Development Statistics of Sindh 2017
DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS OF SINDH 201 7 BUREAU OF STATISTICS PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SINDH KARACHI-75600 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT SSTTAATTIISSTTIICCSS OOff SSIINNDDHH 22001177 PREFACE Sindh Bureau of Statistics has been annually releasing “Development Statistics of Sindh” since 1971. It provides latest and important statistical data on socio-economic sectors (Climate, Population, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Livestock, Food, Grain, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas, Mining, Public Finance, Financial Institutions, Transport & Communication, Education, Health and Crime) of the Sindh province with district-wise breakdown. Information relating to National Accounts, Banking and Foreign Trade has been given at national level. Bureau of Statistics is extremely thankful to the line Departments Government of Sindh, autonomous bodies and corporations functioning at federal and provincial level for cooperation in Providing requisite data for this publication. We look forward to their cooperation in future as well. It is hoped that data contained in this publication will be of immense use for administrators, planners, policy makers, research scholars and other users. I would like to convey my deep appreciation to the officers/ officials of technical section of this Bureau for the hard work put in to bringing out this publication, which I feel will provide the best avenue for planning & decision making in Sindh. For convenience and easy accessibility of the data, the publication is always available on the official website of this Bureau of statistics Further suggestions from users for the improvement of format and contents of this publication will be highly appreciated and incorporated in neat issue. Dr. NAEEEMUZ-ZAFAR Director General BUREAU OF STATISTICS Government of Sindh, P.O.
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