221 REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR NOTARIAL OFFICE NUMBER ONE OF THE LAGO AGRIO CANTON Dr. José M. Barrazueta Toledo Responsible for the Notarial record books of: Mr. Héctor Gavidia Velastegui Dr. Kléver Bravo Reátegui [symbol] Nueva Loja - Lago Agrio - Ecuador [footer cut off] CERT. MERRILL VER 222 [circular stamp: Dr. José M. Barrazueta Toledo Notary Number One Lago Agrio Ecuador] SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY EXECUTED BY: ATTORNEY PABLO ESTENIO FAJARDO MENDOZA IN FAVOR OF: ATTORNEY ENRIQUE BRUCHOU et al. AMOUNT: UNDETERMINED I PROVIDED TWO COPIES M/C In the city of Nueva Loja, Lago Agrio Canton, province of Sucumbíos, Republic of Ecuador, today, the sixth of August, two thousand eleven, before me, Dr. JOSÉ MARÍA BARRAZUETA TOLEDO, Interim Notary of Notarial Office Number One of the Lago Agrio Canton, appears: Attorney PABLO ESTENIO FAJARDO MENDOZA, in his own right, divorced, profession Attorney, domiciled in this city of Nueva Loja, Ecuadorian, of legal age and, consequently, with legal and sufficient capacity for these kinds of acts, freely and voluntarily, with no pressure whatsoever he asks me to put the following draft into the form of a Notarial document: TO THE NOTARY: Please add, to the notarial record book of instruments for which you are responsible, an instrument containing the following Power of Attorney.- FIRST CLAUSE: APPEARING PARTY.- Appearing to execute this instrument is Attorney PABLO ESTENIO FAJARDO MENDOZA, who appears in the following capacities: (a) in his own and personal right; (b) in his right by virtue of the power of attorney and legal representation [illegible initials] CERT. MERRILL VER conferred upon him by the PRINCIPALS, Messrs.
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