Penllyn Community Council ______

Clerk to the Council Mr AD Williams 13 Wye Close, Barry, Vale of . CF62 7TF Phone 07813 318085 Email – [email protected] ______

Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Penllyn Community Council held at Community Hall, City at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 2nd September 2019

Present – Councillors D. Fardo (Penllyn) Chair, D.R. Austin (Penllyn), J. E. Evans (Llansannor), A. Jarvis (), E.P.Jarvis (Llansannor), E.G. Petty (Penllyn), M. Smith (Ystradowen).

Also in attendance: Mr A.D. Williams, Clerk to the Council; Councillors G.A.Cox, T.H.Jarvie and A. Parker

Cllr Fardo opened the meeting by welcoming Members after the long summer recess.

. 90) Apologies for absence.

Cllrs. S.C. Howells and M.R. Lewis .

91) Declarations of Interest.

Cllr R. Austin in respect of Planning Application 2019/00781/FUL as below and left room during the discussion thereof.

92) To approve the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1st July 2019.

Resolved: That the minutes be approved.

93) Community Police Matters.

No police attendance.

Other matters:

(Cllr M. Smith) Safer Vale, Rural Watch.

Resolved: Clerk to contact PC Mark Goulding, Rural Crime, police station, to enquire whether he could attend a future meeting of Council to speak on the matter.

1 28/09/2019 94) Vale of Glamorgan Council matters.

(A) Highways matters:


(B)Other Vale Council matters:

(a) Edenbrook Development, attenuation ponds (Cllr JE Evans) (Minute 66 (B) (b) Council June 19 refers) update

Issues with algae build up remain ongoing.

(b) Local Lettings Policies - consultation

Clerk had previously circulated to Members details received from the Vale Council as set out below:

(i) Clare Garden Village.

“The aim of the Clare Garden Village, , Local Lettings and Sales Policy is to ensure that the new affordable housing at Cowbridge is sustainable and will become part of the local community in which residents wish to remain and show a commitment to the locality in which they will live. To achieve this aim, a local lettings and sales policy has been agreed with the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Newydd Housing Association and the Cowbridge with Town Council and Penllyn Community Council who represent the residents.

All lettings and sales should satisfy the main principles of the lettings and sales policy for Clare Garden Village, Cowbridge, which are as follows:

1) Priority will be given to those applicants with a local connection to the Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council and Penllyn Community Council area.

Local connection will be defined as follows:

 Resident in the Cowbridge, Llanblethian and/or Penllyn Community Council area for the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years.  Parents or close family (see note below) currently living in the Cowbridge, Llanblethian and/or Penllyn Community Council area. They must have been resident in the area for the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years.  Currently permanently employed in the Cowbridge, Llanblethian and/or Penllyn Community Council area and having held that position for at least one year.  Retiring from tied accommodation in the Cowbridge, Llanblethian and/or Penllyn Community Council area.

Note: Close family members include husband or wife, grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters. Step and half relatives will be treated as full blood relatives.

After taking into account point (1), rented properties will be allocated in line with 2 28/09/2019 current Homes4U policy, by band priority and by the length of time registered with Homes4U.

2) Consideration will be given to applicants with a strong local community connection, including but not limited to, working on a voluntary basis with a Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town and/or Penllyn community organization, whose offices are in the area.

3) If insufficient applications are received from Priority Level 1, priority will be given to applicants from the rest of the Vale of Glamorgan with an extended family connection (this includes uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews & nieces – including step and half relatives).

4) If there are insufficient Homes4U applicants with a local connection to the Cowbridge with Llanblethian Community Council and Penllyn Community Council area, then priority will next be given to applicants from the neighbouring rural Wards, namely /, Peterson Super Ely, Llantwit Major, , and . The following conditions need to apply:

 Resident in these areas for the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years.  Parents or close family (see note above) currently living in these areas. They must have been resident in the area for the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years.  Currently permanently employed in these areas and having held that position for at least one year.  Retiring from tied accommodation in these areas.

5) If there are insufficient Homes4U applicants with a local connection to the neighbouring rural wards, then priority will next be given to applicants from the rest of the rural Vale. The previous conditions will apply:

6) Finally, should applicants in these areas also be exhausted, then lettings can be extended to Homes4U applicants residing in the rest of the Vale of Glamorgan.

