North Hinksey Parish Council s2
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NORTH HINKSEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON THURSDAY 26 th NOVEMBER 2015, AT 8.00PM, IN THE SEACOURT HALL, BOTLEY. Present: The Chairman of the Parish Council Councillor D. Kay and Councillors Mrs. P. Allen, L. Berrett, J. Bolder, Mrs. V. Carr, C. Church, Mrs. A. Dykes, Mrs. J. Hammett, Ms. A MacKeith, R. Mayne, C. Potter and A. Pritchard.
Others Present: County Councillor Mrs. J. Godden, District Councillor Mrs. E. Smith, Ms. C. Eisenhart (NALC), Mrs. C. Lalley (OALC), 1 member of the public, the Oxford Mail Reporter (Georgina Campbell) and A. J. Stone (Parish Clerk). The Chairman announced that the meeting would be audio recorded and asked anyone recording the meeting to comply with the Parish Council’s guidelines.
15/79 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors A. Hardiman, L. Kunzemann and District Councillor Mrs. D. Hallett. 15/80 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 15/81 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES i). The minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING, held on THURSDAY 22nd OCTOBER 2015, were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council.
ii). The minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS, held on THURSDAY 15th OCTOBER 2015, and THURSDAY 5th NOVEMBER 2015, were AGREED as accurate records and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council. 15/82 APPROVAL/CONSIDERATION OF OTHER COMMITTEE MINUTES i). The minutes of the ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE MEETING held on 24th SEPTEMBER 2015, were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council. ii). The minutes of the REMEMBRANCE DAY COMMITTEE MEETING held on 15th OCTOBER 2015, were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the
Parish Council. iii). The minutes of the FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE MEETING held on 22nd OCTOBER 2015, were AGREED as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman of the Parish Council. 15/83 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL There was no urgent business. 15/84 TALK BY REPRESENTATIVES OF NALC AND OALC Charlotte Eisenhart, Improvement and Development Manager, NALC and Christine Lalley, OALC, undertook a summary of the work and services provided by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils (OALC). They also talked briefly about additional powers available to parish councils if they met the requirement of the Localism Act which would allow them to have a General Power of Competence, a resolution of
1st resort rather than last resort under the Section 137 arrangements. They encouraged parish councils to take over the running of some services, currently run by county councils, as it was now known that the principal authorities would have cuts imposed on them over the next 4 years which would be comparable to the last 4 years. However, there was no reference to the additional costs and resultant funding that parish councils would have to raise to pay for those services. Councillors asked a number of questions in relation to the proposed cuts and whether the NALC had a proactive strategy in representing Parish Council voices in relation to government strategy. The Chairman, Councillor David Kay thanked Charlotte Eisenhart and Christine Lalley for their presentations.
15/85 MATTERS RAISED BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC There were no matters raised by members of the public.
15/86 QUESTIONS RAISED BY COUNCILLORS There were no questions raised by councillors. 15/87 REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS County Councillor County Councillor Mrs. J. Godden’s reported that this year’s road gritting policy would be the same
as that operated last year. All ‘A’ and ‘B’ main roads including those used by buses would be gritted this year as normal. Any reductions in gritting would apply from 2016/2017. District Councillors District Councillors’ Mrs. E. Smith reported that they would not be producing a December newsletter
and reminded the meeting that they should sign up for the Vale Alerts. The Community Grants application had now closed with 1 application from North Hinksey. Any problems in relation to fly- tipping and other rubbish should be reported directly to BIFFA [email protected] The examination of the Local Plan in public will run from 2nd February to 18th February 2016. The Chairman of the Planning Committee, Councillor A. Pritchard expressed his disappointment that
at a recent Vale Planning Committee when considering the revised application for the Seacourt Retail Park local councillors had not taken the opportunity of expressing the concerns of local residents about the impending loss of the petrol filling station. Councillor Mrs. E. Smith explained that the planning meeting she attended was about changes to a previously approved planning application and although she opposed the impending loss of the petrol filling station had been advised by officers from the Vale’s planning department that as the loss of the petrol filling station was not a relevant or material factor in relation to the planning application it should not be raised. She had also been advised that when attending as a member of the Vale’s Planning Committee, members should only be interested in planning related matters.
