The London Gazette. Pumtl&Ed Ty Aut&Otftp*
jpaniJu 7154. The London Gazette. PuMtl&eD ty aut&otftp* From •f5TU:r*sia*? December I p. to &atUtDi*ti* December 23. 1732. T the Court at St. fames's the 21st of in the Service ofthis State, died here last Sa A December, 1732. turday. PRESENT, The Right Honourable the Chancellor tf His Ma jesty's Exchequer is pleased to give Notice to tbe Per The King's most Excellent Majesty in Coun son wbo sent bim a Letter subj cribed G. D. dated the cil. iztb of December, 1732, tbat he shall be ready to bear His Majesty in Council was this Day pleased bim on the fubjeB Matter of his said Letter, at his to appoint the following Sheriffs, viz. House, in St. James's Square, on any Morning at Hertford, Thomas Floyer, of Brent-Pel- Eight of tbe Clock. harn, Esq; December zo, 1732. At » Meeting of the Right Honourable the "Lords Stafford, John Dolphin, of Shenston, Esq; Commissioners appointed by His Majesty's Let Suffolk, Alexander Bence, of Thorring- ters Patent to take a Survey of the Officers of ton, Esq; the Courts of Justice in England and Wales, and to enquire into theit* Fees, *Petef$bourg, Nov. 15, O.S. Yesterday .Ordeted, That all Perjons claiming to be Officers being theT>utchess of Mecklenburg's Name- or Ministers of or within the Courts of tbe Counties Day, all the Foreign Ministers and Persons Palatine of Chester and Durham, the Courts of Ely, of Distinction went in the Morning to com the Marjbalfia or Palace Court, and the Court of pliment her Czarian Majesty, and her High Delegates, &o forthwith lay before their Lordships, (by leaving the fame in Writing with Mr.
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