When letting properties at Clare Garden Village, Cowbridge, we will match the size of the accommodation with the household’s needs, in line with current allocation policies. This requirement will not apply to applicants for the Low Cost Home Ownership properties.

Newydd Housing Association will ensure that: 1. All applicants must be a member of Homes4U 2. All offers of tenancy will be subject to payment of up to one week's rent in advance. If this is not affordable the applicant may be asked to enter into an agreement to pay £10 initially followed by £1 per week.

For all applicants who are housed at Clare Garden Village, verification interviews or home visits will be undertaken by Newydd Housing Association and tenancy references will be taken up, including for those applicants living in private accommodation. Nothing in this document precludes new applications to Homes4U or Aspire2Own. 3 28/09/2019

The Local Letting and Sales Policy works alongside the eligibility criteria for Low Cost Home Ownership properties.

Newydd Housing Association and the Vale of Glamorgan Council will provide feedback on the outcomes of the lettings policy to the Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Council and Penllyn Community Council.”

(ii) Pentre Meyrick.

“The aim of the Local Lettings and Sales policy is to ensure that the Hafod Housing Associations development at Pentre Meyrick is sustainable and becomes part of the local community. It is the intention of the policy to ensure new residents wish to remain in the area and show a commitment to the locality in which they will live. The policy has been developed by and agreed in partnership with the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Hafod Housing Association and Penllyn Community Council who represent the residents of Pentre Meyrick.

Applicants for Lettings and Sales should satisfy the main principles of the policy, and will be prioritised according to the following criteria:

Priority 1 Priority will be given to those applicants with a local connection to the Pentre Meyrick area. Local connection will be defined as follows: • Resident in the voting ward of SJO (Penllyn) for the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years. • Parents or close family (see note below) living in SJO Ward for the last 12 months or 3 out of the last 5 years. • Permanently employed (or moving to be permanently employed) in the SJO ward • Retiring from tied accommodation in SJO ward. Note: Close family members include husband or wife, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, and nephews and nieces. Step and half relatives will be treated as full blood relatives.

Priority 2 If there are insufficient applicants within Priority 1 then applicants with a local connection to the neighbouring voting ward of SGO (Ystradowen) will be next in line to be considered.

Priority 3 If there are insufficient applicants within Priority 1 and 2 then applicants with a local connection to the rural wards of QFO (Welsh ), TBO () and SAO (Cowbridge Town Council) will be considered.

Priority 4 If there are insufficient applicants who fall within Priority 1, 2 or 3, then lettings and sales can be extended to the rest of rural Vale.

Priority 5 In the unlikely event that there are insufficient applicants who fall within Priority 1, 2,3 or 4, then lettings and sales can be extended to Homes4U/Aspire2Own applicants living or working anywhere in the Vale of Glamorgan.

4 28/09/2019 Additional Information

Two properties at any one time to be allocated to the agricultural/rural workers, which would therefore, include employees of John George Richard Homfray (Penllyn Estate) via the Homes4U allocations procedure unless there are insufficient applicants meeting this criteria on the Homes4U register.

Within each of these priority levels - rented properties will be allocated in line with current Homes4U policy, by band priority and by the length of time registered with Homes4U. Low cost home ownership will be nominated in order of length of time on the Aspire2Own Register.

When letting properties at Pentre Meyrick we will match the size of the accommodation with the household’s needs, in line with current allocation policies. This requirement will not apply to applicants for the Low-Cost Home Ownership properties.

Nothing in this document precludes new applications to Homes4U or Aspire2Own. The Local Letting and Sales Policy works alongside the eligibility criteria for Low Cost Home Ownership properties.

Housing Management of New Lettings

For all applicants who are housed at the Pentre Meyrick development Housing Officers of Hafod Housing Association will:  Undertake home visits.  Take up tenancy references.

Hafod Housing Association will ensure that:  All applicants are a member of Homes4U.  Priority will be given to applicants with no convictions or history of ASB for the past two years. All offers of tenancy will be subject to payment of up to one week’s rent in advance. If this is not affordable the applicant may be asked to enter into an agreement to pay £10 initially followed by £2.50 per week until the rent account is one week in credit.”

Resolved: That the Vale be advised the policies as set out above are acceptable.