15/88 ACTION REVIEW FROM THE LAST PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 15/75 COUNCIL MATTERS 6). Children’s Centres Action: Councillor A. Pritchard has drafted a letter to the MP and circulated it for discussion.
Action: Councillor D. Kay has written a draft response to the leader of the County Council and circulated it for comments. Action: Councillors D. Kay and C. Potter are continuing to determine the current unidentified costs of running the children’s centre. 7). Councillors’ Surgery - 26th September 2015 Action: This meeting is to be cancelled due to the unavailability of nominated councillors. 9). Communications Working Group Action: The Parish Clerk has made the required changes to the agenda. 11). Best of Botley (North Hinksey Parish) Action: Councillor C. Church has forwarded a copy of the press release to councillors for additional comments. 12). Autumn Town and Parish Forum, Monday 16 November 2015, 6:00pm – 9.00pm, The Beacon, Portway, Wantage Action: The Parish Clerk has informed the Vale of attendees.
15/89 CLERK’S REPORT Councillors NOTED that: - 1). Playing Fields Scheduled Playing Field Safety Checks – Update Martin Dowie had reported that all the play equipment is in working order. 2). Courses/Meetings/Consultation Documents, Advice and Correspondence – Details for Councillors Information The Council had received the following details/sent the following correspondence or arranged the following meetings: - a). Meeting with Persimmon Homes on Thursday 26th November 2015 – Due to representatives from Persimmon Homes again cancelling at short notice, the meeting, Councillors D. Day,
A. Pritchard, the Parish Clerk and Cumnor Parish Councillors were unable to continue discussions regarding the development off Tilbury Lane. b). Remembrance Day Service – 8th November 2015. The Parish Clerk thanked all those councillors who helped with the administration of the service. c). Code of Conduct Training Course – 10th November 2015. The Chairman of the Council and the Parish Clerk had attended this training session organised by the V.W.H.D.C. d). Revised SPD for the Proposed West Way Re-Development – A copy of the SPD had been given to the Chairman of the Planning Committee, Councillor A Pritchard, who would report its content to the next Planning Committee meeting on 10th December2015. e). Invitation from MACE to Parish Councillors Re: A Public Exhibition on the Proposed West Way Re-development – The Parish Clerk reported that MACE had invited all Parish Councillors to attend a preview of the re-development proposals on Monday 7th December between 12.00noon and 1.00pm at St. Peter and St. Pauls Church, West Way, North Hinksey.
15/90 COUNCIL MOTIONS There were no council motions. 15/91 COUNCIL MATTERS 1). Draft Timetable and Programme of Meetings 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 Councillors CONSIDERED the timetable of meetings for 2016-2017, in the knowledge that
if the proposed development of the West Way went ahead and started next year, the Parish Council might have to re-locate to another venue for its meetings. The Parish Clerk confirmed that the date Parish Council and Planning meetings in September 2016, would be resolved as soon as possible and it was hoped that the Parish Council AGM meeting planned for Tuesday 17th May 2016, could be re-scheduled for Wednesday 18th May 2016. Following a brief discussion on increasing the number of Recreation and Amenities Committees from 3 to 4 a year, Councillor Mrs. P. Allen proposed and Councillor Mrs. A. Dykes seconded the motion that the Parish Council ACCEPTS the timetable of programmes for 1st April 2016, to 31st March 2017. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 2). Remembrance Day Service – 2015 Councillors who attended the service were pleased with the way it was run and believed that the current format of the Order of Service worked well. Dalton Barracks had been asked if they could provide a Padre to act as Speaker at next year’s service. Councillor A. Pritchard thanked the Remembrance Day Committee and the Parish Clerk for all their hard work in arranging the service. 3). Supplementary Estimate Request to Cover the Costs of Additional Ceiling and Electrical Works at the Louie Memorial Pavilion The Parish Clerk reminded councillors that at the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting on 22nd October 2015, that had AGREED to RECOMMEND to council that it SUPPORTS a supplementary estimate of £1,130 to cover the additional ceiling repair and electrical works resulting from discovery of an additional area of ceiling damage in the changing areas during the initial work on the agreed ceiling replacement. At the same time it was requested that more efficient replacement lighting was installed in place of the original lighting was Finance and General Purposes Committee also AGREE to RECOMMEND to council that the supplementary estimate request of £1,130 was part financed from the existing Parish Council’s Contribution to Day to Day Running Expenses budget of £750, leaving a reduced supplementary estimate request of £380.00 Councillor Mrs. P. Allen proposed and Councillor Mrs. V. Carr seconded the motion that the Parish Council APPROVED a supplementary estimate request of £1,130 in 2015/2016 only, to cover the additional ceiling and electrical works at the Louie Memorial Pavilion. The additional expenditure to be financed from the existing Parish Council’s Contribution to Day to Day Running Expenses budget of £750, and a reduced supplementary estimate request of £380.00 Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 4). Feedback from the Autumn Town and Parish Forum, held on Monday 16 November 2015, at The Beacon, Portway, Wantage Councillor D. Kay gave a brief summary of events and reminded councillors that he had recently sent out slides etc. from the forum to all councillors. He confirmed that although there had not been many topics that directly affected the council, the forum had been useful.
