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archived as more related articles at note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on April 11, 2008. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site. Hauntings: What Are "Shadow People"? by Nannette Richford / Sept. 4, 2007

Reports of "shadow people" have existed throughout History. The observer generally reports seeing a dark shadow that resembles the form of a human which appears and moves of its own accord. The figures do not have distinguishable facial features and may be either much smaller or larger than a human. They are often noticed as movement from the corner of the eye, sometimes disappearing when the observer turns to investigate.

Shadow people may move quickly across a room, usually disappearing through the wall or closed door. Many report a feeling of extreme dread or fear accompanying the sighting. Others have reported that when the shadow moves across their physical being, a feeling of extreme cold overcomes their body. This sensation of coldness disappears once the apparition is gone.

Many believe that shadow people are the ghost of someone who has passed on but is not able to leave this physical world for some reason. Others believe that shadow people are creatures of another dimension that somehow overlaps our own, causing it to be partially visible. Many have captured images of what they believe to be shadow people in photographs.

Other paranormal enthusiasts believe that shadow people were never human at all and are a demonic spirit that embodies pure Evil. Some have reported seeing glowing red eyes. But generally shadow people appear as a simple form that resembles the human form. Some report the presence of a hat or cape. One thing in common is that shadow people often try to avoid detection and like to observe from corners of the room, usually at night.

Shadow people have been observed in daylight and many have observed them in full vision, although it is common to catch a sighting from the corner of the eye.

A state known as hypnogogia -- a physiological condition when a person is half way between sleeping and waking -- could explain some sightings. During hypnogogia, the individual can be aware of the environment and at the same time be in a dream-like state where they can receive images from the subconscious that they perceive to be real.

In this waking-sleep state (similar to sleep paralysis), the individual often reports the sensation of dread that may be accompanied by shadows or flickering lights or other visual hallucinations. Hypnogogia could explain many instances of people reporting shadow people. But it does not explain the appearances observed by those who are wide awake or daytime sightings.

1 Other skeptics attribute shadow people to nothing more than overactive imaginations and neurological disorders that trigger hallucinations or visual disturbances. This may be true in some cases. But it does not explain images caught on film or shadow people who have been observed by more than one person.

Shadow people do not appear to be dangerous, although they fill the observer will an overwhelming sense of fear and dread. The sense of pure evil may create a foreboding and uncomfortable atmosphere in the home. Many choose to seek the help of ghost hunters, psychics, and even the clergy. It may be helpful to invite paranormal investigators to your home to identify the haunting. For some, a psychic "cleansing" has taken care of the problem. Others have chosen to invite members of the clergy to perform an exorcism of the home. Still others choose to simply leave the shadow people alone and cohabitate in relative peace. Shadow Beings: What Are They and What Can You Do by Jill O'Malley / published Nov. 28, 2006

You have probably heard of them. Perhaps even had an encounter or two. But what are they? Are they ghosts, spirits, demons, devils, something else? Reports of these “beings” vary, but all share some of the same characteristics. Come with me as I explore "Shadow Beings" and what they may or may not be.

They are dark and the words “shadow-like” is often used to describe them. Until you have seen one, you may not understand why people tend to get so freaked out by them as they are just shadows after all… aren’t they? Let’s first look at the characteristics that are most often reported with Shadow Being (also known as "Shadow People") cases. Keep in mind that these do not apply to all cases. But they are stated in the vast majority of them.

1. Often reported as staying in or just to the outside of the shadows that can normally be found in a place.

2. More often than not, shadow beings are reported to have a humanoid shape to them.

3. The shadow forms are often first seen on the side of one’s vision (corner of the eye sight). Enough to notice that something is odd. But when attention is fully turned toward, the shadow it is either seen to move out of sight or disappear/blend in with the other shadows.

4. Often described as being denser than the surrounding shadows. The phrase “it seemed to absorb the light” has been used a lot.

5. They move very quickly.

6. When asked to describe how the being disappeared or moved, there seems to be the mainstay answer of saying that the being “dispersed and reformed”. If they are describing the being going away and not coming back, most cases state that the shadow “dispersed and seemingly blended with the shadows surrounding it” or “darted away and disappeared”.

7. Shadow Beings are most commonly reported to be simply watching/observing the person or persons who report the incident. Many cannot pinpoint when the feeling of being watched

2 started. Bt the feeling grows as the being is spotted -- often in a corner of the room -- a darkened doorway or behind them.

8. Most reports state that once the shadow being is spotted, it either immediately disappears or shortly thereafter.

9. The vast majority of repeat encounter cases state that they “feel” the beings thoughts focused on them. The phrase,“it’s hard to explain” is used a lot in relation to this aspect.

