Completed Research in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Including International Sources
tr" DOCUMENT RESUME ED 045 603 SP 004 537 AUTHOR Singer, Robert W., Ed.; Weiss, Raymond A., Ed. TITLE Completed Research in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Including International Sources. INSTITUTICN American Association for Higher Education, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 7C NOTE 296p.; Vol. 12 AVAILABLE ERCM NEA Publications-Sales, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (No. 248-25126; $3.00) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$1.25 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies, *Educational Research, *Health Education, *Physical Education, *Recreation ABSTRACT This compilation lists research completed in the areas of health, physical education, recreation, and allied areas during 1969. It is arranged in three parts. Part 1 is a subject heading index in which cross references are given for all the listings in parts 2 and 3. Part 2 is a bibliography of published research, citing 801 articles published in 127 of the 198 periodicals reviewed. Part 3 lists 877 master's and doctor's theses from 73 instituticns cffering graduate programs in health, physical educaticn, recreation, and allied areas. Most thesis references are accompanied by abstracts of the research; all are numbered in alphabetical crder according to the institution. Appended are lists of the periodicals reviewed and institutions reporting. (JS) JV74755., 'Ttrgo7r417,751)1.: MCIPSTTSIMVP.M.MMMAtomfrzarvirmrarrevatrazrAtimaum.6.1,Arzqn, rNe U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.EDUCATION A WELFARE CD OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRODUCED %C EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THEPERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF 111 VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DONOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDU- 4- CATION POSITION OR POLICY.
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