(c) Badgers Brook S106 receipts “Sustainable transport” c£82k (Minute No. 79 (B) (d) refers)

Clerk reported receipt of confirmation from the Vale that the Councils’ revised preference to provide a bus shelter and dropped kerbs in Ystradowen, rather than the footpath, had been accepted.

Following receipt of the above the Chair had corresponded with the Vale regarding concern as to the anticipated cost of the bus shelter, and that the priorities for the dropped kerbs should be that arising out of the consultation with residents undertaken by this Council.

The Vale had responded that the bus shelter works estimated to cost c £57k included the build out from the current pavement (disabled boarding/ traffic calming), new kerb line, associated pavement, new signage, road marking, drainage, temporary traffic lights etc. 5 28/09/2019 After providing for the bus shelter as above the balance of funding available for dropped kerbs was likely to be of the order of £25k.

The prioritised sites for the provision of dropped kerbs, advised to the Vale as above, are as set out below:

1. Exit of Radcliffe Walk (left hand side) which would allow access to the park as you can then proceed along the pavements which do have dropped kerbs. Please note that two of the families in the village with children in wheelchairs live in Radcliffe Walk.

2. Exit of St. Owain’s Crescent (where it meets the main road – A4222) on left hand side just past the post box. There is an existing dropped kerb here but the pavement is too narrow for anyone to use it. An improvement here would be beneficial for all villagers using the pavement as it is the main route to the post box, bus stops, village hall and Tudor Garage. In addition, the pavement from this point up to the cut through to St. Owain’s Crescent is in very poor condition. This issue has been raised by many villagers in the consultation. Lighting here is non-existent and has been raised with Highways.

3. Where the pavement meets the pub car park (both sides). At present, wheelchair users here have to go into the main road (A4222). Dropped kerbs here would allow access to the village hall, pub and church (the church has a new disabled access which can be entered from the village hall car park).

4. The pavement before Tudor Garage. There are three points here where the existing dropped kerbs are so poor that the wheelchair user has to go into the main road.

5. There is a cut through from St. Owain’s Crescent to the main road. There is a need for a dropped kerb and an improvement to the path.

6. There are two existing sets of dropped kerbs which are too steep for users so that their wheelchairs could topple over if they did not have assistance (i) entrance to The Meadow – near the bus stop/pedestrian crossing; (ii) near the entrance to Ash Grove – where there is currently a crossing point.

Resolved: Noted

(d) Vale Council S106 Agreements, Annual Report

Members had been circulated with a copy of the report prior to the meeting.

Resolved: Noted

(e) Refuse collections, rural areas north of Ystradowen (Cllr A Jarvis)

Food waste not being collected despite incidents having been reported.

Cllr Cox agreed to pursue matter with Vale officers.

Note: Vale of Glamorgan Councillors GA Cox H. Jarvie and A. Parker left meeting following consideration of the matter as above.

6 28/09/2019 95) Chair / Member’s reports and communication.


96) Delegate Reports.


97) Matters relating to land holdings

(a) Wellfield,

(i) On going maintenance standards

Cllr. Smith raised the issue of continuing with the current maintenance standards at the Wellfield vis a vis the apparent level of usage.

Other Members raised the current lack of representation in respect of Llansannor / Trerhyngyll due to the two Member vacancies currently being carried.

Council resolved that a flier be put together for delivery to every household in Trerhyngyll seeking their views on the future of the Wellfield and at the same time seeking new Councillors.

Cllr Ann Jarvis agreed to hand deliver the flier.

Resolved: Clerk to prepare a draft of the flier for further consideration by Members.

(ii) Annual children’s playground inspection report (Minute 83 (a) (ii) June 2019 refers

Resolved: Clerk to write to the inspector seeking clarification regarding the frequency of inspection required to comply with the Council’s Health and Safety obligations.

(b) Winchfield, Penllyn – Improvement works (Minute 57 (b) May 2019 refers)

Cllr Petty issued an open invitation to Members to view the improvements recently carried out with the Council’s assistance.