10. They seem to come and go. From sightings once a day (at different times or nightly) to as long as years apart.

11. All reports of being touched seem to share that the “victim” (for lack of a better word) felt drained afterwards.

12. Interesting enough to mention here (as well as reported enough) is the fact that a majority of cases involve the shadow being seen coming or going from a closet. Sometimes repeatedly. Enough cases also mention them going (or diving) under beds or seemingly flying up through a ceiling.

13. If asked to place a sex with the shadow being over half of the reports I’ve encountered say male.

14. The majority of reports state that one, two adults at most witnessed the shadow being encounter. Though there are cases of mass sightings, they seem to be more rare than singular encounters. When it comes to children (I’d say aged 3-15), this does not seem to apply as entire groups of children or several brothers/sisters will often share the same encounter(s).

Before I go into some of the seemingly different types of shadow beings, let me first share another list of characteristics. These are not found in all cases and sometimes not even in half. But they are reported enough that they have been noticed.

1. Some shadow beings seem aggressive while others seem to just watch and never attempt physical contact.

2. When asked about appearance, the eyes vary greatly from case to case. Here are a few that have been repeated enough to be of interest. ▪ no eyes and all shadow ▪ empty eyes (holes where the eyes should be and you can look straight through) ▪ red eyes ▪ green eyes ▪ blue lights for eyes ▪ eyes that change to all sorts of colors.

3. Size: from 2-feet to 6-feet Shape: humanoid to “blobs” to shadow animals and spherical balls apparent gender (squared shoulders associated to men and shadow breasts from the side have been reported) Feelings given off: (from calm watchfulness to immobilizing fear and dread) Definition of form: from seeing 5 distinct fingers to seeing a blur for hands) can all be different from case-to-case.

3 4. Some simply show up one day while others seem stuck to one location. Another semi-common report seems to be that the shadows will be seen for weeks or months in a row and then be gone again.

5. Reports of being touched by a shadow being vary. Some have described the sensation of being touched to equal that of getting touched by a high voltage electric fence. Others report feeling a warm invasion where it didn’t so much as touch the skin as go through and into it.

6. Interestingly, some reports claim that the shadow being was wearing a distinct hat, holding a cigar or cigarette, carrying a purse or bag, had horns, was holding a walking cane, carrying a pitcher or basin, or some other distinguishing object.

7. A few reports claim that the shadow being was wearing what appeared to be a cloak or a cape of some sort or have barely visible shadow outlines of clothing.

As you can see by the vast differences in reports, shadow beings are not easy to say anything definite about that will apply to each and every case. Then again, that is the same with many things of the paranormal nature which is why it is still listed among the unknown. Now let me try and break down a few different types of shadow beings that there currently appears to be.

I will start out with the aggressive shadow being as this seems to be the one that can cause utter terror in some to the point that they feel paralyzed with fear. Many who encounter this type of shadow being later state that it was the shadow projecting the fear and aggression and not the person involved. Some even claim that horrible thoughts fly through their minds as they looked at the shadow.

These shadows also seem to be less fearful of being seen and have, in fact, been reported as being brazen in their entrance into an area and their direct approach to the person involved. Some have even been reported to walk through furniture or walls to get to a person. Aggressive shadow being reports come from adults as well as children. So there does not seem to be a distinction, though many would probably theorize that children would be more afraid by any shadow being that does not seem to be the case. Believe it or not, reports of being touched or of having a shadow being reach out to persons are not all that common in relation to reports of sightings. Perhaps that is why only a few shadow beings are labeled aggressive. Some seemingly common factors of aggressive shadow being encounters include:

● Far more than not, only one person is involved. ● If another person walking in on the shadow interrupts the “attack”, the shadow disperses quickly, sometimes taking the time to look at the intruder before going. ● Horrible feelings are reported by “victims” of shadow being “attacks” such as: icy cold; darkness closing in on them; panic over not being able to move; terror; unbelievable sadness; heightened sense of awareness (to the point it hurts); and/or feeling like you are touching an electric fence (vibrating painfully). ● Sharp pain, not always localized and it has been reported as “zooming around the body”. ● A residual fear lingers after the attack that another one might happen in the future to the point of paranoia and not wanting to be left alone.

As you can see, shadow being attacks are not taken lightly by those who have experienced them. And they can leave lasting effects. In few cases (of the few attacks), some report bruising or cuts left by the shadow. This is rare and does not happen enough to be investigated properly.

4 On few occasions of shadow being attacks, persons report that something triggered (or seemingly triggered) the attack. This is most often stated when the person had seen the shadow being before the attack but no contact was attempted, sometimes for years before an attack occurs. Are these attacks psychological? Or do some shadow beings suddenly become aggressive? To that particular question, there are only theories to answer.

