Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
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______School District
Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Describe the adopted policies and practices to avoid the isolation or stigmatization of homeless children and youth. Describe how the policies have been reviewed and revised to remove barriers to the enrollment and retention of homeless children and youth (assurance form). Describe how the child’s education will continue in the school of origin for the remainder and/or the following academic year, if homelessness occurs between academic years. Describe how homeless children or youth will be enrolled in the eligible school of the attendance area in which they reside. Describe the level of consideration given to the homeless parent’s choice regarding the school selection of attendance.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0-4 points 5-9 points 10-14 points Vague information on Describes information on Describes in detail adopted policies or practices adopted policies or practices (examples) information on requested. requested. adopted policies or practices Vague information on the Provides information on the requested. removal of barriers in regards removal of barriers in regards Provides information on the to enrollment and retention of to enrollment and retention of removal of barriers in regards homeless children. homeless children. to enrollment and retention of Vague description of Description of continuing homeless children. continuing education in the education in the school or Description of continuing school of origin No origin is general. education in the school or description of how homeless General description of how origin is detailed. children will be enrolled into homeless children will be Specific description of how the eligible school. enrolled into the eligible homeless children will be Vague information provided school. enrolled into the eligible on the consideration given to General information is school is provided. the homeless parent's choice provided on the Detailed information is regarding the school consideration given to the provided on the consideration selection. homeless parent's choice given to the homeless regarding the school parent's choice regarding the selection. school selection. Comments:
Score: ______/ 14 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
2 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Describe how homeless children and youth will be provided services comparable to services offered to other students, which may include: transportation; educational services for students who meet the eligibility criteria of: . services under Title I, similar state or local programs, . educational programs for students with disabilities, . educational programs for students with limited-English proficiency; programs in vocational education; programs for gifted and talented students; and school meal programs.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0-4 points 5-8 points 9-12 points Vague information provided General information is given Detailed information is given on services that will be on services that will be on services that will be provided, compared to what provided compared to what is provided compared to what is is currently provided. currently provided. currently provided. Vague information is General information is Detailed information is provided on how provided on how provided on how transportation will be transportation will be transportation will be addressed. addressed. addressed. Vague information is General information is Detailed information is provided on the educational provided on the educational provided on the educational services for students who services for students who services for students who meet the eligibility criteria meet the eligibility criteria. meet the eligibility criteria. School meal programs are School meal programs are School meal programs are not addressed. generally addressed. addressed in detail.
Score: ______/ 12 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
3 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
C. RECORDS – 5 points
Describe how student records ordinarily kept by the local education agency (LEA) are maintained and available in a timely fashion when a student enters a new school. Include the records of health/immunization, academic, birth certificates, guardianship, and evaluations for special services/programs.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0 points 3 points 5 points No description on how General description on how Detailed description on how student records are student records are student records are maintained and available in a maintained and available in a maintained and available in a timely fashion when a timely fashion when a timely fashion when a student enters a new school. student enters a new school. student enters a new school.
Score: ______/ 5 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
4 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Describe how the local education agency (LEA) identifies homeless children, youth, and families. Define the type of homelessness in LEA service area. Identify the approximate number of homeless children and youth in LEA community. Identify the approximate number of homeless children and youth to be served.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0 points 1-2 points 3-5 points No description on how the General description on Detailed description on how LEA identifies homeless how the LEA identifies the LEA identifies homeless children, youth, and families. homeless children, children, youth, and families. No definition on the type of youth, and families. Detailed definition on the homelessness in LEA service Definition on the type of type of homelessness in LEA area. homelessness in LEA service area. Approximate number of service area is general. Approximate number of homeless children and youth homeless children and youth in LEA community is not in LEA community is provided. provided. Approximate number of Approximate number of homeless children and youth homeless children and youth to be served is not provided. to be served is provided.
Score: ______/ 5 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
5 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Provide a clear description of the program including the services and activities. Identify and describe the duties of the designated homeless liaison. Describe the level of involvement of the local education agency (LEA) personnel, educators and support staff, in the program.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0-6 points 7-12 points 13-18 points Vague description of the A general description of the Detailed description of the program, including the program, including the program, including the services and activities. services and activities, is services and activities, is Vague information and provided. provided. description of the duties of General information is Detailed information is the designated homeless provided which identifies and provided which identifies and liaison is provided. describes the duties of the describes the duties of the Vague description on the designated homeless liaison. designated homeless liaison. level of involvement of the General description is Detailed description on the LEA personnel, educators provided on the level of level of involvement of the and support staff, in the involvement of the LEA LEA personnel, educators program. personnel, educators and and support staff, in the support staff, in the program. program is provided.
