Immigration and Naturalization Records, Onondaga County, New York

Immigration and Naturalization Records, Onondaga County, New York

IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION RECORDS ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK 1802 - 1859 Volume II M-Z Abstracted by Mrs. Jean D. Worden 1978 ./-...¢.. Name DaLe of DaLe of Sworn County from which Character Declaration Allegiance owes Allegiance witnesses of Intention to U.S. aiyons. Stephen 25 Oct. 1852 GIB. &'I. Lyon, Thomas 5 Mar. 1852 G.B. & I. Lynn. Patrick x 2 Oct. 1858 G.B. & I. Maas, Augustus 23 Sept. 1859 Prussia Michael Fehrenz & Christopher Maas Maas, Ferdinand 28 Sept. 1858 Prussia Peter Conradt & Christopher Maas Maas. Frank Xavier 24 Feb. 1854 Darmstadt Mackin, John x 5 Mar. 1831 2 Apr. 1836 Ireland William B. Whitmore & ( born parish Car]ingfort, count; of Louth— 30 Yrs old ­ Addison Griswold 1831- immigrate: 5 yrs ago) Machan, John 3 Sept. 1844 G.B. & I. Machin. John 28 Oct. 1850 19 Feb. 1852 G.B. & I. Anthony Sidman & John Murphy 14 ‘J Machan, John 19 Feb. 1855 30 Jan. 1858 G.B. & I. Thomas Machan & o Leroy Cornain \ Machan. Thomas 3 Spet. 1844 G.B. & I. Mack, James x 27 Oct. 1859 G.B. & I. Mack, John x 28 NOV. 1843 24 Feb. 1847 G.B. & I. Stephen Nicholson x & Patrick King Mack, John x 14 July 1855 30 Oct. 1857 G.B. & I. Bartholomew Sulivan & Joseph Bahan x Mack. Thomas 31 Aug. 1844 G.B. & I. Mackin. Owen x 5 Mar. 1831 Ireland ( 1831- born Carli Louth. Ireland F about 25 yrs old., intends to ngiort, County reside in Salinj Mackin, Owen x 25 Sept. 1838 28 Sept. 1840 GB. & I. EdwardGilbert Kerly Horton & Mackinder. John 22 Oct. 1853 G.B. & I. Macklicuddy. Thomas 19 Feb. 1859 G.B. & I. Thomas Shehan & James Doody Madden, Bryan 3 Apr. 1852 G.B. & I. Madden, Michael x 29 Sept. 1840 G.B. & I. Patrick Comiskey & Michael Gleason Madden, Michael 16 Mar. 1852 G.B. & I. Madden, Nicholas 2 Oct. 1838 2 Oct. 1840 G.B. & I. John Leslie & Patrick Comiskey Madden. Thomas x 19 Sept. 1844 22 Feb. 1848 G.B. & I. Michael Gleeson & Peter Keanan x Madden, Thomas 16 Mar. 1852 ( clerks writing : ays Marrow) Maddock, Joseph 15 Mar. 1854 G.B. & I. Madigan. William x 18 Feb. 1859 G.B. & I. 7&1?“ Maekey, John x 11» May 1851 G.B. & I. Maekey, Peter x 31 Oct. 1850 G.B. & 1. Maer, George 27 Sept. 1838 France Maer, Jacob 2? Sept. 1838 Baden Magee, John B. 22 Oct. 1849 G.B. & I. William H. Farrar & E.H. Farrar Mager, Pigfeil 25 Oct. 1853 Berne Philip Sicar & John Grib -9­ Name DaLe of DaLo of Sworn County from which Character Declaration Allegiance owes Allegiance witnesses of Intention to U.S. Magher. James 5 Nov- 1850 G.B. a. 1. Magher. Martin 17 Mar. 1859 G.B. & 1. Magher. Michael 29 Dec. 18h? G.B. & 1. Magher. Patrick 8 Sept. 185h G.B. & 1, Magher, Thomas 1 Mar. 1853 G.B. & 1, Magher. Thomas 15 Nov. 1853 0.5. & 1. Magnar. Edward x 25 Oct. 1853 G.B. & I. J.J. Briggs & B. Davis Noxon Jr. Magner. Patrick 16 Dec. 1859 G.B. & 1, Magrath. Patrick 28 Sept. 18b0 G.B. & 1. Maguire, Morris x 5 Nov. 1858 0.3. & 1. Mahay, Patrick 27 Sept. 1852 0.5. & 1, Mahan. James 23 Jan. 1853 G.B. & 1, Mahan. John x 3 Feb. 1853 G.B. & 1. E Mahan, Michael x 28 Sept. 18h0 not named John Hunt & ‘Q Amos Story Mahan, Michael x 26 Feb. 1851 28 Apr. 1353 G.B. &I. Francis Bourke & Michael Kennedy Mahan. Patrick x 2 Sept. 1840 G.B. & 1, Maheny, Martin 5 Nov. 18b2 25 Feb. 18h5 G.B.& 1. Bryan Fitzpatrick & John Wilson Maher, Andrew 1 Mar. 1851 3,3. & 1. Mahar. Denis 29 Sept. 1838 10 Sept. 18bh G.B. & I. Michael Murphy & Patrick Malony Maher, Edmund 22 Oct. 18u2 25 Aug- 1845 G.B. 3. I. Martin M. White 4. Dennis Mullins Maher. Edmond 5 July 1852 G.B. 8: I. ‘“ Maher, Edward 6 Nov. 1851 G.B. & I. Maher, Gregory 7 Nov. 1848 G.B. & I. Mahar, Jacob 27 Sept. 1852 Darmstadt John Koehlein & Randolph Hirsch Maher, James 2U Sept. 1844 23 Oct. 18h8 G.B. & I. Bethuel Shepard & Laurence O'Connell Maher. James 16 Aug. 1850 G.B. & I. Maher. John 13 Nov. 1852 G.B. & I. Maher. John 23 Nov. 185M G.B. & I. Maher. John 10 June 1856 G.B. & I. Maher, Mathias 27 Feb. 1850 G.B. & I. Maher, Michael 7 Nov. 18h8 12 June 1851 G.E.& I. Michael Gleason & John Donlin L Maher, Michael 25 May 1852 G.B. & I. Q Maher. Michael 21 Sept. 1852 G.B. a. I. °“ Maher. Michael 22 Sept. 1856 G.B.& 1. Mahar. Patrick x 28 Sept.18hO 2# Aug. 18H6 G.B. & 1. David Hall & Terence Kernan x Maher, Patrick 29 Sept. 1858 G.B. & I. Mahar, Patrick x 26 Sept. 1859 G.B. & I. Maher, Richard x 3 July 18h8 17 Oct. 1850 G.B. & I. Richard Kasson x & Edward Maher Maher, Timothy x 10 Sept. 1857 23 Sept. 1859 G.B. & I. James Nolan & 5 Patrick Bergin x -a Name Date of Date of Sworn County from which Character Declaration Allegiance owes Allegiance Witnesses of Intention to U.S. Maher, William x 1 June 1845 9 Sept. 1848 G:B. & 1. Ri6hard'Kasson x & Henry Bond "7 Maher, William 8 Jan. 1850 28 Sept. 1852 G.B. & I. John_Doran & Maher. William 29 June 1852 G.B. 5. x. Pa'°“°" Butterly " Mahlerweiny, Philip 28 Sept. 1858 Darmstadt Jacob Bahn & Frank Maurer Mahlorwein. Jacob 15 Mar. 1855 22 Oct. 1859 DarmstadtMichael Peter Ohneth Fehrenz & Manon, John 7 Oct. 1857 G.B. & I. John Buckley & John Mathews Mahony. Edmond 6 Dec. 1854 G.B. & I. Mahoney, Daniel 17 Mar. 1853 G.B. & I. Mahoney, Jeremiah 28 Oct. 1842 G.B. & I. Mahany. John 27 Sept. 1838 2 Sept. 1840 G.B. & I. Cornelius Lynch & k ( Mahoney) Dennis McCarthy 9 Mahoney, John x 2 Nov. 1844 G.B. 8: 1. \‘ Mahoney, Patrick x 30 June 1854 G.B. & I. Mahoney, Thomas 8 Sept. 1857 G.B. & I. Mahoney, Timothy 25 Oct. 1844 26 Oct. 1848 G.B. & I. John Mahony & Thomas Henly x Mahorn, John 20 Oct. 1854 G.B. & I. Mahr. Mathew 11 Jan. 1859 G.B. & I. Maier see Meier, Meyers, Myers Maier, Charles 31 Jan. 185? 