The next seemingly type of shadow being is the “watchers”. These shadow beings can stay around for years and sometimes generations without ever attempting contact with a person. Watchers are most often reported as being seen out of the corner of ones eyes, to the side of a room, observing from a distance, following a person (and disappearing as soon as they are noticed) or seen standing in the existing shadows of a room or doorway.

For the vast majority of watcher reports, there is no feeling of aggression coming from the shadow being. At most, a sense of presence is felt and when the shadow is spotted, they are often reported to vanish immediately or fade into their surroundings quickly or shortly thereafter.

Several reports of watchers include a person coming upon them when they appear to be looking at or studying an open book, a sleeping individual, papers on a table/desk, art/pictures on a wall, etc. When watchers are found in such positions, the majority of those reports claim that the shadow either seemed surprised they were “caught” and dispersed or they would swing to look at the person who “caught” them and then vanish/disperse/whisk away. Many of these cases leave the person who witnessed the encounter stunned. But not afraid and more curious than anything. Some seemingly common factors among watchers include:

● They appear content to simply watch what is going on around them. ● They may not always be present and can in fact be sporadic in their appearances (sometimes days, weeks, months and years apart between “visits”). ● More than one person often senses and then spots a watcher at the same time. ● Locations that seem to have a resident watcher shadow beings generally do not report feelings of fear, although the word “creepy” is often used. ● Watchers do not seem to be limited to showing up only for quiet family moments and are often photographed to the side or in the backgrounds of parties and family get-togethers. ● Rarely do watchers (again, seemingly) allow themselves to be fully seen and noticed. ● If approached, watchers seem to want to avoid contact as they more often than not either disappear or turn and leave.

Watchers on the whole do not seem to be viewed as a threat. Many who have resident ones will tell you that though they get a little "creeped out" at times, they generally do not mind the presence.

The third type of shadow being that seems to have its own classification is what I call the “little guys”. These are shadow beings that are only 2-to-4 feet tall. This type, interestingly enough, is most often reported in locations that are already thought to be haunted by another spirit/entity. What the reason may be for this, nobody has really theorized as yet. But that could be because little guys are quick little buggers.

Very few reports can clearly describe a little guy as they do move so fast. If anything, this “type” of shadow being is disconcerting and extremely hard to investigate. The popular TV show "Ghost Hunters" (on the Sci-Fi channel) seems to have a fair amount of run-ins with this type of shadow being and has recorded some interesting footage of what they believe is a short shadow being (or what I call the "little guys"). Some seemingly common factors among little guys include:

5 ● Very fast. Almost like a blur. ● Seen more often than not whizzing by the person who encounters them or off in the distance. Perhaps flying by a doorway or “running” across the end of a room. ● As stated above, "little guys"are seemingly more often found in locations thought to be haunted by something else (i.e., not just the little guy is seen). ● An unusual amount of little guy sightings occur in bedrooms, often going around the foot of beds. ● Most often described as a waist-high shadow that is slightly pudgy. More detail than that is rare due to their speed. ● Sightings of "little guys" seem to be less than that of "watchers".

As "little guys" are so hard to get a good visual of, they remain a large mystery in the paranormal field. Researchers are perplexed as to how to set up investigations to try and capture "little guys "as many do not seem to have scheduled appearances at locations or even regular places where they are seen throughout the location. Of the few pictures and video recordings that have been reported of "little guys", only a small percentage was trying to catch the "little guy". Most were on the look out for something else.

The 4th and last seemingly type of shadow beings is more of a hodgepodge of what doesn’t fit into the other 3 types. This includes (but is not limited to)" ▪ shadow spheres ▪ shadow geometric shapes ▪ shadow animals ▪ shadow blobs ▪ shadow “sticks” (visible heads but no arms or legs, just a line of shadow) ▪ shadow doors (that when spotted can be watched for several minutes before closing) ▪ rogue shadows (shadows seen going from one place to another in the middle of nowhere) ▪ flat shadows (no depth and normally only seen once).

The above are all very distinctive to particular cases but have been reported by more than a handful of people. As opposed to humanoid-shaped shadow beings, these are much more rare and therefore even harder to try and investigate. Since all of these occurrences vary, it would be hard to put together a list of things to look for in most of the cases.

Some examples of what happened when the above were encountered include: ▪ seeing a shadow ball roll down a hall or stairs ▪ seeing an approximately 6 foot tall shadow with a triangle head and long downward pointing triangular body ▪ spotting a shadow door (rectangle) underneath a tree in broad daylight and watching it close after several minutes ▪ watching a shadow dog lop into and across one room and disappear into the next ▪ seeing a shadow “blob” move across a wall and break up into smaller blobs that scattered around the room ▪ and one flat shadow made quite a show of turning sideways to avoid being seen by 3 witnesses.

