Supplementary Table 1: a Representative Sample of CNV Callers from WGS Data

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Supplementary Table 1: a Representative Sample of CNV Callers from WGS Data

Supplementary Table 1: A representative sample of CNV callers from WGS data CNV caller RD PE SR AS Other SVs detected Ref AGE X TDP, INV [1] BIC-Seq X [2] BreakDancer X INV, TRL [3] CLEVER X TDP, INV [4] cn.MOPS X [5] CNVeM X [6] CNVer X X [7] CNVnator X [8] CNVrd2 X [9] CNV-Seq X [10] Cortex X INV [11] CREST X INV, TRL [12] DELLY X X INV, TDP, TRL [13] ERDS X [14] GASV-Pro X X [15] Genome STRiP X [16] GROM-RD X [17] Hydra-Multi X INV [18] JointSLM X [19] LUMPY X X X INV, TDP, TRL [20] Magnolya X [21] mrCaNaVar X TDP [22] NovelSeq X [23] PEMer X INV, TDP, TRL [24] Pindel X [25] PRISM X X TDP, INV [26] RDXplorer X [27] readDepth X [28] SegSeq X [29] Socrates X INV, TDP, TRL [30] SoftSearch X X INV, TDP, TRL [31] SoftSV X X INV, TDP, TRL [32] SVDetect X INV, TDP, TRL [33] SVSeq X X [34] TIGRA X INV, TDP, TRL [35] VariationHunter X INV [36] RD = Read Depth; PE = Paired End Mapping; SR = Split Read; AS = Assembly; INV = Inversion; TDP = Tandem Duplication; TRL = Translocation.

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