS Fund Type/Mandate Objective/purpose Inflows Outflows Authority Consolidated Fund General purpose approved by All Revenues (TR & NTR) Supply estimates approved in the Parliament ( Constitution) parliament. Other receipts (Loans/grant) budget MOF/ CAG Trust Monies Payment of loans and other liabilities, unless otherwise Statutory transfers Nugatory payments Contingency Fund To meet unforeseen contingency Transfer from the Natural Disaster management Public Finance (Constitution) (expenditures) for which no other consolidated fund expenditures Committee of provision exist to meet the need Resolution of social disorders Parliament, and Make-up of sharp price increases president e.g. crude oil District Assembly Common For supporting the developmental Transfer of at least 5% TR Disbursement to MMDAs/ MPs DACF Fund (Constitution, Local activities of MMDAs. from the Consolidated Disbursement to RCCs Administrator. Government Act 1993,and Fund Expenditures on behalf of MMDAs DACF Act 1993, Act 455, ) Interest accruing from Administrative expenses, e.g. audit investment of the DACF by fees, bank charges etc. administrator Road fund ( Road Fund Act To fund routine, periodic Fuel levy Cost of routine and periodic Road Fund 1997, (Act 536) maintenance and rehabilitation Highway Tolls maintenance of Roads and related management (improvement) of road networks in International transit fees facilities Board the country, and also assist MMDAs DVLA fees (vehicle & driver Cost rehabilitation road in exercising their functions road license and inspection) Road safety activities related functions under any law. As determined by MOFEP Other matters approved by the Road fund Board Ghana education Trust To provide financial support for Transfer of 2.5% of VAT Infrastructure Board of Fund (Getfund Act 2000, the development and revenue from the Scholarships Trustees. Act 581) maintenance of essential consolidated fund Student Loan scheme academic facilities and Income from investment Faculty development and infrastructure in public Grants and donations research educational institutions Other facilities- vehicles investment Venture Capital Trust Fund Provide financial resources to be 25% of national Provision of credit and equity Board of (VCTF Act 2004, Act 680) invested in the SME sector reconstruction levy financing to eligible venture trustees Such monies capital financing companies
1 determined by MOF by Provision of monies to support Develop and promote a viable Parliamentary approval other activities and programs for venture capital industry in the Fees and other charges the promotion of venture capital country. by the venture financing Grants, donations gifts, etc Sinking Fund Special fund for redemption of Annual payment from Redemption of relevant loan or CAG (authorized by parliament loan, acquisition of an asset or the consolidated acquisition of the asset under Loan Act, 1970 (Act others. Compound interest 335) accruing on the fund Special Fund For meeting special purpose To be determined by the For that special purpose only Head of the enactment department concern. Contingency reserve fund To meet the unexpected spending Portion of appropriation To bail out deficit spending MDAs Executive/MOF (Administrative needs within the MDAs of MDAs are set aside. arrangement) Revolving fund Fund whose income remains Budgetary allocation for As may be determined MOF or as may (as specified) available to finance its continuing the purpose be determined operations without any fiscal year Receipt of pay backs limitation Internal service fund To settle the inter –department Budget allocation Inter-department transactions Not specified (Not specified) provision of goods and services Counterpart Fund To fund counterpart projects Donors/sponsors Counterpart project expenditures Unspecified (unspecified) contribution National government contribution Capital project fund For capital project As determined Capital project expenditures Unspecified (Unspecified) HIPC Fund To bail out highly indebt poor From consolidated fund Expenditures prescribe by MOF (Donor regulation) countries agreement