I can also add my own personal encounter with a "rogue shadow being". My husband, son, and I were driving down a road in Watkins Glen, NY when we went around a curve that had a rock wall on one side and a swampy marsh on the other. I was driving and my husband and I were talking up front. I had a line of cars behind me from when the light turned green and we were entering a 55mph speed zone.

6 The oncoming lane also had a line of cars coming our way that was almost to us when a "shadow man" (approximately 5½-to-6 feet tall) darted across the road from the marsh side to the stone wall side and disappeared. The oncoming cars and I slammed on our breaks as it happened so fast all I knew was that something ran across the road. There was a pregnant pause as the cars started moving again.

It was only after I started driving again that I shook my head and my husband and I looked at each other. I asked “Did you see that?” and he replied, “I’m not sure what I saw, but it looked like a black shadow ran across the road.” This happened to be the exact same thing I saw. And apparently the oncoming cars did as well since they hit their breaks at the same time I did to avoid hitting whatever it was.

What are these odd manifestations? And is there any way to determine if they have anything to do with an area or its history? So far, no links have been found (that I am aware of) and nobody has been able to explain what these seemingly spontaneous occurrences might be or be caused from.

So now that we have gone over behavior and attempted to break down some of the encounters into types, let’s turn our focus to what these “shadow beings” might be. Theories abound as to what they actually are. And some investigators will tell you matter-of-factly what they are even though no proof exists to help define them. The most popular theories seem to be (in descending order from most popular to least popular):

1. Shadow beings/people are only ghosts/spirits who cannot fully form and therefore look like shadows. They are thought to be spirits/ghosts from humans who once lived on our plane of existence.

2. Shadow people are persons from another dimension who look shadow-like to us in our dimension, though they may not really appear as we see them. Similar to X-rays that can only be viewed under the right circumstances, shadow people cannot be fully seen with the naked eye and therefore we perceive them to be dark and similar to shadows.

3. Shadow beings are evil demons or devils and should be treated with disdain and fear as they are the work of the Devil. They were never human and are here to scare us. If you see one, you should immediately start reciting prayers of protection to try and ward them off.

4. Shadow beings are aliens from another planet. They either have the ability to form and disappear at will or they are purposefully shadow like in order to attempt to blend in and be less noticed.

Those seem to be the top 4 theories on what exactly shadow beings are. Again, I must state that nobody has an answer to what they really are or even if reports are connected. Shadow beings could be individual cases like ghosts. Or there could be something different going on entirely. Until we know more, it is not fair to say one way or another definitely, nor can it be proven.

As for my own thoughts on "shadow beings", I can only say that just because something is dark does not necessarily automatically make it bad or evil. Since reports do vary (sometimes drastically) from case-to-case, it is important to keep in mind that what one encounter seems to tell you about shadow beings, another might totally break down.

Because of that, I feel that shadow beings should most likely be treated as separate aspects of a case just as individual spirits are. Until we know more, it would not be prudent to classify all shadow encounters into the same category.

7 You will note that I did not go much into possible causes for people seeing shadow beings. There are several reasons for that. I am not a psychologist, nor am I a doctor. I do not feel qualified to make judgments or explanations about terms and conditions that I know little about. I will say that all eye problems should be ruled out by an optometrist prior to proceeding with an investigation that focuses on movement or sightings of shadows,

It is also important to remember that though some report a smothering feeling come over them when a shadow being is present (rare), investigators should keep in the back of their minds that it might not be the shadow causing the feelings but the panicked state of the person involved.

Some suggest that reports of shadow beings have increased. But I am personally not sure if that is the case or if people are just more confident in sharing their stories. I have had luck with talking with clients about pushing past any feelings of angst they get when a shadow being is present and attempting to talk to it. It may take a few tries, but all of the clients that I have given that suggestion to have reported either the shadow immediately leaving the area or the being seemed interested or taken aback and then left. Having clients do this whenever they see a shadow being not only helps to bolster their confidence in being able to not feel so helpless, but it also seems to drastically reduce sightings of the shadow being(s) down to hardly at all or completely gone and never returning (as long as four years of no sightings on one case).

I shall continue my research and looking into this as well as all paranormal topics similar to this. Until proof can be shown one way or another, I will refrain from placing a label on anything that is currently unknown.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this rather long article. And I do hope that if you feel I have missed anything, you will take the time to contact me and let me know. By working together, we may just find the proof we need to start making some headway as well as better learn how to find and record "shadow beings" better.

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