98) Planning matters

(a) The following Planning Applications were considered:

Application No. Location & proposal Community Council’s Recommendation 2019/00866/FUL Ty Carrig, City No objection. Construction of garage 2019/00849/LBC Penllyn Castle, Penllyn Supported Alter windows to water tower 2019/00841/SC1 Land at Red Farm, Llangan No comment. Request for EIA Screening Opinion 7 28/09/2019 2018/00838/FUL Neveleon, Graig Penllyn No objection. Two storey side extension with balcony to front and single storey rear extension with internal remodelling 2019/00781/FUL Wayside Cottage, Cowbridge Road, No objection. Talygarn Proposed alterations and extension to existing cottage to form 4 bedroom house, including detached garage as approved 2016/00878/FUL 2019/00733/FUL Argoed Uchaf, Llanharry Comment, unnecessarily Demolition of the Existing Two Storey excessive and out of Dwelling and Proposed Replacement character in terms of Dwelling design and size in relation to the nature of the surrounding area. Appeal 2019/00513/FUL Apple Blossom Cattery, Land at Nant Noted Rhydhalog, Cowbridge Additional comments if any to the Planning Inspectorate by 13.09.19

Resolved: That recommendations as set out above be forwarded to the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

(b) The following Planning updates, previously reported applications, decisions etc. since last meeting were considered.

Application No. Location & proposal Community Vale Council’s Council recommend’ decision 2019/00621/FUL Trevaughan, Trerhyngyll No objection Approved Construction of a new single storey extension 2019/00578/FUL Land adjacent The Rookery and Garden Commented Refused Cottage, Court Drive, Llansannor “Outside Proposed new dwelling settlement boundary” 2019/00573/FUL Tafan Bach Farm, Trerhyngyll No comment Approved Continued residential use of the dwelling, without complying with the agricultural occupancy condition. 2018/00513/FUL Apple Blossom Cattery, Land at Nant Object Refused Rhydhalog, Cowbridge Convert section of animal grooming parlour to ladies/ unisex hairdresser. 2019/00475/FUL 2, Argoed Cottages, Llanharry No objection Approved Side extension plus detached double garage.

Resolved: Noted.

8 28/09/2019 99) Finance – Payment of accounts etc

(a) Payments as follows were approved:

Chq Payee Details Amount No. £.p 524 Allan Williams Wellfield grass cutting June 2019 264.00 525 Allan Williams Wellfield grass cutting July 2019 132.00

526 Mr AD Williams September 2019 salary 264.00 527 HMRC PAYE second quarter 2019/20 197.52

528 County Council Pension contributions second 319.35 quarter 2019/20 529 Allan Williams Wellfield grass cutting August 2019 264.00 530 Vale of Glamorgan Council Wellfield playground annual 66.60 inspection 531 Countrywide Winchfield grass cutting July & 541.00 August 2019 532 Mr AD Williams Cler’ks expenses and 254.10 disbursements.

100) Member vacancies - Ystradowen and Penllyn wards.

Minute 97 (a) (i) above refers.

101) Defibrillators

Clerk reported application for funding received from the Llansannor Community Hall Assoc. dated 26th August 2019 towards the provision of 3 no. defibrillators to be located within Llansannor vis at the school, the community centre, and at the church, at an estimated cost of £1500 per unit.

Resolved: A grant of £750 be approved, in line with that previously granted to the Ystradowen ward, being match funding for the provision of one installation.

102) Evan Jenkins Charity – Nomination of trustee

Clerk reported receipt of a request as above indicating that Cllr Lewis was prepared to continue in office. .

Resolved: That Cllr Lewis be re nominated in his absence.

103) Clerk’s Correspondence

Nothing further.

9 28/09/2019 104) Any other business

(a) Neighbourhood Watch (Cllr Evans) – Progress being made with appointing co- ordinators, maybe another 4 wks. before web site up and running.

(b) Woodlands Trust saplings planting (Cllr Evans) – C 330 in three different varieties will be arriving in the autumn, sufficient to provide for planting across the Council’s area.

Resolved: That,

(i) Members in Penllyn and Llansannor report back on requirements within their communities.

(ii) Clerk to ascertain opportunities for planting outside the Council’s area should need arise.

(iii) Cost of hiring a mechanical hole maker be investigated.

(iv) Where sites are not in the Council’s ownership then appropriate permissions be sought.

Date of next meeting

Next meeting: 7th October 2019 7 pm, Llansannor Community Hall.

Signed: Chair Date:

10 28/09/2019