Oral Communication (Discussion) Rubric (adapted by W. Atkins-Sayre, Fall 2007, from USM QEP Rubric)

Student Name: ______Student ID: ______Date: ______Course #: ______Section #: _____ Assignment: ______D-F Criteria C (Minimally Acceptable) B (Proficient) A (Advanced) Score (Unacceptable) Central idea/purpose Central idea/purpose is stated; Central idea/purpose is Central idea/purpose is is not stated; content content is accurate but not clearly stated; content is vividly stated; content is Score: ___ is erroneous or always relevant; support is accurate and relevant; accurate, thorough, and (out of 40) Content irrelevant; support offered but inadequate for some credible support is directly on point; strong for assertions is assertions. provided for each support is provided for largely absent. assertion. each assertion.

Little or no structure Thoughts are unclear; may Thoughts are clear with Thoughts are presented in present. Discussion contain several statements out of few statements out of a purposeful, interesting, is confusing to the place and occasionally deviate place. and effective sequence Organization Score: ___ audience; no logical from topic. and remains focused. (out of 20) sequence of ideas; frequently off topic.

Grammar, Isolated errors in grammar, Speaking is free of serious Speaking is free of errors pronunciation, pronunciation, and/or word errors in grammar, in grammar and Score: ___ and/or word choice choice reduce clarity and pronunciation, and/or word pronunciation; word choice Language (out of 10) are severely credibility. usage. aids clarity and vividness. deficient.

Content and/or style Content and/or style are Content and/or style are Content and/or style are are frequently occasionally inappropriate to the consistently appropriate to consistently appropriate inappropriate to the audience and/or context. Speaker the audience, and/or and targeted to audience Adaptation to Score: ___ audience and/or falls slightly outside set time context. Speaker meets set and context. Speaker Audience and (out of 10) context. parameters. time parameters. makes full, effective use of Context Speaker falls well time and stays within time outside set time parameters. parameters.

Vocal delivery is too Vocal delivery is audible. Rate, Vocal delivery is clear and Vocal delivery is varied soft to hear, too fast volume, or speech disruptions distinct. Rate, volume, and and dynamic. Speech to understand and/or only occasionally distract from tone facilitate audience rate, volume, and tone long, unintended audience comprehension. comprehension. enhance listener interest Vocal silences and speech and understanding. Delivery disruptions Score: ___ (repetitions; filled (out of 10) pauses, e.g., “um”) frequently distract audience

Eye contact, Eye contact, posture, attire, Some but not all of the Most or all of the following posture, attire, gestures, movement, and facial following apply: Eye apply: Eye contact, gestures, expressions neither enhance nor contact, posture, attire, posture, attire, gestures, Score: ___ Nonverbal movement, and/or hinder effectiveness significantly. gestures, movement or movement or facial (out of 10) Delivery facial expressions facial expressions enhance expressions enhance the are inappropriate the presentation. presentation. and significantly distracting. Total score: ____ (out of 100)