5). Oxon CC Proposed Budget Cuts a). Town and Parish Council Meeting – County Council Budget Options 2016/17 – 2019/20 held at Matthew Arnold School on Monday 9th November 2015 Councillor D. Kay gave a brief summary of topics discussed at the meeting, which included the identification of a further 95 additional areas where savings could be made amounting to £50m and including services the County Council hoped Town and Parish Councils would take over. His summary of the meeting and the 95suggested areas for cuts
had been sent to all councillors as part of the package of papers for the next agenda item. b). To AGREE and DISCUSS the circulated summary of recommended actions relating to the OCC cuts as circulated’ and to AGREE final versions of consultation submissions, letters to Ian Hudspeth and Nicolas Blackwood, and updated position regarding funding of Children’s Centres and other O.C.C. services which are proposed to be part of their cuts for 2016/2017 onwards. Councillors discussed the various papers that had been submitted by the Chairman, Councillor D. Kay which he had also summarised in a separate circulated paper. Councillors discussed each individual in turn, suggesting amendment to the wording and content which were then debated and AGREED by councillors. Summary of Recommended Actions relating to OCC cuts. 1). Agree that NHPC should not take responsibility for any of the 15 services highlighted by OCC as potentially suitable for Parish Councils to fund / provide locally (13 presented at Kassam Stadium and 2 included in the 95 Saving Options being consulted on). See the briefing document ‘NHPC position on taking over responsibility for services from OCC’ for details. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor C. Church seconded the motion that ‘Council agrees to not take responsibility for the 15 services highlighted by OCC as potentially suitable for parish Councils to fund’. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 2). Agree and submit the amended responses to the two current OCC consultation exercises on Children’s Services and the proposed additional £50m of savings options. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor C. Church seconded the motion that ‘Council agrees to submit the amended responses on Children’s Services. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 3). The Chairman, Councillor D. Kay to write to Councillor Ian Hudspeth stating NHPC’s unwillingness to take on responsibility for funding and providing any of the suggested OCC services locally. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor C. Church seconded the motion that ‘The Chairman, Councillor D. Kay writes to County Councillor I. Hudspeth stating NHPC’s unwillingness to take on responsibility for funding any Oxon CC provided services’. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 4). Councillor A. Pritchard to write to Nicola Blackwood urging her to support the NHPC position relating to the Oxon CC cuts overall with particular emphasis on the proposed closure of Children’s Centres and request that she engages with Government at the highest level to try to resolve the situation. Following some discussion councillors AGREED to an amended letter. Councillor A. Pritchard proposed and Councillor D Kay seconded the motion that ‘the agreed amended letter should be sent to Nicola Blackwood MP. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 5). Councillor D. Kay to write a letter to the Oxford Times and Oxford Mail explaining the Parish Council’s stance in relation to the Oxon CC proposed cuts. Following some discussion councillors felt that the letter needed to be reduced in content or it ran the risk of not being printed, Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor L. Berrett seconded the motion that ‘the Chairman, Councillor D. Kay sent the amended size letter to the Oxford Times and Oxford Mail’. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion.
