James Has Lecture at Same Time. 12:00 Noon Next Week

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James Has Lecture at Same Time. 12:00 Noon Next Week




AGENDA ITEM: 1. Minutes from last Officer meeting

Updates Review of notes.



AGENDA ITEM: 2. IBC Matters a. Victoria 2016 i. Audio/Video recording capture / prep ii. 2016 abstracts posting, status (any second now!) iii. Scholar One / App review (James, Peter, Al) b. Barcelona 2018 i. IPC ii. LOC c. Seoul 2020 i. Venue contract

Updates Regarding the audio/video posting, the content is not yet available for public view. However, Al has confirmed that the JABES session link is ready. Work on the IBC abstract reference pages is now complete. The 2016 link is now up on the site, as are the 2012 and 2014 abstract links. A meeting between Al, James and Peter to discuss the Scholar One program and the mobile app is still pending.

Comments The group confirmed that the additions to the content sections of this Officer call document are now appropriate. The Barcelona Local Organizing Committee has a vacancy, due to the passing of Jhonny Demey. Finding a replacement could alleviate a perceived imbalance. Question: Who will reach out regarding the plans for a replacement on the IBC2018 LOC? James has sent a request to the Chair of the Seoul Organizing Committee, Tae Rim Lee, regarding the need to secure the venue for IBC2020.

1 - - ACTIONS Al is to send the JABES session link to Peter, for distribution to the Officers. The Executive Board is to approve name of Jhonny Demey’s replacement in November during their virtual meeting.

AGENDA ITEM: 3. Executive Board Follow-up a. Wiley and Springer contracts (Marie, Linda) b. Biometrics Executive Editor search c. Timing of November, 2016 Executive Board Meeting d. May, 2017 Meeting Arrangements e. Archives (Lynne Billard) f. ISI Liaison Jane Hutton, and procedures (P&P Manual)

Later: Teleconference between Officers and newly elected Directors (arrangements)

Updates As reported by Peter, Mike with Springer has been able to make some of the changes discussed for the contract, and is waiting for word from legal counsel on a few more changes. He expects more progress this week. No additional information has been received from Otto regarding an extension of the Wiley Biometrics contract. Peter sent a message to him early Wednesday, 7 September. James has provided a Wiley Executive Editor search needs/process document, and several adjustments have already been made by the Officers. The date/time options for our “virtual” Executive Board meeting were reviewed. All had responded by the deadline except Jose, Paulo, Sharon and Krista.

Comments It was agreed that the IBS should “turn up the heat” on Wiley to ensure that a contract extension document is received as quickly as possible. There is no further word from Lynne Billard. Elizabeth will reach out again. The Executive Board is to formally approve name of Jane Hutton as ISI representative, as well as the procedures for making this appointment, in November during their virtual meeting.

ACTIONS James will follow up with Otto at Wiley regarding the contract. James will make the necessary adjustments to the current version of the Biometrics EE search document, and send it to Marie Davidian. Peter is to send an announcement to the Executive Board regarding the chosen date/time of the next Board meeting (10 November at 17:00 Eastern U.S. time). Peter will reach out to Dimitris Karlis for his suggestions on the best date and time for the IBS Executive Board meeting at the EMR meeting (we are currently considering Monday and Tuesday of that week).

2 - - AGENDA ITEM: 4. Regional Matters a. Representative Council b. Follow-up with German region re membership dues c. Network paperwork

Comments A review of the Representative Council Minutes took place, and there was some follow-up required regarding the posting of the July financial summary for review by the RC. The collection of paperwork from IBS Regions has only just begun. There is much more to do.

ACTIONS Peter is to send a copy of the revised (but unapproved) Representative Council minutes to the Chair, Andrea Berghold. James was asked to send Peter a copy of the financial summary PowerPoint, for inclusion on the Representative Council page. The Representative Council page on the web site (http://www.biometricsociety.org/representative-council/) is ready to accept the IBC2016 minutes and financial summary, but still requires some work. Peter will send instructions to Mik in the Chicago office. In addition, a link to some Rep. Council minutes and materials on the Governance page needs to be removed from the site, but not before the appropriate materials are added to the adjusted “official” Representative Council page. Peter is to follow up with the German Region, letting them know that we are able to assist as needed if their financial concerns become more tangible. Peter is to begin outreach to the Regions this week regarding the collection of founding and procedural documents.

AGENDA ITEM: 5. Committee Matters a. Awards Fund Committee b. Committee on Communications c. Conference Advisory Committee d. Editorial Advisory Committee e. Education Committee f. Budget and Finance Committee

Comments Regarding the collection of minutes, the Editorial Advisory Committee had already sent their minutes. An Awards Committee report is not needed, but Peter was asked to get back to the Officers on what we received from this committee before the IBC began. The Budget and Finance Committee report would essentially consist of the full financial statement. However, James will plan to add a few notes to this report. And the Conference Advisory Committee minutes could easily be a one- page summary. Karen Bandeen-Roche may have notes from this meeting. It was suggested that Peter have her notes sent to James for editing (Elizabeth can provide, if needed). Peter may have notes from the Communications Committee.

3 - - ACTIONS Peter has not sent a request out to the committee Chairs yet for their copies of committee minutes from the IBC. He will do so as soon as possible.

AGENDA ITEM: 6. IBO Matters a. JSTOR Individual Member Access b. Admin functions update i. Web site back end access, new staff e-mails?, social, etc. c. Adjusted Time for Officer Calls i. Adding new Officers (suggested: October) ii. Bostrom conflict d. Election announcement to the membership i. E-mail, website posting, Biometric Bulletin e. MB Financial account f. Biometric Bulletin, still in proof stage

Comments Very few can’t do it through institutions, just use universal link Let’s move the meeting for the first meeting in October.



Next call will be 14 September at 11:00 EDT / 8:00 Pacific.

James has lecture at same time. 12:00 Noon next week.

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