22 Oct. 1859 Wurttemberg Joseph A. Hoffman & MathewGalster Maiar, Daniel 10 Oct. 1856 10 Jan. 1859 Baden I 8‘ Joseph Snyder Jacob Maiar Maier, Jacob 24 Sept. 1855 Baden Maier. John 28 Apr. 1857 Baden Maier, Philip 1 Sept. 1853 Prussia Maiar. Sextus 16 Sept. 1851 Bern Maigret, Pierre 22 Sept. 1841 France Maikle, Jacob 8 Oct. 1856 22 Oct. 1859 Prussia August wolfer & ( Maik) Benedict Haberle Main. William 4 July 1853 G.B. & I. Mainor ( Moyer?), 22 Oct. 1859 Baden John Heifs & Anthony ( Anton) John Graff Mairs, Gerhardt 10 Mar. 1857 Prussia Maisch. Michael 4 Nov. 1858 Wurttemberg 1 Maklavewin, Philip 4 Apr. 1855 Darmstadt fif Malcalm. William 25 Sept. 1810 G.B. dcI. John James, Manlius “i Maldram, James 8 Mar. 1832 G.B. & I. Malholland, Thomas 9 Oct. 1858 G.B. & I. M. McFarland & L.V. Baker Malins, John 29 Nov. 1831 26 May 1835 G.B. & I. William Porter Jr. & ( 1831- born town of Evash? Count Lyman H. Mason is 51 yrs old or thereabouts. ytends of Worcesterjgere, to rema in Elbridge) England­ Mallon, Thomas 1? Oct. 1842 16 Apr. 1846 G.B. & I Charles Blake & Owen Timmons Malloy, Patrick 25 Sept. 1837 G.B. & I. William B. Whitmore & Orton Johnson Name Date of DaLc of Sworn County from WhLCh Character Declaration Allegiance owes Allegiance Witnesses of Intention to U.S. ' W." Malone, Ja-mea _@d31 Oct. 1342 24-1-‘eb.—-1848 G.B. 8: 1. Alexander Stanton 1. James Hopkins Malone, James 13 Oct. 1856 G-B- & I­ Malone, John x 23 Dec. 1851 6-8» & 1­ Malone, John 23 Dec. 1851 G-B- & 1­ Malone, John 17 Feb. 1855 2 Oct. 1858 G.B. a. I. Michael Milley .1 Joseph Doherty Malone. Laurence 3 July 1856 2 Oct. 1858 G.B. & 1. Charles Pope & Joseph Kenyon Malone, Patrick 6 July 1850 G.B. & I. Malone, Patrick x 30 Oct. 1856 G.B. & I. Malone, William 4 Feb. 1853 G.B. & I. Malony. James x 7 Mar. 1842 26 Aug. 1844 G.B. & I. William McAuliffe & James Fay X, Maloney, James 24 Dec. 184? 24 Dec. 1849 G.B. & 1. Michael Burns x & 33 Michael Kakoa x Maloney, John x 30 Sept. 1840 G-B- & I­ Malony. John x 22 June 1852 G-E- & I­ Meloney, Moris 12 Aug. 1848 G-B- & I­ Melony, Patrick x 18 Nov. 1843 - G-B- & I­ Maloney. Patrick x 21 Oct. 1840 4 Sept. 1844 G.B. & 1. Edward Day & Cayuga Co. Patrick Taylor Maloney, Patrick x 2? Oct. 1849 w G.B. & I. Malony, Patrick x 22 Oct. 1859 G.B. & I. Nathan Seward & of Fayetteville John Kennelly — Maloney, Stephen 29 Jan. 1857 G.B. &“I: Martin Hogan & ‘­ Patrick Hogan Maly, Joseph 7 Feb. 1855 Bavaria MumN,Jmms 6Dw.1%9 GJ.&I. Mammon,Peter 27 Mar. 1852 Darmstadt Manche, Johan Petem 19 Feb. 1859 Darmstadt A. Listmann & S. Boeckler Mandle, Wolfgang 1 Nov. 1852 28 Sept. 1858 Bavaria Ignatus Fauth & (Mandt) Pater Fauck Maney, James 19 Feb. 1859 G.B.& 1. Michael Cummings & Michael Foley Mangan. Daniel 13 Mar. 1855 G.B. & I. Mangan, John 20 May 1852 G.B. & I. Mangan, Michael 16 May 1853 G.B. & I. L Mangan, Patrick 2 Oct.

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