6). Councillor L Berrett to feature this issue on both the NHPC website and facebook page including downloadable copies of our consultation submissions, our letter to the local press, and the most relevant OCC documents, plus a link to their online consultations and encouraging parishioners to take part in the consultations. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor L. Berrett seconded the motion that ‘Councillor L. Berrett undertook the identified tasks’. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion. 7). Councillors D. Kay and C. Potter reported on progress in investigating the possibility of running Elms Road Children’s Centre locally, funded primarily by North Hinksey and Cumnor Parish Councils and Oxford City Council should the final decision by OCC be to implement their proposed closure programme under options 1 or 2. Councillors discussed a number of issues, the draft wording, other possible options and whether it should be the responsibility of local parish councils to finance the running, or part running of the Elms Road centre. Councillor C. Potter reminded the meeting that Elms Road Children’s Centre provided different services to those pre-school services provided at local schools. A number of councillors were concerned that the council appeared to be committing itself to funding the Children’s Centre and this was a wrong message to give out as the council would need to assess all cuts that would affect the parish and also get a feeling of the strength of support for giving financial aid. . The Chairman, Councillor D. Kay reminded the meeting that it was being proposed there would be no specific rise in precept for 2016/2017, to cover any potential additional costs, and that if council agreed to make a contribution in 2016/2017 then it could be funded from General Fund balances. He also clarified that any additional funding in future years would require a subsequent rise in the precept. As it was 10.00pm and the meeting had run for 2 hours councillors AGREED to suspend Standing Order 44 Length of Meetings (page 13 Standing Orders and Chairmanship). Councillor Mrs. J. Hammett wished it to be recorded that she believed there was far too many items on the agenda this month and hoped that future agenda’s would allow the meeting to be finished before 10.00pm. Following further discussion on a number of amendments to the draft correspondence to the County Council it was agreed to vote on the amended version. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor C. Potter seconded the motion that ‘the revised correspondence should be agreed and forwarded to the County Council and that the Council AGREE that there would be no specific rise in precept for 2016/2017, to cover any funding for potential service cuts which affect
North Hinksey’, Councillors SUPPORTED the motion by 6 votes to 5 votes (Councillor R. Mayne abstained from voting) 8). Councillors considered the letter to the Leader of the County Council, Councillor Hudspeth suggesting other possible actions for consideration included sharing our position with other Councils (Parish, Town, City and District), and writing directly to Government (George Osborne and David Cameron) on this issue and continue to identify opportunities for reinforcing and publicising our position. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor C. Church seconded the motion that Council AGREES to continue to review other possible options in relation to the proposed Oxon CC cuts. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the motion.
6). Third Community Liaison Group Meeting to Discuss the Re-Development and Improvement of the West Way Area – Tuesday 17th November 2015. The Chairman, Councillor D. Kay briefly summarised discussions as the details would be discussed in more detail in the following agenda item 7.
