Licking Heights Alumni Association, Inc
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Licking Heights Alumni Association, Inc. P.O.Box77, Summit Station, Ohio 43073 Meeting Minutes for February 22, 2011 Regular Meeting Olde Summit Towne Restaurant
Officers and Directors Attending: [A quorum was present] Officers: Tom Dunkle, Bev DeNune, Susan Baird, Keith Edmonds, Lori Hewitt Directors: Judy Gogolin, Dan McDonnell & Howard Emswiler (absent: Robert & Milly Shaffer) President Tom Dunkle called the regular meeting to order at 7:35 pm. (Adjourned 8:45pm) Tom opened the meeting and asked for a motion to waive the reading of the last meeting, Lori made a motion to approve, second by Judy, all in favor, motion carried.. President’s Report: Tom informed us of the maintenance request on the display case and that correction has been made. He discussed the Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine letter on our exemption status and reported our letter is on file with the State. Tom reported on the scholarship fund managed by the Licking County Foundation ending at $22,444.87. We had gains of $466.00 and losses of $113.00 and the grant to Hannah Sutton of $1,000.00 was distributed on 6/2/10 Vice President’s Report: No Report~ Treasurer’s Report: Account Balance – Bev stated the review of income and expense activity shows our present account balance as $1605.00. Bev presented us with the annual end-of-year report. Committee Reports : Finance Committee – No Report Membership – No Report Newsletter – No Report Bell Tower – Dan informed us that bricks are still available for purchase Webmaster – Activity 52,463 Fundraising – No Report Banquet – Discussion on the decorations and items needed for the banquet. Everything is shaping up. Tom said he is working on a DVD of past banquet pictures and will copy one for the officers & directors. Historical – No Report Old Business: Committees – Selection / Volunteering: Tom presented a Table of Organization 2010-2011handout on committee teams and discussed a new committee for the collection of History of Licking Heights Alumni Association. Members selected were; Dan, Bev & Susan. They were asked to bring a new item for discussion to each future meeting. Open Director’s Position: Various discussion on vacancy since Katie Baker resigned. New Business: Annual Treasurers Audit – Team Report – Needs to be completed by next meeting – Dan & Susan to plan and schedule with Bev. Alumni Banquet – preparations begin – location: Olde Summit Towne Restaurant / date: June 18, 2011 / time: 6:00pm for social hour with dinner at 7:30pm / theme: Maroon & Gold (school spirit) / discussed the budget and Lori will research and present it at the next scheduled meeting / decorations were discussed and using the old athletic trophies was mentioned. Meeting Schedule & Time: Tom made a motion to increase our meetings per year; currently we have five (5) months we don’t meet, his proposal accompanied with a Calendar of Events and Meeting Schedule was that we increase our meetings from seven (7) to nine (9) times annually. Lori made a motion to approve, second by Susan, all in favor, motion carried. Athletic Hall of Fame (Alumni HOF): Intro-discussion Discretionary Expenses: we discussed Addendum 10-01 dated 12/8/10 that was approved via e-mail, however for proper records Lori made a motion to approve, second by Judy, all in favor, motion carried.
Member’s Comments and Announcements: Open Floor: We will meet in March to discuss the banquet and the new meeting schedule will start in April. Next meeting is on regular schedule meeting is Tuesday April 26th, 2011 at 7:30pm in the LH High School Media Center. Adjourn – Susan made a motion to adjourn, second by Howard, all in favor, motion carried.
We would like to extend an invitation to all members to attend your associations’ officers and board of directors meeting which is on every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm….. NOTE: No meetings in August, November or December unless necessary!
Submitted by: Keith Edmonds – Recording Secretary