Score: ______/ 18 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
6 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Complete the Action Plans with the goal, objective, activities, personnel responsible, timeline, projected number of participants, impact, and evaluation as related directly to the needs of the homeless children, youth, and families. Relate all areas to the goal and objective(s). Describe how the staffing design supports the goals and activities. Describe staff roles and qualifications for key positions to be funded.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0-4 points 5-7 points 8-11 points The Action Plans are not The Action Plans are complete The Action Plans are detailed completed or not provided on but provide only general and complete. the required form. information. Action Plans has related all Action Plans has not related all General description of how the areas to the goal and areas to the goal and staffing design supports the objective(s). objective(s). goals and activities. Detailed description of how the Vague description of how the General description of the staff staffing design supports the staffing design supports the roles and qualifications for key goals and activities. goals and activities. positions to be funded. Detailed description of the staff Vague or no description of the roles and qualifications for key staff roles and qualifications for positions to be funded. key positions to be funded.
Score: ______/ 11 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
7 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Describe collaborative efforts with community homeless providers, agencies, and services. Explain the integration of programs, such as: Title I; preschool; parent involvement; and other local/state/federal programs. Provide an action plan for integration.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0-1 points 2-4 points 5-10 points Does not provide a description Provides a general description Provides a detailed description of the collaborative efforts with of the collaborative efforts with of the collaborative efforts with community homeless providers, community homeless providers, community homeless providers, agencies, and services. agencies, and services. agencies, and services. Limited explanation of the General explanation of the Detailed explanation of the integration of programs, such integration of programs, such integration of programs, such as: Title I; preschool; parent as: Title I; preschool; parent as: Title I; preschool; parent involvement; and other involvement; and other involvement; and other local/state/federal programs. local/state/federal programs. local/state/federal programs. No action plan for integration. A general action plan for A detailed action plan for integration is provided. integration is provided.
Score: ______/ 10 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
8 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
C. EVALUATION – 10 points
Describe the evaluation strategies with specific measures, instrumentation, and designation of responsible personnel to conduct the evaluation. Describe the strategies that will measure the results of the program.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0-2 points 4-6 points 7-10 points Does not provide a description Provides a general description Provides detailed description of of the evaluation strategies with of the evaluation strategies with the evaluation strategies with specific measures, specific measures, specific measures, instrumentation, and instrumentation, and instrumentation, and designation designation of responsible designation of responsible of responsible personnel to personnel to conduct the personnel to conduct the conduct the evaluation. evaluation. evaluation. Provides detailed description of Limited description of the Provides general description of the strategies that will measure strategies that will measure the the strategies that will measure the results of the program. results of the program. the results of the program.
9 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Score: ______/ 10 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
PROJECT BUDGET – 15 points
Provide justification for the budgeted items. Correlate the budgeted items to the proposed activities. Include allowable costs for project of the targeted population. No indirect cost or professional grant writer fee may be charged to this grant.
Rating Scale Not Recommended May Require Revisions to be Recommended for Funding for Funding Considered for Funding May Need Minimal Revisions 0 points 1-6 points 7-15 points Does not provide Provides a general Provides a detailed justification for the justification for the justification for the budgeted items. budgeted items. budgeted items. Limited correlation of the General correlation of the Detailed correlation of the relationship of budgeted relationship of budgeted relationship of budgeted items to the proposed items to the proposed items to the proposed activities. activities. activities. Does not include allowable Includes allowable costs for costs for project of the project of the targeted targeted population. No population. No indirect indirect cost, professional cost, professional grant grant writer fee, or vehicle writer fee, or vehicle may may be charged to this be charged to this grant. grant.
Score: ______/ 15 Reviewer’s Initials: ______
10 Education for the Homeless Children and Youth Grant Scoring Guide
District: ______
Collaboration, Title I Set Aside, Early Childhood
Bonus Section-14 points
Collaboration agreements.
Title I set aside for past three years.
Early Childhood Collaboration
0-2 points 3-8 points 9-14 points
Two collaboration forms Three to eight More than eight collaboration included. collaboration forms forms included. included. Title I set asides are Title I set asides have Title I set asides have been included. partially been used over almost completely used over the last three years. the past three years. District does not have District has some District has collaboration with any collaboration with collaboration with Early Early Learning Programs. Early Learning Learning Programs. Programs.
Score: ______/ 14
Collaboration with Continuum of Care (CoC) (5 points): Five bonus points will be awarded to applications that include a letter from their regional CoC that outlines activities the liaison and CoC participated in during the 2014– 15 school year. The letter must be signed by the chair of the regional CoC and must outline activities in which a representative of the school’s McKinney-Vento program has participated within the last calendar year. E-mails and phone calls from CoC representatives are not acceptable to meet the competitive criteria.
CoC Bonus Points---YES NO