*plans subject to change Week of: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 12 Sept 13 Sept 14 Sept 15 Unit 1 Geographic terms and concepts Geographic Geographic terms and Geographic terms and Geographic terms and Concept terms and concepts concepts concepts Geography concepts

Climate Regions Climate Regions Climate Regions Daily We will analyze place: what is it We will analyze We will analyze place: We will identify and We will identify and Objective like, and location: where is it, in place: what is it what is it like, and location: examine the factors that examine the factors accordance to our NFL teams like, and where is it, in accordance influence the climate of that influence the schedule location: where to our NFL teams schedule a region climate of a region is it, in accordance to our NFL teams schedule

TEKS WG 8A, 8C, 9A, 22A, 22B US.22A , US.22A , US.22B , US.22A , US.22B , US.22A , US.22B , US.22B , US.29B US.29B US.29B US.29B US.1A , US.1B , US.1A , US.1B , US.32A US.1A , US.1B , US.1A , US.32A US.32A US.1B , US.32A Class Pass back quizzes Quiz Students will have class LAME COWS ppt and Finish gallery walk Activities corrections time to work on their NFL graphic organizer and climate Quiz corrections Geography project. due activities Students will have class time to Gallery walk for our work on their NFL Geography Sign up for factors affecting climate Finish/Turn in NFL project. the online geography projects textbook

Work on projects Homework Project Due Friday 9/15 Project Due Project Due Friday Project Due Friday Project Due Friday TODAY