7). Proposed New Community Hall with the Proposed Community Hub a). Meeting with MACE and the Chairman of the Seacourt Hall Management and b). Location and Footprint of the Proposed New Community Hall The Chairman, Councillor D. Kay summarised the renegotiated proposals for the community hub including the community hall. MACE were willing to provide both the parish council and the Seacourt Hall Management with Letters of Comfort’ regarding the provision of a new community hall and had asked in return that the parish council and Seacourt Hall Management Committee would write to confirm the acceptance of the renegotiated plans. Councillors C. Church, L. Berrett, J. Bolder and C. Potter had reservations about the parish council making any commitments at this moment in time on the basis of information they had been provided with and lack of consultation on the internal design etc. Councillors D. Kay, Mrs. V. Carr and A. Pritchard answered a number of questions concerning the negotiations and the format/layout that the SHMC had recently agreed. Councillor L. Berrett felt that any decision should only be made after further public consultations. Councillor D. Kay explained that the discussions had only been about the location and footprint of the new community hall and that further negotiations would be held over tenure, lease arrangements, internal and external design issues, furniture and fittings etc. He apologised for the fact that he had only been able to circulate copies of the location and updated layout proposals earlier during the day, but addressed that fact by explaining in detail the plans and proposals. He also explained that he had separately spoken to Councillor J. Bolder about the draft plans and MACE’s view about providing space in the community hub for youth services. Councillor C. Church proposed and Councillor L. Berrett seconded the following amendment to supporting the latest proposed location and footprint plans for the community. ‘Councillors are asked to AGREE that any decision is deferred to the next council meeting as it is believed that there was no reasons why a decision should be made following the public exhibition of MACE’s plans’. Councillors voted 6 votes to 6 votes on the amendment, which then went to a Chairman’s vote, which was AGAINST the amendment. Councillors A. Pritchard and the Chairman, Councillor D. Kay asked for a named vote when considering the original motion. Councillor D. Kay proposed and Councillor A. Pritchard seconded the motion that ‘Council AGREES to send a letter to MACE SUPPORTING the latest proposed location and footprint for a new community hall’ Councillors SUPPORTED the motion by 6 votes (Councillors Mrs. P. Allen, Mrs. V. Carr, Mrs. A. Dykes, Mrs. J. Hammett, D. Kay and A. Pritchard voting in favour) to 3 votes (Councillors L. Berrett, J. Bolder and C. Church voting against) and 3 councillors abstained from voting Councillors C. Potter, Ms. A. MacKeith and R. Mayne). 8). Communications Working Group Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED the final version of the e-newsletter. 9). Best of Botley (North Hinksey Parish) Councillor C. Church reported that they had raised £240 in sponsorship and had a shortlist of around 34 nominations and some categories were better represented than others. Money from the council would be used on printing and hire of the hall etc. Posters for the event would be displayed shortly, the local press were interested in the event and a press release had been issued. He hoped that the event would be well supported on the night. 10). Neighbourhood Plan The Chairman, Councillor D. Kay informed the meeting that there was very little new to add and that there was going to be a meeting next week to prepare for a public meeting in January 2016.
11). Other Working Groups Reports It was UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to DEFER this item to the January 2016 meeting of the council. 12). Brief Quarterly Reports from Chairs of Other Committees (Progress/Issues of Interest) It was UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to DEFER this item to the January 2016 meeting of the council. 15/92 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Councillors APPROVED the following payments. Ch. No. Payee Expenditure Amount 102553 A. J. Stone Petty Cash Re-imbursement 01/04-28/10/15 £ 159.81 102554 Information Comm. Registration Fee Data Protection 2015/2016 £ 35.00 102555 Radio Cherwell Sound System–Remembrance Day Service 15 £ 140.00 102556 Botley WI Remembrance Day After Service Bev’s etc. £ 50.00 102557 County Youth Band Playing at the Remembrance Day Service 2015 £ 130.00 Ensemble 102558 Oxon CC Remembrance Day Service Sheets 2015 £ 85.20 102559 BGG Garden & Tree Grass Cutting LMPF’s – October 2015 £ 384.93 Care 102560 T. H. Neale Grass Cutting – October 2015 £ 246.50 102561 VWHDC Dog Bin Emptying 1/7/2015 – 30/9/2015 £ 241.12 102562 Oxon South & Vale CAB Grant Aid 2015/2016 £ 200.00 102563 Oxon C.C. Hire of Botley School Hall on 11/12/2015 £ 40.00 102564 Royal BL Poppy Appeal 3 x Wreaths for Rem. Day Service 2015 £ 60.00 102565 The Society of Local Parish Clerks Annual Subscription 2015/2016 £ 187.00 Council Clerks 102566 M. T. Dowie P/T Caretaker Fees – November 2015 £ 245.00 102567 A. J. Stone Net Salary November 2015+ 50% Broadband £ 1,463.42 TOTAL £ 3,667.98 15/93 OTHER DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS RECEIVED There were no further documents or letters to report.
15/94 DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 10th December 2015 Planning Committee (7.45pm) 17th December 2015 Council (8.00pm) 7th January 2016 Planning Committee (7.45pm) 21st January 2016 Allotments Committee (7.30pm) 21st January 2016 Council (8.00pm) 28th January 2016 Recreation and Amenities Committee (7.00pm) 28th January 2016 Planning Committee (7.45pm)
The meeting closed at 10.28pm